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Fantasy Overworld: Treacherous Lands RP

Endless Thundaza

{As this is a sequel to a roleplay on another site, this story is only open to certain players. Thanks for understanding}

Much has happened within the two years since Arcanum's newest monarch, King Jynn, has inherited the throne from his mother, the late Queen Shiva de la Alexandria. But the most prominent change to the land was the dissolution of the magical barrier separating the World Below and the Overworld. Created by Jynn's grandfather, King Alexander, to separate the humans from the magical entities of the Ovwerworld; feys. Unfortunately, hundreds of years of separation has caused the magic that used to pour into the human world to disappear, causing life within it to become harsh. However, the humans and feys managed to find a truce amongst each other, and King Jynn felt that it was time to destroy the barrier.

During the two years, magic was slowly seeping back to the human world. But the change was slow, and it would take decades for the land to regain the magic it once had. To help the humans get by, Jynn offered to negotiate with the ruler of the Kingdom of Sondon, King Alderon Niles. The hope is to open trade between the Overworld and World Below. However, the removal of the barrier and the gradual return of magic have not gone unnoticed, and it would appear that not everyone is welcoming of these fey allies Alderon has made...


Written by me and Stardustblade358 Stardustblade358 . Blue for Jynn, purple for Helios.

Within one of the spires of the Kilkes Seres palace, the monarch of Arcanum sits in his office, rummaging through papers. Most of them are letters, some of them are confidential plans. But in his right hand, a letter written by the human king, Alderon, has kept his attention. It is an invitation, a response to Jynn’s proposal to meet in person in order to propose a union between the World Below and Arcanum.

From the nearest window, a white dove would land outside the glass panes. With the gentle breeze blowing against the curtains, the dove would hop down from the windowciel, and fly across the busy office of the monarch to land on some of the papers. The dove would push he paperwork aside, making space of bare desk before the dove spoke up. "Who would think that becoming King would involve so much paperwork?" The dove asked, smoke surrounding the being, only to dissipate to reveal a young man sitting on the desk, one leg crossed over the other as he casually sat next to the monarch on his desk. Shimmering blue eyes would trace the sight of the invitation, recognizing the handwriting of the king below. Helios had never forgiven the king for what he did. And he never would. It was one of those instances where forgiveness was an option, and it was one that he would not grant. Yet the relationship was cordial. For the sake of both worlds, trade and communications had opened, which led to a new age of advancement and cultural change as above as below. "I am assuming he said yes. But your expression suggests there are caveats to consider."

Jynn’s eyes would hover over the desk, full of paperwork. “Yeah. It’s been quite busy for me these past two years. I’ve hardly found the time to clean this desk.” If Helios was looking closely, he would notice a large majority of letters are to and from Lord Raiden of Mystras, Jynn’s father, who he often does collaborative work with. To Jynn, it is good that his father is willing to back him up, even on more pressing matters, and they almost always reach a solution even when they disagree on certain topics.

Jynn looks back at Alderon’s letter once Helios makes his assumptions and concerns. He nods. “Indeed, there is a lot going on my mind. I guess it’s easy to say that this will be my biggest project yet as a leader.” He places the paper down on the desk, and faces Helios. “My friend, may I ask for your cooperation on this? I know that you’ve had a terrible experience in the human world, and that you and Alderon will never be on even ground. But I’m going to need someone who knows the land in order for this to have a chance at succeeding.”

Helios could not help but to hum at his comments, eyes scanning the letters that littered the desk. It was hard to figure out what was what, but the handwriting gave it away. The relation between the sovereign of lightning and his son had always been a contested affair outside of the royal halls. Nevertheless it ended the same; lightning always came before thunder, but the storm usually followed right after.

"The war may be over but all we have agreed on is a standstill and acknowledgment of each other's existence when it was once a secret under your mother's reign." It was Arianna, Ren and him that would find maps and documents in regards to the world below and its existence. A whole world that had been hidden away from history. After the war the existence was just there. With the exception of a few interactions and transports between the worlds, it was all very informal. The worlds were still separate. But now with both worlds at a stable standstill..

"You know I hold no gripe against humanity." He shrugged. Alderon on the other hand... "Of course I will go, Jynn. To leave you alone down there will be less than stellar. If anything, maybe my presence will guilt Alderon into a more favorable circumstance." He offered with a toothy grin. Guilt was not something he indulged in. But it was an advantage that they could take. He reached over and gently pulled the letter from Jynn's hand, fingers tracing the handwriting of the human king. "I would think of inviting Aura within our ranks to represent a voice for the humans outside of noble status. Should that not be viable I should remember enough." He pressed the letter against his lips in thought. "This should be an interesting reuinion."

Jynn chuckles quietly at Helios’ claim. “Well, using guilt aside, I’m glad to hear you’re willing to join me. This is going to be a momentous occasion, as it has been thousands of years since the two worlds last coexisted.” He looks down at the desk, reminiscing about his mother. “It’s unfortunate that mother kept the human world’s existence a secret. Father has told me that she wanted to lift the barrier separating the worlds, but that was unfortunately moments before she was assassinated.” He sighs before clenching his fists. “She was forced into a position she was not ready for. The more I researched Arcanum’s history, the more I found out that grandfather was not a caring ruler. He was a tyrant who hid behind a passionate facade. His reign led to many innocents’ suffering. I hope to reverse the evils he has committed in whatever way I can.”

As Helios talked, the mention of Aura causes Jynn to raise an eyebrow. He remembers that Helios was putting efforts in to find her. “Oh? Did you manage to find Aura?”

Helios would shake his head. "Ney. Not a single trace. My network is vast, but it is not enough to locate her in two worlds worth of territory." Which was a shame. Last time he had gotten into contact was months ago. No location, only that she lived and continued to do so. Not even details on her whereabouts. But for someone on the run, it was enough. Helios listened to Jynn's small proclamation of the past, and how he hoped to make rights to the wrongs his ancestors had created. "Stress for the future of your present kingdom, Jynn. Lest you become blinded, remember that the past cannot be changed. Not any longer, anyways." He mused, a smile on his lips. "If you wish to make up for the mistakes of the past generation, make sure that you create a bright future for those that come after us. Once that is done, then you may focus on the smaller details." He pushed himself off the desk, bare feet landing on the cold tile floor. "Well then. Will there be any other possible members to this party heading to meet with the king? He is but one of many that rule the land below. But a single contract may help us open to the others."

Jynn took Helios’ words to heart, knowing that changing the past is not always possible. But now it’s time for the young monarch to make things better than they used to. Jynn raises from his seat and places a hand on Helios’ shoulder, offering a smile. “Well let’s get to it then. We have two worlds to reunite! I’ll recruit some old friends of ours. We should first start out with Dawson.”

