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Futuristic [OOC] Aegis: Error 508

Hello all!
Was invited aboard and decided to make myself known. Will be scribbling up my character shortly.
Plastic girl is done, except for her picture. Just don't call her Barbie~


Name: Petra Farrow​
Gender: female​
Age: 20​
Power: Plastics fabrication​
Rank: C2 Rank​
Limiter: rank 1, Inactive​


Black with dyed streaks that are changed regularly



scrawny, with bad posture

Petra's hobbys is fashion and she can make new clothes in seconds with her power, it's not uncommon for her to change outfits dozens of times in a single day


Positive Trait
Creative: Petra's mind is always bubbling over with new ideas and any problem or challenge she encounters will spark of dozens of solutions, from the straightforward and efficent to the totally unexpected, overly complicated and down right dangerous. Usually this trait is positively channeled into artistic and crafty pursuits; wherever she goes Petra leaves behind a trail of clothes, furniture, sculpture and weapons in the hands of those who need it or even express a mild interest.

Neutral Trait
Inquisitive: Ooh what's that do? What's inside of it I wonder? Hmm maybe if I just take this bit off aaaand it's broken, but I can fix it, or at least figure out how it worked! Petra has never asked herself a question she didn't eventually find the answer for and she has a lot of questions. A looot of quetions. This makes her knowledgable and engaged in the world around her but it can also be annoying and dangerous.

Neutral Trait
Novelty Seeker: The status quo is old and busted, innovation is the new hotness, what is the point of living if not to create, innovate and renovate? In Petra's mind it's always better to try something new, even if the old thing is working just fine, after all the new thing could be so much better!

Negative Trait
Obsessive: Petra has a tendency to latch onto a particular project or problem and fixate on it to the exclusion of other priorities, inlcuding food or sleep. This state can last for as little as seconds if she can quickly fab out a prototype or weeks at a time if the issue is particularly thorny and during this period Petra can only be redirected with a very firm hand and tends to remain grouchy and distracted until she can get back to what she was doing.


Petra was born to an ordinary, suburban family as a bright, but socially awkward child. From an early age Petra displayed a flair for the sciences and design, participating in events like science fairs and art shows and bringing home numerous prizes. These kind of results thrilled her parents, but they did little for her popularity and by middle school Petra was contending with bullying and isolation from her peers, the situation reached a crisis point when her powers activated during a particularly crule prank and she inadvertantly generated several bucketloads of liquid, noxious smelling plastic, thereafter being known at school as "slimegirl" or some variation. Despite putting up a tough front, Petra struggled to cope with the bullying and eventually refused to attend school.

Petra become something of shut in, splitting her time between blazing through online classes and then diving into doing her own study on the internet and toying with her powers. Although she emerged to participate in manadatory power evaluation and safety trainig, precious little else would lure Petra out of the comforting solitude of her room, in fact it would take a literal hurricane to finally dislodge her. When Hurricane Bonnie hit America's east coast it was by no means the largest or most destructive natural disaster to befall the country, but it did have the temerity to flood the Farrow family basement, severing the high speed internet connection Petra relied on foor nearly all of her mental stimulation. Grumpily, Petra emerged blinking into the daylight only to slowly realised that other people and other families had fared far worse. Houses, entire streets in some cases, had been utterly demolished with pets and family members sometimes still trapped in the debris and enitre lives worth of material goods utterly destroyed. With nothing else to do with herself, Petra slipped off her limiter and started wandering around and helping people. Petra's ability to fabricate plastics was almost perfectly suited for disaster relief: she could make furniture and even temporary shelter for the recently unhoused or whip up clothes for people who had nothing to wear; she could even generate fuel for generators to keep power on.

Eventually of course Commonwealth agents also involved in the relief efforts found the time to track down Petra and firmly remind her that she wasn't authorised to act in such a capacity, but they were truthfully more impressed than angry and the end result was Petra being referred to the blue card program. Petra still refused to leave her room to attend more than the absolute mandatory minimum of face to face classes and tests, but she nevertheless made it through the program around the time she finished up her online high school curriculum and began getting involved in various local crises, eventually even dipping her toe into responding to crimes in progress and the like. Now an adult, this fledgeling vigilante is starting to consider what it would mean to step up into the big leagues.

  • Mia and Doug Farrow: Petra's long suffering parents. They love their strange, but brilliant daughter deeply and have patiently supported her through her struggles> They are relieved to see her show an interest in the outside world, even if her chosen area of interest is not especially safe.


Main Power
Plastic Fabrication: Petra can fabricate a wide range of hydro carbon polymers, more commonly known as plastics. Petra can control this process precisely, down to the molecular process and is able to exactly mimic a wide array of different materials and complex shapes in solid, liiquid and gaseous forms, but she can't manipulate her creations asfter building them, or plastic in the environment, at all. Once the objects are produced they are inanimate, except for whatever energy might be stored in them by dint of their shape, position or other natural properties.

Supporting Power A: Enhanced visualisation process: Petra is somehow able to envision her plastic constructs down to a molecular level of detail, enabling her to form a variety of different polymers with useful properties much faster than would otherwise be possible.

List and describe a minimum of three limitations to your character's powers. This would be any 'rules' it follows, such as being ineffective on certain targets or past a certain distance. Keep each weakness or limitation clearly separate and organized.

Limitation 1: Range: Petra can only create plastics within a radius of about five metres of her centre of gravity, though she can often produce more plastic to displace what has already been produced. If this is impossible or impractical than she has to reposition herself multiple times to produce larger constructs.

Limitation 2: Output: Petra can produce about a kilogram of plastic a second at top speed, this is for undiferrentiated mass however: creating more complex objects such as devices or furnture slow down her output considerablyand producing anything at all drains her reserves of energy, requiring her to rest and recover them after excessive production

Limitation 3: Litterbug: Once Petra creates something, she no longer has any control of it except by picking it up with her hands and moving it, anything she creates is an inert piece of plastic that could be turned against her in some way or simply become an inconvenience or hindrance, she is not inherently immune to anythigng she creates after all.

