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Fandom Noragami: Descending Darkness


Forever Wandering
Sheets are not automatically accepted. There is going to be judgment placed onto this applications. Please be sure to read the rules as well.

God Character Sheet:


"O worthy god. Would you please tell us a little more about yourself?"





Eye Color:

Hair Color:





Location in where you live: (can be image or description)


"Since you live long and all and never really die. What things have you done and seen?"

Story or tale of which you are known for:



History: (minimum 3 paragraphs)


"I like where this is going. Why don't you tell us more about you? I want to really get to know you."

Personality: (minimum 2 paragraphs)

Likes: (at least five)

Dislikes: (at least five)

Enemies: (will be decided at a later time)

Allies: (will be decided at a later time)

Shinki(s): (will be decided at a later time)




"Any last things you would like to share?"

Theme Song: (optional)

Dialogue Color:


Shinki Character Sheet:


"Huh, me? What am I? Perhaps you know who I am?"


Regalia Name: (Decided between you and the god-user, I want you guys to bond
:D )



Eye Color:

Hair Color:





Bounded God:


"I stand strong with my god. Do you stand strong with yours?"

Shinki Type: (You do not solely have to be a weapon. You can be an animal - I will only take three animal Regalias at the moment - Weapon or any type of equipment like Kazuma, a scope of a kind.)

Skills & Abilities: (Regalias do have certain abilities, some have many while others don't. If you are not familiar with the abilities that they possess there is going to be more information posted among the Overview tab. Ex. Rend, Boundary, Restrain, etc.)


"I wish I knew a lot more about myself. Do you know much about yourself?"

Personality: (minimum 2 paragraphs)

Biography: (Minimum 3 paragraphs - I do want their history even if they don't remember their whole lives. The parts that they do remember write in

Likes: (at least five)

Dislikes: (at least five)

Fears: (at least three)


"I have a few things here and there that keeps living bearable. What motivates you?"




"Well it was nice getting to know you. Anything else you have to share?"

Theme Song: (optional)

Dialogue Color:

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O worthy god. Would you please tell us a little more about yourself?


"What is thy name?"


"Who are you?"

Futsunushi-no-kami, God of Swords

"How old art thou?"

900 years old

"Are you male or female?"

Obviously, I'm a male god

"What is thy eye's color?"

Fiery Red

"And what about your hair?"

Dark Red

"How tall thy are?"

I don't know, around 6'2'' I think...

"Where art thou temple, o mighty God?"

On top of a small hill. It's quite secluded.

Since you live long and all and never really die. What things have you done and seen

"What is your story, your tale?"

My story? What, should I tell you my childhood thing? Nope, I'm not telling you any.

"What is your deepest secret?"

Hmm, I secretly loves someone, thing like that? Nope, I don't have it now... Although I kinda have a thing with Zandami, but that girl scares me...

"What is your biggest regrets?"

I still can't get over the fact that I failed to help Yoshitsune back in Heian era.

I make it up by helping Ieyasu unify the land, but it still leave a big regret inside.

"Please tell me about your history..."

Futsunushi no Kami, one of the old gods in Japan. One of Amaterasu's general, he also befriended Take-Mikazuchi, as both of them was Amaterasu's general. While he was still working under Amaterasu, he developed a friendship with Susanoo, Amaterasu's brother.

Once when a phantom, Yamata-no-Orochi was creating chaos in the human world, he and Take-Mikazuchi was sent down to subdue it. The battle last for seven days and seven nights, but neither of them could gain an advantage. One carelessness from both of them caused an injury to Take-Mikazuchi, while he was almost dead, if it's not for Susanoo that helped him at the last minute, He then carried Take-Mikazuchi to nearby temple, and then came back to help Susanoo slay the beast. Both of them successful, and Susanoo took from the beast's tail a sword, Ame-no Murakumo, or the Kusanagi-sword.