Helios would not be surprised by the suggestion of Dawson. The knight himself was an important figure and ally, after all. Helios would cross his arms, only to feel the touch of small feet against his shoulder. The sight of a small robin like bird perching on it before it sang a tune. Helios reached a hand out, rubbing beneath their chin. “I would suggest Typhon. He may be blunt, but what he lacks in eyes he makes up in every other sense. The Wendigo have long retreated from all political involvement since the war. But there are a few clans that may offer their assistance, should we need a representative. If you can handle the smell.” It was no secret that they fought on the side of the Fey, and lost many warriors. Including a Wendigo Fey representative at the hands of the errant knight of the kingdom of Sodon. “I do not know if Jari would be up for political debate if the knight is present. That would be taking a gamble.” He added, his attention back to the bird that melted under his touch, practically almost falling over before having to do an emergency landing on Jynns paperwork.

Jynn nods to Helios’ suggestions. “I’ll take any help we can get. I think I’ve heard Dawson and Typhon are friends of sorts, so that would be convenient. Dawson runs the Dancing Pheasant canteen here in Kilkes Seres, a rather successful and popular restaurant at that.” He looks to the small bird that landed on his papers and offers his index finger for it to step up on.

Jynn looks back to Helios. “Do we know what Wendigo clans would offer assistance?”

The bird chirped and tilted its head, before happily hopping onto the kings finger. It gave a cheerful tune, and Helios closed his eyes. “The tribes of Tarsus, Sphenoid, and Ulna are the ones most open for cooperations, last I heard. Out of all of these, it is the Ulna Tribe whose routes resides closest to the capital.” Helios explained. The Wendigo were one of the many species within the world above, and ones that spread within smaller sections and tribes, as their innate scent of death and cannibalism tendencies would deter most. “Alas. Choose a delegation that you know represents what you wish to demonstrate to the humans. A mixture of various species that live together and all are placing their effort in a joint existence. An example that we can place for humanity to lead on.” Sodon would be the stepping stone to the rest of humanity. Where they could work together to form laws and alliances that benefited both worlds at their new coexistence. Something stronger and more stable than the wavering placements that had been existing for the past two years while both sides recovered. “Whoever you invite, remember what they will represent beyond their species.”

And thus, the duo make their way to the Dancing Pheasant to meet up with Jynn's old palico Dawson.
It has been two very strange years since the shattering of the barrier. Even if you were just a regular person living their lives, the amount of rumors, news, and progress being made in the following two years were bound to have been noted in some way or form. From the sights of the human and fey interaction post war, the magic once stagnant slowly flowing to the world below, the general news that there was a whole new world in itself full of these beings called humans who wielded little to no magic, and yet they survived. Whom after the discovery by the three betrayers came all the way to their world and kingdom with the help of a witch and the lord of lightning himself. Where they waged war for survival only to unite against a greater foe. History would forever mark down these events in chronicles and scrolls. But rumors still ran wild, and so did myths. And even after all of that, the world kept turning.

It has been two years, and the rumors of King Jynn wishing to form a formal alliance between his kingdom and one of those of the world below had long spread far and wide, reaching the ears of civilians and politicians of other kingdoms alike in both worlds. In the Overworld there would be talk of the potential benefits and decrements of such an alliance, people publicly voicing their opinions to their companions and upon written articles one after another. People among the higher echelon of the governmental ladder would whisper among themselves, making their own alliances with each other over the decisions. Other kingdoms would have their own opinions, and ever more surely their own plans. In the world below humans would be of a similar matter, rumors and opinions flying as there was both intrigue and fear. It was these beings that had taken away the source that had their world dying in the first place. Now they wish to make an alliance? Beings of magic and monsters of myth wished to befriend humans after slaying their kin and wishing them dead no less than two years ago?

Uproar and intrigue alike were all over the place, but many could only stand by and watch. Stand by, keep their hopes and prayers to their chests, and hope for the best. Keep their eyes and ears present, and watch with halted breath of where this would lead them; whether it be glory or ruin. A sensitive topic all around, and a highly important act that would possibly determine all future human and fey relations for centuries to come.

If Your Character Has Received A Summons Letter...
You would have received it through one of many means. Maybe a messenger bird landed by your person, delivering the important letter with the royal emblem engraved into the wax stamp. Or a royal messenger would find you personally to deliver it with urgency. Maybe it was just left behind in a place where you would eventually find it with haste, whether it be at your home or your place of work. Hell. Maybe you stole it from the carrier or to its original recipient. One way or another, the royal letter would arrive to your hands, addressed to either you or your kin. And so it would read...

As you may have heard from the countless rumors, there has been talk about a possible alliance between the human Kingdom of Sondon and our own. Allow me to put a rest to these rumors by confirming the authenticity of them. The royal court and I have indeed been in communication with the world below, speaking with King Alderon himself of the Kingdom of Somdon. After two years of uncertainty and fragile coexistence between the two newly acquainted worlds, I have decided that it would be of everyone's best interest to create a formal alliance. This alliance shall serve as the standing stone of what should be a bridge of communication and alliances between our worlds. Now that the barrier is gone, and the magic is once again flowing freely to where it was always meant to be, it is time that we push aside our differences and come together in order to repair the severed connection that has been missing for over a millenia of our existences.

The two worlds share the distribution of magic, and after many years of separation, a formal attempt must be made in order to coexist peacefully with our neighbors below. It is of hope that this alliance will open new paths for both worlds, allowing a new era of our history to come forth, and that together we may enter a new gilded age.

Which is why I have written this letter to you. I shall be leaving for the world below to represent my kingdom, but I wish to not be the only one. I have written this letter to personally invite you (or someone of your kin/group) to become a representative and join me in this meeting. You have been chosen to represent not just yourself, but your species, and your beliefs as an individual. This kingdom is vast and varied, full of all kinds of species and beliefs that come together to create the world we live in today. As such, I wish for humanity to see all sides of us, and I wish to have your personal thoughts and voice in the choices that shall be made involving this kingdom we call home.

If you wish to deny this request, then I will accept it, and I thank you for reading this letter through.

However, if you wish to accept it, then you (or one selected person) is formally invited to the capital of Kilkis Seres. Along with this letter I have included papers of approval for any transport or passport required for your travels. These should allow you to reach our capital city as smoothly as possible, and grant you access to the palace as an esteemed guest. The travel to the human world is expected to take a few days, and you may bring clothing to sustain your needs for said amount of time. However, if not possible, I shall provide you with any and all attire needed for your stay. All food and stay expenses shall be covered as part of this envoy that you shall be part of. More detailed information shall be given in a formal meeting at the castle, and any and all questions shall be answered should you have them.

