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Post Update: Errors and mistakes fixed. Outfit image improved. (^.^)( :) )

FirePolaris said:
;D Oh no worries, I love your post. It's already setting off conflicting feelings within Xavier.

I can't wait to give it a read. (OuO)(>
:D )

Surprise. :)

Hi. What's up guys.

I'm actually really shocked that this rp is still a thing, but shocked in a good way, obviously.

I'm not permanently back, only back for an rp that I'm creating with my friend and then leacing once it dies/stops, but we haven't even started it yet and are still racking up some stuff, so I'll definitely post here
AAAAH welcome back. So what does that mean for Eva's last post since I basically just ignored it in my post because I thought you were gone. @Ethereal
My goodness I am gone for like two/three days and all hell breaks loose lol.

Anywho I am superly-duperly excited that this lives still and I will start my post to get it up as soon as possible! I must unpack though. Ugh. Unpacking is gross.

@Kingly I never realized that the two of them never got a relationship. Should we just have them as strangers or something?

I don't think I will need to, though I can't remember much for relationship stuff for pretty much anyone. It has been to long xD
Alright most relationships are actually established. Don't forget that there are no posting order. You can post as you like as long as you don't go off on a one x one with someone for a page or two. I encourage any individual conversations for a while though. C;

Anyways! Welcome back @Ethereal! You can post whenever you're free, Eva can just jump right back in.

And just in case I get busy this week, I'm going to get Xavier's post up later today so we can move right along to the good stuff. Feel free to continue to the drama or throw whatever plans you guys have been making with one another. ;)
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I'm packed with other things that I was currently working on, but I promise I'll start on my post tomorrow, which means I'll finish the day after.
Wow incorporating everyone's post into one was a lot harder than I thought. And here it is. Hopefully I didn't screw up the time line and who approached when too much. ;D
I know this is a really stupid question and Google isn't giving me satisfactory answers so I'll ask here; what is 'shot for shot'? I can tell it's some sort of drinking game but that's about it. Can someone please enlighten me? (' :) )(^.^)
I'm going to post after @Ethereal because Eva's likely going to be included in my next post.
Kingly said:
I'm going to post after @Ethereal because Eva's likely going to be included in my next post.
This is fine but I believe we're at a standstill at the moment. It might be better for you to post and incorporate Eva when @Ethereal has time to post. ;D
Kingly said:
Yeah I'm on that right now. Also I'm wondering if Xavier would have told Hunter about his secret liking for Maddie? @FirePolaris
He probably mentioned it to Hunter (I'd like to say it was Hunter who goaded Xav to do his dare)! But most likely only Hunter knows about it.

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