As the gods of swords, he was often sought on warring era and he personally helped Minamoto clan in a war against Taira clan back in Heian period, along with Zandami. When Zandami decided to help Yoritomo, he then helped Yoshitsune, who was still a teenager, and trained him personally, while disguised himself as a Tengu. When he found out that most of the Taira Clan were possessed with Phantom, he decided to eradicate them by himself. But, when he arrived, he saw that Zandami already did it, and she leave no one behind. Among the corpses, he saw some children bodies, and this enraged him. When he stepped forward to confront her, she quickly ran away and disappear.

Enraged, he then hid himself and went deep into the mountain and meditate, and not appeared for at least 300 years. When he came out from his meditation, he saw that the land was in conflict once again, but this time, he decided not to take part in it. But seeing that this conflict will shed more blood, he decided to help Ieyasu from Tokugawa clan, and helped him winning the war. and finally bring peace to the land.

He often, back when samurai was still common, assumed a human form and walked around town, and helped people in troubles. This was his way to make him more popular. His shrines was really popular back then, although it became abandoned lately.

I like where this is going. Why don't you tell us more about you? I want to really get to know you

"Tell me more about yourself."

.....Are you purposely made me mad? Why do you keep asking personal question..? Hmm...? Ah, it's for a magazine, then I can tell you this much at least. I consider myself a good person, and I prefer not to have a conflict. I have seen enough conflict in my life.

And my bad side....I have tendency to go violent. Especially when I can't contain my desire to fight, like when meeting a strong opponent. I once destroyed a small village from fighting a strong phantom, and as the results, I lost all of my Sekki. No, no, they're not dead. I just feel bad after I made them work too hard, so I released them all.

"What do you likes, and also, what thing do you hate?"

Well, I enjoyed sitting in my temple's garden on spring, drinking tea, eating some persimmons, and smokes some tobacco leaves. And I also like to exercise, both kendo and karate. And most of all, I like to sleep. I don't have much to do lately...

And things that I hate, hmm, let's see.... I hate cowards and traitors, and I also hate seafood. I don't know why, but I just hate it. Oh, and I also hate Phantom. Who didn't hate it..

"Do you have any enemies?"

Well, I don't say he's an enemy, but I consider Take-Mikazuchi and Zandami as my rivals.

"And do you, perhaps, have and ally or something like that?"

Well, There are not many Gods willing to befriend a warring god like myself...

"Do you have a shinki?"

....I think I already told you that I released all my Sekki....

"Do you have any motivations, for yourself at least?"

Hmm....Have a lot of woman Sekki? Is it counted as motivation?

Any last things you would like to share?

Dialogue Color: This is text, text is this

Other: None at the moment


All hail almighty Milord!!!

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"I am myself and no one else."

"How about... Kokoro. I think it fits me pretty well."

Regalia Name:
To be decided

"Um, hello! These ladies aren't just for show you know! Well, actually they kinda are, but that's not really the... Hold on a sec! Why the hell are you actually looking at them!? F***ing pervert!"

"I'm in my late teens I think."

Eye Color:
"You would know this if you weren't so busy staring at my f***ing chest, bastard!"

Hair Color:
"Aqua-blue with streaks of purple and splashes of red, obviously."

"What the hell? Why the f*** would you ask a girl that?"
112 lbs

"Just above average last I checked. Hang on. When did I last check...?"

"Hm? The headphones? Nah, they're just for decoration. Plus they keep my ears hella warm. What was that? Oh! Thanks. I like them too."
Same as the picture. Underneath the jacket she wears a sleeveless turtleneck.

Bounded God:

"I am strong and I can prove it."

- Knowledge of QCQ
- Highly acrobatic

Regalia Form:

Shinki Type:
Armor (Shadow)
When called upon by her god, Kokoro becomes a long, black scarf, seemingly made of pure darkness, its form always in flux.

Has the potential

- Armor: When worn, Kokoro increases her god's defense several fold.

