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Fandom Once Upon A Time...[w/ Soleil]

When the queen was brought up, Lana nodded her head solemnly. Lana hadn't know the queen back before her reign of terror, so the astonishment on the fairy's face left Lana wondering about why that was. Hadn't the queen always been in power this way? She hadn't known since she herself had come from another kingdom. She hadn't know the queen's land when it had been a place of peace, so it was hard for her to imagine now. She remembered seeing many hollowed faces of the struggling people and hearing stories about the queen burning down entire villages. "Yes, she is the full ruler now. She sent a huntsman after Snow White, though had mistaken me for her instead." She shivered a bit at the memory, while it had just been earlier that morning it had felt like weeks ago. "I assume she followed him or something because soon after she showed up with her men."

Hook glanced at Lana who was seemed to be lost in thought, probably thinking about the event as she spoke of it. He then looked to Maeve and catching her eye. "We, as in I, was walking back to my ship and was unwillingly being followed by this one. We ran into the two of them and were assumed to be helping Snow White escape." While being back in the enchanted forest, he had learned little of what had been happening while he was away. He had only heard of a new ruler who feared by most of her subjects, so he wouldn't have even recognized the girl as Snow White if they hadn't mentioned it later. "One minute I had been walking back to town and the next I had some lunatic throwing fireballs at my head." He rubbed his eyes with the edge of his hands, before holding them out in front of him and cracking them slightly.

With the subject of the hat, Lana looked over at Jefferson and then back at the fairy. "Would something like that be worth the effort?" She questioned, since of course she didn't know much about the inhabitants on the island. What if the hat was damaged beyond repair? But what if that was their only way home, shouldn't they at least try? There were too many unknowns at this point and wanted ask someone who knew of this group her opinion.

Hook wanted to immediately object - he wanted to get off this island without having to interact with Pan if that was possible, though maybe those kids still have it and hadn't given it over to Pan yet. "It might be possible if they haven't taken it back to the base camp." He would rather take on a few lost boys than the entire group. He couldn't think of another solution at the present, and a magic hat with a portal might be worth looking into.

When the fairy mentioned the wood sprite, Hook had to stop himself from outright rolling his eyes. "Thanks Tink, like she needed more of a reason to stick around." Hooks said sarcastically, though there was now a more playful tone than he had, had earlier with the wood sprite. While he still meant it, he wasn't about to accept the wood sprite fully, his demeanor had lost a bit of it's edge that it held after escaping the queen. He hadn't wondered why this was, instead only shoving it aside as being just overly tired to the point where he didn't feel like arguing on the subject. He would be stuck with her for the time being so he could worry about detaching himself later.

Lana listened briefly while looking around the treehouse. There was a large opening that seemed to lead to a deck, though she couldn't see passed the area from where she sat. The furniture was clearly handmade, though she could tell the fairy had put enough effort into making it comfortable. There was a hammock in the corner which she assumed the fairy slept in since of course there wasn't a place to get furniture in the middle of the jungle landscape. The place looked cozy enough, and would get well acquainted with everyone in the small quarters. She ran a hand through her hair, trying to untangle some of the knots brought on by the sea water.
Hearing the news about the Regina was more than disappointing for Tinkerbell. While she tried not to show it, and definitely wouldn't admit she had ever cared for the troubled and misguided young girl she'd once known, it did other her to think and hear how cruel and dark Regina had become since she last saw her. It still wasn't much of a surprise to Tinkerbell, considering how they last had left off and all Tinkerbell had risked and lost in vain for Regina, but that didn't mean Tink didn't care at all - even if she had become more calloused over the years, particularly in regards to Regina, and wouldn't admit to caring. Still, to hear she'd gone as far as hunting Snow White down...she frowned a bit at the thought.

