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Fantasy Once upon a time OOC

Oh it's just a jab at the loli stereotype. It's in the strike out so it shouldn't be confused with his actual wording...I'm sure he knows what her age is.

if thats not okay, I'll change it~ Not a problem with me
no I was just trying to understand what you were saying
no I was just trying to understand what you were saying


welp there you go lol
I'm at work so I'm forced to enjoy quality posts and not contribute until I'm off. Which thankfully is an hour from now
sorry about not being able to pull your character into the action again... I tried finding a way to give her more relevance in my post, but I couldn´t think of any...
sorry about not being able to pull your character into the action again... I tried finding a way to give her more relevance in my post, but I couldn´t think of any...

Ah don't apologize. It's fine. I have to think about what I want her to do besides respond to your character.

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