- Shadow Form Control
Kokoro (and the god that uses her) is able to control the size, shape, and density of her regalia form. She can stretch out to several yards and grab things, become hard as iron and block attacks, or become thin as a blade and slice through steel. However there are a few limits...

1) Can not become complex mechanisms, like cars or guns.
2) Can not separate pieces from herself. So can not become a projectile weapon.
3) Can not extend more than about ten feet from her god
"I know a lot. Some might say too much."

Personality: (minimum 2 paragraphs)
"I'm a perfect angel, I'll have you know. Shit. Couldn't say it with a straight face."
At first glance, Kokoro can come across as a sarcastic bitch. She gets angry far too easily and always seems to expect the worst. She is very blunt and seems to have an insult for everyone she meets, though they usually fall under the category of bitch, asshole, idiot, or nerd. Once you get under the surface though, she is a kind hearted person who is always concerned about the safety and well being of others. She can't pass up the opportunity to help others, though she will complain about it the entire time.

To say that she hates the gods would not be too far a stretch. She feels that the gods are not active enough in their hunting of the Ayakashi. If they were, the man she saw last month would not have listened to the phantoms and would not have killed himself. The spirit she tried to save the other day would not have been devoured by the monsters. That her family would not have been attacked, because that man was being influenced by the phantoms.

"I remember... a few things about my past, and I'm not eager to learn more. I used to be, but... I've seen first hand what happens when a spirit remembers too much. Let me tell you, it's f***ing terrifying. Nothing is worth that. Nothing.

In the end though, it doesn't really matter what my history is. The past is the past. It doesn't affect my now. All that matters is that I died protecting my loved ones, and I'm damn proud of that."

How long did she wander? A spirit, unaware that it was no longer alive, following the same routine? Had it been a few days? A few months? She had no idea, but one day it just clicked. She was dead. How? When had it happened? What about Yuko and her mother? Were they safe? What was her name? What kind of a person had she been? She needed to know.

She began searching for her past. Visiting places she remembered, looking for hints of her mother and sister. She came close. She found her mother's workplace. The school her sister was going to. The neighborhood they lived on. But as she walked down the street to the house that she would find her family in, the house where she would find the truth, fate intervened.

She watched as a spirit learned their name and turned into a monster right in front of her. Realizing that she risked the same thing happening to her if she continued, she ran away and stopped digging into her own past. Over the next several weeks she chose the name Kokoro for herself and began to learn about this world she now lived in, the correlation between the phantoms and negative emotions, and the gods. Feeling that the gods were not doing a good enough job hunting the phantoms, Kokoro took it upon herself to protect people from them, attacking small ones that whisper in the ears of the living and drawing off the larger ones that harass other spirits.
(What she remember is in bold)
Born to a small family in the center of Tokyo, the first half of her life was what you might call perfect. Both her parents, her father Ryota and her mother Masuyo, worked well paying jobs and Kokoro had everything she could ever have wanted. She had friends, toys, pets, cute clothes, and the best schooling money could buy. When her little sister Yuko was born, it was the best thing that could ever have happened. Rather than seeing the baby as a rival, something that would steal her toys and the already scarce attention of her parents, Kokoro looked at her and saw a small, defenseless child in need of love. The little girl swore to the gods that she would protect her new little sister. Sadly fate would give her a chance to keep her promise not long after she turned ten.

Her father's business failed and slowly began to fall into bankruptcy. Her mother began working harder and staying at work later while Ryota began coming home drunk every day. One night Yuko accidentally broke a vase and their father began to beat her in a drunken rage. Without thinking, Kokoro leapt on him, trying to pull him off her little sister. It worked and the man turned on her instead.