Other Abilities

Design: Thanks to her ability to rapidly iterate and prototype, Petra has cultivated a flair for design, from the practical and everyday to the avant garde or military grade, she is confident designing clothes, furniture, armor, weapons, housing vehicles and construction materials to suit a dizzying array of purposes. She can turn her experience and knowledge towards other mediums outside the purview of of her power but is necessarily less experienced in those fields.

IT: Petra more or less lived on he computer for most of her late teenage years and is still more or less married to it, to sustain her addiction she learned how to fix a wide array of technical issues and her naturally inquisitive mind encouraged her to explore the underlying structures of what she was dealing with. PEtra is no genius hacker or white hat cyber security expert, but she can often muddle her way through to a useful result in front of any kind of computer systerm.

Oculi 38X Smartphone: A top of the line, nearly indestructible cellphone with cutting edge components, Petra refuses to be seperated from the internet for any real length of time so this phone and unlimited, high spped wifi plan are her constant compansions.

Electronic lighter: A high quality, durable lighter for... well for setting things on fire, all kind of things really but usually gasoline or some other flammable substance Petra herself has produced.

Dermal Bio fibred weave: After years of burns, cuts, bruises and mild to sever cases of plastic poisoning, Petra's parents eventually sprung for a civilian grade augment to reinforce her skin. This matrix of genetically engineered fibres are implanted into the skin where they grow naturally alongside the recipient, reinforcing the skin from abrasions, cuts and other mild injuries. This is no military grade super soldier deal and is unlikely to be a factor at all in a real fight, but it doers cut down drastically on the number of minor injruies Petra self inflicts while playing around with her powers.

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What brings them to the island raid? Are they working on behalf of Commonwealth? Do they work/live on Matron's island? Did they get shipwrecked on the wrong spot?
Low ranking Commonwealth agent, piggybacking on Milly's ( Giyari Giyari ) rank to be assigned on this job. Naturally he wasn't much interested, but Higher Ups thought it would be a good learning opportunity for him.
What's your characters zodiac sign? And how much stock do they put into astrology?
Taurus. Doesn't actually believe it has any true consequence to a person, but likes joking about it.
When your character was last sick with a cold or flu, what did they do to make themselves feel better?
Lan will avoid acknowledging when he is sick, even if it means coughing and having the sniffles in public.
What was your character's favorite subject in grade school, and what color did they make their History folder?
PE. He was not aware of his powers at the time, and just thought he was naturally good at every sport. He did not color his history folder, or any subject folder for that matter. His bag was usually a mess and his school notes disorganized.
Do you have a voice claim for your character? A celebrity or character whose voice who think of when you write your character's dialogue?
uhhhhhh Jonathan Groff maybe.
1. Oh you know, just a little hunting for the TRUTH! Some rumors on the inter-webs have stirred the curiosity of Sonny’s fans. Gotta keep that content fresh to keep those dollar bills rolling in. Though dang, it cost a lot just to get here. Ehh, hopefully some good content comes out of this.
2. Virgo. None. If she listened to that horse crap, she would never leave her house.
3. About a month ago, when she forgot her cooler at home. Sonny got hungry and ate some questionable donuts out of the dumpster and was puking up nearly whole donuts and pieces of trash bag for two days. Got a nice little cold to boot. Guess that’s why you don’t eat out of dumpsters. She was sure to eat some bone broth and green smoothies while being a blanket burrito.
4. Science is the best. Anyone who says otherwise is lying. History was the red folder.
5. Ummm can’t think of one at the moment.
Here's what I have so far. I tried to be concise!

Name: Zofia Leonidovna Vorobieva​
Gender: F​
Age: 31​
Power: Flight​
Rank: C1 Rank​
Limiter: (In)Active​

White, Slavic, Russian Expat




Athletic, Compact

Zofia is clad in several visible and invisible cybernetics and prosthetics. Notably, has a reconstructed jaw, a cybernetic eye, prosthetic left forearm, and a charging port for her cybernetics at nape of her neck. She often wears a black headband that keeps her hair together.


Everybody's Friend
Zofia is easygoing, and makes friends easily. She knows how to read people and is great at keeping the good vibes going, or defusing tense situations. Despite a legion of acquaintances, she doesn't have very many close friends, if any.

Planner and Precise
Zofia's time in the military and an aviator is reflected even in her civilian life. She has a plan for everything, including a monthly grocery shopping list. She does things to a T, and doesn't leave things half finished.

Behind the smirk and extraverted façade, there is a disconnect in Zofia's touch with reality. Most of the time, she has it almost entirely under control, but other times the past isn't done with her yet. In these moments, she is caught with a thousand-yard stare and completely disassociated with everything that's happening around her. Zofia suffers from diagnosed PTSD, as documented in her initial discharge papers from the FSB.


Zofia came from a pedigree of aviators. Her father was a transport helicopter pilot during the Russo-Ukrainian War. Her grandfather was a fighter pilot, shot down during the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. Her great grandfather shot down American planes during the Korean War. Her great great grandmother was a "Night Witch" bomber in the Great Patriotic War. Needless to say, it was Zofia's duty as an only child to continue the lineage of Russian aviators.

As a poster Muscovite family, Zofia was raised surrounded by affluence and city opulence. She grew up with a good education, well-pampered, and was even a minor piano celebrity before she eventually followed in the path of her forefathers and became a pilot for the Russian Air Force. To no one's great surprise, she excelled as a pilot and was assigned to fly an SU-34M, a tandem cockpit fighter-bomber. During her career as a pilot, she deployed in just under a hundred flawless sorties. Her last flight is buried under several layers of black ink, classified beyond public knowledge. It is at least known that she was among 3 planes that were shot down during the sortie. She was the only survivor of the flight -- her co-pilot's ejection seat did not deploy. Her ejection seat had also sustained terminal damage, but her survival is attributed to the awakening of the A6G23 gene that had remained latent until that moment. She had become Icarus, as she gained the power of flight.

She was hurriedly relieved from her duties in the military and transferred to an experimental supers-only unit of the FSB, the Russian Federal Security Service; successor to the KGB. There, she had her injuries sustained from being shot down replaced entirely by top-of-the-line prosthetics in exchange for her continued service as a literal spy. Experimental cybernetics were also installed to help her better control her supernatural powers. Zofia rarely talked about her time with the FSB, and when asked, often just remained silent without a response.

