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Realistic or Modern Odd Ones Out

@Inritz and @Elizabeth Schuyler i see both of your CSs! I'm waiting on one more person I know for sure is going to make a character then I'll go through them all and post who is accepted and what not. :)
[QUOTE="Elizabeth Schuyler]Okay its changed :)

Eliza~~ My sister is obsessed with Hamilton. She has a playlist on her phone she has dubbed her "Ham Jams".
SimplyMusicality said:
*Makes sure my sister isn't secretly on her laptop*
That's amazing xD

She comes in every week or so and is like "I HAVE A NEW FAVORITE. YOU MUST LISTEN TO IT." This week it's Say No to This.

(Also, I see you creepin'. @MidnightAnew )
AHHHHHHHH MINE TOOOO except Best of Wives and Best of Woman, omg your sister is amazing
I've heard of Hamilton but never really got into it. I have a great deal of time on my hands but I also have many hobbies.
[QUOTE="Elizabeth Schuyler]AHHHHHHHH MINE TOOOO except Best of Wives and Best of Woman, omg your sister is amazing

Haha! She likes that one too. All of the vocalists are so incredibly talented!

My sister is alright xD I got recruited to pinchhit in this fanfic exchange. I have to write a Musical!AU so I asked her what she thought and she said "A is Hamilton. B is Maria Reynolds. Call it Say No to This. It writes itself."

She's not helpful xD
SimplyMusicality said:
Haha! She likes that one too. All of the vocalists are so incredibly talented!
My sister is alright xD I got recruited to pinchhit in this fanfic exchange. I have to write a Musical!AU so I asked her what she thought and she said "A is Hamilton. B is Maria Reynolds. Call it Say No to This. It writes itself."

She's not helpful xD
Haha one of my favorite roleplays that I've done with it was what would happen in Alexander went back to bed! I'm actually writting a musical rn but I cant music.
[QUOTE="Elizabeth Schuyler]Haha one of my favorite roleplays that I've done with it was what would happen in Alexander went back to bed! I'm actually writting a musical rn but I cant music.

That's awesome!

Compositions are hard :S And I'm a Music Ed major, so I would know xD

The thing about music is that everything is subjective. I fought with my TA about a B on a project because the composition was too simple. The beauty was in the simplicity! Haha. But keep trying ^^
SimplyMusicality said:
That's awesome!
Compositions are hard :S And I'm a Music Ed major, so I would know xD

The thing about music is that everything is subjective. I fought with my TA about a B on a project because the composition was too simple. The beauty was in the simplicity! Haha. But keep trying ^^
Honestly, I like music better simple so you have the right idea!My problem is that I have the lyric and I have the melody but I dont know how to match the keys or write it so I can play it on the piano!
[QUOTE="Elizabeth Schuyler]Honestly, I like music better simple so you have the right idea!My problem is that I have the lyric and I have the melody but I dont know how to match the keys or write it so I can play it on the piano!

I'd recommend taking piano lessons! Or going online and looking up the basics of music theory! Learning to read music and where Middle C is on the piano is going to be your first step.
SimplyMusicality said:
I'd recommend taking piano lessons! Or going online and looking up the basics of music theory! Learning to read music and where Middle C is on the piano is going to be your first step.
I'll try! thanks, and good luck on your musical. Rememer- What would Alexander do? And your sure to have drama
Congrats to @Elizabeth Schuyler and @MidnightAnew and their amazing characters!

I encourage y'all to check out the Notes tab and the Rules tab first, then sort through the other characters and start thinking of relationships! Go ahead and post here in OOC- just tag everyone you reference!

You're free to post in the IC whenever you're ready!
I love musicals but I could never write one. I'm a fiction writer and I try not to stray too far from my zone. I used to play the violin but I had an accident at work several years back and I lost the feeling in several fingertips. Makes it hard to do anything musical. I can barely paint my minis and that's just cause I've adapted using other ways. I still sing, I took chorus from 3rd grade till 10th, and I can hold a tune. Singing along and creating music are two different dogs all together though.
SimplyMusicality said:
Congrats to @Elizabeth Schuyler and @MidnightAnew and their amazing characters!
I encourage y'all to check out the Notes tab and the Rules tab first, then sort through the other characters and start thinking of relationships! Go ahead and post here in OOC- just tag everyone you reference!

You're free to post in the IC whenever you're ready!
Would you mid giving me a breif description of whats going on, so I know where my character should start out
[QUOTE="Elizabeth Schuyler]Would you mid giving me a breif description of whats going on, so I know where my character should start out

Check the Notes tab! :) That's what it's for! But I'd also read every character's most recent post to see everyone's locations. Most people are by the snack table.