Kokoro told her mother that she had gotten in a fight with another kid at school. She could have told her mother what happened. She really could have. The thought had crossed her mind. But Kokoro still loved her father and feared what would happen if she told on him. As weeks went by and the incident repeated itself, she realized that she would need to go to greater measures to protect Yuko. She began swearing around her father, breaking things around the house, actually getting into fights at school, and intentionally failing tests, anything to draw his anger. This went on for three years before her mother discovered what was happening.

Horrified, Masuyo divorced Ryota and took the girls to the far end of the city. Their quality of life dropped significantly as Masuyo was now a single mom trying to raise a family, but the girls didn't mind. Yuko was safe and Kokoro no longer had to play the role of the child delinquent. She turned her attention back to academics, started making friends again, and began passing school with flying colors. She graduated high school a year early and began studying criminal law at Kokugakuin University, to prepare for a career in the police force.

During her second semester at college, Kokoro found the door to her home open and heard screams inside. Rushing in, she found her mother unconscious in the kitchen and her father standing over Yuko, viciously beating her. Ryota had found them. He had become obsessed with Masuyo and blamed the girls for destroying their relationship. And he had come to fix that.

Kokoro charged him in an attempt to protect her sister and during the struggle Ryota manage to get a hold of a kitchen knife and stabbed it into her gut. Yuko screamed and he turned on her, wrapped his hand around her neck, and began to choke her, fully intending on killing her. In a blind rage, Kokoro tore the knife out of her stomach and leapt onto her father's back, stabbing the knife into his chest. The knife pierced his heart, killing him nearly instantly.

Kokoro died ten minutes later in the arms of the ones she loved.

Her grave stone can be found in the Yanaka Cemetery.

Before she died, Kokoro's name was Masami. "Become beautiful" And in her family's eyes, she had.

- Yamasuchi Yuko (little sister)
- Yamasuchi Masuyo (mom)
- Kurosawa Ryota (dad)

Likes: (at least five)
"Pfft. What is this? A dating questionnaire?"
- Warm clothes
- Cold days
- Children
- Ice Cream
- Cats

Dislikes: (at least five)
"Oh boy. You best pull up a seat. This could take a while."
- Bossy bitches
- Losing
- Phantoms
- Abuse of power
- The gods

Fears: (at least three)
"Not a damn thing I say here leaves this room, got it!"
- Spiders
- Being forgotten
- Becoming a phantom

"I live for the sake of others."

"Kicking ass and laying down the sass! That's what keeps me going!"
Kokoro is motivated primarily by three things. 1) Anger. The more pissed off she gets the harder she works. 2) She is fairly competitive. Give her a challenge and she will have a hard time saying no. 3) Above all else, she is driven by a need to protect others. If she sees or hears someone in need of help, she will rush to their aid, regardless of her own safety.

"Don't tell anyone, but when I was younger I always loved the stories of knights and princesses. But I never wanted to be the princess. No no. I wasn't going no damn damsel in distress. I wanted to be a knight. I was going to be the f***ing hero, fighting evil, protecting the weak, chosen of the gods. Hell, I was probably the only kid in the city who knew exactly what she wanted to be when I grew up. I was going to be a cop.

Even after I grew too old for fairy tales, stopped seeing the world in black and white, and even stopped believing in the gods, my dream to be a cop never changed. Even now that I'm dead, I suppose that hasn't changed. I just want to protect people."

"One last thing..."

Theme Song:

"Um... Have you been paying attention at all?"

Font: Kaushan Script
Color: Green - #00b300

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(Still a W.I.P. I need to both finish and polish/grammar check some stuff, specially the bio)


  • Leon-Kuwata-image-leon-kuwata-36497671-408-545.jpg


    Edan Huo

    Regalia Name:

    (To Be Decided)





    Eye Color:

    Pale blue

    Hair Color:

    Dyed red


    140 lbs




    When it comes down to Edan's choice of clothing he always seems to limit himself to two specific combinations, those being his everyday clothes and his pajamas.

