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Fantasy p u r e - s i n s [seven deadly sins] (character sheets)



The Duck Overlord
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

Character Sheet Template
Age: (18-24)
Sexual Orientation:
Ruler Of: (if Pure One, doesn't apply)
Sin: (Pure One's answer is pure here)

Face Claim:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Distinguishing Features:


Theme Song: (optional)

Powers and Abilities
Powers: (only for the Sin rulers; must be ONE power; also include the power to detect the other rulers for TWO total)
Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Aragus Lumi'r Temperus
Sexual Orientation:
Ruler Of:


(Calm Appearance)


(Messy/Furious appearance)
Eye Color:
198 lb
Distinguishing Features:
A scar on his left (viewer's right) eye, leading all the way down his cheek.
Aragus keeps a tally mark tattoo on his neck to represent the number of generals lost to battle. It currently sits at seven.

There is a common misconception that Aragus is in a constant state of fury, but those who live with or under him know otherwise. Aragus has a naturally cold personality, developed over his years as king. Although his anger is generally seen as a constant bitter state, it is still palpable. Aragus was originally known for his explosive anger, but he managed to cool off and keep his anger contained in a very uncomfortably cold personality. Most of his anger now resides in his blade, but this could easily be changed with the right prodding.
Aragus has a natural ability towards combat and leadership. His hotheadedness makes him a passionate leader and an excellent general.
With his anger comes a limited patience. Aragus can generally steel himself and prevent an explosive outburst, but once he's reached that point, he will be unable to control his actions effectively. He defaults to destruction and violence when pressed beyond his limit.
Aragus is often seen sharpening his sword, even though it doesn't dull.

Training, exercise, hot tea
Failure, waste, pointlessness
Aragus has two fears. He fears that his efforts will result in nothing, and that his explosiveness will be seen as a mere burst of energy lost to history. Secondly, he fears that he will fall in love and hurt those close to him with his inability to maintain his rage.
Aragus desires the ability to reduce his anger to normal levels and overcome his sin. He wishes that he could maintain a true family without the threat of harming them.
Aragus suppressed his anger manually because he wished to not scare others. He desperately wants to be loved by outsiders. His anger is not 'cold,' he just holds it back, despite what most people think.

Aragus was born to the royal family, and was the natural heir to the throne due to his naturally wrathful personality. He grew under military influence, and trained to be an expert soldier as well as learn the tricks of the royal family. His father suffered a heart attack and died when Aragus was just 17. So, Aragus took the throne and began a successful reign. He managed to keep crime to a surprising low in the kingdom by letting people vent their anger in various ways. He attempted to maintain good relations with the other sins, but struggled due to his naturally aggressive state.

Aragus has known for some time about his waning influence in the kingdom. With the new threat Aeryne appearing, Aragus knows that he must set aside his usual duties and deal with the matter as at hand. However, he worries that his anger may once again take hold of him, and that he will be more of a detriment to his allies than he wishes.

Powers and Abilities
Powers: Aragus has his soul bound to a sword. The sword was designed to yield the anger of its user. The angrier and more wrathful someone becomes while wielding the blade, the hotter the blade becomes. Aragus keeps the sword on him at all times, as it manages to contain his anger quite well, assuming he doesn't explode in a fury.


The blade can only handle so much anger. If the limit is reached, Aragus will become as hot as the sword itself. He will be inconsolable until the aggression inevitably wears off or the issue causing the turmoil is resolved. Because of his bond to the weapon, Aragus refuses to use any other weapon in battle.
Aragus is a decent hunter, tactician, and even enjoys smithing.

OOC: This would be better, but I'm a little bit out of the loop in terms of lore. Hope this works!
And I did try to make the CS the color of a fire. Let me know what you think, I kinda like how it turned out.
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"O faithful servant... I need more."

Orion de la Terre
"Orion the Great"
Sexual Orientation:
Ruler Of:

Face Claim:

Ozymandias DC/Alex Pettyfer
Hair Color:
Golden Blonde
Eye Color:
Naturally a sky blue, but shifts to bright gold when he's attracted to something/someone.
172 lbs.
Distinguishing Features:
Shifting eyes, unnaturally perfect hair and skin, skin appears to glow (most noticeable in the dark)
"Why put a sticker on the finest of chariots?"


