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Realistic or Modern Pic.ture Per.fect Mem.ories

@Kingly joined later so there might not be a relationship established between the two. You could just wing it or establish one right now. :)
Alright. I'm going to head home and type up all the relationships so far.

@Antlered punk Well Xav is definitely going get Pierce a woman tonight. We leave no bros behind.

I believe @Sasil won't be back until tomorrow.
My bad guys, I've been out the whole day but I'm so ready to continue.

I have to read up on your character sheet and then I'll probably have a couple of ideas :D @Chamomile

I also don't remember most of my relationships :o . I just remember Xav, Pierce and Hunter's because they are the ultimate trio. Looking back now on how bad the coding of my CS was xD .
Is it possible to go back that deep in your messages?

Never mind I found all my relationships, I don't have one with @Chamomile
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  • Xavier's relationship with everyone.


    "I'm warning you Maddie, my hair is off limits."

    Happiness is contagious and Xavier’s first impression of Madeleine was that she’s like a ray of sunshine during class. Xavier didn't approach her until a challenge landed on his lap.
    "See the popular girl over there? I know she's not in your radar but step up your game, Romeo." Alison's joke became something a little bit more serious than Xavier wanted. "Hey I'm Xavier. Anybody told you that you're pretty cute?" Her friendliness and their similar personality turned them into friends. Xavier finds her alluring and her personality to be attractive thus he sees himself slowly falling into a deeper pit he's struggling to get out. His emotions are all over the place when it comes with Madeleine and for once, he wished it was a dare he didn't accept.


    "Escape with me Aivree, and I'll show you a whole new world."

    While Xavier never really noticed Aivree until the water incident, he did assume she was a pretty boy. Their uncanny friendship started when he witness the situation and handed her his sweater with his usual, "I expect a full refund. You're welcome, by the way." They eventually got closer in detention when he convinced her to ditch with him by going, “Hey wanna see something really sweet?” He took her to the gym and showed her his new dance routine, ending it with a
    one handed chair flair. Since then, Xavier considers her as a close friend and finally, someone who likes the unpredictable just as much as he does.


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    "Bros for life, man. Thanks for making this hell place more tolerable."

    Sneaking into a Senior party Freshman year? Been there, done that. Xavier met his soulmate other bro for life during a party when both sneaked into the Soiree uninvited. And of course, the consequences were completely worth it. Xavier is often seen hanging out with Hunter, partying, drinking, doing crazy shit and getting into trouble. If one sees Hunter or Pierce in detention, you can bet Xavier is there with them. While Xavier is the crazier one, he appreciates the fact that Hunter doesn't take bullshit from people and does whatever he feels like.

"Girls aren't worth your trouble man. They leave you once they find a drug addict with a dark past to tame. But alcohol, that shit always stay with you. So here, take a shot."

Xavier met his best guy friend in this hell rotten place during Freshman year. They were roommates but somehow Xavier finds Pierce's jokes and demeanor funny. They're comfortable around each other and Xavier likes to drag the guy out for events or just to drink his bad luck with the females away. While Pierce is the better version of Xavier, they find themselves having a lot of things in common. Self appointed as the Pierce's wingman, you'll see Xavier at parties trying to hook up his best friend.

@Kingly I believe you did your relationships over PM so other than Xav x Pierce x Hunter, I don't have much.

@Chamomile We never confirmed the relationships but that's what I have for everyone.

I think we got most of our basic grounds covered? Anything/anyone I missed?
Me and @shygirl3 relationship was basically friendly. Abigal basically see's that Hunter does need help, and tries to pry at him and get him to open up since they are similar in ways. I also don't have a relationship with @Sasil but I think we made that later on.
@Kingly Sounds good to me! ;D

I'm sure any friendly/antagonistic relationships can be established later on. As for now, it doesn't seem like anyone hates each other's guts so far. I believe all the iffy relationship Xavier had disappeared once people started poofing on us. LOL
LOL. Oh man I wanna see how this all unravels because it seems like everyone got plans of how the night is gonna turned out.

Well you'll see mine Xavier's plan in my next post. Time to rev up some problems.
Damn LOL. Relationships keep popping up when I'm away from my laptop. So getting relationships out of the way, we basically continued the role play and instead of everyone trying to pack and arrive, the scene moved to the girls getting ready to attend the soirée and the guys are already there making a scene.

I feel like I didn't answer your question tho. lol.
ooooooo nah you did fine. I just finished reading up the last page. Your summary was perfect
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Hey all! My post is up! I didn't fit Maddie into the scene as well as I wanted to, and sorry if you see any mistakes here and there.
Chamomile said:
Hey all! My post is up! I didn't fit Maddie into the scene as well as I wanted to, and sorry if you see any mistakes here and there.
;D Oh no worries, I love your post. It's already setting off conflicting feelings within Xavier.

Aster said:
ooooooo nah you did fine. I just finished reading up the last page. Your summary was perfect
Awesome! Join us if you have time! We'll be here when you're ready to hit it. c;

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