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Persona: Truth Within the Darkness

Karcen said:
"[/b]there is one in a few weeks maybe i'll take you[/b]" Junko said half seriously still surprise at how Rex's mind just seemed to take random jumps in topics. It was funny and annoying because it always meant there was something random to comment on and because she couldn't always follow the conversation thread.
" Next time your explaining that other world " She said metaphorically putting her foot down and wanting an explanation, but trusting Rex enough to wait.
Rex nodded and said" I have a mini report from my old job which you can read about a similar world, if my instincts are right the same thing is happening here i just hope that i'm not over thinking this because the last time was a bitch of a clean up from the media". Rex then got up and gently waves as he's going out of the door.
" Well that is for tomorrow" Junko said her face slightly red remembering the conversation about letting him in her Kimono. " We can talk about that while daddy is busy" She said as she closed the door and went back to watch TV letting Rex do whatever he was going to do.

The next morning.

Junko walked though the police station in her deep blue kimono with multi colored flowers and was greeted by everyone. This was normal for her and for everyone in the police station to have her bring lunch for her dad after she made it. While she could just cook it earlier she didn't as everyone knew it was an excuses to get out without having to think up why, go to the station deliver lunch then stroll around town.

" Hey daddy" Junko said seeing her father and waving as she walked into his office.

" Are there you are baby girl" He said with a smile

" I'm not a baby, " Junko said puffing out her cheeks in fake anger

Her father laughed " ok ok" he said raising his hands to placate Junko

' Brought you lunch" She said holding the box up and putting it on his desk.

" Thanks i'll be home late so lock up before bed" He said

" Yes daddy" Junko said before leaving her dad office and staring to look for Rex.
Karcen said:
" Well that is for tomorrow" Junko said her face slightly red remembering the conversation about letting him in her Kimono. " We can talk about that while daddy is busy" She said as she closed the door and went back to watch TV letting Rex do whatever he was going to do.
The next morning.

Junko walked though the police station in her deep blue kimono with multi colored flowers and was greeted by everyone. This was normal for her and for everyone in the police station to have her bring lunch for her dad after she made it. While she could just cook it earlier she didn't as everyone knew it was an excuses to get out without having to think up why, go to the station deliver lunch then stroll around town.

" Hey daddy" Junko said seeing her father and waving as she walked into his office.

" Are there you are baby girl" He said with a smile

" I'm not a baby, " Junko said puffing out her cheeks in fake anger

Her father laughed " ok ok" he said raising his hands to placate Junko

' Brought you lunch" She said holding the box up and putting it on his desk.

" Thanks i'll be home late so lock up before bed" He said

" Yes daddy" Junko said before leaving her dad office and staring to look for Rex.
Rex is walking down the street thinking she's a fun women i wonder while she be able to make me heart melt the same say as June did before she died of her that fight with the insanely power spirit, well only time will tell that's for sure question is what should i do in the mean time i did a basic users guide to how to increase one's energy but how to help junko put it into practice.
Junko was walking out of the station after having looked for Rex and not found him. She wanted to talk to him and find out more about what was going on and maybe a little more about him. Either way she was kind of at a dead end after he was not at the station. She walked outside and down the street before bumping into someone, looking up it was Rex.

" There you are why aren't you at the station?" she said sounding mad that he wasn't there.
Karcen said:
Junko was walking out of the station after having looked for Rex and not found him. She wanted to talk to him and find out more about what was going on and maybe a little more about him. Either way she was kind of at a dead end after he was not at the station. She walked outside and down the street before bumping into someone, looking up it was Rex.
" There you are why aren't you at the station?" she said sounding mad that he wasn't there.
Rex looks at junko and says" are you ok and i have a reason why i wasn't there i've been busy making you a battle manual you to enhance new power". Rex then grins widely and after a minute or so says" you sound like a angry girlfriend, could it be your attacual worried about me". Rex playfully wraps his arms around junko and gives her a good hug not letting go and enjoying the moment.
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" I was not worried I just wondered why my daddy's worker was i can't associate with a lazy detective" Junko said said going a little red at the mention of being a girlfriend something that was usual. She did hug Rex aback and after a few moments wiggled out of his grasp the binding around her chest coming a little lose meaning the kimono now pressed against her chest no longer visibly flat.

" Well you said you have a manual show me" She demanded
Karcen said:
" I was not worried I just wondered why my daddy's worker was i can't associate with a lazy detective" Junko said said going a little red at the mention of being a girlfriend something that was usual. She did hug Rex aback and after a few moments wiggled out of his grasp the binding around her chest coming a little lose meaning the kimono now pressed against her chest no longer visibly flat.
" Well you said you have a manual show me" She demanded
Rex grins playfully and gently places the medium sized manual in junko's hands and says" here you go it's best we grab something to eat, the manual covers the basics and some advanced stuff for ones powers, do they have a pie shop round here i fancy a steak and kidney pie and chips".