Orion was born spoon-fed to the wealthy Avarician empire. As a child, he always received what was asked of him, and in all honestly, likely doesn't remember a situation where the answer was something other than yes. As a cause of this, Orion is used to having everything, and at a point in life, everything was more than enough for the young ruler. But with age came knowledge of just how thin the things money could do, and so he grew greed to acquire whatever more was out there. Whatever was "missing" from his seemingly perfect self. Sex, drugs, entertainment never seemed to fill the hole in the young ruler's chest. The gaping hole of happiness and real human connection that he's yet to acquire and join into his collection.
As a person though, Orion is a smooth, and sly in how he carries himself, and his relaxed demeanor only hides his calculative mindset, ever analyzing people, environments, and objects. Though he speaks, and converses with ease, he doesn't believe he has a true connection with other beings, due to people flocking around him because of his riches, and because of this, has grown untrusting. Still, he hates the idea of people knowing what he has, and what he has planned, and often throws them off from time to time, putting on the charade of a people's person.
Orion is a silvertongue, and easily manipulates people into doing his bidding with his charm and charisma. He's also very analytic due to his collector's mentality, and like in objects and weapons, can tell discrepancies from a fake to the original, and in people, can notice slight changes in presentation and actions with ease.
Due to being protected so heavily as a child, Orion never learned to fight or defend himself. He often has guards posted around him, but in a one on one situation, is defenseless physically. Orion also usually wants more than he can handle, and will never back down from "more" of anything.
Stops to admire himself whenever his reflection is there (over water, windows, mirrors, etc.). Enjoys playing with play-doh, and dividing the clay into smaller pieces to have "more."
Women, drugs, parties/raves, money, shiny objects, gold, antiques
Old/used things, dull situations, common objects
Losing everything. Failure.

Theme Song: (optional)

Powers and Abilities
Powers: (only for the Sin rulers; must be ONE power; also include the power to detect the other rulers for TWO total)


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Name: Alora Otiosum

Nickname: N/A
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Ruler Of: Acedia
Sin: Sloth


Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 125
Distinguishing Features: Floor length brown hair
Tattoo on her forearms

Personality: Growing up she was quite babied and always waited on hand and foot. Not by her parents but many servants. The very hands off approach from her parents left her quite distant from them but she didn't care too much. She still lived a decently luxurious life which being given anything she wants. In all honesty she has little to no desire to actually rule but she feels it would be too much work to argue with her parents about it. As long as she can continue doing the bare minimum she couldn't care less.
She's known for being very quite and seeming to almost appear out of nowhere at times. She can be found just walking from the couch, to the kitchen, to her bed. She spends a lot of her time hanging out with her cats, reading, napping. Most people see her as very patient and caring since she seems to be very good and listening despite the reality of her zoning out and day dreaming a lot. Due to her lack of paternal love she does love attention. Within her room she usually has incense burning , candles, and has a collection of crystals on shelves.
Strengths/Virtues: Empathetic, understanding, intelligent, patient
Weaknesses/Vices: indecisive, push-over, and of course pure laziness
Quirks: She'll often just fall asleep where ever, even in seemingly uncomfortable positions
Likes: Cake, Cats, Cuddling, Naps, reading
Dislikes: Working, Exercise
Fear: That one day everything will fall apart
Desire: To be able to just relax forever with someone to take care of her
Secret: She has a crush on one of the other sins

History: For most of her life her parents just had servants raise and educate her. Sure, always being waited on hand and foot was nice to some extent but it left her a bit lonely. She took to owning a few cats to keep her company, enjoying their equally lazy life style. Her only personal time with her parents was for breakfast every morning and dinner on weekends. As she grew older she just started eating alone in her room, having the servants bring her the food. During her time awake she'd read alone in her room with her cats beside her. Over the past couple of years her parents have been trying to prepare her for ruling though she couldn't care less and just ends up day dreaming.
Theme Song: Nowhere Man- Beatles

Powers and Abilities
Powers: Put any body to sleep instantly, detect the other rulers.
Limitations: Can only have 5 total people put to sleep at one time.
Skills: Manipulation, calming people, gaining the support of people
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Applying for Envy's Steward (Female)
Faceclaim: Kailee Morgue