I thank you for your consideration, and your valiant choice to represent not just your people, but the people of our Kingdom in the incoming, historical meeting.

May The Wind Guide You,
Jynn de la Alexandria"

However you have chosen to take this letter, whether with pride or insult, genuine intrigue or questioning, it is up to you to what you do with it, and what your following steps are. Will you head straigt to the capital and its castle, proudly ready to represent your people? Maybe you seek financial gain or the opportunity to explore another world? Or maybe you shall go with hesitation, not sure of the security of such a position. You may even just go for the mere opportunity to give the monarch a piece of your mind. Regardless of how and what you do, the world is yours to explore...

Within the capital city of Kilkis Seres, it was just another busy day. The people went on their daily business with little change, forming a routine that was rarely broken lest there was something terrible or festive. But even amongst the usual gossip of a metropolis, there was something unique brewing. Some rumors that they had seen the monarch himself leave the castle for some business. As always rarely accompanied by guards or any of the sort, greeting his people with welcoming arms. Some rumors say that he is heading to meet a friend at a local tavern, or so it is said....

If Your Character Has Not Received A Summons Letter...
How you managed upon the rumor would be one of many ways. Whispers and gossips confirmed true by reliable sources of prestige royal letters being sent to specific people across the kingdom of Mystras, requesting volunteers for an expedition to the human world below. Of course this was only solidified by the announcement that indeed, there would be a formal attempt to create an alliance with a kingdom of the world below and this one. These letters would arrive bearing the royal emblem, and communities who had received them were not able to keep such a secret within for long before it spread like wildfire. Volunteers, representatives, people who would get the opportunity to leave this kingdom and world, and into a new one that had only been discovered to even exist a mere two years prior. What could you do with such information? Maybe your curiosity has gotten the best of you, and you wish to see what could this possibly bring. Maybe you are seeking for a new lease in life, hoping a ride to a brand new world would be just what you are looking for, in a land where this kingdom's laws do not abide of their own? A new economic venture through humans? Maybe even just wishing to fufill that fantasy of leaving your home and exploring a brand new world, and hoping that following behind these letter carriers would grant you the slim chance of passage. Regardless of how and what you do, the world is yours to explore...

Within the capital city of Kilkis Seres, it was just another busy day. The people went on their daily business with little change, forming a routine that was rarely broken lest there was something terrible or festive. But even amongst the usual gossip of a metropolis, there was something unique brewing. Some rumors that they had seen the monarch himself leave the castle for some business. As always rarely accompanied by guards or any of the sort, greeting his people with welcoming arms. Some rumors say that he is heading to meet a friend at a local tavern, or so it is said....
King Jynn - The Dancing Pheasant

After greeting his people, Jynn makes his way to Kilkes Seres’ newest and highly popular tavern, the Dancing Pheasant, with Helios taking the form of a ferret on his shoulders. It was a short distance away from the castle, and it would be easy to catch a whiff of the food being cooked inside. A bell chimes as soon as Jynn opens the door, prompting some customers to face towards him. Some raise their drinks to him, while others return to their meals and other activities. The young monarch looks around, pleased by the sight of crowds. “It’s good to see that Dawson has been very successful with this tavern. Business seems to be booming.”

Dawson Malafar - The Dancing Pheasant

As Jynn looks around, a felyne walks around, asking how everyone is enjoying their time before setting his sights of the king. “Well, well, well! If it isn’t my old partner in crime!” He happily approaches Jynn and Helios, using his sense of smell to identify Helios. “And you brought nature boy with you too. I’m guessing you’re here to recruit me for your outing to the world below?” Jynn nods. But before he could say anything, Dawson immediately approves. “Let’s discuss this venture while we fill our bellies. It’s on the house!” He faces his chef, who seems to be peeking out of the kitchen. “Oi! Prepare something for our honorary guests!”

Dawson leads Jynn and Helios to a nearby table with a felyne sitting across the two. He looks almost identical to Dawson, but with strands of grey fur. “Pops, I’d like you to meet Jynn and Helios.” The felyne’s eyes widen, almost seeming surprised to be in Jynn’s presence. “Jynn? Shiva’s boy?! How glad am I to finally meet you!” Jynn appears confused. Has he met this fellow before? The cat clears his throat. “My apologies, allow me to introduce myself. I am Allistar.”
- Caligo - Divine City of Water: Heimdall - Cerulean Palace -

It was a normal day and people around the palace were already doing their jobs. From servants, to cooks, from maids to guards. The atmosphere around the palace was one of early energy, energy that had been lost when the Tide Mother, Leviathan, had been taken away by people she had trusted. In one very specific room sat very specific characters, each one important in their own right. Judge Magister Faloan Apateon held papers in her hands as she looked between her compatriots.

"As you can see, my fellow judges, King Jynn de la Alexandria is offering a spot to take a trip to the Lands Below the Sea of Clouds. He wishes for the bonds between the two worlds to be mended, and for both fey and humans to work together. With the loss of my dear cousin and with the King missing in action, I feel that we much pick someone to go on this trip. King Khaz Azrum, The Titan, and his wife, Queen Gaea, are quite busy as of late, same can be said with Lord Ifrit and Lady Mateus. And as such. Keeping such agent under our own forces should be enough, and I think I have a candidate in mind."


- Caligo - Divine City of Water: Heimdall - City Gates -

It was such a pretty day outside, clear skies and the sun was pleasant. At the city gates waited an individual wearing a white cloak, her head adorned with four horns, her hair a sandy blonde, a strong presence, piercing golden eyes. To any individual walking by, it looked as if she was talking with herself. To the trained eye, she was talking to someone not everyone could see.

"Worry not, It will be done. A trip to Kilkis Seres shouldn't take too long and I will probably arrive in time. I will keep a close eye and report my findings, either good or bad." she said, "Now, I expect that my subordinates take care of my load of work as I take this trip? Good. Then I will depart."

The individual gave the city one last look before walking in the opposite direction. As the minutes turned into hours, another individual approached.

"This is not something I expected from you. Especially when you know what happen back then." the voice of a female said, "however keeping eyes on the goings of the world below could prove beneficial. Once you arrive at Kilkis Seres, look for someone named Helios, he will be of great help for you. And if you are able, give him this."

The woman produced an envelope and gave her to the one in the white cloak before stopping.

"This is were we part ways. And I know, I might not see you, but you will see me, yes?"

