Experiences OC Pet Peeves

Oh. I am genuinely sorry for offending you. Chastity doesn’t actually bother me. I was preferring to roleplaying, not real life. I am well aware that there are people like that in real life.
So if I want to make a roleplay character that resembles me, that’s gonna be bad...?
No. Not at all. As long as it’s written well, I’m fine with anything.

I think a good way to put it is you just don’t like romance tropes and people controlling other players characters.

Your problem seems to be
A. People who try to dictate how your character thinks

B. When people use romance tropes in extremes. Example the Popular Girl Every One Loves, the Pure Girl That Isn’t Like Other Hoores, the Adonis Male Interest, etc.

Basically shallow tropes that are all about policing physical attraction in other characters
Thank you for that. Let’s resolve this discussion for now. I don’t think anyone likes people ditacting what their characters do or think.
There’s also another thing I would like to discuss.

The one player that for some reason always makes their character speacial in some way. And I mean always. Either they are the daughter of a Goddess, or they are part of a royal bloodline they have no knowledge of. Like all things, if it’s written well, it will be fine. But generally it’s just put there almost as an afterthought and they don’t do anything real with it.
There’s also another thing I would like to discuss.

The one player that for some reason always makes their character speacial in some way. And I mean always. Either they are the daughter of a Goddess, or they are part of a royal bloodline they have no knowledge of. Like all things, if it’s written well, it will be fine. But generally it’s just put there almost as an afterthought and they don’t do anything real with it.

Me too.

I have seen so many OCs where they are tied to a villain (SO rampant in MHA/BNHA OCs). That's what makes them special. But I hate it. It's so cringe. Or OCs from Naruto, have their own epic clan and bloodline that combines two badass techniques into one OP super technique. Or OCs who have to be the hottest or cutest and have everyone flirt with them. I've seen people bring in NPCs just to awe at their OC. Or bring in NPCs just so their OC can fight and win a battle with nothing but a pinky finger.

I just hate when people try to be the center of everything.

I have yet to really meet anyone who is aware of how cringe their OCs are (at least from a fandom setting, frame of mind). And when I see them, I could easily rip apart their OC and say WHY I don't want to RP with them but I don't because I know on some level, they put their heart (albeit misguided) into the character and the last thing I want is to attack someone personally. No. But I do wish I could lay out bullet points as to why their characters comes off a 'bit much' without feeling like a bad guy.

Is there any way to approach these tropes with someone and explain why it's not fun? Because clearly the other person finds being special to be fun.
Is there any way to approach these tropes with someone and explain why it's not fun? Because clearly the other person finds being special to be fun.
A) Ask them if they want feedback and give honest but well thought feedback based on objective consistent standards
B) Do that but instead of asking just be in the position to give it...like being a GM
S h i s h a S h i s h a
Is there any way to approach these tropes with someone and explain why it's not fun? Because clearly the other person finds being special to be fun.

I find sometimes empathy helps. Tell them that you think your character is special too and it feels a bit like they are being left behind due to XYZ trait or the fact that there is a lot of attention being put on Player X’s character.

I think a lot of times the people who make these characters are hyper focused on their own enjoyment and they have a tendency to think other people are as invested in their characters as they are.

So if you put it in terms of something they understand (hey I too want my character to be special) it might help as it isn’t as accusatory but it still kind of brings things to their attention.
Idea Idea I do because I've seen terribly constructed ones that just want to be a hero and fall in love with the canons. I mean I get the appeal but it gets tiring. There's no variety or consideration for characters who don't want to be heroes for MHA/BNHA. I have an interest in playing someone quirkless or with a quirk but a normal person, I have yet to happen across another like minded person who is interested in that, over being a cute OC with a villain backstory who is super stubborn but lovable once you get to know her and look past her questionable history. I just roll my eyes when someone shows me something I've seen a dozen times, but with a different face claim.

