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Fantasy Once upon a time OOC

So the class itself has no importance?
No, this right now is more of the intro, the whole first day is. Think of it like the first Episode of our anime, where all characters get introduced.

I thought of multiple chapters for this. I will inform you once a chapter starts or ends, as well as typing a "intro post" for it.

In the time we wait, we can play a game. This is our anime. What do you think would be a suitable opening? Send yt videos. It may be the opening of another anime, it mustn't though.
I am fetching the movie maker, I will try making a video of whatever song we choose with like, the pics of our characters and the setting.
Btw, if you have ideas for any plot points or things you really want in the story, you can either tell about them here or pm me. Even though I have a lot of plotpoints worked out, the more, the better.
Individual character arcs with the MC. Most animes with this kind of structure usually bear arcs specially to make the MC attractive to each of the girls
Individual character arcs with the MC. Most animes with this kind of structure usually bear arcs specially to make the MC attractive to each of the girls
Okay, but you can't forget that I dont want any character to not be included for any time of the plot, so if the MC and anither character have an arc to themselves, something else needs to be happening to the others at the same time.
another arc I have in mind, although this one might be a little less relevant and should probably be left for later as opposed for the last proposal, which is better the sooner it is done, is one where everyone goes (temporarily) to the MC´s world.
another arc I have in mind, although this one might be a little less relevant and should probably be left for later as opposed for the last proposal, which is better the sooner it is done, is one where everyone goes (temporarily) to the MC´s world.
I won't say too much, but I will say one od the later chapters includes something not too far from that idea.

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