' rex noticed she was bigger than she let on just as he thought but didn't say anything and it was clear from her reaction she was some what worried about him'.
Junko held the manual a little surprised there was this much to it, summon monster fight other monsters shouldn't that be about it? That however was superseded by whatever it was that Rex wanted to eat stake and kidneys that was just strange. It had to be something British though why he would expect that to be half the world away in a small town she didn't know.

" This isn't England and this is a small town no one would eat that, how about we just go to a noddle shop ?" She half asked half said as no one would be making such a thing here it woudl have to be handmade
Karcen said:
Junko held the manual a little surprised there was this much to it, summon monster fight other monsters shouldn't that be about it? That however was superseded by whatever it was that Rex wanted to eat stake and kidneys that was just strange. It had to be something British though why he would expect that to be half the world away in a small town she didn't know.
" This isn't England and this is a small town no one would eat that, how about we just go to a noddle shop ?" She half asked half said as no one would be making such a thing here it woudl have to be handmade
Rex smiles and says" fair enough i'll have to find a way to make it, is there at least chinese here i wouldn't mind some sweet and sour pork and by the way thanks for coming out to meet me, and you do look good in kimono's i know i'll make you something to put in your hair for when we go to the festival later and sorry for the random jump in topic just occurred to me is all"
Junko just sighed at the topic switch " i am getting used to you jumping around i will just take it that your nervous around a cute girl" Junko said not teasing about how she looked like a kid who had stuffed her shirt . There was the topic of food and yeah there were places like that and some fast food places at the food court as some places just went world wide other place like anywhere that might serve meat pies didn't though it gave her and idea. " Anyways there are some places like that chain restaurants at junes and home run places" She explained.
Karcen said:
Junko just sighed at the topic switch " i am getting used to you jumping around i will just take it that your nervous around a cute girl" Junko said not teasing about how she looked like a kid who had stuffed her shirt . There was the topic of food and yeah there were places like that and some fast food places at the food court as some places just went world wide other place like anywhere that might serve meat pies didn't though it gave her and idea. " Anyways there are some places like that chain restaurants at junes and home run places" She explained.
Rex smiles in a way to ignore her comment about his topic jumping then and gently grabs junko's hands and pulls her through a portal and then some how they end up at a place she mentioned as junes and rex says" Smell like steak and so on well not that i mind, let's find a table then we can decide what we want". Some of the local girls and women eyeing rex up and whispering and licking their lips like he's a pork chop but rex just playful grins to tease both them and junko.
Junko was surprised by the portal, but well she wasn't goign to protest, just goign with it was simpler reality wasn't normal like she though who knows she might even grow in time at this rate she might one day be normal. Either way they were at Junes and no one seemed to care that they had simply appeared in the food court no matter how odd it was. Junko noticed the other locals and knew they didn't even consider her competition and it annoyed her slightly but it made life easier if they did there was no end to what they might do, to them she was just a little girl helping her daddy's new worker.

" There is one" She said pointing " I'll meet you there after i go to the restroom" She said though she was going there to tighten her bindings as she noticed they were lose.
Karcen said:
Junko was surprised by the portal, but well she wasn't goign to protest, just goign with it was simpler reality wasn't normal like she though who knows she might even grow in time at this rate she might one day be normal. Either way they were at Junes and no one seemed to care that they had simply appeared in the food court no matter how odd it was. Junko noticed the other locals and knew they didn't even consider her competition and it annoyed her slightly but it made life easier if they did there was no end to what they might do, to them she was just a little girl helping her daddy's new worker.
" There is one" She said pointing " I'll meet you there after i go to the restroom" She said though she was going there to tighten her bindings as she noticed they were lose.
Rex nodded then goes over to table and sits down,' she's at least a b cup but why does she bind her chest, but then again if she didn't guys might be staring all the time and her size so i yeah makes sense now i'm thinking about it". " It was cute the way she blushed when i teased her about being the angry girlfriend'.
Junko came back a few minutes latter and once more her chest was flat as a board which fit her little girl image. It wasn't exactly comfortable but well she didn't exactly have the confidence to go out normally. She did sometimes wonder if years of doing that had somehow messed with her body but well it didn't matter.