Generally, I see overpowered skills or backstories that make me want to scream because they try too hard to stand out in a setting where being a hero already makes one stand out. i mean not everyone can be or should be a hero. And with MHA/BNHA, all I see are OP OCs forced into the role of hero when I think some are fine as support or civilians. But maybe it's just the OCs I've seen that makes me jaded. I would love to see a QUIRK. A weird thing or ability, not just a power or strong skill. I saw someone mention on this site (I think RP pet peeves) that MHA is about people with talents and abilities, not meant to be confused with superpowers. And I think a lot of writers look at someone like Todoroki or Bakugo and think, make someone into combat too. But I'd love to see an ordinary OC who can do something weird and fall into the world in their own place, outside of saving the day. Show me an OC like that and I'd love to play with someone with an OC.

But it's the silly OCs I see most of the time, which is why I stick to canons because there's not a high chance of being surprised when a plot twist happens.

And you're right, I should ask if they want feedback. Because I really don't want to come off and shit on an OC. I'm sure they love their OCs. I'd never want someone to feel bad about something they've made, even if it's not someone i want to write with (despite my ramblings above, I feel I've come off as a bit snobbish). I have had 2-3 decent times with OCs. But that said, I like mine down to earth, and most I see are more lavish with 'look at me' details. I think it's good advice to make it so it's not accusatory but trying to level with them in a nice manner. I feel some say they can change something about their OC and I think that is a good step in the right direction. It does open up a nice back and forth between partners instead of being shown an OC and to be like 'take it or leave it.'

And thank you for you feedback as well, rae2nerdy rae2nerdy I do think people make OCs to have fun. I think that's the main reason and I do think it's a good outlet. But some people do get carried away and may not have the ability to step back and judge the OC objectively without personal bias. So I may try to be a bit more clear but also diplomatic if I do get the chance to. Thank you.
Idea Idea I do because I've seen terribly constructed ones that just want to be a hero and fall in love with the canons. I mean I get the appeal but it gets tiring. There's no variety or consideration for characters who don't want to be heroes for MHA/BNHA. I have an interest in playing someone quirkless or with a quirk but a normal person, I have yet to happen across another like minded person who is interested in that, over being a cute OC with a villain backstory who is super stubborn but lovable once you get to know her and look past her questionable history. I just roll my eyes when someone shows me something I've seen a dozen times, but with a different face claim.

Generally, I see overpowered skills or backstories that make me want to scream because they try too hard to stand out in a setting where being a hero already makes one stand out. i mean not everyone can be or should be a hero. And with MHA/BNHA, all I see are OP OCs forced into the role of hero when I think some are fine as support or civilians. But maybe it's just the OCs I've seen that makes me jaded. I would love to see a QUIRK. A weird thing or ability, not just a power or strong skill. I saw someone mention on this site (I think RP pet peeves) that MHA is about people with talents and abilities, not meant to be confused with superpowers. And I think a lot of writers look at someone like Todoroki or Bakugo and think, make someone into combat too. But I'd love to see an ordinary OC who can do something weird and fall into the world in their own place, outside of saving the day. Show me an OC like that and I'd love to play with someone with an OC.

But it's the silly OCs I see most of the time, which is why I stick to canons because there's not a high chance of being surprised when a plot twist happens.

And you're right, I should ask if they want feedback. Because I really don't want to come off and shit on an OC. I'm sure they love their OCs. I'd never want someone to feel bad about something they've made, even if it's not someone i want to write with (despite my ramblings above, I feel I've come off as a bit snobbish). I have had 2-3 decent times with OCs. But that said, I like mine down to earth, and most I see are more lavish with 'look at me' details. I think it's good advice to make it so it's not accusatory but trying to level with them in a nice manner. I feel some say they can change something about their OC and I think that is a good step in the right direction. It does open up a nice back and forth between partners instead of being shown an OC and to be like 'take it or leave it.'