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[div class="imgcontainer"] [div class="img1"]
[div class="img2"][/div] [div class="img3"][/div] [/div] [div class="detaildiv"] [div class="name"]Livia Morello[/div] [div class="postscroll"] [div class="post"] [div class="text"] Name Livia Gail Morello
Alias Medusa, Liv
Age 20
Gender Female
Sexual Orientation Pansexual
Ruler Of Malveillant (supposedly)
Sin Envy's Stewardess
Hair Colour Natural Black - Green
Eye Colour Blue-Green
Height/Weight 5'5'' / 103 pounds
D. Features Teardrop shaped birthmark.
Tattoos/Markings This [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tab3"]
[div class="imgcontainer"] [div class="img1"]
[div class="img2"][/div] [div class="img3"][/div] [/div] [div class="detaildiv"] [div class="name"]Livia Morello[/div] [div class="postscroll"] [div class="post"] [div class="text"] Personality
Livia believes herself to be quite the little lady, as the hard-wired elegance in her brain by her parents. The attitude that she was raised with was something that effected her upbringing on the contrary to her brother. She always wanted to be the best and please her parents in any way possible. As a result, she can be somewhat prissy and spoiled and is quick to tattle when things don't go her way (given who the person is). As much as she makes an effort to appear ladylike, she does enjoy the occasional tumble and sense of mischief and adventure especially with her brother who was a child at heart. A hopeless romantic and daydreamer, Liv is frequently seen lost in her thoughts and sighing deeply. She also appears to be somewhat danger-prone, as she is consistently in harm's way without even knowing. This may be because either her head is up in the clouds as much as it was her greatest asset.
She strives to have more, always wanting more in terms of broadening her knowledge. Given her photographic memory combined with her intellect the female is quite the strategist. In fact, besides her close-knit relationship with her brother, it was what aided in being awarded a place as his counsel/stewardess and aid in whichever she could. Livia was not one that loved to immerse herself into the politics of it all, however, when her expertise and advice was needed she would gladly give her fair share about the matter. Despite being shadowed due to her lack in position at times, she can be quite confident in her opinions despite that they mean nothing to most. She has no problems in expressing them despite being a stewardess in position. Livia can also be considered as quite merciless when it comes to her strategies. This meant that if the goal was this, she is willing to do anything and I mean anything to get to that said goal, it was a Morello trait for sure.
Unlike Lorenz, Livia is a bit more mellow when it comes to trusting a person. She loves to give the benefit of the doubt. The only person she could truly trust was him, she trusted him with her life as he is practically her other half and that bond was the most precious thing she has. Nothing and no one came between that. Her true mellow and sweet nature is rarely seen with anyone, she loves to keep her composure and reputation in check especially when being in such high ranks amongst her family. Image was everything for her.
Intellect // Observant // Logical // Memory
Physical self defense // Clumsy as heck // Envy // Anger
Reptiles // Green // Brewing // Attention // Cuddles
Sweets // Being idle // Being separated from her brother // Heat // Her parents
Stands on one leg when she thinks // Automatically searches the room for her brother // Loves to sleep in her panther form
To expose her true position without disrupting and damaging her relationship with her brother
That she would get discovered by other sins as the true heir via sin detection // Losing her brother
She is the true ruler of Malveillant // Having the Sin Detection power
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[div class="imgcontainer"] [div class="img1"]
[div class="img2"][/div] [div class="img3"][/div] [/div] [div class="detaildiv"] [div class="name"]Livia Morello[/div] [div class="postscroll"] [div class="post"] [div class="text"] History
Disclaimer more detail will be added if character is accepted and relation backstory with the envy king.
Born in a family of nobles in the heart of Malveillant, Livia Morello was the youngest out of a pair of twins. Her and her twin brother, Lorenz. From a very young age she was expected to be the best of the best, always 'driven' by her parents and being shaped up to be the ideal daughter. A daughter driven by ambition, intellect and posture. She was carrying a name after all. Brains and looks she had them both but for a child to be molded into such a life style, it did not feel as fulfilling as it seemed to be. True Livia was a people's pleaser more so, parent pleaser but she still wanted that sense of thrill which her brother provided when he wanted to simply go out and explore behind their parents backs or the pranks they used to concoct together from a very young age. It had always been them.
However, at the age of five, like her brother Livia expressed the power to shape shift (a serpent and a panther). Unlike him, she did not manifest her brother's secondary power hence, she did not take the throne. Her parents set their sights high for him. The attention that Livia had fought to keep, vanished into thin air once Lorenz became the ruler of Malveillant. As much as she hated the attention being stolen from her, she couldn't be more happier for him. Being always side by side, Lorenz had managed to convince their stubborn parents to allow Livia to attend to his studies which she was more than grateful to accept. Growing up, the pair simply grew close and more close-knit. Ever since she had manifested her ability to shift, she spent more time investigating on what this was and how come she had the ability to shift as well. It was something she questioned as far as her knowledge went, only rulers held such power.
It was then, her parents had realised their mistake yet they did not act. They had informed the young kids that it was simply something they inherited as twins and that was what the pair was raised to believe. It seemed to be good enough for Lorenz but not so much for Livia and hence she continued with her digging whilst she was learning. That being said, as her brother took the throne, despite his childish and carefree attitude she trusted him and she wouldn't have wanted anything else than to be by his side as his stewardess. His conscience. It was that bond that was deteriorating her from the inside. The fear of damaging that bond. She couldn't bare to think what he would do or think of her if what she suspected was true ... but that was it... just a suspicion.
Theme Song
The Great Deception - PsoGnar
Powers Shape Shifting // Sin Detection
> When shifting, Livia can only shift into animals. Particularly a serpent and a panther. She can be easily identified from her brother via a black teardrop on her forehead whereas her fur is pure white which contrasts with her brother.
> Due to being the original heir - Livia like her brother can detect other sins as they can detect her. Though hers is not at its full strength as her brother currently claims the rule. However, this could expose Livia to what she really is to other sins if she is not present with her twin. Hence, she tends to stick with Lorenzo as his stewardess.
Photographic Memory // Observant // Alchemy
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[class=tabs] text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px grey; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 6px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; width: 100%; margin-left: -12px; [/class] [class=tab] cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px; width: 100%; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background-color: none; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} About) (show tabsContentCoded) if (eq ${currentTab} Persona) (show tabsContentBy) if (eq ${currentTab} History) (show tabsContentCrucial) if (eq ${currentTab} Other) (show tabsContentStar) [/script] [div class=tabs]
[div class=tab style=";"]About