At Hook's sarcastic remark of thanks to her in regards to encouraging the idea of Maeve sticking around Hook, she just smiled and shrugged her shoulders "Hey, not my fault whatever you've done in your life has seemed to warrant the attention of a sprite" she commented innocently. It had been a while, but she did notice a bit of a change in Hook. It was small, and she only noticed it due to how long they spent stranded on this island together before, but she could tell there was something there. She didn't know if it was a direct cause of Maeve, but she did believe it would do Hook good to have a sprite like Maeve hanging around him. "Sprites are often misunderstood. You should give her a chance" she further encouraged enthusiastically "Even if they often are unintentionally mischievous and cause trouble, in the end, I've heard if you let them stick around long enough they bring the help they promise" she suggested with a shrug of her shoulders, glancing back at Maeve who just looked curiously innocent and clueless at being called unintentionally troublesome.

At the mention of a magic hat that could possible transport them all out of Neverland, Tinkerbell paused a bit and looked slightly thoughtful. "It is a bit of a risk if it's already back at their camp. Especially without the guarantee that it can still work..." she trailed off a bit in thought. She and Hook knew that avoiding Pan and his lost boys was the best case scenario. But they owned this island and that would be nearly impossible to due. Even Tinkerbell still ran into them occasionally, though they had at least come to a sort of mutual agreement that they each left each other alone and they could coexist on the island as long as either party didn't bother the other. "However, at the moment it's probably the best, possibly only chance you guys have off of Neverland" she added in.

Tinkerbell's agreement, albeit a bit reluctant, in the idea of getting his hat back was relief to Jefferson's ears. He did want to try to get it back, especially if their was a possibility that it could still work, even if that meant it might need a bit of patch-job repairs to get it through a trip. All he needed was one trip. He didn't care if it burned and was never usable again after that. He vowed to himself he'd do anything to get his daughter back, but also, that once he had her back, he'd never use the hat again. He didn't care if it meant they went back to struggling with just coins in his pocket, even if he wanted to provide the world and more for her, he'd rather have her than not at all, and he wouldn't take the chance of risky jobs like before.

There was still the issue of if his hat worked. If it didn't....he wasn't quite sure what they were going to do. What he was going to do, he quickly mentally corrected himself. He didn't even understand why he had briefly considered them as a whole, like he was part of their group and they had to figure this out together. As quick as he had thought of it as though a problem of what they all were going to do, he had been just as quick to correct himself. All he needed to focus on was Lana, and himself. He was then considering the issue of how they still needed to retrieve his hat if that's what they were going to do, when Tinkerbell spoke up again.

"I know where their current camp is. I could lead you guys to the back where it's least guarded" the ex-fairy had then suggested. It may not have much interest in it for her, but she didn't have much better things to do on this island anyways. And while she and Pan left each other alone for the most part, she did still stay up to date on their activity, as much as she could anyways without them considering her too invasive or any potention problem or threat. At a minimum, she just liked to know where they were, since their camp frequently moved around the island.
"Well Tink, it seems I need your help again. Will I ever not owe you?" Hook said, laughing it off like this whole thing was a joke to be laughed at. But in all honestly, he had no idea what lied ahead. He thought he had seen the last of Neverland, the last of Pan and his minions. The last of Tinkerbell and her swarthy conversation.. but it seemed this island was cursed, always drawing him back in when he thought we was out. Would he ever be free of it?

Lana nodded slightly, she agreed with the fairy's intention of procuring the hat. While it was in the middle of the lost boy camp and guarded by Pan, a malicious ruler of Neverland, she still held onto the hope that this would get her home. "We will be indebted to you if you could show us." She had never met the man who own the hat Jefferson, except now, but it seemed he was in the same predicament. She had seen him lose his hat, get a spear right through to be exact, so why shouldn't she trust his intentions.. but growing up in the woods, being hunted, she knew everything wasn't as it seemed. She hoped this man could be someone to rely on, but they would just have to take it one day at a time.