    As far as his everyday clothes go one could consider them to have a sort of punk-ish aesthetics linked to them. The upper part of his body is covered by a white jacket over a white T-shirt with the design of a red skull on it. Below that a pair of semi-skinny jeans are held up by a overwhelmingly long studded leather belt. And finally Edan's footwear of choice are a pair of grey sneakers that time has slowly began to deteriorate. The only item that always seems to be different is his neckwear accessory (Some known examples: Chains, chains with locks, leather collars, metal collars and sometimes even nothing at all).

    Edan's pajamas are nothing to write at home about. They simply consist of an old looking band T-shirt by the name of AP00, a pair of blue sweatpants and a random pair of socks.

    Bounded God:

    (To Be Decided)

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"Huh, me? What am I? Perhaps you know who I am?"


Name: Hiro Uto

Regalia Name:

Vessel name - Yuusei

Name as person - Yuuken

Name as weapon - Yuuseki

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Weight: 170lbs

Height: 5'3"


His attire could be described as colorful and for comfort. He adds in his own flair at times, changing up the colors. He doesn't really like tight clothes so most of them are loose fitting, he doesn't think that he should give up comfort for a fashion statement. Though he doesn't look trashy or cheap, he always seems to look on the trendy side.

Bounded God:

Fuu - God of Swords

"I stand strong with my god. Do you stand strong with yours?"


Shinki Type:


Skills & Abilities:

Boundary- This ability was learnt very quickly by Hiro. It only took him a few weeks training. This is by far Hiro's only line of defense.

Severance- After five months and harsh training Hiro was able to gain this ability. It has helped his master quite well with saving humans from the phantoms.

Restraint- (Locked util later in RP)

"I wish I knew a lot more about myself. Do you know much about yourself?"



Hiro is typically a cynical person at people he doesn't know, that isn't his only side though. He is a sweet person underneath his prickly appearance. He is a very loyal ally an wouldn't hesitate to put his life on the line for someone he cares about. He doesn't sugar coat things and bluntly states it and it comes out to make him appear like a snarky little shit. He doesn't deem himself as a pessimist or an optimist, he calls himself a realist. He looks on the logical and realistic side of things and draws from that. His mind has a tendency to wander when he is bored and that is when his best ideas happen.

He can be very playful and tease people, he finds amusement in their reactions when they found out they've been had. He is a perfectionist and everything he does has to be perfect or he'll get fussy about it. Some would say it was a flaw, but he doesn't see it that way. He is stubborn and when he is set out for something he wont give up no matter what. He normally has to be pulled down and talked sense into. Since most of the time things he set out to do can be outrageous. In a way Hiro is still a typical teenage boy. At least he has his head on right then most of them.


Hiro wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth, or even to a family who wanted him. In fact he was placed in the care of the local orphanage in Tokyo. His treatment there wasn't all that bad, it wasn't like it was out of Annie or something. He started showing his trouble making streak when he was seven, this caused him to look unappealing to potential adoptive parents. The one thing he did find comfort in was learning how to cook by one of the nicer staff there. That's when he learned he had a passion for cooking. One day around the day of his tenth birthday a young couple who looked like they were very high class came to the orphanage. Surprisingly to everyone they were interested in Hiro, they wanted to adopt him out of all the children. When he arrived to his new home, a mansion to his excitement.

Things were okay for the first few weeks and then the couple seemed too busy for him. He heard from one of the maids that they only adopted him for appearances. The discouraged Hiro decided to isolate himself and only focused on his studies and had big dreams to open his own restaurant. It came to be that his new "parents" had debt with the Yakuza and they weren't paying them. The now teen woke up to two men kicking down his bedroom door. They had come to kill everyone in the mansion, this included Hiro. The last thing he saw was the bullet flying straight for him. Hiro wasn't sure why he could see the world around him after he supposedly died, he felt smaller and he could see creepy beings all around him. The phantoms were now apart of his life and what he had to run from.

"I just want this nightmare to end!"