During her last sortie with the FSB, she went AWOL and fled the assignment, escaping to a NATO base in Germany where she was eventually turned over to the Americans. Since then, she has voluntarily offered information to the West, including the experimental cybernetics within her. The West, in turn, offered to donate more cybernetics to further improve upon the limitations of her flight ability. Since then, she has been working for Commonwealth, mostly relegated to reconnaissance and overwatch duty.

  • Pending: Pending


Main Power: Flight
Zofia is capable of unassisted omnidirectional movement, also known as flight.

Supporting Power: "Gateway" Cybernetic: Circulatory and respiratory cybernetics that control blood and oxygen flow in high-g and low oxygen environments. This augmentation essentially prevents Zofia from suffering G-LOC or hypoxia due to thin oxygen in high altitudes. The "Gateway" system allows her to hold her breath for roughly ~20 minutes, or remain conscious and combat-capable in very thin oxygen environments for about ~60 minutes without the use of external oxygen tanks. The "Gateway" also automatically pumps blood to vital organs, most importantly to the brain, and extremities during high-G turns and maneuvers. The cybernetic is automatically activated when it detects oxygen thinning the the blood, or when its accelerometer detects forces greater than 6Gs.

Supporting Power: "Glukhar" Cybernetic: Cyber-eye provides Zofiawith some basic flight, biometric, and environmental data that appears as a heads-up display. Key monitors include blood oxygenation, body temperature, external temperature, relative speed, G force, windspeed, and charge level of cybernetic systems. Lastly, the eye is equipped with a 1-16x optical zoom. Changing a set of contact lenses allows her to change to mission-specific vision, such as thermal or night vision.

Limitation 1: Subject to Bodily Limitations: Though her cybernetics help mitigate this somewhat, the human body was never meant to perform aerial acrobatics unassisted. A turn with high enough g-force, or not enough oxygen reaching the brain will knock her unconscious. She is most vulnerable to this when the "Gateway" cybernetic is low on charge, or if it is damaged or otherwise rendered inoperable. Zofia cannot control her flight while unconscious, and will drop like a rock in such case. High altitude cruising is also very cold -- without an environmental regulation suit at such heights will eventually lead to frostbite and shock.

Limitation 2: Laws of Physics and Aerodynamics Apply: Zofia is able to reach a top speed of just under 800mph, but she is not capable of reaching this speed instantaneously or quickly at all. It takes almost half an hour of uninterrupted acceleration to reach this speed, and any sharp turn at this speed would mean almost certain death, even with the "Gateway" installed. No amount of blood flow regulation will stop the brain from pressing against the inside of the skull. Additionally, the more weight carried by her/drag created by non-aerodynamic equipment will slow her down significantly.

Limitation 3: Physically Draining: Flight is roughly as exhausting as endurance swimming or running, and is limited by her cardiovascular fitness. Zofia is fit from years of training, but her record endurance flight is still only 5 hours of continuous uninterrupted flying. She may be able to fly further and longer if it were not for the fact she needed to carry her own water supply during these flights.

Other Abilities


Mission-specific firearms, of which, AK-platforms are most familiar to her.
An MP-443 handgun.
A pilot's crash axe.
A variety of assisting tools, such as rope, hooks, glowsticks, flares, a parachute, binoculars, and mechanical navigation tools.

Aside from the "Glukhar" and "Gateway" cybernetics listed above, Zofia also has pneumatic cybernetics in her ankles to cushion hard landings, and a cybernetic left arm from the elbow forward. This cybernetic hand has a small set of precision tools built into the fingers.

Left you comments on Discord!
I'mma post this again with the rest of the fields filled in. Will edit again if there is any feedback :)
idk yet

Name: Landen "Lan" Avilov​
Gender: Male​
Age: 25​
Power: Photographic Reflexes​
Rank: D​

Russian Panamanian American


Chestnut brown


Slim toned


Landen has the experience and knowledge necessary to deal with the potential difficulties or dangers of life in an urban environment. He spent many years dealing with criminals from a young age, and easily knows how to avoid unnecessary attention on the street.

Landen often shows an inattentive disposition, especially when being lectured or yelled at. It could be because of his power that he is always lost in his head, imagining dancing to Dua Lipa from a choreo video he had seen earlier.

Landen was always one to resist authority, usually to spite the system that made living life difficult for him and his mom.

Landon has seen a lot of success being a cat burglar, easily evading the authorities, and easily learning new tricks to boast his ego. He often underestimates trouble due to his core belief that he can just watch someone else do it before he has to.


Born to a Russian immigrant single mother and a Panamanian father he had never met, Landen grew up a delinquent in Brighton Beach, New York City, involved in several petty crimes in an attempt to help his mother make ends meet. His mother, however, had hoped for a better future for her son and naively arranged for a favor from the Russian mafia, the Bratva, to gain financial support while Landen was in school. They were treated well for a few years, but when Landen found out about the debt he and his mother owed, and the pressure she was under, he decided to meet with the Bratva behind his mother’s back.

During his teenage years, Landen has grown to become a notorious cat burglar who stole a variety of trinkets and antiques which he sold to the Bratva. Sometimes he would even break into luxury cars using tricks he learned from videos he watched on youtube. He had easily evaded the authorities for years and had an exceptionally successful experience stealing. Unbeknownst to him at the time, Landen’s success came to him because he had the power to perfectly perform actions he had observed, in person or on video. He spent many afternoons watching parkour, urban climbing, skywalking videos, lockpicking tutorials, and other forms of acrobatics.

The debt was fully paid by the time Landen had graduated high school, though his mother was entirely kept in the dark about how that was accomplished. But even with the debt paid, the Bratva were not ready to let go and pressured Landen to work for them full time, and he did for a time. Now with more access to the operations of the Bratva, Landen got glimpses into the much darker parts of the mafia: kidnapping, torture, and murder. Rogue super-powered individuals were extorted by Bratva for their abilities, and Landen quickly realized that had he not agreed to work for them, he would have most likely been extorted too. Landen ignored all of it for a time, but the breaking point came when he saw a friend he had made in the Bratva, Oleg, be tortured, accused of losing a shipment to the authorities. Oleg would be thrown in a cell later and tortured again the next day. Landen wanted to rescue him, but the cell guard was a powered individual and Landen could not guarantee Oleg would survive the encounter. Reluctantly, Landen called for help.

