• This section is for roleplays only.
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Realistic or Modern Pic.ture Per.fect Mem.ories


Creator Of My Own Twisted World


A little bit about the crazy GM. <3

I'm still nineteen years old, studying Human Biology in college. I love TV shows {Bones, House, Castle, Big Bang Theory, Gossip Girl} and I like most type of music (country, pop, hip hop, rock, etc). I pretty much can talk about anything as I do love anime, novels, food, and such.

My Co-GM in this role play will be
@Sasil. She's amazing and we've been role playing together for years...and I really mean years like when I was a Freshman in high school years ago. She's great and I really hope to meet new friends. I role play not only for fun but to meet and interact with others so feel free to chat up with us in the OOC.

Also I'm rather understanding if you're busy and such but give me a heads up. Do
NOT disappear on me. I'm getting tired of having to replace and kill off characters. If you want to drop this role play, I have no qualms about it but let me know :) .

Before anything, please head over to the rules section and read the rules. Read it, know it, remember it,
breathe it.

This role play is meant to be
f u n and dramatic so if it's not your cup of tea, I get it. There's also list of events I want to get through and it's on the events page so hopefully we can go through all of it before the role play ends/dies. So p-a-c-k up your bags and join me on these wonderful journeys of friends.

||In Character || Plot Overview || Out-of-Character || Sign-Up || Settings || Rules ||

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@GiannaCoco @R I O T @Ethereal

I do not take reservations except for the first five people I tagged which was in Winter Chill. But I'm extremely excited to role play with all of you and thank you for showing your interests! Everything except for the settings/events page and rules should be up and running.
It completely escaped my mind but this weekend is Halloween Weekend which means everyone will be out partying or studying so if anyone needs an extension, just let me know! :)
Alright! I think I'm actually done with everything for now. All the upcoming events will be posted once this role play starts but feel free to click the rules and settings at the bottom of each page to see more information about this academy. ;D
FirePolaris said:
It completely escaped my mind but this weekend is Halloween Weekend which means everyone will be out partying or studying so if anyone needs an extension, just let me know! :)
Hello! I desperately need an extension, if that's okay? I need to take care of a patient full-time for four days starting today (October 30- November 2), so I won't be able to finish my CS time. ; ^ ; If not, it's okay, I understand. Just let me know, and thanks!
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Oh I am going to be making a female o 3o

I think an artistic girl sculpture alll the is my idea o 3o
FirePolaris said:
@R I O T
Completely understand! When do you think you will be done with your CS?
Thank you so much! I'll try to finish my CS within the day after I come back from work. C:
[QUOTE="R I O T]Thank you so much! I'll try to finish my CS within the day after I come back from work. C:

;D Sounds good to me. No problem, I know how busy work can get! Are you a nurse?
FirePolaris said:
;D Sounds good to me. No problem, I know how busy work can get! Are you a nurse?
Thanks! Yes I am (I mostly deal with elderly patients). I'm usually not this busy, haha. It's just for this time, since someone needed a day off, and when no one has the free time to cover for him, I volunteered. (:
@FirePolaris Oh, you're that guy from Winter Chill. You must teach me your coding ways, everything you post looks so aesthetic.

I still have a ways to go until my semester finals, so I will definitely be able to join this RP! Though I may struggle with maintaining the post limit as my primary device is a Samsung and those things are torture to write long stretches of text on (my fingers are huge T-T).
Lazy Rocktime] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16964-firepolaris/ said:
@FirePolaris[/URL] Oh, you're that guy from Winter Chill. You must teach me your coding ways, everything you post looks so aesthetic.
I still have a ways to go until my semester finals, so I will definitely be able to join this RP! Though I may struggle with maintaining the post limit as my primary device is a Samsung and those things are torture to write long stretches of text on (my fingers are huge T-T).
Lol, yes I'm the girl from Winter Chill. And thank you! It's just mainly background colors and everything is on the BBCODE guide. You can always ask if you need more help and such. :( I understand the hardship of chubby fingers. I still have my baby fat on mine. I would appreciate the 3 posts and 2 posts would be at times as long as it's not done frequently.

[QUOTE="R I O T]Thanks! Yes I am (I mostly deal with elderly patients). I'm usually not this busy, haha. It's just for this time, since someone needed a day off, and when no one has the free time to cover for him, I volunteered. (:

That's so cool! ;D No worries here, I understand taking extra shifts. We all need the money!

So I'm trying to get my CS done before I leave town tomorrow, but if I don't can I have a day extension?

I've got the outline of it and everything I just need to finish everything after the life story.

I might have wifi in my Aunts house but I'm not entirely sure so I don't know if I'll be able I get it done this weekend. Like I said I'll try to finish it off tonight, but just in case you know =)
NessieAlways said:
So I'm trying to get my CS done before I leave town tomorrow, but if I don't can I have a day extension?

I've got the outline of it and everything I just need to finish everything after the life story.

I might have wifi in my Aunts house but I'm not entirely sure so I don't know if I'll be able I get it done this weekend. Like I said I'll try to finish it off tonight, but just in case you know =)
That's fine! C; It's Halloween weekend, you go have fun!
Finally! The rules and settings/events pages are finally up! I'm going to ask everyone to head over and READ the rules very carefully. I got psychic powers to know who read it and who didn't! I'm kidding ;D. But you've been warned, I do not want to disqualify any CS because of rules violation.

Furthermore, I got some pretty neat events coming up for you to get pumped for the role play! I will update another one soon since it's one of my favorites and I think it's going to be between the carnival and the soiree. (B')
*waves at the currently empty OOC* Hello! Hi! Hey, Pola! Yeah, I will be getting my cs done tomorrow, I think.


I'm here to mention that I might be busy in November because of mid-terms. And also my first year doing a work for NaNoWriMo YWP starting tomorrow, for me.

So, yeah, I hope you don't mind. I swear I will be active. Promise! (I really hope I can keep that promise.)

:D )(o'v'o)

I'm also sorry for the extensive writing sample that I whipped up, and the fact that it's really similar to that of Sasil's.

So, I got my basis covered. And, um, yeah, I'll just, go to sleep now or something. (Z_Z)
Omg. NaNoWriMo! I remember participating that in high school. T^T You make me feel so old. And of course! I understand. Try to let me know when you can post and all and we're good. I'll just drag your character around if needed. :)

Once again, beautiful CS everyone but I will have to disqualify those who didn't read the rules. Don't say I didn't tell you so. ;(
Ermahgerd, finally satisfied with my CS. Coding is such a frustrating affair T-T

*Tell me if it's a bit hard to read tho*
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