And thank you for you feedback as well, rae2nerdy rae2nerdy I do think people make OCs to have fun. I think that's the main reason and I do think it's a good outlet. But some people do get carried away and may not have the ability to step back and judge the OC objectively without personal bias. So I may try to be a bit more clear but also diplomatic if I do get the chance to. Thank you.
I’ve read enough to feel a little self-conscious. Because I’m currently in a MHA RP where my character is normal but has an potentially OP mental Quirk, and possibly OP items. I worry that I may be going overboard. That’s one of my flaws as a roleplayer unfortunately.
I’ve read enough to feel a little self-conscious. Because I’m currently in a MHA RP where my character is normal but has an potentially OP mental Quirk, and possibly OP items. I worry that I may be going overboard. That’s one of my flaws as a roleplayer unfortunately.

If you're aware, at least that's a start. I didn't mean to make you self-conscious though! But in some RPs, everyone is OP and everyone is fine with it. If it's a group, the GM should be the one monitoring the issue of OP quirks. If it's a one on one and both people are okay with it, I wouldn't feel too bad. But it's important to make weaknesses to your character to control a quirk so it's not out of hand or OP. Weaknesses or drawbacks are what make a quick realistic and fun to see in battle, because not everything is going to be go accordingly, despite how things may look on paper.
Ok, so I mean seeing a lot of talk about “special” characters, and I feel like there’s few things I don’t like to say on this matter.

First off, I know one way someone may try to make a character “special” in, say a mainly-human roleplay is to create a hybrid character. Obviously if you’re in roleplay like me where’s introducing more than one character under a user’s name and the rest are human and your main is a hybrid, then yes, you’d have an issue. However, one way I try to solve the “mainly human” character problem is by either bringing in more hybrid characters to try to fix the hybrid-human balance a little or by bringing in, say, my main OC’s backstory, in which she comes from a planet that still exists full of hybrids.

Another way could simply be magic-based. Got a lot of water-magic characters? Introduce a fire-magic character tio be the “special” one. Lots of people have physical magic attacks? Use a character that focuses on mental magic. These are just some ways I’ve seen people try to make their characters “special” in certain role plays I’ve done, and really there’s not much to say about how to resolve it if it’s problematic other than treating them as an equal, at least that’s I’ve found.

One more is personality-based. My character has a pretty crazy backstory, and so sometimes when I introduce it to people they believe I’m trying to make my character the most important character, while I’m not. I’m just merely sick of seeing the same personality in so many characters, and so bringing in my character’s backstory is the only way to create any personality difference. I can’t see why people might believe I just want to be “special”, but in reality I just want to be equal but be free to share my character’s backstory.
I do because I've seen terribly constructed ones that just want to be a hero and fall in love with the canons. I mean I get the appeal but it gets tiring. There's no variety or consideration for characters who don't want to be heroes for MHA/BNHA. I have an interest in playing someone quirkless or with a quirk but a normal person, I have yet to happen across another like minded person who is interested in that, over being a cute OC with a villain backstory who is super stubborn but lovable once you get to know her and look past her questionable history. I just roll my eyes when someone shows me something I've seen a dozen times, but with a different face claim.

As someone that ran a semi-succesful BNHA group RP and helped run another (also participated in three that just died but in those I was just a regular player so make of that what you will), I can tell you there are definitely people who are quite interested in the non-hero stuff as well. While the majority of people do want to chase the whole hero factor (and I'll talk about that in a second) I've also gotten plenty of characters trying to go around with quirkless characters and machine users, and at one point during one of those roleplays the conversation shifted so much to an imaginary villain AU that an actual RP of that ended up spawning out of it.

I also know that other BNHA Rps about vigilantes and normal people also existed, though their current state is unknown to me as I didn't join them.

Now this isn't to say there is a problem with you having a bone to pick over the kind of OCs you described, there are definitely way too many of them, I just wanted to bring up that hope is not lost in regards to finding what you're looking for.

