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Persona: Truth Within the Darkness


Ten Thousand Club
the year is 2021 and once again in the small city of Inaba is suffering murders and kidnappings. Th city has grown in the 10 year since the last killing spree, but still it is tiny compared to most places. With a mysterious murder on the lose it is up to a team of two to stop this madness and find the truth.

some notes

1, the golden ending was achieved so new big bad

2, lets avoid cannon characters while they can be known i would prefer they don't show up.

3, any character from the original can be replaced by another should it be needed.
The last thing Junko remembered was being at home getting dressed when she had heard the door opening... then nothing something had happened as when she opened her eyes she was not at home, in fact she couldn't really see much thought the fog. As she looked around everything had an odd tint to it a bit of a greenish yellow and the buildings seemed to be, twisted in some way she couldn't exactly describe. Well no matter what she knew she was not in a normal place and well she was not simply kidnapped it was almost like she was in another world. That couldn't be possible could it? Well no matter what she needed to get back home hopefully before her father got home otherwise he would get worried.

" Hello anyone here?" She called as she walked out of the building she had been in and started wandering into the streets, still despite not seeing anyone she felt like she was being watched.
Rex is very peeved he's stuck in yet another situation he doesn't want to be in nor does he understand what's going on, it's like god decides to take another wizz on him. He crushes the low level shadows with megiddo and then walks up to the women and says" I'm rex and we need to find a way out of this world before more of them show up i don't know what they are but i was sent here from the big city to work as a detective here".

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" What ?" Was all junko could really say after the whatever the guy had did revealed and destroyed some creatures.

This was a bit to much to fast, not only she apparently been taken to another world or something but there were also monster and some strange guys, that she realized she had seen for a few seconds earlier he was that new guy her dad was overly worried about. He apparently came from some big city because of the murder cases which once again were going unsolved, then i clicked they had been kidnapped and some how were int his place. Rex said as much himself but she was focused on where she had seen him to much to pay attention.

" First tell me what you did you destroyed those things" She said with all the authority of a stubborn child.
Karcen said:
" What ?" Was all junko could really say after the whatever the guy had did revealed and destroyed some creatures.
This was a bit to much to fast, not only she apparently been taken to another world or something but there were also monster and some strange guys, that she realized she had seen for a few seconds earlier he was that new guy her dad was overly worried about. He apparently came from some big city because of the murder cases which once again were going unsolved, then i clicked they had been kidnapped and some how were int his place. Rex said as much himself but she was focused on where she had seen him to much to pay attention.

" First tell me what you did you destroyed those things" She said with all the authority of a stubborn child.
Rex sighs and says" Just when i thought god couldn't wizz on me anymore, you really don't know anything do you, have you ever wondered what that voice inside you is calling you, but if you don't accept that power there's a chance something bad will happen, this world isn't safe with out that power in you only you can summon it, when you do then you will be able to fight them as i can". " But still such time seriously let's get out of here i don't want your dad to chew me a new hole because you get killed by monsters because you want to play bloody fifty question".
" You do know how little sense your making right, a voice, a power " am normal" Junko said pausing a second " Well as normal as i can be" she said still Rex was kind of a jerk here was a scared and confused civilian and he was not even seemingly trying to explain or calm her, just confuse her more. She had heard big city people were callous but she had expected their law enforcement to be well trained at least.

" Well there aren't any monsters right here right now so maybe try to explain this a little better " Junko said and it was true they were free of monster for the moment even that feeling of being watched had all but gone " Then maybe I can help"
Karcen said:
" You do know how little sense your making right, a voice, a power " am normal" Junko said pausing a second " Well as normal as i can be" she said still Rex was kind of a jerk here was a scared and confused civilian and he was not even seemingly trying to explain or calm her, just confuse her more. She had heard big city people were callous but she had expected their law enforcement to be well trained at least.
" Well there aren't any monsters right here right now so maybe try to explain this a little better " Junko said and it was true they were free of monster for the moment even that feeling of being watched had all but gone " Then maybe I can help"
Rex grits his teeth for a minute and says" So you ok with more of them suddenly appearing and attacking can you live with yourself if i get killed protecting you because your ignorant to your true power hidden with in you well are you, If it wasn't for this job and the fact i'm stuck in this world i would have left, i don't care if you hate me but i'll be dammed to be bum rushed and eaten or killed like cannibals do in the real world so let's go. Rex head starts to hurt as he senses more coming very soon he holds his head and glears up at the women 'Master i turn this annoying girl to ash and then you can pretend it was the shadows no one would know better, ' Temping but no it would just give another reason for more idiots to hate me and i don't need that shit in the mood and my past to be used against me'.
" If you would just explain then maybe i could help" Junko said getting angry now and as she got mad she felt something like a burst or power as she just wanted to know what in the hell Rex was talking about

Behind Jinko the fog condensed and formed water droplets, then the droplets gathered more water to them more and more water. Soon the water too the shape of a naked woman with fin like ears and long hair. Junko turned around when the figure formed and was confused but well she felt like she knew this thing. Still they didn't have time as more monsters came at them.