The female then looked both ways and ran deep into the woods, out of sight. And so the other individual, after waiting for a minutes or so, continued with her trip. It would take some time to reach the edge of the continent, get a ship to travel to Arcanum and arrive at Kilkis Seres, but this was her job, her mission, and she was going to fulfill it.
Jynn, Dawson, and Allistar - The Dancing Pheasant

Jynn’s eyes widen. “You’re Dawson’s father? It’s quite an honor to finally meet you!” Allistar shakes his head. “The honor is mine Jynn. Your mother always wrote about you, expressing great pride.” The young monarch smiled. Shiva has mentioned Allistar a few times to him, but it is nice knowing she spoke highly of her son to a close friend. Allistar continues. “And from the sound of it, you have quite a reputation despite being king for only two years. You seem to care a lot about Arcanum’s people. Shiva would be so proud of you today.” He leans back, sighing. “If only your grandfather shared your generosity… It’s unfortunate that it is you who is cleaning up his mess…”

Jynn’s curiosity spiked. “You knew King Alexander?” Allistar looks up. “I was one of his royal guardsmen. The first felyne to ever achieve that status. I’d carry it with pride, but I cannot forgive your grandfather for what he has done. Many races suffered from his selfishness, including us felynes. The cyphs suffered the most, but I think you are aware of that situation.” A few minutes pass with Allistar pondering about his service with King Alexander, before he finally perks up. “But that’s enough about me.” He looks to Helios. “I see you have brought your ambassador with you. Helios was it?”

Stardustblade358 Stardustblade358
Helios remained on Jynn's shoulder, enjoying the ride. White fur capable of competing against fresh snow, and eyes as blue as the sky always piercing wherever it gazed. It was not unusual for Helios to hitch a ride in animal shape alongside more trusted companions. The man was rarely ever seen outside the palace in his Fey shape unless it was required through unavoidable circumstances. Animals tended to attract the least attention, and Helios liked it that way. First came the infamy, then the fame, and then the political spotlight of his position. The safest places were always the smallest. The ferret shaped Helios would yawn, little fangs showing off before he would nod in agreement to the Felyne's inquiry. "I am. Helios Silverstrider. An honor to meet the father of such a brave soldier such as Dawson." He spoke, his voice coming out of the ferret, yet the lips never moving, just the jaw slightly ajar to let the noise out. Small feet would paw at the fabric of Jynn's tunic, and the ferret let out a comfortable shrill. "I do hope that you do not mind my presence in this shape. It is an easier mode of transport, as well as remaining close to Jynn." Being perfectly hidden was another reason, as well as not wishing to walk on his feet. There was no need to be formal just yet. The mention of Alexander was a surprise, considering the age. History taught many things of the man, and depending on the author, of what he was praised and scorned for alike. "To the dead we owe the truth. Such facts of history should be reserved for a rainy day, and today it is quite sunny." He mused, lifting his head at Jynn. "Now then. Do not leave them in suspense, Jynn."
- Arcanum - Capital City of Kilkis Seres - City Gates -

The city of Kilkis Seres, once regarded as the home of one of the most powerful eidolon lords, Lord Alexander, and his family, and the capital of the continent ofArcanum. No matter the time or age, Kilkis Seres was always an interesting place to visit. More recently, however, it was known as the resting place of Shiva de la Alexandria, better known as The Frostbearer by the northerners.

"I still remember that day two years ago, when she gave her speech and those brave enough rose to met the challenge proposed by The Frostbearer." the woman in the white cloak said to herself, "the day that pave the road for the destruction of the Old Wall and the unification of the Floating Lands and the World Below. Is this going to be the day that will give way to a new, brighter future? Or to pull it back to the darkness? I wonder . . ."

As she stood by the city gates, Kunyndrir gave one last look at the palace in the distance, wondering what the future had in store for every living being. And after what felt like an eternity, she slowly began to make her way to her destination.
Jynn, Dawson, and Allistar - The Dancing Pheasant

Jynn nods to Helios’s suggestion, but before he could speak, Dawson and a waiter arrives with the promised meal. Salmon filets, turkey, a large fruit and vegetable bowl, and shrimp on a skewer. It was refreshing not having retainers around panicking about every little detail in Jynn’s food. As soon as the food was placed on the table, the server bowed and returned to the back, and Dawson takes a seat next to his father.

“So. You’re headed to the Human World, yes? I hardly think you need to convince me to go. I’ll always have your back.” Dawson takes a bite out of a filet of salmon before Allistar speaks up. “If it is alright, I’d very much like to go as well.” The suggestion took Dawson and Jynn by surprise. The elder felyne has fought so many battles, and dealt with political tensions for so long. Jynn speaks up. “Allistar, please don’t force yourself to go. You should enjoy your life. We don’t know what we will face down there.” Allistar leans back and chuckles. “Oh, I still got quite some fight left in me. Besides, what kind of friend would I be if I did not see to it that Shiva’s son succeeds?”

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Kilkes Seres - Alleyway near the gates

As Kunyndrir makes her way to her destination, she would pass an alleyway with three suspicious looking fey talking amongst each other. If she was listening carefully, she might hear their discussion. “Alright you two, King Jynn has made it to the Dancing Pheasant, now is our chance to remove him from power. So here is our plan…” One of the other fey interrupts. “Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean… he’s the king! I don’t think we have the power to take him out.”

The first fey raises a finger. “Aha! Head on, we stand no chance, but if we have the element of surprise, he won’t know what hit him! Besides, our client has given us enough intel about his powers. As long as we surprise him, and avoid his weapon, we will have the advantage.” If Kunyndrir was in fact eavesdropping, it would be fair to surmise that they are bounty hunters. The first one speaks up again. “Alright, everyone have their invisibility potions? Remember, this only lasts for fifteen minutes, so we have to act fast.”

And with that, the three bounty hunters drink their potions, and they disappear without a trace, very likely heading to the Dancing Pheasant, which was close by.

Elrandir Elrandir
- Arcanum - Capital City of Kilkis Seres - City Gates -

As Kunyndrir made her way to the Kilkis Seres palace, the sound of voices coming from an alleyway caught her attention, the good ol' habits kicking in, she took the time to listen to what this small group of people were talking about. Apparently there were some that were not as happy with their new ruler and wanted him gone as quickly as possible. This was an interesting look on the inner thoughts of the populace in regards to the capital city and her ruler.

"To interfere or to not interfere, that is the question." she thought, "In Caligo this would be worthy of having your soul taken."

She had heard of the Dancing Pheasant before, probably visited while she was wearing another's likeness. Her duty was not to protect rulers that were not from her motherland and yet . . . people had lost two of the most beloved ones just two years prior, three if you took into consideration that the King of Kings was never found after the attack on the Cerulean Palace.

"Better to snip this on the bud before we have another royal resting on a tomb."