Commonwealth representatives rushed the building the next day, due to the amount of rogue super-powered individuals on the premises, they had full jurisdiction over the property and incapacitated and arrested everyone, including Landen. In a way, this event earned Landen his freedom from the Bratva, but at the cost of losing it to Commonwealth when it was finally confirmed to him that he did in fact possess the A6G23 gene.

For the next few years, Landen had been forced to attend training, and despite Commonwealth’s good faith in not incarcerating Landen for his past crimes, he had been less than thankful and had skipped many training sessions, resulting in a tracking device being placed on him, making it very difficult for him to make living stealing again. His mother who now knows what he has been up to all these years barely speaks to him, and his only companion at the time was Oleg, who was thankful to him for saving his life.

Oleg was the Bratva’s gadgeteer for many years, a genius in his own right, but forced to work for them with his life threatened daily. He had assembled a variety of inventions to help the rogue superpowered members control their powers, and a variety to help the unpowered ones match up. Things went sour for him when he tried to find a way out and tried to involve the authorities during a drug deal, but evidently, this attempt failed. Now given his freedom from the Bratva, he vowed to use his genius for good, starting with Landen.

Oleg spent many afternoons pestering Landen, trying to convince him to work for Commonwealth despite their reputation and earn his blue card so he can make a living helping people like he helped Oleg. Oleg had built a suit for Landen, one equipped with various tools to help Landen match up with supers ranked higher than he is, soundproof material, night vision goggles, a tool belt, and a sort of cybernetic tail. Landen thought it was a joke, however, it looked like a really tight cat costume, probably Oleg’s poor interpretation of a cat burglar. Besides, Landen was not interested in the life of a vigilante due to the danger they are constantly under, and Landen thought that his power would never be on par with the rogue supers causing havoc out there.

One day during training, Landen was made to watch a video of capoeira dancers and asked to mimic it, which he had flawlessly, made to understand just how large the potential of his powers are, and how many fighting techniques he could master and combine at once. So, Landen agreed and asked to work for Commonwealth as an agent while he worked on earning his blue card, which Oleg was ecstatic about. Though Landen was not ready to wear the cat costume just yet…

  • Lana Avilov: Landen's mother. Naively got herself and her son involved with the Bratva mafia in hopes to ensure a better future for her son.
  • Oleg Matinovich: Once a reluctant gadgeteer for the Bratva and a friend to Landen, now a free man to use his genius as he chooses - and he chooses to do so by making a business off of making gadgets for licensed vigilantes.


Main Power
Photographic Reflexes: Landen is able to perfectly copy any physical motion after seeing it performed. Landen's body is extremely adaptive, and constantly changes within to meet the motor requirements of the physical motions he observes.

Supporting Power A: Regeneration Equilibrium: When awake, his brain continually feeds his muscles with information, allowing his muscles to recover quickly when asleep. When Landen is injured severely, however, his body shuts down in a semi-comatose like state. To the observer, it would look as if he had passed out, but within, his body is repairing the damage.

Supporting Power B: Enhanced Physiology: Landen's muscles continuously adapt as he observes physical motions of others, gifting him with peak human reflexes, flexibility, and speed, even when not performing these physical actions himself.

List and describe a minimum of three limitations to your character's powers. This would be any 'rules' it follows, such as being ineffective on certain targets or past a certain distance. Keep each weakness or limitation clearly separate and organized.

Limitation 1: Not every physical motion is as useful as it is when he mimics it without the required knowledge. For example, he might be able to perfectly copy the key strokes on a keyboard that he observed a computer programmer do, but he would not know what those keystrokes do, or how to leverage this copied motion to be useful to him without having computer programming knowledge himself.

Limitation 2: He has a sort of limited photogenic reflex storage, and can actually forget how to mimic certain motions if he does not continue to practice them. For example, he might have observed someone play a song on the guitar, and perfectly mimic it, but he might not remember how to do so if he didn't play it in a few months - after he had observed and mimicked other motions that took the space in this "storage".

Limitation 3: He can mimic motions, not powers or physical strength. For example, if he observed a man lift a truck, he would not be able to lift the truck himself as he does not possess the required strength.

Other Abilities

+ Skills observed with his power
+ Lockpicking understanding
+ Negotiating with street criminals

Landen owns a cybernetic catsuit made of sound absorbent material which allows him to run around silently. The material also allows him to have better grip on smooth surfaces. The hood on the suit is equipped with night vision goggles and cat ears that can pick up radio signals. The suit is attached with a utility belt and pouches for him to place things like miniature smoke bombs or throwing needles, and to it is attached a cybernetic tail that Landen can use as a short range grapple or an additional limb.

None, Landon is either wearing his suit, or isn't.

Also just a heads up as its probably poor timing from me, I am keen on joining this RP but I am on vacation from the 15 to 23 of October. I will try to log in during, but it would be difficult.
Re: vacation

No sweat - you can have a delayed introduction if you'd like, that way you don't have to worry about finishing your character or completing your profile before the 23rd.
Appreciate the pointers!

Here's a revised character sheet. If anyone has any feedback, please give me a shout.

Name: Mako Shimontia​
Gender: Female​
Age: 25​
Power: Stamina Draining/Healing​
Rank: D1​
Limiter: Inactive​





130 lbs. Mako has an athletic build due to the PT requirements when she was on a SWAT unit with the SFPD. Though she is not required of it anymore, she continues to work out to better improve on herself.

Mako has two tattoos. She has a hibiscus flower on her right lower forearm just before hand. The tattoo was picked up to match with her sister. Though it's a simple design with no meaning thought of when they agreed on it, Mako likes to relate it to her sister, staring down at it and lightly caressing it. The second is a frog in a warm teacup on her upper right forearm. This tattoo was picked out of a catalog, originally just a frog, it was modified to be bathing in a teacup when she got the hibiscus flower.


With her previous job as a police officer, she spent majority on patrol in her assigned precinct. With her interactions with the public as a police officer, Mako took the time to show those she comes in contact with that she cares for them. From the people she has to arrest, the citizens she interacts with, her peers, to her sister.