As they were beset by monsters a word can into Junko's mind " Mabufula" She said and a ring of ice exploded spearing and destroying the very weak shadows around them .

" Ok whatever you can explain this latter" Junko said " Now which way?" she asked looking around.
Karcen said:
" If you would just explain then maybe i could help" Junko said getting angry now and as she got mad she felt something like a burst or power as she just wanted to know what in the hell Rex was talking about
Behind Jinko the fog condensed and formed water droplets, then the droplets gathered more water to them more and more water. Soon the water too the shape of a naked woman with fin like ears and long hair. Junko turned around when the figure formed and was confused but well she felt like she knew this thing. Still they didn't have time as more monsters came at them.

As they were beset by monsters a word can into Junko's mind " Mabufula" She said and a ring of ice exploded spearing and destroying the very weak shadows around them .

" Ok whatever you can explain this latter" Junko said " Now which way?" she asked looking around.
Rex said" there should be a door some one near by give me a second i might be able to track the energy flow of the spirits closest to our world". Rex stuck out of his hand and closes his eyes and after a couple of minutes a voice closest to their world speaks to him in his mind' About four hundred meters straight ahead you better hurry this world is becoming unstable and that means even stronger shadows will come'. Rex opens his eyes and says" The spirit closest to our side says it four hundred meters straight ahead, and how such a clueless women got such a high level persona is beyond me just goes to show how screwed up this world is and i bet you summoning her this time was a fluke". Rex starts running towards where the spirit told him the exit is, his head still sore from the amount of dark energy in this place.
" Good now your explaining things" Junkoa said often being more agreeable when she was told about the situation or understood it a little more than just go here do this. Rex was annoying but given they were in a world of monsters she did understand it a little now that she actually knew what int he world was going on, really taking minute to explain shouldn't have been that hard. Still on the bright side he hadn't called her a kid or thought she was a child so that was a plus. Still she was just going with it and the spirits thing as well everything was crazy.