-Fruit (Bananas being his favorite)

-Fall and Winter



-Making New Memories





-Stuck Up People

-Being Treated Like a Child



-Loosing those close to him

-Being corrupted by phantoms

"I have a few things here and there that keeps living bearable. What motivates you?"



Hiro's motivation is that he was given a second chance as a Sekki, he is motivated by the fact that he can help people and serve his master. The fact that he now has a home and people around him who care is another.


When Hiro was alive his dream was to open his own restaurant so he could cook for anyone that walked in the door. He wanted to become a master chef who was known for his talent. Now that he is dead he just settles for cooking for his god and others around him.

no slide
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"Hi there, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Name: Rin Amari

Regalia Name: To be added

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Eye Colour: Hazel

Hair Colour: Black

Weight: 139lbs

Height: 5'5

Outfit: Exactly what is shown in the picture, however he always wears black trousers as well as black shoes.

General Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.a3f8c24b8baf6ae341145a26e0ce8d1e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83728" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.a3f8c24b8baf6ae341145a26e0ce8d1e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bounded God: To be added

"I only fight for one reason, and that is to protect. I have no problem with going all out for the sake of my god either!"

Shinki Type: When called upon by his god, Rin takes the form of a large halberd with excellent cutting and piercing potential. He can be used in close combat but is just as useable at middle range, due to his long reach.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.906f5438a83a224bc7724e940512b7a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83729" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.906f5438a83a224bc7724e940512b7a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Skills & Abilities:

-Boundary: This skill took a lot more time and care for him to master. In fact, it took him quite a while to be able to utilise this technique. The barrier Rin is capable of making is quite strong, but is most definitely not the strongest.

-Restrain: Rin is also capable of using this technique. He managed to pick it up rather easily compared to 'Boundary'.

"I try not to talk about my life. I remember too much. It's also not a very nice topic for me to talk about."

Personality: Rin has always been a person who exudes kindness and nothing else, it was what he was known for by his friends when he was alive and they would often tease him for it, as he never really thought about himself and his own wellbeing which they deemed as a concern. Rin is a very secretive boy, and finds it quite hard to open up. He'd very much rather get through his problems alone rather than having someone help him through them. Rin is actually a very intelligent boy, and values intelligence in any form. He loves to learn and is fascinated by learning new things, Rin is like a child as he would literally wander anywhere in the hopes of learning something new. Rin is very selfless and protective over his friends, moreso his god. Even if he and his god don't get along particularly well, he would gladly give his life to protect them.

There are times when his young teenage self shines through massively, and at times he can be quite hard to handle. Rin is actually a very stubborn person, if he sets his mind on something he will not stop until it is completed, with high standards. Rin doesn't believe in giving up, and sometimes has to be told to stop by an authoritative figure, (in this case, it would be his god). His stubbornness is more potent when he comes across someone in need, he will do his absolute everything to ensure that that persons needs are met, no matter how trivial that need is. If someone were to refuse his help, he would either help them anyway or pester them until they accept it. Rin is the type of person that will store a whole tone of suffering and then release it all in one huge burst, there is nothing more he hates than accepting help off of others, or actually having to open up to someone. For someone that is always trying his best to help and protect others, you'd expect him to know when to accept help for himself, but he just doesn't.

Biography: Rin grew up living in a small house with hardly enough room to fit the family, they lived in terribly poor conditions and the money that was provided by his full time working father just wasn't enough for them. His family weren't that rich and just about had enough money to be able to put a roof over themselves and their kids heads, as well as food on the table. Rin was the youngest out of his four siblings, he had three older sisters and one older brother, whom of which he was extremely close with. His sisters on the other hand, he was not close with, they always blamed Rin for the conditions they were in as he was the youngestc and apparently, "The cause" of the mess they were in. Growing up no one in his family really had the time of day for Rin except for his brother, Masaki. The two were very close and were with each other pretty much 24/7 Rin learnt many things from his brother. Being the oldest of the family, his brother had a part time job to try and help the family get money. Although he wouldn't earn a lot, the little money he would earn did help the family and that much pleased Masaki.