[div class=tab]Persona
[div class=tab style=";"]History[/div]
[div class=tab style=";"]Other[/div]
[div class="tabsContent tabsContentCoded"]
basic information

Full Name: Lorenz Morello
Nickname: Lor
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Doesn't care for it
Ruler Of: Malveillant
Sin: Envy



Face Claim: Cole Mohr
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 6'1
Weight: 141 lbs
Distinguishing Features: His slack posture, his mischievous smile
Tattoos/Markings: Has a number of tattoos all over his arms, neck, chest and back... as far as everyone knows, that's it
[/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentBy" style="display: none;"]
in depth


Personality: Lorenz, to everyone else, is practically a child at mind and at heart. Easygoing at most times, he's seen as a little immature and far too relaxed to even be on the throne. He doesn't seem to care about formality nor does he seem to take anything seriously. He likes joking around and being overall a mischievous person. As per his sin, he embodies it completely. He gets jealous of other people very easily and he will always voice it out. Lorenz can come off as a joke to a lot of people and that's exactly what Lorenz wants everyone to see him as. It's the perfect cover after all.

In fact, Lorenz does take his job seriously. He just doesn't want anyone to think that he is. He doesn't seem like it but he's particularly manipulative and would do anything short of killing someone to get what he wants. Acting has always been a big part of his life and it has integrated so far into him that he's practically acting almost all the time. He finds it hard to trust anyone - other rulers would be far too difficult to trust, his servants could be spies, his peers could be plotting against him. No, that would be far too dangerous to do. They want his position after all, want to topple him. The only one he can only truly trust is his sister.

