• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Odd Ones Out

I promise that I have been somewhat intentionally not replying because my character is engaging with Muse's and I don't want to get too far ahead of everyone else haha. I will definitely make a post sometime this week, probably after Muse.
Hey guys!

Still in the midst of finals =S

If you all want to go ahead and continue without Rebekah that's fine by me!

Actually it might fit her character well if she misses the first day.

I can play it off as if she just got back from a trip with her parents or finished doing some charity work in a third world country or something.

So @SimplyMusicality if you want to continue just so I wont drag you all down, go ahead!

I'm sure Rebekah would be texting Finn on her way back so if you want we can figure out a text conversation so she at least has a small role in the first day.
Okay so I'm done with Finals!

Freaking Finally!

Between this week and next I'll be here and there catching up with Rps!

I'll be on mostly in the mornings and early afternoons during the summer up until mid June when I will be leaving for a trip.

I should be back 3 weeks after that!

I know it's still a while for that but might as well put it out there already, so we can all plan accordingly.

As of now I'm moving out of my apartment so I'll see you all tomorrow!
How's everyone doing?

I hope the weather is as great where you guys are... it's nice and sunny here; good weather for swimming (too bad I'm stuck in an office for now xD )
Vitez said:
@RubyRose It's pretty chilly today but the weather is slowly getting nicer. Again, I would reply but I'm waiting for now
I know ^.^

Just I've noticed the more active rps I'm in have chatty OOCs... so I thought I might see if I can get at least a conversation going here.
Hi everyone! I'm pretty much back after taking a few dead days after finals.

How are y'all??


I spent my dead days reading and filming, which was fun, but still kind of exhausting ^^"

And my pet hedgehog BB-8 decided to make these lip smacking noises all night long x.x As long as he's happy I guess xD
@SimplyMusicality That sounds pretty fun and hedgehogs are so cute! @RubyRose The pictures I use for Minjae are of Kim Seokjin (better known as Jin) from a kpop group called BTS. They're very popular which means there are hundreds of photos for me to use of him!
Vitez said:
@SimplyMusicality That sounds pretty fun and hedgehogs are so cute! @RubyRose The pictures I use for Minjae are of Kim Seokjin (better known as Jin) from a kpop group called BTS. They're very popular which means there are hundreds of photos for me to use of him!
That's really cool. I know very little about any musical artists so that would explain why his face doesn't ring a bell. The character you make for him is really cool ^.^ Also... kudos on having the first character that was fought over in a sense -at least there are a lot of people vying for his attention-
@RubyRose Thank you! He has such a natural, pretty face his pictures work perfectly for a character like Minjae. Thank you, I like having characters that are foreign (whether it be Korean, Hungarian, or otherwise) because I think their culture adds a fun dynamic to the roleplay. Your characters are also incredibly cool I love Alex! And yeah, I totally wasn't expecting that haha.
RubyRose said:
That's really cool. I know very little about any musical artists so that would explain why his face doesn't ring a bell. The character you make for him is really cool ^.^ Also... kudos on having the first character that was fought over in a sense -at least there are a lot of people vying for his attention-
Minjae is adorable! Lol
SimplyMusicality said:
Minjae is adorable! Lol
He so is xD

Vitez said:
@RubyRose Thank you! He has such a natural, pretty face his pictures work perfectly for a character like Minjae. Thank you, I like having characters that are foreign (whether it be Korean, Hungarian, or otherwise) because I think their culture adds a fun dynamic to the roleplay. Your characters are also incredibly cool I love Alex! And yeah, I totally wasn't expecting that haha.
If I had the knowledge to pull off a character of a different culture I so would but unfortunately my knowledge is more for character's who've grown up on farms or characters with cold logic or bubbly, bright personalities or a mix of those two. I have a lot of respect for you Vitez... and I think it's really cool how you're always adding those symbols... are they korean symbols? I apologize for my ignorance but the characters you use when you're spelling out character names in Minjae's head... it's really cool ^.^ ((not the best history or culture nut; I appreciate it but have no mind for it))
RubyRose said:
He so is xD
If I had the knowledge to pull off a character of a different culture I so would but unfortunately my knowledge is more for character's who've grown up on farms or characters with cold logic or bubbly, bright personalities or a mix of those two. I have a lot of respect for you Vitez... and I think it's really cool how you're always adding those symbols... are they korean symbols? I apologize for my ignorance but the characters you use when you're spelling out character names in Minjae's head... it's really cool ^.^ ((not the best history or culture nut; I appreciate it but have no mind for it))
Super cute. Finn has definitely fallen hard xD

Yeah! I love the Korean text! It's really awesome and adds a cool dynamic to the character @Vitez
@RubyRose @SimplyMusicality Thank you! I find Korean culture fascinating and I know much about it, but that's true for many different cultures. I love history and different cultures and I am even pursuing a career in international relations, so I decided to try pulling off some foreign characters. Korean culture has a special place in my heart and I am currently studying the language as a stepping stone to some of the more difficult languages such as Chinese and Arabic. The characters I use are Korean and I enjoy using them because it helps me practice haha.
Hi everyone! It's been a while!

@NessieAlways is on vacation at the moment, so if you can work around her characters for the time being, you're encouraged to do so!
Aha :)

Well... I've been waiting for someone else to post so that I don't over post since my post is like one before your last :P
Yeah... >.< I could probably fashion together something for Kieran to do...

But don't worry about over posting just yet! Our cast of characters is quite small at the moment :P

I also just posted another interest check and made a shameless plug in some other RPs I'm involved in to kind of bump up the character count, too. So hopefully, we'll get more people in.
Also... The face claims for Finn and Kieran are YouTubers and they went on tour in the US this summer... I met them. They are perfection. <3
Heya Muse! I saw your party invite on WDU and thought I'd stop by. Since you're looking for players I'll use my wonderful brain and make something up. I'm thinking a Southerner this time, maybe twins. I have a general idea, I'll pin it down later. I'm on my phone or I'd do it now. RP time has gotten a little slow for me so another game would be a good addition.
Hey @Elizabeth Schuyler ! Your character looks great! The only concern I have is that we have another character named Lilian, and that might get confusing. :S

Is that something you're open to changing? Even changing it to just Lily would be less confusing.
Got my characters up for inspection. I had some issues with coding. The bbc code guide doesn't cover it so I had to guess repeatedly until I got it right. A hacker I am not. Still, it's useful to know and I'm glad I learned it.

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