Mako is very energetic, choosing to show that by expanding her experiences or giving her insights to those she comes in contact with. She is eager to expand on her life experiences and try out new things.

People Pleaser
Sometimes, her compassion may become a problem as she over extends her help to others. Oftentimes, she may find herself balancing someone’s problems with her own as she has yet to set boundaries.

Despite being as enthusiastic as she is, it doesn’t extend to every part of her life. With her previous job as a police officer, her disorganization shows as case notes, tickets and paperwork were a mess. She often held off on processing some paperwork till the very last minute, causing her unnecessary stress.


On the day she was born, Mako wasn’t subjected to a happy welcoming as she was born in a terrorist takeover in the hospital she was born in. During her birth, her father had been occupied with running negotiations with the terrorist cell, trying to negotiate for the release of patients. However, as negotiations failed, the police on scene attempted a breach, failing as multiple officers were injured, forcing them to pull out. Shortly after her birth, her mother would be executed.

Due to the self blame and new responsibilities of having to raise two daughters on his own, Mako’s father, Ryota, had to send off the oldest, Kai, to a relative in San Francisco. For the first few years, Mako lived without knowing her older sister. It wasn’t until she came back after four years of being away to visit when Mako began to make attempts at warming up to Kai. Though, being across the Pacific, it was pretty rare for the two to maintain contact unless Mako annoyed her father enough to make a call.

Her powers were no secret in the family as her and Kai both had draining abilities they inherited from their father. Though, Mako was more of a special type than the other two. Her abilities also allowed her the capability of restoration, whether it be vitality of a normal being, or the life force of super enhanced humans that relied on it for effectiveness of their abilities.

Her childhood was relatively normal. As Ryota was a single father, he often took her along to work. After the hostage incident, he resigned as an inspector, only to return to the police as a mechanic for the police fleet. During this time, street racing was an issue. He mostly worked on interceptors and other patrol cars, tuning them to keep up with most vehicles. Some of his work rubbed off onto Mako as she took an interest in the tuned vehicles. She often accompanied him when he tracked the police units and watched as he worked on the units. When she got older, she tagged along with a few officers when they tracked their units. Learning to drive with them, she was taught the basics of race lines and maneuvering at high speeds. She even snuck off with some officers to ride along with them. Though they weren’t taking her on chases or active scenes, it was enough to influence Mako in her future choices when she decided to become a cop herself.

After finishing secondary school, she enrolled in a university at San Francisco as a psychologist. At this time, Kai was on her own, working her way up in the ranks of the SFPD. So, Mako left Osaka and moved in with Kai in San Francisco. During her time in the US, she had classes towards a degree in psychology as well as side classes required of her from the government. With her abilities, she was ranked D1.

For the first few months, she attended school, rarely seeing Kai as she was promoted to a detective just a month after she moved in. Shortly after being promoted, Kai was working overtime on a gang investigation. However, after three months of being there, Kai was kidnapped and tortured by the gang she was investigating, the Brawns.

After the incident and Kai was left injured, Mako took some time off school, dropping some classes so she could focus on taking care of Kai both physically and mentally. Though, even after she went back on duty just a month after, Mako still worried for her sister. She couldn’t help but feel as if she could do something to keep her safe.

So, in a rash decision, she dropped out of university at 21, enlisting in the police force shortly after. The decision didn’t fly too well with Kai as she knew some of the dangers of just being a police officer. However, she couldn’t sway her to change her mind.

Her police career with the SFPD lasted for four years. In those four years, she reached the rank of corporal. Her enhanced abilities also landed her a spot on a super enhanced SWAT unit that were deployed on incidents with rouge supers.

Though, she was recently called on by the Commonwealth to aid in an operation, putting a hold on her police career as she heads off to the eastern coast of Baltimore.

  • Kai Shimontia: Mako’s older sister, Kai is 5 years older than Mako. She is an investigator with the SFPD in the major crimes division, focusing on major robberies and homicides. She is also a super, ranked at C1.
  • Ryota Shimontia: Mako’s father, Ryota was once an inspector in Osaka. However, following a failed negotiation with a terrorist cell that killed Mako’s mother, he resigned. Within a year following his resignation, he returned to the police force as a mechanic, working on maintaining and tuning the police fleet of patrol vehicles and interceptors.


Main Power
Mako’s primary power is stamina draining. This is done through touch and a siphon which she links herself to a target, draining them of their stamina, replenishing herself as well.

Supporting Power A
Mako is able to heal others through a shield she can apply around her target. Those in the shield are protected from a short barrage of attacks. If the attacks are physical melee attacks, the attacker will be drained of their stamina, replenishing those that are protected under her shield. Alternatively, she can link herself to an ally, siphoning herself of her stamina to restore her allies.


Limitation 1: Mako’s healing is based on her own stamina as she restores others from her own pool, draining her when healing abilities are in use. She is forced to switch to an offensive as the effectiveness of her healing and her own strength will be hindered over time, even rendering her unconscious if overused without replenishing through her draining abilities.

Limitation 2: Mako’s shields rely on a charge. The charge is based on her stamina. If she is fresh into a fight, her shields will be able to protect from a prolonged assault. She will also be able to deploy fully charged shields more often. However, the more she tires, the shields may only protect for a few hits before breaking through. Her shield will also have a prolonged wait as they recharge to their maximum potential.

Limitation 3: Siphoning and shields require a level of focus with a brief period in which they take effect. Focus breaks can interrupt the ability, preventing its effects or even deploying the effects on an unintended target.

Other Abilities

  • Vehicle pursuit: From her teenage years to her career as a police officer, Mako has experience in vehicle pursuits. She has knowledge of racing lines, cornering, high speed maneuvering and vehicle takedowns.
  • Aikido/Taiho-jutsu: During her teens when she was hanging out at the police station her father worked, Mako received training in both aikido and taiho-jutsu from the police officers she hung out with. She is proficient in grappling and baton usage to apprehend targets.
  • Firearms Training: Mako is proficient with her service pistol from the police training received in San Francisco.