And with that one last thought Kunyndrir hastily made her way towards Dancing Pheasant.
- Helios - The Dancing Pheasant -
Over the time living at the castle, Helios had learned the delicate manners in regards to the etiquettes of eating a meal. But this was not the castle and he was in the body of a ferret, and there was enough food to go around. The ferret would slide off Jynn's shoulder, onto the table before approaching the plate. He went straight for one of the fish filet, pulling it out of the plate and onto the table with little to no shame, before proceeding to chew and eat it where he sat. One could only witness a white ferret going to town on a fish filet. The evolution of his powers had come along with some consequences that he had to deal with; he needed to eat in order to maintain the energy of transforming into the more complicated shapes and beings. Especially if they were of unconventional existence or means. Not that Helios complained. He was always well fed, and if food was offered, he happily took it. Upon the mentioning of the old man coming along, Helios would swallow some fish before glancing at the felyne. "To have a member of the previous monarchy among our assemble shall be most beneficial. For he has witnessed the laws of King Alexander first hand. He may grant us insight in what has happened in the past, in order to avoid it in the future." In short, Helios agreed on the older man coming along with them to the human world. "After the war two years ago we must be aware. The wounds are still fresh on both sides of the conflict. They are as any world with a nation. What one monarchy may agree, we must be prepared for oppositions." With that, he resumed eating the fish filet, before stealing a shrimp from the skewer too.
Jynn, Dawson, and Allistar - The Dancing Pheasant

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Allistar nods as Helios speaks. Having knowledge of the past would benefit Jynn immensely, and would keep him on the right path. The last thing Arcanum needs is another tyrant, but thankfully, this king has a good head on his shoulders. “You’re a good kid. Your mother would be proud to see the leader you’ve become today. I just wish there was more I could’ve done to help her. She was unfairly thrusted into the throne when your grandfather passed, torn from your father, Odin, torn from a life she wanted to live…” Allistar quietly purrs, perhaps trying to ease his guilt.

Dawson tries to ease the mood. “What matters now is that we have the power to make the world a better place. Let’s take this opportunity to learn from the past.” The felyne notices Helios take some food items, and tries to entice Jynn and Allistar to eat. “The thought of this power we have makes me hungry! Let’s dig in!” Allistar and Jynn were quick to agree, and they join Helios and Dawson on their food.

Meanwhile, the entrance door opens with a jingle, but when several customers turn to look, there is nobody at the door. The bounty hunters have made it to the tavern, and visibility of them is nonexistent. They look around, before noticing Helios, Allistar, Jynn, and Dawson. One of the bounty hunters becomes hesitant at the sight of Dawson. “Look, the owner is there. Are you sure this is a good idea?” The others sigh in frustration. “Look, all we have to do is take out the king, and hightail it out of here. Now grab your weapons.”
- Arcanum - Capital City of Kilkis Seres - On the way to the Dancing Pheasant -

Not but a few minutes after arriving and she already found one problem within the city. Most people respected their rulers, just as they offered the same respect back to their people. Perhaps it was the sudden change of individual sitting on the throne that brought this change? Or perhaps the current king lacked something in the eyes of his people? He was trying to form stronger bonds with the humans, after all. And while the sad events from two years ago made it near impossible to have humans on the North, at least for now, it should't be the same in Arcanum.

"This is it . . . This is the place,"

Kunyndrir said as she stood in front of the entrance of the establishment. After a few seconds passed, and her eyes wandered to the surroudings of the place, she took the door's handle and went inside. Her eyes quickly scanned the place for the face that, thanks to her vast intel network, she could be certain was of the current king. She did found him eating with a couple of felynes, and one small creature as well, one that she was almost sure she knew the name of.

"King of Arcanum and friends, my apologies for disturbing your lovely reunion, but . . ." as she slowly walked closer and closer to the table, from under her cloak came out her dragon tail, which she then proceeded to slam on the floor with each step she took, "I am afraid that you are currently at risk. There is some people who want you dead in this establishment and it would be in your best interest to take your weapon and be ready for a surprise round of combat."

Once she was around 10ft from the king's table, Kunyndrir stopped and looked around.

"Well? Are you willing to come out, little miscreants? Are you ready to recieve your punishment for what you're attempting to do?"
Helios would merely nod. He was an optimist to a fault. And that in itself had always caused problems in the past. Over time he learned to handle the expectations. He could only hope for the best, and not attempt to push it beyond possibility. Whether this meeting actually goes well or not will determine too many factors that even he would be unable to control to its entirety. They hoped for a quiet meal. The last thing he expected was for someone to show up and warned them that there was someone, or more than one person to be exact, that had arrived in the establishment specifically to kill Jynn. It was a mix of annoyance and exhaustion when it was revealed. The skewers left bare on the table as the ferret would straightened it back to make eye contact with the woman that had come to warn them. Another assassination attempt? They could not see them? Invisibility. Helios would sigh, and jumped off the table, smoke covering him. As the smoke dispersed, out from it emerged a long, elegant snake with scales as white as snow, striking blue eyes scanning the establishment as it rose high to stand. He would stick his tongue out, the long appendage waving before the eyes would narrow. In such a shape he relied on the snake's senses; more specifically its infrared senses. What he could not see before, he could now, scanning around as the body would curl around the table, specifically around Jynn in a protective manner. "Now it is a moment where you may beg for forgiveness, and revel in your ignorance over your choices." Helios added, the large snake head hissing at the threats. His gaze turned to Jynn. "Be wary of the patrons."

A few of them were still invisible, watching as it seemed that they had already been caught even with so much preparation. What could they do?! Not like they could see each other for confirmation. It was either they went for it or they backed down, and no choice in between. They already started the job; they had to end it! One of them, a light footed fey would barely make a noise as she moved across the busy tavern. With her hands on a bow and a few arrows she would stand at the very corner, pulling back before shooting at the group. One of the arrows went to the left, aiming to land on the table and hit a few of the plates and drinks out of the way. A distraction for the second arrow that was aimed to hit the ruler on the neck.
Jynn, Dawson, and Allistar - Dancing Pheasant

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Jynn looks to Kunyndrir when she approaches, with the woman quick to warn the young monarch about the danger. Almost as soon as it was mentioned, Helios transformed into a large serpent, coiling around Jynn in a protective manner. For a moment, Jynn couldn’t help but admire Helios’ powers becoming stronger. Two years ago, he came to Kilkes Seres frail and weak from the torture the humans have put him through. But the time for pride has passed, and it was time to focus on the threat.

Helios has managed to locate some of the invisible bounty hunters, and warns Jynn about the patrons, to which he nods. “Yep. I have visuals on them as well.” Every breath and twitch betrays the hunters, triggering the king’s senses every time. Jynn rises up and stares forward, almost as if he is trying to trick them into thinking the invisibility is effective. “Surrender, and we will let bygones be bygones with a minor punishment. Or we can do this the hard way. Your choice, hunters.” Dawson rises up with his claws retracting from his fingers, sharp as daggers. Allistar reaches underneath the table, as if he is trying to grab something.

