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Realistic or Modern Pic.ture Per.fect Mem.ories

Still here!

Bit on a hiatus. My mom has me slaving away. I hardly have time to get on my laptop, but I've been following through Mobile!

I'll start working on a post and hopefully have it up soon!

I have a feeling this weekend is going to be catch up weekend!

So behind on so much all cus of my mom -_-

My brother will be out of town and my parents might go with him.

Not sure if they'll let me stay behind, but I'll try!
@FirePolaris I'm still here! Don't worry; I'll have a post up this weekend. Tomorrow is my last day of school so I'll be totally free and bored waiting for Christmas. Sorry for the delay!
Hey guys! That sounds good! I know Christmas is coming around the corner and everyone is busy shopping.

Some quick news!

@Kingly will be rooming with @A S H E R and @SpectroVector. I'll update the room pretty soon.

And Kingly, you can write the relationships in the OOC and tag everyone.
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^_^ Sounds good. @FirePolaris

And ooh OOC? I've been making everything in PM's xD . I'm just trying to figure out how Hunter would fit into the group as a whole with everyone's characters if he even does. Let me know if anyone has any ideas.
Kingly said:
^_^ Sounds good. @FirePolaris
And ooh OOC? I've been making everything in PM's xD . I'm just trying to figure out how Hunter would fit into the group as a whole with everyone's characters if he even does. Let me know if anyone has any ideas.
It's easier for me to stalk everyone's characters over the OOC. ;D Hunter doesn't have to get along with everyone. There could be some he doesn't really hang out with or some he does get along with. Just compare personality and upbringings.

Anyways, I do agree that Hunter and Xavier would get along fairly well. They have similar personalities and they're probably famed as troublemakers in the school. Xavier is probably the slightly riskier and crazier one but overall, bros for life? Xavier's first impression of him would be kind of like, "Finally, someone who doesn't have a stick up their ass."

@Antlered punk

Thanks for posting!
Haha, I agree. Deffinitley Xavier would be the crazier one, but they would both go wild especially when together. Like the tag team bros at parties.

Maybe the could have met freshman year? Something like the two freshman tried to sneak into a senior party xD . And ever since then theyd been close. @FirePolaris
Also other relationships. I'm sure Jesse and Hunter wouldnt get along xD . Hunter would get sick of his remarks and sarcasam too quick and he would voice it too. So they would definitley get into a lot of arguements and it's even more interesting because they are both roomates haha. @A S H E R
Kingly said:
Haha, I agree. Deffinitley Xavier would be the crazier one, but they would both go wild especially when together. Like the tag team bros at parties.
Maybe the could have met freshman year? Something like the two freshman tried to sneak into a senior party xD . And ever since then theyd been close. @FirePolaris
Sounds good! Yeah freshman year trying to party it up. Lol I have no idea how Xavier got through all three years of high school. Anyways there's enough posts for my reply so I'll have one up by the end of the day!

Hey guys! So glad we’re getting back on the drive! Hopefully everyone’s finals or lives are going well and if you’re done, congratulations! I’m hoping to get more posts but for those who are behind, don’t worry, we’ll just meet you at the soiree instead. There’s no need for everyone to meet up in the living room. Xavier will probably be ditching those who aren’t in the living pretty soon or once I’m done with my post actually

:P .

So here's my reminder of everyone's roommates:

Room 14:

Aivree @Ethereal

Room 8:


@Antlered punk

Room 9:

@A S H E R



In a bit, I’m going to post my relationship with Hunter so make things more clear. Feel free to get relationships for Hunter up as well. Sorry for spamming you all with posts. Just getting things updated in the thread.

Sounds good @FirePolaris. I hope to get ny post up sometime tomorrow (I won't promise anything since I have an appointment and a Christmas Dinner but I will still try)

Also glad to hear from everyone! Been lo ely here :P

Here's my final list of relationships.


"Escape with me Aivree, and I'll show you a whole new world."

While Xavier never really noticed Aivree until the water incident, he did assume she was a pretty boy. Their uncanny friendship started when he witness the situation and handed her his sweater with his usual, "I expect a full refund. You're welcome, by the way." They eventually got closer in detention when he convinced her to ditch with him by going, “Hey wanna see something really sweet?” He took her to the gym and showed her his new dance routine, ending it with a
one handed chair flair. Since then, Xavier considers her as a close friend and finally, someone who likes the unpredictable just as much as he does.

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"Bros for life, man. Thanks for making this hell place more tolerable."

Sneaking into a Senior party Freshman year? Been there, done that. Xavier met his soulmate other bro for life during a party when both sneaked into the Soiree uninvited. And of course, the consequences were completely worth it. Xavier is often seen hanging out with Hunter, partying, drinking, doing crazy shit and getting into trouble. If one sees Hunter or Pierce in detention, you can bet Xavier is there with them. While Xavier is the crazier one, he appreciates the fact that Hunter doesn't take bullshit from people and does whatever he feels like.

"Look man, I get it. Geniuses come with defects."

Initially thought as a chill guy, Jesse proved Xavier wrong when they were paired up to be lab partners in Biology. Jesse correctly labeled Xavier as incompetent and useless during class. Finding his honesty to be rather funny than offensive, Xavier decided to prove to Jesse just how incompetent he can be by deciding that the class wasn't worth his time. While Xavier finds Jesse's “obnoxious” and “crude” way of saying things pretty amusing, he never bothered to get to know the guy.

Took me along enough! Sorry guys but I got a post up. :) Now is a good time for everyone to leave to the Soiree.
Hey guys! Just letting you know that @A S H E R had to drop out of the role play. We'll just continue with 5 girls and 4 guys which is fine. :) We're still waiting on others to post but no rush, I know it's the holidays and people are spending time with friends and family. Oh and..

@Kingly and @SpectroVector will keeping each other company as roommates :D .
I am still here. I apologize for being so silent. Things at work have been...Less then good and I also got a PS4 a few weeks ago so Dragon Age: Inquisition and Solas have been the only thing on my mind. I hope to get a post up this weekend though since I will be off and don't have a lot of plans for the Christmas holidays.
Sasil said:
I am still here. I apologize for being so silent. Things at work have been...Less then good and I also got a PS4 a few weeks ago so Dragon Age: Inquisition and Solas have been the only thing on my mind. I hope to get a post up this weekend though since I will be off and don't have a lot of plans for the Christmas holidays.
Gaming kept me away as well. But I'm slowly getting it out of my system. Lol thank goodness. Anyways! It's the holidays so I understand! I'll also get our one x one out soon!

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