  • Lightweight body armor: Mako's body armor is capable of stopping low caliber rounds fired from pistols or .22 weapons. Preventing gunshot wounds, she will still be affected by the impact of the round wherever it hits.
  • Arm and knee pads
  • Service Pistol
  • Baton
  • Taser


Hey! Sorry I'm late for responding. I really like the stamina draining touch for a main power. It sort of reminds me of the red string you see in romance mangas, except less about love and more about saving lives.

My opinion is that you should drop the shield aspect - I think projecting a shield falls under psychic powers, not healing powers - but I'm happy to be persuaded otherwise, if you're up for writing an explanation on how the protective bubble is an aspect of draining stamina.
Hey! Sorry I'm late for responding. I really like the stamina draining touch for a main power. It sort of reminds me of the red string you see in romance mangas, except less about love and more about saving lives.

My opinion is that you should drop the shield aspect - I think projecting a shield falls under psychic powers, not healing powers - but I'm happy to be persuaded otherwise, if you're up for writing an explanation on how the protective bubble is an aspect of draining stamina.
Aighty! I'll go ahead and drop the shields in that case.
Apologies! The week got away from me. I'll have a character up by Sunday for review.
Ho-kay, Zo's approved and posted. Looking forward to seeing everyone else's characters as well.

Name: Manami Hamasaki​
Gender: Female/INDENT]​
Age: Approximately 28 Birthdate unknown​
Power: Aquatic bioform modified as a weapon​
Rank: B2 Rank​
Limiter: Damaged class 4 tracking chip​

clear: both;]​
Ethnic Heritage
5' 4" or 8' 3" depending on mood​
Lithe and lean (125 pounds) OR: Massive and Muscular (450 pounds)​
Blue scaly skin, flattened nose, nictitating membrane over eyes, gill slits below ears, webbed digits, needle like teeth, brow ridge and other fins. When her weapon programming is engaged she increases over 50% in height and nearly quadruples her muscle mass.​
Self Sacrificing
This may flow partly from her conditioning leaving her with few intrinsic goals other than to obey, but irrespective of the genesis of her disposition, Manami could hardly be more selfless. It is not that she will go out of her way to help a friend in need. She will drop everything to help anyone of good will with anything at all.
Her tendency to subsume her aims for others would almost be crippling except for her single mindedness of purpose once she has set about to complete a task. If you could get her distracted, you could probably redirect her to a different task just by asking, but distracting her once she is engaged is no mean feat.​
Hard Boiled
There was a time when Manami would put up with almost anything other than a physical threat to her friends, and then would completely lose her cool. Nowadays she is far colder and more calculating. It has been years since she has had a high stress incident, but if anything she is more deadly than ever before
Darkened Soul
While still fiercely loyal to her friends, and deeply believing in the fundamental goodness of humanity, Manami's formerly sunny disposition is gone now. Where once she feared her inner demon, now she embraces this part of her that was designed to be a weapon. She is a weapon now. But she is no longer anyone's tool. She serves her own aims.​
Over a decade ago, Manami escaped from a black site research lab, just off shore from one of the tiny islands in the Ryukyu chain, somewhere between Kyushu and Okinawa. It remains unclear who was behind the experiments, but there have been rumors in the intelligence community of a secret society of unreformed imperialists dating all the way back to World War II. If they are real, they would certainly fit the bill. Whoever they are, tinkering with low level supers to turn them into weapons seems to be their speciality. Manami remembers at least a dozen other prisoners at the site, most of whom died horribly when put through the 'processing' program.

While she was not the only super they modified, she was by far the most successful for their purposes. At the beginning of their experiments, she had been a much more typical D rank: a little stronger than human, with wrist stingers, and a slightly alien appearance along with the ability to breathe under water. Once they were through, her mutations had become far more obvious as well as significantly more deadly. Best of all, she responded quite well to behavioral conditioning, up until the incident that led to her escape. During the battle, her limiter chip was damaged and its tracking function is offline. The limiting function was also damaged, but works well enough as long as she stays dry and remains calm.

After her escape she was discovered by a fisherman and his wife who informally adopted her. They fled to America to try to get away from the agents chasing them, but were forced to continue their flight southward, skirting the western coast of the Americas. Eventually they arrived in Baltimore and signed her up at the infamous facility 108 for training. On the day of her graduation anti super terrorists attacked the facility injuring hundreds and killing dozens, including Manami's adopted parents.

For the last five years, she has been putting her life back together piece by piece, working for commonwealth to thoroughly destroy what remains of the knights of raguel and to ensure no other terrorist organizations ever gain a foothold in her adopted city every again.
  • Scarlett Chernov: Former director of commonwealth who gave Manami her first job five years ago.
  • Aaron Mallory: Friend and mentor from 108
  • Allen McNabb: Kindly old man who taught emotional composure at 108 in his own inimitable way.
  • Red Ward: 108's Personal combat instructor, a man who did more to help Manami regain her emotional balance than he realizes. He also set her up with a place to stay after her family's boat burned and sank. He is as close to a parental figure as she will allow herself to have anymore
  • Kendi-kun: A fellow graduate of AEGIS class of 2040 and her first friend in America. They shared many adventures together, both canonically and... less so.
  • Chris Kravitz: Another fellow graduate
  • Sam Casan: Another student in Manami's graduating class, also part of the alleged "snowglobe" incident.
  • Miia Makela: A dropout from facility 107 who seems to thing Manami is her best friend
  • Gavin: A friend who designs suits and equipment for supers
Codename: Stingray!
Manami can breathe underwater and swim faster than a torpedo. She has eight inch retractable stingers in the backs of her wrists with barbed ends and razor sharp edges. They can shoot out about 8 feet on muscular whiplike appendages.​
Bioweapon Mode: When angered or threatened, especially while underwater, Manami has flashbacks to her early conditioning, causing her body mass and strength to increase dramatically, but never reach full potential except underwater. These episodes can last for as little as a few seconds, or up to several hours depending on stress levels during the incident.​
  • Animal Savage fury:
    When she shifts fully to bioweapon mode, Manami's intelligence and will are both reduced to subhuman levels, and she acts on pure instinct.
  • Limiter kicks in hard:
    When reverting to docile mode after an incident, the shock knocks her unconscious for anything from 2 minutes up to 24 hours depending on how long she was in her savage state, and how much effort she made. Regardless of those factors, she is always ravenously hungry when she wakes up.