An arrow breaks the silence, piercing through some plates and glasses on the table, but unfortunately for the bounty hunter who let it loose, Jynn was not taking the bait. The woman’s movements for another arrow give away her position, and when she fired, the shot sped towards the king’s exposed neck, before suddenly halting in its tracks. Jynn has caught the arrow with his hand, the head of it only centimeters from his throat.

Jynn throws it to the side before facing the one who shot it. “The hard way then.” He turns his head to Helios, but does not take his eyes off of the bounty hunter’s location. “Don’t let them get away. Knock them out if you have to.” With that remark, Dawson shouts to the patrons, knowing the hunters will not listen to him, “Everyone evacuate!” The moment he finished, all of the guests start leaving in a panic. Amid the chaos, the bounty hunters make a desperate attempt to attack the party.

A hunter suddenly becomes visible while attempting to lunge at Kunyndrir, a dagger aimed at her chest. Meanwhile, two hunters remain invisible and try use fire magic to trap Helios and Jynn. The king looks at the wall of flames, almost as if he looks unamused. He emits a powerful shockwave that kills the flames, before summoning a sword in his right hand. The blade was crackling with dragon element and Jynn wasted no time hurling the blade towards the two hunters. It passes between them, but it was so fast, they didn’t have time to completely dodge it. The blade managed to dig into the flesh of both of their arms. Disregarding the sting they feel, they both attempt to blast fire magic at Helios, but they would find that they could not even summon a spark. Little did they realize that Jynn’s sword carried a blight that would nullify fey magic; dragonblight.
Helios bore his fangs, listening to Jynn. Knocking them out he would. "As you order." The invisible huntress was peeved that the monarch had managed to stop the arrow. But now it was worse because a giant snake was coming onto them to get them wrecked. Two of them were trying to use fire magic against the monarch and snake, only to find their magic fizzled out at the seams. Before they could do anything, or even realize how it was possible for their magic to have been halted in such a way, Helios darted forward. Using the whole of his body, the giant snake turned and whipped his entire body at the two fire using assailants. The entire force of the snake's body and tail would slam into their torsos, sending them flying into the nearest wall. It would knock the wind out of their bodies with a wheeze, sending them crumbling while trying to catch their breath. Helios would rush, and they would raise their hands to try and raise fire again, only for Helios to raise his tail and bring it down upon them again, smashing them into the wooden floor with loud cracks. Yet, the shapeshifter did not aim to kill. He made sure he held back just enough, and one would witness the two barely conscious by the time he lifted his tail back up. "Remain." Helios warned. He would not take a life. That was a principle that he had instilled in himself.

The huntress would take out her arrows, whispering a chant of magic under her breath. With the tip of the arrows glowing purple, she would shoot multiple out at Jynn. These arrows would fly all over the place, at different directions and past Jynn, as if they had missed their target completely. Only for them to suddenly curve right as they went past the monarch, taking a sharp turn to catch him off guard from the back. With those arrows shot she would retrieve something round from her pack, pulling on a string. "Scatter!" She roared, before throwing the paper-thin sphere right into the middle. Upon impact, a large thick cloud of dust and mist would encompass the area, rising against the enclosed ceiling, blocking the view. This was what she hoped for, as it would give them some advantage. "Aim for the weak points!" She reminded her brethren. But what weak points could a monarch have? His own citizens. If you were willing to stoop that low.
- Arcanum - Capital City of Kilkis Seres - The Dancing Pheasant -

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Kunyndrir was quick to take a step back while also spinning around, using her own tail to make the coming hunter fall flat into the floor.

"I'm afraid you need more than one silly invisibility spell to take me by surprise, child," Kunyndrir said, "But as you can see, the king's attendant is quite capable to take the rest of your little friends."

The dragon's eyes quickly wandered into the king's sword, only to go back to the hunter.

"Well? What are you going to-"

Before she could finish what she was going to say, a cloud of smoke began to fill the establishment.

"It seems that that was the answer."

The dragoness scanned the place, taking note of the remaining patreons, the so called assassins, the king and his companions. She then focused some of her power to create shields made of a glowing like barrier around the people who she knew were not the assassins. Protect people from harm, that was what the dragons of the north always said.
Jynn, Dawson, and Allistar - Kilkes Seres, the Dancing Pheasant

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Kunyndrir’s attacker was taken aback, and was quickly dealt with. With a swipe of her tail, the hunter falls to the floor. He did not respond to the dragon’s comments, perhaps because he was too focused on his pain. The same could be said for the hunters that were quickly incapacitated by Helios and Jynn.

However, two bounty hunters remain, and one tries to distract Jynn with arrows once again, suggesting a new strategy; attacking the civilians fleeing. With a detonation of a smoke bomb, the second hunter commences with the new tactic. Five stars emerge in between his knuckles, with ice forming on each of the blades. With a swing of his arms, all of the stars start flying towards fleeing civilians.

Meanwhile, Jynn uses thunder magic to destroy the arrows the female hunter sent his way, but when he turns back around, he senses that the second hunter is trying to take out the customers, which started to worry the monarch. However, Kunyndrir has set up protection magic on the innocent civilians, much to his relief. His focus returns to the male bounty hunter, and Jynn dashes to his location in almost a blink of an eye.

The monarch slams his hand down on the back of the hunter’s head, planting it to the floor, knocking him unconscious. With that being said, Jynn finally stands up and faces the direction of the female hunter. He summons back his sword and points it to her. “Stand down. I will not say it again.”
The scene of chaos had soon come to an end. Citizens that would have otherwise met their end on the wooden floors of the tavern were protected by the magic of the dragoness. The remaining conspirators were taken down with swift, proper counteraction. The male hunter was taken down before he could give a warning to his counterpart. The monarch slamming him down with the strength belonging to nothing less than a king. The huntress had long backed against the nearest wall, an attempt to make herself small when it was obvious that she had nowhere else to run. Eyes were on her, along with a sword, and all of her compatriots were down for the count. She was alone, and she was left. She quickly raised her arms into the air, dropping the wooden bow alongside what seemed to be a prepared arrow, the tip dripping with a black toxin.

"I-I give in! I give in!" She yelled, her eyes wide and heart racing. This was supposed to be a quick, easy job. Take out the king unexpectedly, and run away. Even if they were caught, the would be considered martyrs and heroes. They did not even get anywhere close to said accomplishments. The white snake would slither around, dragging along the unconscious beings in a pile as to keep them all together. The huntress could only watch in horror at the sight of all of her friends piled up. Not dead, thank the ancients. But it was still an uneasy sight. Helios would turn to Dawson and Allistar, hissing. "The guards shall be here promptly. Be prepared to guide them." He then turned to the dragoness, Kunyndrir, and he bowed his head respectfully. "I express gratitude to your assistance in this matter."