Now getting to the meat of the other aspect here, I feel like there is a bit of a problem with your complaint, in that it seem you expected BNHA- an anime about a school for heroes in training, featuring a main character whose biggest dream is to be a hero and where basically the whole theme and society is completely engrossed in heroes- to be a fandom where characters who don't want to be heroes are given more diversity. That's, put simply, not how fandom rps work. Fandom rps are often played in an attempt to explore or emulate the ideas presented by the given fandom. Either people want to continue their experience with the fandom or introduce a personal touch upon what was already made. So naturally people gravitate to the focus of the entire show, the most rich and developed part of plot and worldbuilding alike, the hero aspect.

On top of that, most BNHA RPs center around hero schools, so it's rather hard to make an OC that is not about heroism in that context. In fact, it's often nonsensical, unless you're playing part of the school staff (which admitedly I have and others in my RPs have).

Generally, I see overpowered skills or backstories that make me want to scream because they try too hard to stand out in a setting where being a hero already makes one stand out. i mean not everyone can be or should be a hero. And with MHA/BNHA, all I see are OP OCs forced into the role of hero when I think some are fine as support or civilians. But maybe it's just the OCs I've seen that makes me jaded. I would love to see a QUIRK. A weird thing or ability, not just a power or strong skill. I saw someone mention on this site (I think RP pet peeves) that MHA is about people with talents and abilities, not meant to be confused with superpowers. And I think a lot of writers look at someone like Todoroki or Bakugo and think, make someone into combat too. But I'd love to see an ordinary OC who can do something weird and fall into the world in their own place, outside of saving the day. Show me an OC like that and I'd love to play with someone with an OC.

Disregarding the civilian as opposed to hero aspect here, since I already talked about it, I do have to say, yeah. A lot of GMs let OP OCs pass way too easily, because:
-They have trouble saying "no" to the players
-They aren't really thinking ahead or how the powers will be outside of a vaccum
-They assume the players will just know to be respectful to the narrative needs of other players and the roleplay over their own ego.

So yeah, lots of OP OCs, especially in most RPs where GMs aren't really harsh enough (not just MHA problem though). I also find it quite silly the amount of things that cannot, in this universe or any, be quirks, which are basically just magic. That said, there have been quite a few great quirks from OCs I've seen in these groups I GMed/helped to GM. a few examples:
*There was a girl whose quirk was that her mouth emitted gases (they would just drip out like drool and she couldn't stop it so long as her mouth was open, nor control the gas) and anyone who smelled them would feel a particular emotion based on her own emotional state.
*There was someone whose quirk was just having essentially a bear trap for a mouth (metal sharp jaws)
*A character whose quirk was to move muscle mass from one part of the body to another at will

And this is just from the first page of my first BNHA RP (that I GMed). So, again, there is hope.

But it's the silly OCs I see most of the time, which is why I stick to canons because there's not a high chance of being surprised when a plot twist happens.

Well, as I said before, that is up to you. Thanks for sharing what you issue is with those roleplays in such detail! I guess I'll round off my response by ending with my own OC that I used in my two biggest BNHA RPs, in a super simplified version.

She is a foreign girl coming from a family that has lingering ties to would-be nobility devoid of anything like such a status but still lingering to their sense of pride. They escaped after particular circumstances pertaining to a "mafia" type incident drove them out. My character's quirk is that she is able to overlap matter of objects she bites into, allowing her to condense objects or merge them together by the reaction things have to having their matter overlap partially released. Her little sister had a quirk that allowed her to enhance other people's quirks. The mafia eventually tracked down the family and tried to kidnap the youngest daughter, poisoning her for blackmail. The police and heroes manage to arrive on time, but people couldn't find a cure for the sister, so my character ended up sneaking into her room one day and had her sister amplify her quirk so she could force the two to merge in an attempt to save her sister.

This had a massive backlash on her body, and while the two were successfully merged my character ended up the only one conscious over their collective body, thus she is pretty sure she accidentally murdered her sister, and thus chose to dedicate her life her sister's life for her.