  • Worst of both worlds:
    She gets sick if she does not spend at least an hour exercising in the water each day; eventually she would dry out and die. Contrariwise, the longer she spends in the water, the less connection she feels to her life above the waves. The balance is easier to maintain with Gavin's aqualung design than it once was, but she still struggles with her place in the world.

  • Monstrous appearance:
    Even when her programming is not actively twisting her into a monster, by normal human standards, she still looks like one, and is often treated as such.
Other Abilities
Bilingual: Manami is fluent in both English and Japanese​
Martial Arts: Trained by her parents, Red Ward, and Chris Kravitz, Manami is a formidable fighter​
Aqualung: A sleek new gill moistener designed by her friend Gavin keeps her head in the game while on land without getting in her way.​
Old Bay approved - this one's easy, looks like her powers haven't changed much since the previous RP.
What brings them to the island raid? Are they working on behalf of Commonwealth? Do they work/live on Matron's island? Did they get shipwrecked on the wrong spot?
"I was brought along because of some of my work with the Knights raids in the past. Since getting my blue card I've been focused on trying to put a stop to them as much as possible, and even helped bring down a local ringleader. I got the message from Commonwealth a bit back because of this I believe."
What's your characters zodiac sign? And how much stock do they put into astrology?
"I... I thought this was a briefing? Well, either way Cancer is my sign, and I don't think I've actually heard anything about astrology? Maybe I can look that up..."
When your character was last sick with a cold or flu, what did they do to make themselves feel better?
"I think I lunged myself back into my work. I don't honestly remember taking time to myself?"
What was your character's favorite subject in grade school, and what color did they make their History folder?
"I remember really loving science actually. I suppose that could have been a sign for my powers actually. I didn't have folders, though I probably would have made mine red?"
Do you have a voice claim for your character? A celebrity or character whose voice who think of when you write your character's dialogue?
"There's a fairly old video game whose character I think I've been told I sound similar to. Link in Ocarina of Time? I mean I know he grunts and doesn't say as much words, but that is what I've been told I sound like at least."
Okay! Would you like any assistance rewriting the limitations, then?
Actually, yes please! Just one as I'm drawing a blank on what I can substitute for her second drawback.
Actually, yes please! Just one as I'm drawing a blank on what I can substitute for her second drawback.
Two things to think about that will help: one, limitations can be thought of as situations or conditions in which a power stops working. Two, the official definition of stamina is is "The energy and strength to endure physical activity, stress, or illness over time".

So, some questions to help figure out new limitations (a lot of these you have already answered in the first draft, but sometimes repeating things is useful for brainstorming):
  • Who can she drain stamina from? Is it humans only, or animals as well?
  • What are the symptoms of someone who has had their stamina drained by Mako?
  • How much of her own stamina can she give to someone else?
  • How many other people can she give her stamina to at once?
  • What is the distance that she can transfer stamina over?
  • Do the size or health of her targets impact the speed of stamina transfer?
  • Does the rate of stamina transfer change with the amount of stamina being transferred?
Personally, when I read Mako's power, I'm reminded a bit of heat pumps. If that's the case, then you could replace the shield limitation with something that's borrowed from the laws of thermodynamics.

If you're not a science person, but enjoy gaming, then maybe there's a D&D/Pathfinder spell or video game ability that's similar enough to what you have in mind that you could copy a limitation from there (ex: spell area effect size/shape, or time in seconds that the transfer lasts).
Heat pumps are so freaking cool! That would also make for an interesting dynamic where the more powerful the target(relative to you) the more effective your power would tend to be!
Late introduction, but hey there all! I'm Oz, the monster formerly known as Mr. Grin. Wels finally convinced me to finally make use of my character concept from the last iteration of AEGIS, so wish me luck.

The writing rust is real, so please mind the sharp edges if you haven't had a tetanus shot in awhile :V
Late introduction, but hey there all! I'm Oz, the monster formerly known as Mr. Grin. Wels finally convinced me to finally make use of my character concept from the last iteration of AEGIS, so wish me luck.

The writing rust is real, so please mind the sharp edges if you haven't had a tetanus shot in awhile :V
Jello Ozzy we weli welcome you
Two things to think about that will help: one, limitations can be thought of as situations or conditions in which a power stops working. Two, the official definition of stamina is is "The energy and strength to endure physical activity, stress, or illness over time".

So, some questions to help figure out new limitations (a lot of these you have already answered in the first draft, but sometimes repeating things is useful for brainstorming):
  • Who can she drain stamina from? Is it humans only, or animals as well?
  • What are the symptoms of someone who has had their stamina drained by Mako?
  • How much of her own stamina can she give to someone else?
  • How many other people can she give her stamina to at once?
  • What is the distance that she can transfer stamina over?
  • Do the size or health of her targets impact the speed of stamina transfer?
  • Does the rate of stamina transfer change with the amount of stamina being transferred?
Personally, when I read Mako's power, I'm reminded a bit of heat pumps. If that's the case, then you could replace the shield limitation with something that's borrowed from the laws of thermodynamics.

If you're not a science person, but enjoy gaming, then maybe there's a D&D/Pathfinder spell or video game ability that's similar enough to what you have in mind that you could copy a limitation from there (ex: spell area effect size/shape, or time in seconds that the transfer lasts).
Ah, thanks! I’ll send an updated draft of her sometime today after I get out of class!
Okay so here's my Agent! 😁
Resurrected from the old thread, reworded a bit, slightly different personality.


Gender: Cis Woman​
Age: 35​
Power: Ferrokinesis​
Rank: C​
Limiter: Inactive, Level 3​


Dark Brown



Muscular and toned from years of training and Commonwealth's agent fitness programs. 143lb

Millicent's arms and hands are coated in scars from when she was learning to use her power.


Fun loving
Milly likes to have a good time, she enjoys making snappy one liners, and poking fun at her colleagues when the situation allows it. When she can, Millicent enjoys unwinding after a day on the job with a bit of clubbing, dancing, or a friendly sparring match.