Strengths/Virtues: Observant, Easygoing, Excellent leader, Determined

Weaknesses/Vices: Secretive, Trust Issues, Envious, Manipulative

Quirks: Often teases others or might go as far as playing pranks no matter the setting, Cracks his fingers when he's thinking seriously, Looks over to his sister when he's having trouble

Likes: Getting what he wants, Getting others' stuff, His sister, Stealing, Chocolate, Taking it easy, Animals

Dislikes: Getting caught, Not getting what he wants, Being stopped, Bland food

Fear: Losing his position that he had unknowingly stolen, Losing his sister

Desire: To completely outdo the other rulers just to mess with them

Secret: He's jealous of his sister's natural inclination towards ruling and how she would be a great ruler if she was on the throne. He hates that he feels this way though, as he believes it to be wholly irrational.
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History: Lorenz was born a few minutes before his twin sister and ever since then, the two had been together. His power had manifested when he was just five years old and his parents had immediately put their sights on him and groomed him to be the next King of Envy. Because of Lorenz's connection with his sister, he had managed to convince his parents to allow his sister to come to his studies as well. As he grew up, he was starting to exhibit more and more rebellious and impulsive behavior. His parents were disapproving of it but Lorenz never grew out of it - no, he just became better at hiding it. He became better at sneaking around and doing what he wants.

[There's a bunch of the history I'll add if I'm accepted and relationships with the steward]

Powers: Detection of other Sins, Shapeshifting

Limitations: He's restricted to shifting only into only two animals and there's an incriminating white mark on him that would reveal that the animal is Lorenz. He can shift into a black snake and their house animal, a black panther, and there's a white teardrop shaped mark on his forehead.

Skills: Acting, Manipulation, Spywork
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codedbycrucialstar | click words [ tabs ] , hidden scroll
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Name: Alaria Korivan
Nickname: Alia
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bi Curious
Ruler Of: Acedia
Sin: Sloth

Face Claim:
Hair Color: Blue with Black Streaks
Eye Color: Light Brown
Height: 5'6
Weight: 128

Personality: Alia is known for her lazy nature and is a pretty logical person overall, however she can be seen as quite insensitive or even rude at times due to her logical mind. She doesn't usually rely on her feelings to make judgement and will constantly ignore them, although she is pretty nice she doesn't really bear any strong feelings for people and it is pretty hard to tell if she likes you. Although she does have a bad side although it would take a lot to manage to get her to burst, she can be quite cold and would likely plot ways to destroy them if she hates them enough. She also has a tendency to play mind games with people weather for the fun of it or cause she views them as enemies and wants to traumatize them in some way. She is always willing to do what she thinks needs to be done weather its seen as cruel or not, she is usually seen as stoic and calm no matter what the circumstances are though and would hate being put in a vulnerable position.

Strengths/Virtues: Intelligent, Patient, Imaginative, Forgiving and is a Abstract Thinker

Weaknesses/Vices: Lazy, Insensitive, Condescending, Constantly Second Guessing themselves and is quite Withdrawn

Quirks: Is pretty Absent Minded and is quite forgetful of some things.

Likes: Sleep, Sweets, Strawberries, Knowledge, Reading and Cats.

Dislikes: Work, Useless things, Overly Emotional People, Hugs, Threats and Idiots.

Fear: Being helpless and being put at the mercy of others.

Desire: To forge her own Legacy and be remembered throughout all of history weather good or bad.

Secret: She spends her time in a secret room in that palace that only she knows about while she has her clones do all of her work for her and she has cloning powers not teleportation.

History: Alaria was raised by servants and she would spend most of her time reading books in the palace library or just sleeping. Her powers developed at the age of 6 and she kept it as a secrete so that she could get out of extra work and after a bit people began to think her powers involved the ability to teleport since her clones were never in the same location and sometimes disappear in front of their eyes. She also had a habit of exploring the castle and managed to stumble upon a forgotten secret room when she was outside playing around at the age of 15. She spent a lot of time in that room ever since and mostly had her clones do things and get her things she wanted or needed while she stayed in the room only occasionally leaving it. After a few years though she was crowned queen after her parents died due to a sickness which some assumed to be poison, she then attended her crowning ceremony herself and went back to her secrete room having her clones do all the work for her while keeping her powers a bit of a secret as well.
Theme Song:

Powers and Abilities
Powers: Cloning
Limitations: Is only able to maintain 3 clones at a time and can only make clones of herself.
Skills: Spying, Strategist and Psychology
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