So yeah. Pretty edgy in restrospect, but I do hope it seems a little "different" to you if nothing else.
As someone that ran a semi-succesful BNHA group RP and helped run another (also participated in three that just died but in those I was just a regular player so make of that what you will), I can tell you there are definitely people who are quite interested in the non-hero stuff as well. While the majority of people do want to chase the whole hero factor (and I'll talk about that in a second) I've also gotten plenty of characters trying to go around with quirkless characters and machine users, and at one point during one of those roleplays the conversation shifted so much to an imaginary villain AU that an actual RP of that ended up spawning out of it.

I also know that other BNHA Rps about vigilantes and normal people also existed, though their current state is unknown to me as I didn't join them.

Now this isn't to say there is a problem with you having a bone to pick over the kind of OCs you described, there are definitely way too many of them, I just wanted to bring up that hope is not lost in regards to finding what you're looking for.

Now getting to the meat of the other aspect here, I feel like there is a bit of a problem with your complaint, in that it seem you expected BNHA- an anime about a school for heroes in training, featuring a main character whose biggest dream is to be a hero and where basically the whole theme and society is completely engrossed in heroes- to be a fandom where characters who don't want to be heroes are given more diversity. That's, put simply, not how fandom rps work. Fandom rps are often played in an attempt to explore or emulate the ideas presented by the given fandom. Either people want to continue their experience with the fandom or introduce a personal touch upon what was already made. So naturally people gravitate to the focus of the entire show, the most rich and developed part of plot and worldbuilding alike, the hero aspect.

On top of that, most BNHA RPs center around hero schools, so it's rather hard to make an OC that is not about heroism in that context. In fact, it's often nonsensical, unless you're playing part of the school staff (which admitedly I have and others in my RPs have).

Disregarding the civilian as opposed to hero aspect here, since I already talked about it, I do have to say, yeah. A lot of GMs let OP OCs pass way too easily, because:
-They have trouble saying "no" to the players
-They aren't really thinking ahead or how the powers will be outside of a vaccum
-They assume the players will just know to be respectful to the narrative needs of other players and the roleplay over their own ego.

So yeah, lots of OP OCs, especially in most RPs where GMs aren't really harsh enough (not just MHA problem though). I also find it quite silly the amount of things that cannot, in this universe or any, be quirks, which are basically just magic. That said, there have been quite a few great quirks from OCs I've seen in these groups I GMed/helped to GM. a few examples:
*There was a girl whose quirk was that her mouth emitted gases (they would just drip out like drool and she couldn't stop it so long as her mouth was open, nor control the gas) and anyone who smelled them would feel a particular emotion based on her own emotional state.
*There was someone whose quirk was just having essentially a bear trap for a mouth (metal sharp jaws)
*A character whose quirk was to move muscle mass from one part of the body to another at will

And this is just from the first page of my first BNHA RP (that I GMed). So, again, there is hope.

Well, as I said before, that is up to you. Thanks for sharing what you issue is with those roleplays in such detail! I guess I'll round off my response by ending with my own OC that I used in my two biggest BNHA RPs, in a super simplified version.

She is a foreign girl coming from a family that has lingering ties to would-be nobility devoid of anything like such a status but still lingering to their sense of pride. They escaped after particular circumstances pertaining to a "mafia" type incident drove them out. My character's quirk is that she is able to overlap matter of objects she bites into, allowing her to condense objects or merge them together by the reaction things have to having their matter overlap partially released. Her little sister had a quirk that allowed her to enhance other people's quirks. The mafia eventually tracked down the family and tried to kidnap the youngest daughter, poisoning her for blackmail. The police and heroes manage to arrive on time, but people couldn't find a cure for the sister, so my character ended up sneaking into her room one day and had her sister amplify her quirk so she could force the two to merge in an attempt to save her sister.

This had a massive backlash on her body, and while the two were successfully merged my character ended up the only one conscious over their collective body, thus she is pretty sure she accidentally murdered her sister, and thus chose to dedicate her life her sister's life for her.