When Millicent puts her mind to something, she really puts her mind to it. Years of martial arts training has left her with a clear mind freed from distraction so long as she keeps her composure. Useful out on the field, Millicent uses her focus to stay on a target's trail and to seek out clues and evidence when building cases. Sometimes this clarity has her coming across as emotionless or stoic.

She has a bit of a venomous tongue, and if you get on the wrong side of her she won't hold back using it. She won't admit to it straight up, but Milly honestly enjoys tearing into people with her words.

Superiority Complex
It's never too obvious, and she'll be damned if she lets it cloud her judgement, and she's well aware of her own limits, but Milly definitely believes she's above average in most areas of her life. There are very few people Milly considers to be any better than herself.


The daughter of a police officer and teacher, Millicent grew up in the peaceful suburbs of San Francisco. Life was pretty standard, nothing too stand out. Her family had enough money to live comfortably, steady jobs, a nice house, busy careers but nothing else they could really complain about.

For years she had big dreams, to be a rocket scientist, a vet, you name it. Reality set in some time around her teens as she realised that there weren't a lot of opportunities for the average kid… It took Milly a while to steady her life, calm her rebellious side and come back down to earth, and a few conversations with her dad's work friends gave her a dream she could work towards, following him into the force.

The appearance of her powers when training on the gun range came as more than a surprise, causing her weapon to melt out of her hands.SFPD were understandably cautious about her place in the program, but as one door closes, another opens. It wasn't long until Commonwealth got wind of her situation. Millicent jumped at the chance, and took a side step into Commonwealth's agent training program.

She passed the program with flying colours, a textbook agent in all ways her instructors could hope for. Milly was transferred to ehr new station, shadowing a more experienced agent, Agent Swan, and learning on-the-job training from fieldwork. He taught her that textbooks would only get you so far, how to be flexible, to trust your team with your life. The lessons he taught her would follow her for the rest of her life.

It's been a good few years since then, working on her own, with a team, even with Swan now and again. But with him MIA, and the political shadow looming over Commonwealth growing larger and larger, Millicent has more questions about her role than she ever had before.

  • Liam Dawlish
    Relation: Father
    A kind and prideful, Liam holds a great love for his family and could not be happier about Millicent's achievements. Milly looks up to her dad for inspiration, and hopes she can life her life by the same values he passed down through his actions and words through her childhood.
  • Samantha Dawlish
    Relation: Mother
    Milly laughs more in her mother's company than with anyone else, they get on like a house on fire, unless it's talking about work. Samantha has always wished that Milly took after her and not the dangerous work that her husband did. She worries about Millicent's safety, but like Liam, is more than proud of her daughter.
  • Jason Swan
    Relation: Mentor
    Mentor and friend, Milly has great respect for Swan, as many Commonwealth agents did. For her it's more personal than that, she holds Swan's work high and considers the bar he's set to be something to surpass, a challenge she's fully committed to do. She's also fond of his whiskey, but not so much of his music, she thinks it's a little "old fashioned". She misses him, and spends some of her spare time going over old case files in case a clue pops out.
  • Scarlet Chernov
    Relation: Boss
    Millicent's boss. She holds respect for Chernov and will carry out her orders to the best of her ability, but secretly she respects Swan more… Not that she'd ever tell Chernov this…
    Milly's ultimate ambition is to end up replacing Chernov, and definitely not afraid about letting people know it.


Millicent possesses the ability to greatly reshape and strengthen metal she comes into skin contact with at an astounding speed, with the metal looking more like a liquid under her control. She can use this ability to create weapons, change their form on the fly, and to defend herself from incoming attacks.

Minor durability increase: Thanks to her control over metals, Milly has been able to increase her durability through the metal atoms in her body. When she puts it to use she is fairly hard to the touch, like solid rubber, allowing her to deal with glancing blows and more punishment on the job.

Minor Strength increase Likewise her strength is slightly higher than should be possible for her size, being closer to that of a championship winning strongman than a standard person. It's nowhere near the level of some supes, but it helps give the edge against people who don't expect it.


Skin contact
: Milly must be in physical contact with metal to have any influence over it, if she's not touching it then she's not moving it. This means she, unlike other Ferrokinetics, cannot stop bullets, float metal objects through the air, or gather metal towards her from other sources.

Weighty: Metal is still heavy, and despite her minor strength buff, Millicent can only control so much mass at one time without giving it any support. She can't utilise giant weapons or shields that aren't resting on the ground without the momentum taking her with the swing…

Momentum: As mentioned above, moving volumes of metal at quick speed can cause a bit of a momentum problem. It takes great skill from Milly to keep her balance when she really throws her power around. This also counts for the momentum of things coming at her, like bullets. Sure she could liquify them on skin contact, but she'd probably still get shot… it would just be more messy.

Other Abilities

  • Bladed combat: Millicent is a complete natural with a blade in her hand, and given her powers inclusion, can pull of feats of swordsmanship that are literally inhuman. She is trained in the use of swords, short swords, spears, axes, daggers, knuckle dusters, and throwing knives.
  • Acrobatics: She's a quick fighter, making use of good dexterity, agility, and balance to out manoeuvre her opponent rather than overwhelming them with brute force.
  • Observant and Analytical: As with many Commonwealth Agents, Millicent is quite adept at reading her surroundings, her situation, and at deciphering information from scenes she's been deployed to

  • Sword: [Weapon] A 29' single edged lightly curved blade, Millicent is expertly trained in its use, and along with her power, she keeps it's edge razor sharp and can reshape the blade into different forms if required.
  • Vambraces and greaves: [Tool/Weapon] Formed from single pieces of thick titanium and worn under her clothes, Millicent has metal vambraces around each forearm under her suit, and greaves around each shin under her boots, the metal guards can be used with her power to make throwing darts and knives, situational tools, or defensive shields and back up weapons if her sword is lost.
  • Communication device: [Tool] Standard issue coms device used by Commonwealth agents. Millicent has modified hers to be worn in ear to free her hands up.


I forgot if I said this already, but Millicent is approved on the condition that you adjust the wording for her relationship with Scarlet - the current Director of Commonwealth, for this roleplay, is a man.
Hello Welian, thank you for the ping to alert and apologies for this late response as I had been away. I will have to take a step back from this one as I do not think I have mental capacity to handle an additonal rp sign up. I wish all the luck to this game.

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