" Thanks for waiting so what do you want?" She asked as she looked at the menu herself.
Karcen said:
Junko came back a few minutes later and once more her chest was flat as a board which fit her little girl image. It wasn't exactly comfortable but well she didn't exactly have the confidence to go out normally. She did sometimes wonder if years of doing that had somehow messed with her body but well it didn't matter.
" Thanks for waiting so what do you want?" She asked as she looked at the menu herself.
Rex thought about it then after a minute or so then says" Do they do ribs and chips here if not a pound cheeseburger i'm starving". ' junko doesn't lack confidence around me but something seems to be holding her back for now i'll leave the subject alone after all we all have things were not good at sharing so easily'.
" Well you have a menu though that could mean anything from what little i know about England, they had description of what the food it" Junko said though careful not to let her tone be insulting it was just she honestly didn't know if that was ribs though she doubted fast food restaurants with do ribs. They did pizza burgers, Chinese, noddles, ect but anything that couldn't be cooked in 10 minutes was out in their books.
Karcen said:
" Well you have a menu though that could mean anything from what little i know about England, they had description of what the food it" Junko said though careful not to let her tone be insulting it was just she honestly didn't know if that was ribs though she doubted fast food restaurants with do ribs. They did pizza burgers, Chinese, noddles, ect but anything that couldn't be cooked in 10 minutes was out in their books.
Rex looks over and sighs gently then says" pizza then please margarita is fine after all it's a fast food joint, in england we would have ribs chicken and many more options even in the small towns but then again there's a lot more different kind of chefs".
" wow kind of early to start drinking" Junko said ordering a slice of Pizza and a soda as they sold pizza by the slice for some reason at food courts. " i hope you don't drink to much daddy already has enough drunk cops" She said though her tone indicated she meant for that to be cute as she was in public.
Karcen said:
" wow kind of early to start drinking" Junko said ordering a slice of Pizza and a soda as they sold pizza by the slice for some reason at food courts. " i hope you don't drink to much daddy already has enough drunk cops" She said though her tone indicated she meant for that to be cute as she was in public.
Rex laughed and said" I really did put my foot in that one, but in this case i mean the pizza it's basically cheese and tomato but with that said please order me the same as you that way it's simple". After a minute or so leans in and says" If i was to get drunk it would take a lot more than one to do me in and it be no fun if i was the only one".
" I am underage" Junko said to the notion of getting drunk there was no way she was goign to drink and soon enough they were brought their orders, slices of pizza and soda. " SO i am not getting drunk even with you" Junko said establishing that she would give him leeway but she wasn't about to break the law with a cop.
Karcen said:
" I am underage" Junko said to the notion of getting drunk there was no way she was going to drink and soon enough they were brought their orders, slices of pizza and soda. " SO i am not getting drunk even with you" Junko said establishing that she would give him leeway but she wasn't about to break the law with a cop.
Rex slowly and takes a bite of his pizza and then sips some soda, then says" Is that so it's not uncommon for women to look younger than they are which is a double edged sword, well in anycase i'll head into the office tomorrow for sures, after all i've got a theory i want to share with you dad before i even think about telling the others and be made fun of".
" I thought i told you i am 18 " Junko said before nibbling on her own pizza slice " If you goign to bring up magic i would suggest you don't daddy would rather the explanation be a serial killer over its magic" She said her father had never been the biggest into the super natural so something like what had happened to her was something she couldn't tell him.
Karcen said:
" I thought i told you i am 18 " Junko said before nibbling on her own pizza slice " If you goign to bring up magic i would suggest you don't daddy would rather the explanation be a serial killer over its magic" She said her father had never been the biggest into the supernatural so something like what had happened to her was something she couldn't tell him.
Rex smiles widely and says teasingly" Did you i can't remember your switch of personality's is hard to keep up with, but all jokes and that side it's possible it's a cross between both normal and magical killing back in england and other countries there were a few mixed cases and so whether or not he wants to accept it, isn't my problem i'm here to solve a case they can't on their own not to make friends and waste time while more could die because they don't want to open their eyes" "I'm sorry that was so brutally honest but sooner or later he's going to find out, so best to get him ready for what could be then have him have no chance of dealing with it at all surely you can agree with that much right junko?". Rex continues to eat his food and sip his drink calmly, ' i know that was horrible but if i can save them unlike being able to save my brother then i can start moving forward again'.
" You do understand it isn't that he doesn't want to hear it just most people don't believe in magic so he will think you are messing with him or crazy and might try to get rid of you for being well crazy" Junko said surprised he didn't see that telling people monsters were killing people was a bad idea
Karcen said:
" You do understand it isn't that he doesn't want to hear it just most people don't believe in magic so he will think you are messing with him or crazy and might try to get rid of you for being well crazy" Junko said surprised he didn't see that telling people monsters were killing people was a bad idea
Rex shrugs and then says" i'm used to being treated as such, and if i get sent away, then blood won't be on my hands if my theory is right and besides you're not me junko i've already done more than my fair share of bad deeds" "I'd like for you both to be able to hold your heads up high and not have the media looking to moe you both down with prejudice ". Rex paused in thought while finishing his first piece of pizza, then after a couple of minutes says" For now i won't say anything but question is what are you going to do if he starts asking question and such"?
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