Hook looked up at the fairy's words, slightly surprised she had kept up with Pan after all these years.. after all, if you weren't apart of his camp then you pretty much wanted to avoid him at all cost. While Pan was just a kid after all, there was something else.. something that suggested he was way beyond his years and you needed a team, and plan to get any advancement on him. "Why exactly have you kept up with him? You aren't banished here, there's no reason to stay." He looked around the tiny shack, it wasn't really anything to write home about with it's leaky roof and lack of furniture. He guessed there was ulterior motives, though Tink had never revealed to him as to what was.

Lana yawned, pressing a hand to her face. It was getting late and the sun had sunk across the horizon long ago. "Should we head out early? Before the sun rises? Or strike tonight, while everyone's asleep?" Those we the two best plans, as during the day would be too noticeable for anyone to get close to the camp. But she hadn't realized how tired she had become until just then, how long the day had been especially after escaping death. She wanted to get a plan in place, before she was succumbed by sleep.
Tinkerbell just smiled at Hook when he commented jokingly on once again owing her own and being in her debt yet again "Don't worry, I'm keeping count" she joked back playfully with a teasing wink. It did seem she was once again helping Hook get off this forsaken island for a second time now. She surely never thought she would see him again after the first time he had managed to successfully escape this dimension. Yet here they were, and, he even seemed to have bring some friends along this time...well, she knew he wouldn't quite call them that. It was more like a group of misfits that had ended up stuck together and helping each other for the sake they were all in the same boat at the moment, all with the same goal - getting off of this island, as well as apparently avoiding Queen. Well, it seemed everyone's goal was pretty much to avoid the Queen, so it wasn't as though that was too much of an uncommon goal.

When Hook pointed out that she wasn't banished here, that had caught Maeve curiosity and she glanced to the ex-fairy. Even if she wasn't a fairy any longer...it certainly was an odd location to retire. She didn't understand why anyone who wasn't affiliated with Peter Pan would really want to be here, especially by themselves. Tinkerbell simply shrugged and smiled "It's quiet here" he spoke, preferring it to the chaos of the home she came from, and being around those that had turned on her. She understood it was her own fault, yet she didn't feel welcomed anywhere, here, the only thing to worry about was Pan. And for her they got along well enough, staying out of each others hairs...though she supposed depending on how their plan went, that might all change.

When Lana spoke up questioning when they should be going to try and sneak into the Lost Boys camp, both Maeve and Jefferson looked to her as they all seemed to fall silent for a moment, considering their best options and plans of attack. Without even saying anything, they all seemed to already agree that going some time at night was the best plan, rather than during the day. Looking over at Lana, Jefferson could also see that she seemed rather tired. If the yawn wasn’t enough to give that away, just looking at her face showed the fatigue, and Jefferson did almost feel a bit bad and guilty, knowing it had to be hard and exhausting to run from the queen so much, simply for having the same face as someone the queen was after.

Quickly trying to shake those thoughts from his head, Jefferson knew he couldn’t let himself get distracted by sympathy or pity for the innocent victim of the queens wrath. All he had to do was follow the queens orders...bring her Snow - Lana, and then he’d get his daughter back. But then what would the queen do to Lana...? Again, he needed to get rid that thought. His daughter was his priority.

“I think going just before sunrise would be best. We could all use some sleep, and we need to be as alert as we can be to take on this Peter Pan, is sounds like” Jefferson finally commented as he spoke up. He was speaking more so because Lana looked the most tired...but he didn’t want to single her out or anything so he spoke as a general whole. Maeve seemed to agree with that and nodded as she got up from where she was sitting “let’s all get some sleep then. It’s a bit tight for us all in here, I’ll be outside higher up in the tree” she commented, not much of a social person and used to such close quarters with others. Not that she didn’t like people, as she was very much friendly, but she was used to the quiet solitude of the forest majority of the time. She also wasn’t worried of being seen outside the safety of the treehouse, as, being a wood sprite she could easily blend up into the trees and out of sight. With that, Maeve then went into the small porch section of the house, and climbed up higher into the trees effortlessly.
Hook had a mischievous look on his face when his fellow counter part understood the meaning of the past, but this time it lacked its usual smirk. His face lacked it usual confidence and arrogance because in all honesty, he didn't have much faith in what would happen here. In his mind, he would die on this island. Yes, let's try to find a way off, but in the end he could only see himself dying a slow death by the hands of Pan or any of the other messed up creatures here. He sighed, nodding with Jefferson's idea about setting off at sunrise. "Ey.. sunrise it is, let's get some sleep then." He didn't mention much after, lost in thought.

