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Persona: Truth Within the Darkness

" YOu worry far to much " Junko said not happy that he was not calling her a kid she hated being so short and seemingly not growing at all. Well Rex wasn't calling her one so she didn't have to prove it, even if he was a bit self absorbed about him having problems.

" Really are you just trying to make sure i know your a bad boy not every gril likes bad boys you know" She said as the two were now in the living room she started heading towards the kitchen to get started " Now just ret for a little bit if your tired while i cook"
Karcen said:
" YOu worry far to much " Junko said not happy that he was not calling her a kid she hated being so short and seemingly not growing at all. Well Rex wasn't calling her one so she didn't have to prove it, even if he was a bit self absorbed about him having problems.
" Really are you just trying to make sure i know your a bad boy not every gril likes bad boys you know" She said as the two were now in the living room she started heading towards the kitchen to get started " Now just ret for a little bit if your tired while i cook"
Rex smirks as he lays on the couch and say in a low voice" you get the wrong end of the stick and think i'm calling you a kid but you seem upset all the same for some reason, well junko does have a point i may as well try and relax not think to much while i can". "Bad boy ay not even close to i really am but hell i'm up for an adventure can you unfreeze my frozen heart junko". With that rex went silent closes his eyes some of the scars on his neck in clear view after a minute or so he fully relaxes.
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Meanwhile Junko was busying herself cooking and she did realize that she had no clue where Rex was from she knew the big city but well he had a really odd name so she guessed he was a foreigner so maybe he was from well another place and not want whatever she woudl cook . " You want anything specific ?" She shouted.
Karcen said:
Meanwhile Junko was busying herself cooking and she did realize that she had no clue where Rex was from she knew the big city but well he had a really odd name so she guessed he was a foreigner so maybe he was from well another place and not want whatever she woudl cook . " You want anything specific ?" She shouted.
Rex snapped awake and says" Anything is fine except natto i hate that stuff, don't worry if it's a little burnt i've had food that's been a little burnt before as long as it's not shoelace leather i'll be able to eat it without problems". Rex then lays back on the couch and rests his eyes a grin on his face that could say any number of things.
" I never burn what i cook" She said sounding almost insulted again though it was obvious she was not as she figured she would make something really simple. Ramen, not the cheap store bought 5 minute ramen but the idea was the same and she had some cheats for it. The biggest was pre made broth other than that she just had to cook the noodles and chop up some toppings. she wasn't going to really put much meat into it for time and instead put green onion, some been sprouts, and a little dried seaweed. Now she just had to wait for the noddles to cook.
Karcen said:
" I never burn what i cook" She said sounding almost insulted again though it was obvious she was not as she figured she would make something really simple. Ramen, not the cheap store bought 5 minute ramen but the idea was the same and she had some cheats for it. The biggest was pre made broth other than that she just had to cook the noodles and chop up some toppings. she wasn't going to really put much meat into it for time and instead put green onion, some been sprouts, and a little dried seaweed. Now she just had to wait for the noddles to cook.
Rex smiles as he hears her moan about his comment, ' she's go the wrong end of the stick well if anything, i'll have fun teasing her from time to time' After another five minutes or so rex got up and sits on the couch and waits for his meal humming gently as he smells the food.
It took longer than five minutes as making noddles took a little time even if all they needed to do was absorb water and heat. Then there was watering down the broth as it was shipped as concentrate. Either way after abotu twenty minutes Junko came out with two steaming bowels of ramen.

