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Fantasy Paragons (OOC)

(Posts in interest check without realizing there's already an OOC)

Oh woops.

Hello there!
Sorry for the lack of progress today everyone. Spent most of the day talking ideas with xrakkax xrakkax . For any future delays, just blame her (to be fair though, I did get a lot of great ideas for the lore). That is all.
Welcome Emmi Emmi . Come on in and take a seat. Place is a bit bare atm, but I'm working on the decorations. In the meantime, I think there's a sofa or two somewhere around where you can kick back and relax for a while.
So I wrote a bit about Mana. It's pretty much everything, just gotta write a bit more about the way enchantment works before I'm done. Can't shake the feeling that I'm still missing something for Ki though. Oh well, it should be enough for now. Next up, races.
Don't worry, if there is any undefined limit of your Ki, expect this overthinker to bring it up xD
So I've noticed a lot of our characters, er, all of em really, are a just a bunch of old farts so far. Think I'll make a new one who's new to the Paragons or something.

Another thing I should probably mention is that developing ki abilities takes a really long time, their entire lives in fact, and when it comes to what kind of abilities you want to have and to what extent, it's all about time investment. Take my character Galzis for example. Strongest human, master ki user, pretty much at the pinnacle of whatever abilities he does have, but for the ones he doesn't, well, he's no better than a novice. For instance, he can't heal himself or others. He could have taken the time to develop those abilities, but he decided that the better strategy was to avoid getting hurt at all, so he focused on his reflexes and skin hardening instead. Of course, if he ever does get seriously injured then he'd have to rely on someone else who is skilled at healing to help him and if no one like that is around, then he's pretty much screwed.

He also doesn't have any resistance to mana based attacks, unless they're of a physical nature of course, and he has no resistance to poisons. He isn't exactly the super speedy type either, so even though he has the reflexes to see an attack coming, he might just not be fast enough for it to matter. For all his strengths, he also has quite the variety of weaknesses to exploit. He's been doing well so far, but all it would take is a single mistake, being a second too slow or just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Try to keep these sorts of things in mind when deciding what kind of abilities your characters might have. To keep things balanced, I might restrict the number of abilities they can have to a maximum of 10. But do lemme know your thoughts on that first, I wouldn't want this to cause any unforeseen issues.

This has been a public service announcement by your friendly neighbourhood gm.
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I feel like I wrote a lot of useless information in the lore, but I did it. I finally did it. The very thing that killed this rp each and every time I'd try to get it off the ground. Magic. Witness me people, I've finally done it! Progress should be a bit faster from hereon out.

EDIT: All right, so the plan is to add another section to the lore that's basically going to be a list of all Ki and Mana abilities a character could possibly have. Asides from the ones I write myself, I'm also open to suggestions that anyone else might have. You can pm me directly or fire away over here. I expect this list to get quite long over time.
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I can't believe I just spent 2 whole days looking for pretty pictures... welp, keep on eye on this. Will provide more info soon. Basically, it'll just be about each race's physical characteristics, average lifespan, advantages and disadvantages, and maybe a bit of history. I'll probably throw in a segment about half breeds too.
I can't believe I just spent 2 whole days looking for pretty pictures... welp, keep on eye on this. Will provide more info soon. Basically, it'll just be about each race's physical characteristics, average lifespan, advantages and disadvantages, and maybe a bit of history. I'll probably throw in a segment about half breeds too.
It’s fine, we know we all do that sometimes. And they are pretty pictures. I’ll try to have my character up in a few days or so. Is it within Ki abilities to enhance a weapon, even if temporarily?
Hello! Saw this thread on the interest forum and figured I'd look into it and let me say, beautiful. It's hard to sift through the forums for something with real substance behind it. So, are you still in the development phase? While I am incredibly interested, I just have a few questions! Cheers ~
Hello! Saw this thread on the interest forum and figured I'd look into it and let me say, beautiful. It's hard to sift through the forums for something with real substance behind it. So, are you still in the development phase? While I am incredibly interested, I just have a few questions! Cheers ~
It’s already open, so feel free to make your character. Some parts may still be missing, but most of the parts relevant to character making is done, I think.
So just asking a few questions to get a feel for what's going on. I was reading through the character sheets and was wondering about the last, Renaldo's. In the History it mentions Seekers, are these common throughout Tirn? Additionally, the GM has three characters listed, if you don't mind me asking, are they NPC's or all will be played? That last one is just curiosity on my part. Thanks all!
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So just asking a few questions to get a feel for what's going on. I was reading through the character sheets and was wondering about the last, Renaldo's. In the History it mentions Seekers, are these common throughout Tirn? Additionally, the GM has three characters listed, if you don't mind me asking, are they NPC's or all will be played? That last one is just curiosity on my part. Thanks all!
I’m honstly not sure, but I think the gm will be playing those characters, and they may be taking part in the story. Regarding the other question, well, the gm might have a better answer lol.
That I might. My characters will indeed be taking part in the story and as I would also like to participate in my shiny (not so) new rp, I will of course be playing those characters. So don't touch. Hiss.

As for Seekers, xrakkax xrakkax and I were actually talking the other day about ranks in the Paragon order, and I think I've come up with a decent organization chart of sorts, but I'll hold off on that until I get through some other bits of lore first. Anyways, Seekers in a nutshell, they're veteran Paragons who've pretty much retired from the front lines but still serve the order by wandering all over the land of Tirn in search of possible recruits. Basically anyone who's strong in the way of the for- I mean Ki and Mana, or at least has the potential for it. Now, every Seeker's going to be different in how they select recruits, but generally they want to keep an eye out for those who've already gained a bit of a reputation, or kids who've developed an ability at an unusually young age and that's just for Ki users. For mages, they tend to be rare in any place other than Avalan, so Seekers will wanna snap up any they come across. They could try going to Avalan of course and they do, but the elves there seldom volunteer as leaving would mean risking the loss of their immortality and... to be lored. I really wish there were more hours in the day.

Oh yeah and to answer your question Sarafina30 Sarafina30 , yes and no. The Seekers aren't so common that every podunk village on Tirn can expect a visit from one, but they do have eyes and ears everywhere for potential future Paragons. Basically, you don't find them, they'll find you sort of thing. Also yes, this rp is still very much in development. Thanks muchly for the show of interest.
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Thank you so much for the wealth of information, I love the depth of the lore you have going. I just wanted to ask to get a sense of what's going on and how I want to shape my character through this information. Last question for now, but I was wondering about the mechanics of the rp. Mainly, is there a potential for character death via exertion or a way to keep us accountable for our character's actions? This is more just my own curiousity, I'm already started to create a character so I'm invested, so to speak.
Honestly, I haven't thought about it yet. Maybe that's something we could all figure out together, eh? Anyways, judging from your character, I'd say you've already got a good sense of the world of the rp. Still a lot of lore to plod through though, so I'll try to get that out of the way first before thinking about anything else.
Thanks for getting back to me, I just end up having too many questions getting into things than I should. I’m honestly here for the ride because it’s looking great so far. I’d love to help in any way if need be, but I’ll keep checking in otherwise ??
Please don't hesitate to ask anymore questions if there's anything else you want to know. Believe me, it helps me out a lot too. It's like, when I'm trying to fill in sections of the lore, I know what I wanna write but how to write it? I'll be staring at the screen for quite a while before I figure that out. When it comes to answering questions though, it's all 'okay, let me just explain everything in one go' and then it's like why couldn't I just do that for the lore? I don't think I'll ever know...

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