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Realistic or Modern On the Blood-Paved Road (Vampire/Werewolf/Slayer RP)


This is my loudest bork
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In the streets of every major city, the occurrence of maulings and blood drainings have reached an alarming high. While some people originally thought that people must be losing their minds, whether it be to drugs, media influence, or just plain crazy genes, those thoughts were laid to rest........and gave way to panic as a recording of a person combusting in the summer heat emerged, and another of a wolf standing like a man jumping across the rooftops. That was the start of international panic. People geared up for any type of supernatural defense imaginable. These creatures started getting dragged into the light, literally and metaphorically, but as more were captured and killed, the rates of human deaths only increased.

A coven of vampires and packs of werewolves have been found since then, and it the numbers of both have been much higher than the humans have anticipated. The vampires and the werewolves are fighting, putting humanity in a crossfire between 2 supernatural creatures who could destroy a battalion with ease.


The Vampires have managed to stay on the down low, typically living underground or within the ranks of humans, using things like the gothic era and the modern day goth subculture to blend in with ease. While they may act like normal humans, and some may even want to live like normal humans, that bloodlust will strike and they must feed at some point, hence the main role of humans in the eyes of vampires. Sustenance. Some of these vampires have super-strength, super-speed. Some of them have been reported using magic. Regardless, no matter what type of vampire you're dealing with, even if they appear harmless, they're to be treated with the same caution as every other vampire, as they can and may very well kill you with absolute ease. In the ancient texts, Elder Vampires have been known to be hired as warfronts by humans at war, giving them riches and the blood of everyone they kill in exchange for simply killing their enemies. Elder Vampires have been known to take down entire battalions without batting an eye


Werewolves have always been a bit trickier to pin down, due to the fact that some will be very much human in every way.......until the dreaded transformation. While Vampires are already very fast and strong, that's nothing compared to a werewolf, as they're even faster and stronger. Under the Full Moon, or even worse, the Blood Moon, they turn into savage beasts, at their peak strength and speed. The equivalent to slaying a dragon, an Elder Wolf under a Blood Moon can level an entire city in a night. Packs of werewolves have typically been in the mountains or the rural areas far away from the big cities, but have been steadily moving in as vampire numbers rise. Some werewolves, like most vampires, get bloodlust and the desire to feed, and what better source of food than the heavily crowded cities?


Humans value their lives to just lay down and collectively die, so they decided to push back against the immortal creatures. The humans formed a group called The Templars, taken from the ancient Knights Templar who fought for the Church in medieval times, since some of these creatures have been around since those times. They utilize not only enchanted blades and Holy Blessings, but also the most cutting edge modern day technology to kill these creatures and stop them from sustaining themselves on human life. The most hardened of these humans are known as Elder Templars or Champions. Typically current or former military (but not always), these people are fearless and strong. They know how to work the battlefield, and know how to kill with the most efficiency. It takes something like a werewolf or a vampire to give them a decent warmup and an Elder to give them a good fight

You are one of these factions. Human, Werewolf, or Vampire. Whether you want to kill, capture and learn, or befriend them and try to live in harmony, all you know is that you are not safe. You will never be safe. How will you survive the streets of blood red rage..........

Alright, so this RP is more Realistic than Fantasy, so expect any sort of magic to be dialed back heavily, unless you're up against an aforementioned Elder Vampire. This is a character-driven RP, not a story-driven one, so feel free to pursue whatever quests you desire.
The time period for this RP is modern day, so expect modern-day guns.
However, if people express more interest in a more fantasy setting, then it'll be moved back to the early 1800s, with haunted castles and whatnot, and this entire RP may be moved to the fantasy section

There are only 3 spots for elders, but may increase if this grows. First come, first reserve
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Hello! I'm interested! Could I be a Champion, by any chance? And when exactly did the attacks start? I want to incorporate that into my character's backstory.
Hello! I'm interested! Could I be a Champion, by any chance? And when exactly did the attacks start? I want to incorporate that into my character's backstory.
The initial attack and video that sparked the panic happened about 3 years ago. It all went downhill from there

You can be a Champion, basically the equivalent to an Elder Vampire or Elder Wolf. Just immensely strong
The initial attack and video that sparked the panic happened about 3 years ago. It all went downhill from there

You can be a Champion, basically the equivalent to an Elder Vampire or Elder Wolf. Just immensely strong
Alright. Sounds good. Think he'll be Ex-Marines, and part of the initial attempt to wipe the vampires and werewolves out when it all went to shit and he joined the Templars.
Hell yea
Hello! I'm interested! Could I be a Champion, by any chance? And when exactly did the attacks start? I want to incorporate that into my character's backstory.
I'm very interested! I'd love to play a lesser vampire trying to blend into Human Society!

Always been a fan of werewolves
That should be obvious by now
Sounds pretty freakin cool! I'd like to join, an Elder Vampire if possible.

We have enough interest to get things going
Elder Wolf is still open to those who want it

I'll get the threads up soon.
Hello! I'm interested! Could I be a Champion, by any chance? And when exactly did the attacks start? I want to incorporate that into my character's backstory.
I'm very interested! I'd love to play a lesser vampire trying to blend into Human Society!

Always been a fan of werewolves
That should be obvious by now
Sounds pretty freakin cool! I'd like to join, an Elder Vampire if possible.
I'll take the elder werewolf slot as long as its still available
Alright Peeps. The Threads are up

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I'm okay with being an other vampire it doesn't have to be an elder. PM me for the details if I can join in on the RP :)

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