As expected, the sight of people running out of the tavern did not take long to get the attention of the guards, who ran into the tavern arms at the ready. They only hesitated when they saw their monarch, and even then they professionally bowed partly, before approaching. "Our liege! We have heard of the commotion!" One of them spoke, eyes landing at the scene. "Our greatest apologies! We should have been here earlier!" Helios straightened himself, still in snake form. "Prepare transport for all of these criminals. On the charges no less than Attempts Against the Crown, Endangering The Public, and Treason Against Arcanum." Helios would wrap himself around Jynn again, giving enough space, but still serving as a barrier.
{Nymueh: Kilkes Seres; Approaching the Dancing Pheasant}

The fragile post battle silence behind the Dancing Pheasant was broken by a susurration of pages fluttering. It grew louder until spectral pages fountained up from a point on the ground. Pages and sound abruptly stopped, leaving silence and a hooded figure in their wake. The white and gold robes of a scholar bore a crest of open book with a six armed silhouette.
A thin hand reached into the robe and pulled out a black bound book. Opening to display black pages that shimmered a rainbow pattern as light played across it, the figure flipped a few pages of silver writing until a transcript of King Jynn's letter was revealed. The page was torn out and inspected one more time as the book was returned to the recesses of the robe.
"Kilkes Seres." A feminine voice read aloud.
Pulling down the hood to reveal a carefully groomed and bound cascade of red and gold hair, a pair of gold and red eyes set in a furred face of dark blue and grey observed her surroundings. She trusted this was Kilkes Seres though she had never been here before as the goddess Rawiya herself had opened the way here. Now, where in that city she was would have to be a question to answer. She had expected to be transported to a palace or something, but she seemed to be around back of a tavern.
"I mean, meeting at a tavern is the start of plenty of adventures." The scholar murmured to reassure herself.
Circling around the front to see a crowd and guards present, the tiny ferret feet of fear tickled the scholar's spine. What had happened? Was there a fight? Was everyone alright? Was she too late? She stood frozen for a moment till she felt something rub against her leg. She looked down to see a six eyed black cat looking up at her, purring gently.
"Thanks, Hecate." She said, reaching down to rub her familiar's head.
Straightening up, the scholar strode forward to the guard of seeming highest rank that wasn't currently engaged with someone.
"Guardsman." She addressed, tones of a superior officer talking to a subordinate coming into her tone. "I am Nymueh of the Golden Library, envoy of the goddess Rawiya. I am here to speak to your king."
She offered up the transcript of Jynn's letter in hope it would move things along. While the humaniods talked, the strange cat Hecate began wandering further into the Dancing Pheasant, her keen senses marking three individuals of distinct interest.
- Arcanum - Capital City of Kilkis Seres - The Dancing Pheasant -

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Kunyndrir watched as the event continue to develop. The King had a strong presence, even if he was quite young and inexperienced in her eyes. He also had good companions by the look of it, companions willing to protect him. Once everything was done, and the last of the would be assassins surrendered, Kunyndrir's eyes focused on the snake talking to her.

"It was nothing, O young hero, it was what needed to be done," Kunyndrir said as she put her hand on her chest while bowing, "We have lost quite a few beloved rulers in the past couple of years, we did not wanted to have another resting on a tomb, yes?"

She obviously knew who Helios was, either from Schattenhand's Specint info network, The Unspeakables, or a fleeting meeting while pretending to be someone else.

"My name is Kunyndrir, The Shadow's Bane, daughter of Istalri, Caretaker of Arcadia, The Desert Jewel from Caligo to the North." Kunyndrir said with another bow, "I have come at the request of Judge Magister Faloan Apateon and the Order of the Knights of the Round to offer my assistance to King Jynn de la Alexandria. And to deliver something to you, Mister Silverstrider."

The Dragoness then put her hand inside her cloak, taking out an envelope a couple of seconds later, and offering said envelope to Helios, even when he was in snake form.

"From a, uh, ahem, mutual acquaintance, shall we say?"

It's been a while, uh?

My hope is that this letter finds its way into your hands safetly, but considering who has it on their possession, I'm pretty confident it will be able to reach you.

I can tell you, one hundred percent, the individual who has given you this letter can be trusted, she has been of great help to me and to others who were blamed for the unfortunate events that happened two years ago.

Surprisingly, I have learned that Jynn was planning to go under the Sea of Clouds, back to the Underlands, back to the Kingdom of Sondon, to try and form connections with the humans. I would've loved to join you, however, my current situation prevents me from doing so.

Somehow, after what we went through, I believed that working together would be the path to take, but after watching what some of the fey are willing to do to prevent such connections to be formed, has made me reconsider if having Feykind and Humankind be together was a mistake.

Yet, hopefully, Jynn might be able to do what his mother, The Frostbearer, and his grandfather, were unable to do. To help to build a bridge between the two.

Our paths may have diverge into different directions, but I know that one day in the future we will be able to see each other again.

Until that time comes, take care of yourself, Helios

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Jynn, Dawson, and Allistar - The Dancing Pheasant

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Jynn lowers his sword once the final hunter finally surrenders, and it wasn’t long until the guards finally arrive to the tavern. They seemed to be super apologetic, almost as if they feared upsetting the monarch. But such fear would be put to rest as Jynn raises a hand to them. “No need to apologize. You have in fact arrived just in time.” Dawson and Allistar both sigh in relief, and they lead the guards to the bounty hunters. Jynn watches as they all are restrained and escorted out of the premises. What did these individuals think they would accomplish here? Did they seek fame from taking Jynn’s head? If that was the case, they certainly were extremists, willing to take the lives of the innocent people. Perhaps they were hired?

Jynn regains his focus on the scene. The tavern has sustained damage, albeit minor. It pained him to see his friend’s hard work ruined. He faces Dawson. “Sorry about your tavern Dawson. I’ll cover the damages for you.” The felyne shakes his head. “I assure you, that won’t be necessary. We have enough resources to restore what was damaged.” He looks around. It was clear he was a bit miffed about the damage sustained to the restaurant. Allistar approaches and puts a paw on his son’s shoulder. Dawson looks back to everyone. “The restaurant will be temporarily closed…”

Meanwhile, Kunyndrir approaches Helios, who is still in snake form, and formally introduces herself. It would appear that she is from the North, which pleases Jynn that they are willing to assist him in his endeavors. The dragon pulls out a letter from her sleeve and hands it to Helios.

Meanwhile, outside The Dancing Pheasant.