As they ran shadows followed but never caught up to them. They ran to where the spirits indicated but there was no door saying exit instead there was just an empty room with a TV with static in the center and a rocking chair facing it. Normally she might complain or say they were mislead but the TV was in just the perfect spot it had to have something to do with it. " I think the TV is our way out" She said unsure.
Karcen said:
" Good now your explaining things" Junkoa said often being more agreeable when she was told about the situation or understood it a little more than just go here do this. Rex was annoying but given they were in a world of monsters she did understand it a little now that she actually knew what int he world was going on, really taking minute to explain shouldn't have been that hard. Still on the bright side he hadn't called her a kid or thought she was a child so that was a plus. Still she was just going with it and the spirits thing as well everything was crazy.
As they ran shadows followed but never caught up to them. They ran to where the spirits indicated but there was no door saying exit instead there was just an empty room with a TV with static in the center and a rocking chair facing it. Normally she might complain or say they were mislead but the TV was in just the perfect spot it had to have something to do with it. " I think the TV is our way out" She said unsure.
Rex put his hand against the tv then is sucks him through and he ends up being being flipped on his back in the empty staff room in her inn and groan" God she's annoying as hell but i'm here now so i must do my best till i can return to the city and crush them all".
Junko soon followed after Rex and she ends up landing on top of him, Dazed but still alive so that was good they had survived. " ok that was not fun " Junko said not realizing she was on top of him her tiny body barely covering his .
Karcen said:
Junko soon followed after Rex and she ends up landing on top of him, Dazed but still alive so that was good they had survived. " ok that was not fun " Junko said not realizing she was on top of him her tiny body barely covering his .
Rex says" Well i did my job and got you home safely now your dad can't grill my ass now get off i'm hungry and tired you better get wiser about that world this won't be the last time we enter it, i sometimes wish i didn't have this ability to see sprits and be able to speak to them sometimes they never shut up and it's maddening".
" Well it was my first time with magic " junko said getting annoyed that she was expected to know about magic and stuff apparently " Still You saved me so how about I cook you something daddy says I make great meals" She said switch to more childish wording.
Karcen said:
" Well it was my first time with magic " junko said getting annoyed that she was expected to know about magic and stuff apparently " Still You saved me so how about I cook you something daddy says I make great meals" She said switch to more childish wording.
Rex sighed and says" Well that is true and a home cooked meal ay i've never had anyone thank me for stuff like this so i stopped giving a toss after a while, you know if you hang around me there's a chance you'll be hated, after the meal i won't hold it against you if you don't want to be around me more than you have to i know i'm not the nicest of guys and humans often only look out for themselves". "You seem different to other women i've met i'm not sure if i should hate you or like you well only time will tell".
" I am the police chief daughter even if I am hated people would be nice from fear and besides who cute hate someone cute like me?" Junko said with a smile as she got off Rex mostly ignoring the different " I hope that different isn't because I look like I am 12 " she said assuming the most annoying to her difference there could be.
Karcen said:
" I am the police chief daughter even if I am hated people would be nice from fear and besides who cute hate someone cute like me?" Junko said with a smile as she got off Rex mostly ignoring the different " I hope that different isn't because I look like I am 12 " she said assuming the most annoying to her difference there could be.
Rex smirks and says" i'll only treat you as a brat if you really get on my nerves but right now i'm trying to be somewhat nice please don't make me regret it and fear is powerful but i recommend being more wary because you're the daughter of the police chief daughter, i got to admit half of the people work for you dad don't want me there, but there's a saying where i come from and that's better the devil you know, i don't what your dad thinks of me but i'm surprised he didn't ruse my when they were talking back in the city about my trasfer".
"He's a nice guy and besides everyone loves the chief's cute daughter" Jinko said with a shrug dismissing the idea of being gated just because she has got Rex to behave. " And it's more than half after all no one wants to think they need big city help"
Karcen said:
"He's a nice guy and besides everyone loves the chief's cute daughter" Jinko said with a shrug dismissing the idea of being gated just because she has got Rex to behave. " And it's more than half after all no one wants to think they need big city help"
Rex gently laughs and says" He does seem that way maybe because i'm jaded i find it hard to see the good in things and people, but from the looks of things you two are the closest things to what they call friends and everyone ay you got a lot of confidence and prideful that's good and bad and no one ay i'm not sure if should be happy or pissed off about that" " Who knows you may give me a reason to look on the brighter side, well it's pretty clear no matter what people think of you at the end of the day you'll play with the devil in this case me".
"How could I not play with you it seems we are stuck together" Junko said "Now let's head to my house or yours I have cooking to do " She said with a smile heading to the nearest door.
Karcen said:
"How could I not play with you it seems we are stuck together" Junko said "Now let's head to my house or yours I have cooking to do " She said with a smile heading to the nearest door.
Rex laughed and follows and says" I'm not sure how i should take that but you haven't run away or slapped me silly or punched me in the face that's why i normally expect, well you just got on a very long roller coaster ride and i'm going to end up pissing a lot your dad's stuff off a lot more sooner or later, you know now i'm thinking about indirectly you sound like a supportive girlfriend".
"Ok now I should slap you " Junko said " I won't because I set that up myself Because I look like a child no one dares to think of anything like that so I forget " She said as she lead him out realizing it was her house just an unused room they had emerged from " But if you need a shoulder to cry on I don't mind "
Karcen said:
"Ok now I should slap you " Junko said " I won't because I set that up myself Because I look like a child no one dares to think of anything like that so I forget " She said as she lead him out realizing it was her house just an unused room they had emerged from " But if you need a shoulder to cry on I don't mind "
Rex laughs as he is lead to and unused room and tear appears from the edge of his eye and says" Oh is that so that's the sort of thing good friends are girlfriends do not kids and besides i look like a thug or a pirate so i can't exactly talk can i and anything is fine i'm just happy to get a meal, also please let me sleep for twenty minutes i haven't used my power in a place like that in a little while so i just need to regather my thoughts and such".
" i am not a kid" Junko said missing most of the context she instead honed in on the word kid as no matter who it was she never let people call her a kid. She hated that she looked like she was 12 and despite hating it she still did work to looking at it, like binding her chest so it was flat instead of letting her chest show which might prove her claims. " DOn't call me a kid I am 18 I am already out fo school" She said feeling the need to constantly prove she was grown up.
Karcen said:
" i am not a kid" Junko said missing most of the context she instead honed in on the word kid as no matter who it was she never let people call her a kid. She hated that she looked like she was 12 and despite hating it she still did work to looking at it, like binding her chest so it was flat instead of letting her chest show which might prove her claims. " DOn't call me a kid I am 18 I am already out fo school" She said feeling the need to constantly prove she was grown up.
Rex sighs and says" I didn't say you were, and coming from me it probably sounds weird i'm glad i'm in the care of such a sweet and caring women, after all i don't make friends easily i only have one female childhood friend, and i'm sure you're a capable women, i can't promise i'll always a smooth gem like so many you might know, but i can honestly say i have my own way of looking out for the people i want in my life". " Last of all if i do decide to tell you the rest of my past please only tell your dad because i don't expect most people to understand what it's like being in my shoes".

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