(I might edit the notes tab to include everyone's locations eventually...)
SimplyMusicality said:
Check the Notes tab! :) That's what it's for! But I'd also read every character's most recent post to see everyone's locations. Most people are by the snack table.
(I might edit the notes tab to include everyone's locations eventually...)
okay thanks
Alrighty new friends and fellow odd ones, this is me saying hi to all of you! I look forward to writing together ^.^

So I guess I'm supposed to work on some relationships between characters, but I'm not 100% sure who's still alive out there. I was thinking I could do what people have done here before—put down what my characters would probably think of each person, and then we can build and see what we come up with from there!
Okay, here's what I have for my characters' thoughts/my thoughts on relationships and people. Let me know if you all have any ideas or what you think! ^.^

Finn: She would probably get a long with Finn pretty well. She wouldn't mind his quirkiness, and their slight absentmindedness probably makes them get each other more than others might. Although that would probably mean they should never be paired together to work on anything super important, or they both might forget what they're doing or where they're going xP I feel like they'd be good friends.


Kieran: Izzy would make an effort to be friends with Kieran, even if he isn't so keen on the idea. She would want to bring out his inner goofball, similar to the way she tries to bring it out of her stepbrother. Isabella also gets bouts of depression, so yay for moody buddies xP though I'm not sure if their moodiness would bring them closer together as friends or create more distance honestly. Possibly the latter. They might make decent friends if Kieran doesn't think she's too weird.


Lilian: Isabella could probably hang with Lilian. She would dig the dyed hair and would be thrilled if Lilian broke out into a random musical sometime. Izzy might not have been as big into the party scene as Lilian, but she's pretty familiar with the scene and still feels comfortable going out or just chilling with a small crowd. I feel like Izzy would hang out with Terri and Lilian and be down to do whatever they felt like doing, though she wouldn't be as close to either of them as they are to each other, obviously. Third wheeling~woo.


Rebekah: Izzy would try to make Bekah into her fashion project. She would probably intimidate the poor girl with her many efforts to be friends, but she would only ever try to be friendly. Izzy would try to invite her to do things and try to pull her out of her shell, probably unsuccessfully.


Alex: Honestly, Isabella is not on the same wavelength as Alex. Izzy would surely be friendly and cordial, but their ways of thinking are so different, and most of Alex's math and logic would just go over Izzy's head. So she wouldn't really go out of her way to hang with Alex.


Terri: For some reason, I totally see Isabella liking Terri whether platonically or a crush or senpai (jk, I just looked and they're the same age), or whatever— I just think she would really admire Terri's independence and think she's super cool. Like I said for Lilian's, I feel like Izzy would like hanging out with Terri and Lilian, though she wouldn't be as close to either of them as they are to each other since they've known each other for a long time and Izzy just met them in OOO.


Minjae: I think Isabella would like Minjae but that she might intimidate him by trying too hard to be friends. She would think he's adorable, honestly. They probably wouldn't be very close, but she'd be nice to him!


Xavier: Izzy would like hanging out with him if he was in a good mood. If he's looking for someone to cause a bit of trouble with, do something potentially dangerous, or just sit outside and smoke, Izzy would be that person. She's a creative and would enjoy swapping creative knowledge. Izzy would believe Xavier isn't all that bad, just has some temper problems. And she wouldn't really want to be around him when he's angry. So maybe they wouldn't be close, but they'd probably get along pretty well.


Cain: Isabella would really like Cain. She's totally on board with the magic stuff, genuinely fascinated in the unknown and the supernatural. She'd let him practice the card trick on her like every day and still think it was cool, even if he couldn't get it right. I think it's possible they could be good friends that hang out a lot.


Elizabeth: Isabella would certainly be friendly to her, but she might not know how to best approach Eliza if she's a bit jumpy. Izzy can be a bit touchy, so that would probably be off-putting for Eliza, but Izzy never means any harm. They could probably share some music as a good friendship starter.

@Elizabeth Schuyler

Evan: They're step siblings. Love-hate relationship, mostly on Evan's part. Not much else to say.

Evan's are going to be a bit shorter since he's new to the club anyways, and I hadn't planned on him having any pre-established relationships outside of Isabella.

Finn: Evan might think Finn is a little awkward, but he wouldn't dislike the guy. I'm sure they'd get along just fine and dandy.


Kieran: Their stories are a bit similar with the whole evil stepmother thing going on (although Evan's isn't actually evil, he just had a bad impression of her). I can see them getting along, but like any friendship, it could take awhile before they really open up.


Lilian: I think Evan would like Lilian, but they might not be that close.


Rebekah: They might possibly know of each other since they're in the same major? But I think Evan would like Bekah and might be able to relate to her easier because of that. Neither of them are rule-breakers, and I feel like he would feel more comfortable around her than some of those other rebels in the group :P


Alex: Evan would like Alex and be impressed by her intellect. He wouldn't see her as a rival, though, since Evan just isn't a competitive person and they're not even studying the same things. I can see them getting along.


Terri: He would probably be cool with her, but maybe not close friends.


Minjae: I feel like Evan and Minjae could get along pretty well given some time!


Xavier: Evan would probably steer clear of him, honestly. And if Isabella is hanging out with him, Evan would possibly be on edge/protective younger brother.


Cain: Evan would probably like Cain, though he wouldn't be super into the magic stuff. But regular conversations and such, sure!


Elizabeth: I think Evan would like Elizabeth. He would probably see her as approachable and friendly, so it's likely he would try to start a conversation with her.