A guard wielding a large halberd looks to Nymueh, examining her, perhaps to make sure she is not a threat to the king. But once she shows Jynn’s letter to him, his attention is drawn to it. Under normal circumstances, he would not allow anyone near the king hastily, especially after an assassination attempt. But knowing Jynn, he would very much like to see who will be joining him on his travels. The guard looks back to Nymueh, pointing his halberd to the door to the cavern. “He is inside. Please pardon the mess, we had an incident a few minutes ago.”
That he was recognized was not a surprise to Helios. His name had long been defamed after his descent with Arianna and Ren. It then resurfaced with his return, and was solidified by his recruitment to the royal court of the new monarch. His characteristics were something that could not be ignored either. Regardless of shape and size, white as the snow, with eyes as azure as the clear sky. What was surprising was the letter. The sight of the handwriting had him transforming in a second, smoke covering him. The Fey would transform into the rare sight of his human form, taking a hold of the letter away from the dragoness with wide eyes. He stepped aside, away from prying eyes as he would open it, fingers quickly tracing the ink on the paper as he read the words quietly. Eye scanned the paper and memorized the words, recognizing the handwriting. He would lean closer, and instinctively would sniff the paper, smelling the long dried ink, and possibly the lingering scent of whom had written it. Regardless, he knew it was genuine, and the shapeshifter found himself smiling softly. He would hold the letter dearly in his hands, long scarred hands holding the paper and audibly purring that could be heard by those around him. It was as if seeing a lovestruck puppy, and he was happy in his momentary stasis for a few moments before he composed himself. He folded the letter softly, sliding it back into the envelope before glancing at her. Eyes scanning her. Someone they could trust. "He waved the envelope a bit." The proof that humans and Fey may be capable of living in harmony." He spoke, sliding the envelope away to a safe place. "Thank you, lady Kunyndrir. This means a lot to I in a personal matter." He spoke, looking at Jynn. "This situation can be handled properly by the according authorities. For now." His gaze turned to the newest addition to the room. "We have more to welcome."

A guard would approach Jynn again. "My king! Nymueh, the envoy of the goddess Rawiya has arrived and is requesting your presence! We do apologize for the intrusion!" The guard spoke, bowing his head. Helios tilted his head. "Continue your work." He asked, and would look up as another member of what would become the party to head to the world below arrived. At a bad moment, at that. In a ruined tavern, and arrested criminals being dragged out for judgement. "Welcome, Lady Nymueh. Our apologies for such a unbefitting welcoming to our capital. But we thank you for your patience to come and greet us." Helios added, once again returning to his mild, collected matter that he had come to portray. His attention would turn to Jynn. "The tavern should be reimbursed in the lost wages by the cause of this incident. Something that the perpetrators may contribute to in addition to their sentencing. I shall alert the captain of the guard of the situation and make sure that such is taken care of. For now." He used his head to nod at the two. "You have guests to welcome."
- Arcanum - Capital City of Kilkis Seres - The Dancing Pheasant -

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Kunyndrir would watch as Helios stepped aside for a moment as he took the time to read the letter that the wanted fugitive had entrusted to her. It was interesting to see the range of emotions going through the face of the shapeshifter, and at the end of all, it was as if a lost puppy had found the scent it needed to follow in order to return to where it should be, a place, or person, that was not available for now. A faint humming could be heard coming from Kunyndrir as she waited for the shapeshifter.

"Tick tock, goes the clock, they laughed at her fate and mourned her, tick tock, goes the clock, even for the murderer." Kunyndrir mumbled under her breath.

Kids and their nursery rhymes these days, but for once, she had to thank them for finding the fugitive, and through her, coming here without a hitch. She noticed that Helios was now looking at her, and she was looking at him as well. To trust or not to trust? Did he believed in whatever the fugitive had told him? He waved the letter for a moment, calling it proof that humans and fey could get along.

"My superiors might think differently from you, Mister Silverstrider, but that topic doesn't need to be discussed neither here nor now," she said with a polite smile, "And no thanks are needed, just like there's no need to refer to me as lady. I hope this letter has brought you some form of peace in regards to our acquaintance's fate."

At this point Helios turned to Jynn, talking about a new arrival? It seems someone else had answered the call from the King of Kilkis Seres. She would scan the room for a chair, and once she did, she could take a seat as she waited for the king, his servant and whoever else was coming.
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{Nymueh: Kilkes Seres; The Dancing Pheasant}
Nym let her eyes wander as the guard spoke to her. First day out in the world, and already there was a bar room brawl. Things hadn't really changed, had they? But with the king involved, the whole situation took on a new smell.
"Thank you, guardsman." She replied, keeping her authoritative tone. "Carry on."
Led in by the guards and introduced, some of Nym's old instincts kicked in and she took a knee before Jynn. Was this appropriate for the envoy of a goddess? She wasn't really sure, but it was a little late for such a consideration.
"Your highness, it is my honor to offer my aid to ensure your bid for peace goes off as smoothly as possible." There was a slight hesitation in Nym's voice when she started this line, but confidence grew towards the end.
Her gaze shifted to Helios as he spoke, then around at the mess in the inn. Though this fight had disturbing connotations, it was gratifying that her new charges seemed to handily deal with it on their own.
"Quite alright..." Nym began, pausing to recall some of the research she did for the mission, "Ambassador Silverstrider, yes?"
For a moment, Nym glanced at the other major figure in the room. The woman in white was not familiar to Nym, so was likely a dignitary from else where. She caught sight of Hecate skulking in a corner, eyeing the woman. That kind of attention from her familiar was unusual.
"And intriguing." Nym thought before turning her attention back to Jynn and Helios.

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Jynn, Dawson, and Allistar - Kilkes Seres, The Dancing Pheasant

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Jynn was curious about the letter Kunyndrir gave to Helios, especially after noticing his smile. Was it Aura who wrote the letter? If so, this would definitely be a pleasant surprise for Helios. But regardless, Jynn wished to respect Helios’ privacy, even if the letter was proof that humans and fey could live together. Jynn nods. “Two years ago, we achieved the impossible; humans and fey worked together to stop a powerful evil. Without that cooperation, we might not be standing here today. I hope we can continue that with our visit to the world below.”

Meanwhile, Dawson and Allistar formally introduce themselves to Kunyndrir. Allistar bows. “We deeply appreciate the assistance! My name’s Allistar, and this is my son, Dawson.” The latter bows as well, but it would be clear to see he was still a bit troubled by what happened. Helios’ suggestion of reimbursement could not be ignored by Jynn, who was willing to do anything for his friend. “Perhaps we could have the perpetrators commit to community service in addition to their sentences?”

Jynn’s attention was taken when a guard announces the arrival of another volunteer, a representative of Rawiya. It would appear the letters Jynn has sent out have definitely traveled far, and garnered a lot of interest. Jynn offers a welcoming smile. “I greatly appreciate your willingness to aid us. I hope things will go smoothly.”

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