" See not burned at all it woudl take real talent to burn ramen" She said sitting down to eat.
Karcen said:
It took longer than five minutes as making noddles took a little time even if all they needed to do was absorb water and heat. Then there was watering down the broth as it was shipped as concentrate. Either way after abotu twenty minutes Junko came out with two steaming bowels of ramen.
" See not burned at all it woudl take real talent to burn ramen" She said sitting down to eat.
Rex took his and after he put the bowl down on his lap shrugs gently and starts eating his slowly and says" It's pretty good thanks junko, for now i'll try and relax since i don't know what will happen before the next job, i'm surprised you don't have guys lining up to ask for your hand or maybe because you dad scares them off when your not around". Rex goes back to eating his ramen slowly enjoying the meal prepared for him, ' that is would but you would be supprised what people can do when their not focused'.
" No one wants to date a twelve year old it always gets weird" Junko said sounding a little sad for a second " Everyone around here knows me more or less as the town little girl so slowly less and less people have been interested" She continued as she ate a little of her Ramen. Really that was a nice thing abotu someone from outside the town they didn't treat her like the town might, well they might treat her as a kid but she could at least have Rex treat her like the adult she was.
Karcen said:
" No one wants to date a twelve year old it always gets weird" Junko said sounding a little sad for a second " Everyone around here knows me more or less as the town little girl so slowly less and less people have been interested" She continued as she ate a little of her Ramen. Really that was a nice thing abotu someone from outside the town they didn't treat her like the town might, well they might treat her as a kid but she could at least have Rex treat her like the adult she was.
Rex playfully says" My childhood friend is short and looked exactly but after i finished ripping the drab world from around her people couldn't keep their eyes and mouths in one place, so i' happy to be the so called bad boy and make that happen i want to see the potential you have locked away, fall for me don't fall for me as long as i get to have a blast making people eat their words i really couldn't give a toss what happens so are you prepared to take a gamble on this so called bad boy junko". Rex goes back to eating his noodles enjoying the flavour after ten minutes or so he has finished and puts the bowl on his lap and waits to see how junko reacts to him'.
" Two things you need to think out your ideas before you say them i think you missing a few words to make your ideas complete, and two is your natural reaction to a woman to assume she is interested in you if so that is why you get slapped " Junko explained before she went back to eating her noodles.
Karcen said:
" Two things you need to think out your ideas before you say them i think you missing a few words to make your ideas complete, and two is your natural reaction to a woman to assume she is interested in you if so that is why you get slapped " Junko explained before she went back to eating her noodles.
Rex smiles and says" my bad for the first part and no it's not just my instinct that says you're glad i don't treat you as others do, but sometimes i don't put things in the right way so yeah misunderstandings can happen".
" I well who wouldn't appreciate someone who treats them their age. " Junko said she honestly had no idea what to do around Rex he was odd and she just couldn't tell what to say around him. Well that was because she knew how to act around bad boys, she had dated one or two, but Rex wasn't quite like them he was something else. " Either way i never said no" She said actually wanting to know Rex a little better
Rex smiles calmly then say" I see I'm glad, well off the top of my head I used to work in counter spirit hq in London, only twenty of us ever got to be in linus unit". " people feared us because the sheer strength of groups spirit posted power, but what many didn't understand is we wanted to make at least some of them our ally's because we understood they aren't all bad'.
" ok " Junko said listening but still finding super natural cops an odd idea given to her cops were a laid back bunch, low crime area after all. " So you were a super natural cop for awhile at least i know where your from now explains the weird name" She said though weird name was just a difference in culture in the end.
Rex gently laughs then says " My mums dog was called Rex because loved his meat, so much so he could eat porter house steak on his on and that's one bloody big steak" " Irronicly I prefer fish to red meat and used to cook fish pie for my family when I did get time off"
" Ok i guess you really do like to talk" Junko teased Rex as he seemed ready to tell her anything abotu himself if she asked which was funny as he had seemingly tried to play the secretive bad boy " Let me guess i am the only gurl you will act lit this with because you want in my Kimono" She teased
Karcen said:
" Ok i guess you really do like to talk" Junko teased Rex as he seemed ready to tell her anything abotu himself if she asked which was funny as he had seemingly tried to play the secretive bad boy " Let me guess i am the only gurl you will act lit this with because you want in my Kimono" She teased
Rex grins devilishly and says" well you seem pretty comfortable telling me a bit about yourself since i'm treating you like a proper women, does the fact you can't figure what group i'm from unlike guys you've dated before, question is do you want me to get into your kimono"?
"Oh shut up it was a joke no one get in there" she said surprised he wasn't exactly put off by the idea " like I would let a lolicon do anything like that" She said feigning insult
Karcen said:
"Oh shut up it was a joke no one get in there" she said surprised he wasn't exactly put off by the idea " like I would let a lolicon do anything like that" She said feigning insult
Rex gently laughs and says teasingly" So if i'm a lolicon then makes you mystery mix explorer since you the one that brought it up, well for now i'm fine with how things are and besides i doubt think you're adventurous enough to jump my bones in the middle of the night anyways". Rex then lays on the couch and starts to relax but his right eye slyly watching juniko seeing how she'll react to his words.
"Just don't stay more than like two hours daddy will be home around then and it would be hard to explain what you are ding here" Junko said blushing as she gathered the bowels and went to wash them
Karcen said:
"Just don't stay more than like two hours daddy will be home around then and it would be hard to explain what you are ding here" Junko said blushing as she gathered the bowels and went to wash them
Rex nodded and says" that's fine i only need one hour then i'm heading back, i my childhood friend's flat on another floor of course" Rex slowly starts to drift off to sleep fully this time a gentle profile can be felt this time, and one can see a few of the scars on his neck.
Junko watched as Rex went to sleep and did notice the scars she would ask about them latter, oddly she just wanted to know more and more about Rex. Well that didn't matter the biggest issue should be that other world and why apparently they would be going back to it again.

1 hour latter

Junko had let Rex sleep his hour now it was time for him to head out, or at least be awake so he could leave before her dad got back.

" Time to get up" She said shaking Rex' shoulder.
Karcen said:
Junko watched as Rex went to sleep and did notice the scars she would ask about them latter, oddly she just wanted to know more and more about Rex. Well that didn't matter the biggest issue should be that other world and why apparently they would be going back to it again.
1 hour latter

Junko had let Rex sleep his hour now it was time for him to head out, or at least be awake so he could leave before her dad got back.

" Time to get up" She said shaking Rex' shoulder.
Roy grumbled a bit then woke up and rubs his eyes and says" Oh i guess it's about that time, i'll see you in the morning for work and by the way great job on picking the kimono it really suits you at some point, i'm curious about these so called festivals here there kinda different back home".
"[/b]there is one in a few weeks maybe i'll take you[/b]" Junko said half seriously still surprise at how Rex's mind just seemed to take random jumps in topics. It was funny and annoying because it always meant there was something random to comment on and because she couldn't always follow the conversation thread.

" Next time your explaining that other world " She said metaphorically putting her foot down and wanting an explanation, but trusting Rex enough to wait.

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