So yeah. Pretty edgy in restrospect, but I do hope it seems a little "different" to you if nothing else.
As someone who just recently got into the My Hero Academia fandom last year through a friend of mine (I haven't seen the show sadly enough but I know enough about to understand the premise and why it's beloved.) I have recently gotten into an RP of that nature and my character is a normal girl with a nonoffensive but powerful mental Quirk so I had to buff her up a bit by supplying with a heavy support item. The thing is the Quirk in question now seems more magical than anything else. Considering that her Quirk is literally knowing shit that she shouldn't know.
As someone who just recently got into the My Hero Academia fandom last year through a friend of mine (I haven't seen the show sadly enough but I know enough about to understand the premise and why it's beloved.) I have recently gotten into an RP of that nature and my character is a normal girl with a nonoffensive but powerful mental Quirk so I had to buff her up a bit by supplying with a heavy support item. The thing is the Quirk in question now seems more magical than anything else. Considering that her Quirk is literally knowing shit that she shouldn't know.
Not sure what you are trying to get at?
Oh nothing. Just thinking the Quirk I made may seem more magical than natural. Ignore me.

Hmmm. Pet Peeves.


There's always the toxic player. You know the one. The one that you can't stand being around. They always create shitty characters and are just horrible people in general.

And the one that blatantly ignores the rules you set up and then complains when the rules are followed. Example: You have a gun that runs a different power source than normal guns, player has a cyborg/robot that can hack into stuff, the cryborg/robot hacks into your gun to prove a point out of anger, you invalidate that action by that action that the gun can't be hacked, that it would be like a hacker somehow hacking an AK-47, player gets pissed and complains, etc.
Oh nothing. Just thinking the Quirk I made may seem more magical than natural. Ignore me.

Hmmm. Pet Peeves.


There's always the toxic player. You know the one. The one that you can't stand being around. They always create shitty characters and are just horrible people in general.

And the one that blatantly ignores the rules you set up and then complains when the rules are followed. Example: You have a gun that runs a different power source than normal guns, player has a cyborg/robot that can hack into stuff, the cryborg/robot hacks into your gun to prove a point out of anger, you invalidate that action by that action that the gun can't be hacked, that it would be like a hacker somehow hacking an AK-47, player gets pissed and complains, etc.
I hate when people believe they can do anything just because their character is a robot. I’ve been in an rap where a character is like this and it annoyed the heck out of me.
I hate when people believe they can do anything just because their character is a robot. I’ve been in an rap where a character is like this and it annoyed the heck out of me.
I hate when people believe they can do anything just because their character is a robot. I’ve been in an rap where a character is like this and it annoyed the heck out of me.
she then proceeded to hack into the lights of the ship we were on. I said that she couldn’t do that either. Then the player got pissed and locked the thread.
she then proceeded to hack into the lights of the ship we were on. I said that she couldn’t do that either. Then the player got pissed and locked the thread.
Whoa, what?! That’s insane! Like you said, you can’t hack a gun unless it’s computerized, and hacking lights if the lights are literally on a simple switch isn’t useful either, if even possible! *sigh* I swear, where do these people come from where they believe they can do anything they want?
Whoa, what?! That’s insane! Like you said, you can’t hack a gun unless it’s computerized, and hacking lights if the lights are literally on a simple switch isn’t useful either, if even possible! *sigh* I swear, where do these people come from where they believe they can do anything they want?
Not to mention she did all that in seconds, firewalls aren’t a thing apparently. I understand if it took a minute or two but seconds?
Something that irks me is when ocs are controversial for the sake of it. As in, the character is extremely moody for no apparent reason. Seemingly anything will set them off and next thing you know, the character is off slamming doors or whatever only to come back next post like nothing happened. I don't mind temperamental ocs so long as the triggers make sense and their outbursts aren't hyper frequent. Otherwise it gets extremely old.

Something else that people have already mentioned are ocs that take up all the spotlight and leave yours in the dust. This is especially a problem in 1x1 rps. It's annoying when your character's subplot/arc is suffocated under the weight of your partners uber important subplot/arc.

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