Lana nodded agreement with Jefferson and Hook, they should get a little sleep before starting a long journey. Or maybe that was her heavy eyelids doing the talking. She had almost been killed.. twice, so her body ached for the emptiness of sleep. She didn't mind the lack of furniture the fairy's apartment had. Even if she had to sleep on the floor, that was enough for her. She settled on a spot that was a ways away from the door, and nearby the fairy's own bed. This way she would be prepared for any attack that might occur. Hook seems comfortable within these quarters, but she had never been here before, she never met this Pan before. She was completely out of her element in this forest. She curled up, saying a brief goodnight, but during the night she could never completely fall asleep.

Hook watched as Maeve scurried up the tree and into her own hiding spot. She still made him nervous, why was she interested in his story anyways? He would have to make sure to watch out for the sprite over the next few hours, and hopefully ditch everyone once he got the chance. He didn't trust the remaining few within their party, there was something off with every one of them, he just couldn't pinpoint what. With that, he turned, laying down on a soft mat laid in the corner of the room. He was near the door, but he clutched a large knife, just in case.


A light blinded her for a moment. She blinked, letting the early morning gray bath her and the others laying about the fairy's house. It was sunrise, or about to be in the next hour. She sat up, leaning back on her elbows. Frowning, she poked her foot out towards Jefferson, trying to get his attention. Then made a move towards Hook. She received a harsh grunt from Hook, but he jumped up rather quickly after, maybe realizing someone was trying to get his attention. She could tell he was confused, but once he looked around he seemed to settle. "The sun will rise in about an hour, we should move." She said quietly, jumping up from her own space.
Once they had decided on going in the early morning, just at sunrise before the Lost Boys and Peter would be waking up, they all seemed to easily settle for the idea of getting some rest and sleep, or at least trying to before tackling someone supposedly who was quite a dangerous threat. It was currently their only option for how to get off this island though, so none of them really seemed to have any complaints. Maeve herself does far didn’t seem much of the problem. She wasn’t sure how much of a threat this Pan could be, but she supposed Tinkerbell and Killian seemed to have plenty of experience with him to know exactly the type of person they were up against. Having climbed up further into the tree and made herself comfortable between branches, Maeve felt right at home and comfortable despite held up by trees, branches and leaves, and soon was falling fast asleep, as though there wasn’t anything to worry about - both about her precarious sleeping position, as well as the coming morning of planned infiltration.

After deciding they’d be infiltrating the camp in the morning, Jefferson started to settle in for the night. He made himself comfortable against the wall beneath the window, leaning back against it as he remained sitting up, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back and made himself as comfortable as possible in the small treehouse. Tinkerbell had kindly provided them all with blankets, which Jefferson gratefully used and pulled over himself as he leaned his head back. It wasn’t the most restful sleep do you the not entirely comfortable sleeping position, but he did manage to eventually fall asleep and rest for a majority of the night. It was only when he felt a nudging to his feet did he grunt and grumble some, stirring from his sleep. He opened his eyes and momentary confusion, before tending and wincing in pain at the stiffness to his neck from the awkward position it had been tilted in as he slept. He wasn’t entirely unused to sleeping uncomfortably though, used to poor and minimal conditions and he merely rubbed the link out of his neck as he woke up more while Lana went to waking the others.