@Elizabeth Schuyler

Isabella: Kinda hates her. But not really. Because they're family, aww.
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MidnightAnew said:
Okay, here's what I have for my characters' thoughts/my thoughts on relationships and people. Let me know if you all have any ideas or what you think! ^.^
Finn: She would probably get a long with Finn pretty well. She wouldn't mind his quirkiness, and their slight absentmindedness probably makes them get each other more than others might. Although that would probably mean they should never be paired together to work on anything super important, or they both might forget what they're doing or where they're going xP I feel like they'd be good friends.


Kieran: Izzy would make an effort to be friends with Kieran, even if he isn't so keen on the idea. She would want to bring out his inner goofball, similar to the way she tries to bring it out of her stepbrother. Isabella also gets bouts of depression, so yay for moody buddies xP though I'm not sure if their moodiness would bring them closer together as friends or create more distance honestly. Possibly the latter. They might make decent friends if Kieran doesn't think she's too weird.


Lilian: Isabella could probably hang with Lilian. She would dig the dyed hair and would be thrilled if Lilian broke out into a random musical sometime. Izzy might not have been as big into the party scene as Lilian, but she's pretty familiar with the scene and still feels comfortable going out or just chilling with a small crowd. I feel like Izzy would hang out with Terri and Lilian and be down to do whatever they felt like doing, though she wouldn't be as close to either of them as they are to each other, obviously. Third wheeling~woo.


Rebekah: Izzy would try to make Bekah into her fashion project. She would probably intimidate the poor girl with her many efforts to be friends, but she would only ever try to be friendly. Izzy would try to invite her to do things and try to pull her out of her shell, probably unsuccessfully.


Alex: Honestly, Isabella is not on the same wavelength as Alex. Izzy would surely be friendly and cordial, but their ways of thinking are so different, and most of Alex's math and logic would just go over Izzy's head. So she wouldn't really go out of her way to hang with Alex.


Terri: For some reason, I totally see Isabella liking Terri whether platonically or a crush or senpai (jk, I just looked and they're the same age), or whatever— I just think she would really admire Terri's independence and think she's super cool. Like I said for Lilian's, I feel like Izzy would like hanging out with Terri and Lilian, though she wouldn't be as close to either of them as they are to each other since they've known each other for a long time and Izzy just met them in OOO.


Minjae: I think Isabella would like Minjae but that she might intimidate him by trying too hard to be friends. She would think he's adorable, honestly. They probably wouldn't be very close, but she'd be nice to him!


Xavier: Izzy would like hanging out with him if he was in a good mood. If he's looking for someone to cause a bit of trouble with, do something potentially dangerous, or just sit outside and smoke, Izzy would be that person. She's a creative and would enjoy swapping creative knowledge. Izzy would believe Xavier isn't all that bad, just has some temper problems. And she wouldn't really want to be around him when he's angry. So maybe they wouldn't be close, but they'd probably get along pretty well.


Cain: Isabella would really like Cain. She's totally on board with the magic stuff, genuinely fascinated in the unknown and the supernatural. She'd let him practice the card trick on her like every day and still think it was cool, even if he couldn't get it right. I think it's possible they could be good friends that hang out a lot.


Elizabeth: Isabella would certainly be friendly to her, but she might not know how to best approach Eliza if she's a bit jumpy. Izzy can be a bit touchy, so that would probably be off-putting for Eliza, but Izzy never means any harm. They could probably share some music as a good friendship starter.

@Elizabeth Schuyler

Evan: They're step siblings. Love-hate relationship, mostly on Evan's part. Not much else to say.

Evan's are going to be a bit shorter since he's new to the club anyways, and I hadn't planned on him having any pre-established relationships outside of Isabella.

Finn: Evan might think Finn is a little awkward, but he wouldn't dislike the guy. I'm sure they'd get along just fine and dandy.


Kieran: Their stories are a bit similar with the whole evil stepmother thing going on (although Evan's isn't actually evil, he just had a bad impression of her). I can see them getting along, but like any friendship, it could take awhile before they really open up.


Lilian: I think Evan would like Lilian, but they might not be that close.


Rebekah: They might possibly know of each other since they're in the same major? But I think Evan would like Bekah and might be able to relate to her easier because of that. Neither of them are rule-breakers, and I feel like he would feel more comfortable around her than some of those other rebels in the group :P


Alex: Evan would like Alex and be impressed by her intellect. He wouldn't see her as a rival, though, since Evan just isn't a competitive person and they're not even studying the same things. I can see them getting along.


Terri: He would probably be cool with her, but maybe not close friends.


Minjae: I feel like Evan and Minjae could get along pretty well given some time!


Xavier: Evan would probably steer clear of him, honestly. And if Isabella is hanging out with him, Evan would possibly be on edge/protective younger brother.


Cain: Evan would probably like Cain, though he wouldn't be super into the magic stuff. But regular conversations and such, sure!


Elizabeth: I think Evan would like Elizabeth. He would probably see her as approachable and friendly, so it's likely he would try to start a conversation with her.

@Elizabeth Schuyler

Isabella: Kinda hates her. But not really. Because they're family, aww.

I'm excited! Evan and Izzy are wonderful characters :)

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