When Maeve woke up the following early morning from the sunlight filtering in against he face through the leaves, she shifted awake, recalling the early morning plans they all made. Personally Maeve didn’t thus far have a problem with the island. Other than perhaps there seemed to be no way off it and anywhere else...but as a wood sprite, the place itself was perfectly fine for her. There was plenty of foliage and wood around for her to thrive just fine, even though it was also on a beach and surrounded by water, if she was deep enough in she wouldn’t even know it. Granted, if this Pan and his Lost Boys really were quite the least to deal with, she wasn’t sure she wanted to bother with them. They didn’t sound like the type of people she cared to help. And that was another thing...not many people to wander in needing help that she could meddle herself into the lives of to fix and help. Besides her current goal was helping Killian anyways. He wanted off the island, and thus that was equally her goal as well to help him get off.

Jefferson was just sitting up, where his head was coming up through the space in the open window of the treehouse, before suddenly ducking as the wood sprite came swinging in wide awake “good morning!” She chimes, causing Jefferson to just run a hand through his hair tiredly “you always this chipper in the morning?” He sighed, still half awake as he yawned and moved to stand up, stretching his stiff and sore muscles out “alright then...who’s ready To snag a hat?” He commented, though his voice not sounding all that thrilled about this half-asses plan of theirs. They weren’t even sure if the hat would still work. He only hoped that it did, at least enough for him to get a trip with Lana back to the queen. That’s all he needed, and he swore he’d never touch anything magic ever again if he could get his daughter back.
It was the chipper tune of a song bird that grabbed her attention first. She hadn't dreamed that night after laying down on the worn out mat the fairy had lent her. Instead, she only laid in an anxiety induced half asleep state for most of the night. Lana sat up, leaning back on her elbows. Frowning, she poked her foot out towards Jefferson, trying to get his attention then made a move towards Hook. She received a harsh grunt from Hook, but he jumped up rather quickly after. She could tell he was confused, but once he looked around he seemed to settle. "The sun will rise soon, we should move." She said quietly, jumping up from her own space. The two men were the closest to her, as the wood sprite had chosen a spot out of the way of the others.

"Damn woman, not all of us are ready for that kind of enthusiasm." Hook grunted at the sprite, getting up from his spot on the ground. He wasn't sure what it was, there was just something about this wood sprite that got under his skin. Her sunny attitude made him want to throw something out the window in agitation. It hadn't been the best sleep, but he had experienced many worst nights than this so he knew better than to complain further. He was looking forward to getting rid of the others once they could get back to the Enchanted Forest. "If I know anything about Pan, we have the strike first, and soon. Let's get going. Are you sure about this hat of yours.?" He looked directly at Jefferson for confirmation. They didn't have many options at this point, but there was something about the dark haired man that man him question. Could they rely on this man and his hat? Or did he need to start thinking of a new plan?

Lana smirked at the two of them, she knew her friend was more livelier than most, but it was amusing to see Hook interact with her. She could only hope Hook wouldn't kill her friend before the day was over. Her muscles ached as she got up and gathered the little amount of belongings she had. It was then that Hook mentioned the hat, and Lana looked curiously at the two men. While she hadn't said as much, she was suspicious about this whole plan. Unfortunately, they didn't have many options and as Hook informed, no one ever left Neverland.
"Well we don't have much in the way of options." She interrupted Hook's interrogation. "If you have a better idea I'm all ears, I just want to get off this island." She sighed heavily before climbing down through the hole in the floor that led to the forest floor.

"For your sake, it better work." Hook said, looking at Jefferson before quickly following after the girl who had set in motion this nightmare. He would have make sure he distanced himself from her once they returned. If the Queen wanted her it was alright by him, he just didn't want any part of it. Why was the Queen so interested in her in the first place? He tried to shake this thought out of his head and concentrate on the problem at hand. But it didn't help much, because it only left one other persistent question. Hook couldn't seem to figure out why Jefferson was here. No one came to Neverland, it was impossible for one to get stuck here unless you were a child. If this hat didn't work he would make sure to leave Jefferson on his own.

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