When he was at home, Masaki would always spend his time with Rin as he know that if he didn't, Rin would be neglected.
His mother would always spend her time with his sisters and practically forgot about her sons. The cause of her to do this is unknown, but it was probably due to the spitefulness of his sisters. Due to this, Rin wasn't able to go to school. However, Masaki was a college graduate and took it upon himself to tutor his brother. He had a burning passion to help, and Rin wanted to be like him, and wanted to make sure he was always safe. Before he knew it, Rin grew to be quite intelligent, and be extremely interested in animal management. However, a week after his 15th birthday, disaster struck. In the middle of the night, Rin woke to hearing the yells of several men which was then accompanied by the bangs on the door. The family didn't know why they were there but assumed they wanted to rob the place. They didn't know that they would kill too. Rin rushed to his bedroom door when he heard the breaking of the front door and the men piling into the home. There were five men present and each one carried a weapon of some kind. Rin's first instincts were to make a run for it and leave his family behind, but he couldn't do that. In all honesty, Rin was thinking about his brother more than anything. Rin managed to lead his sisters and mother out of the house through The window in his bedroom, which wasn't that far from the ground. Even though he went out of his way to do this, they didn't thank him. His attentio then turned to his brother, who was nowhere to be seen. Panicking, Rin quietly searched the house for him, only to see him in a room with two of the men, while the other three were going around smashing the place up. Masaki was bloody and bruised, evidently having taken a beating from the intruders. They were about to strike him down when Rin jumped in and tackled one of the men to the ground, but was then pinned down by the other. Rin kicked and thrashed about and signalled for his brother to go at the same time. Rin was pretty much useless at this stage, he didn't have the strength to take on two fully grown men, and he knew this beforehand. Rin was then stabbed twice by one of the men. And as he was bleeding out, the last thing he heard was the "Thank you" that escaped his brothers mouth, as he fled and managed to get away. He died treasuring that phrase, and was happy that he saved someone.

Upon waking up again, he found himself in a world with these strange creatures, the phantoms. And since then, his life has been about nothing more than trying to survive, evading the phantoms.


-Sweet foods, mainly cakes


-Helping others


-Animals, especially cats








-Failing: Rin hates the idea of failing, and will always do his best in any situation, especially when trying to help someone or losing a fight with his god. If he fails at something extreme or perhaps even trivial, he tends to get quite upset and worked up about it.

-Not being able to save someone: Perhaps his biggest fear, Rin hates the idea of not being able to save someone. During his time as a spirit, this has only happened once, and he was depressed about it for quite a while.

-Betrayal: Although he has never experienced this, the idea of it happening terrifies him. For some odd reason. He thinks that because he places a lot of his trust and time in people, to get it thrown back in his face just sounds crappy.

"I just want to help people and do good, I want to protect others, it's always been that way. Although that's my main motivation, it's not the only one."

Motivation(s): Rin is motivated by quite a lot of things, some rather pathetic and some that ctually make quite a lot of sense, to him at least. Rins biggest motivation is the fact that he was given another chance at life, and does not want to waste it. He wants to be able to protect others, even if he doesn't get recognition or even thanked for it. He is also motivated by the fact that he has purpose, although he doesn't quite know what that is yet and he believes that it is to just simply 'protect' the idea alone motivates him. Another thing Rin is motivated by is his god, and that's all there is to it.

Aspiration(s): Rin doesn't aspire to be anything big or accomplish anything that would stun others. He aspires to be someone that can be called upon when help is needed, a voice for people to turn to.

"Well, I think that's everything. I'm gonna get going now, see you later!"

Theme Song: [media]

Dialogue Colour: Isn't it nice?


For some odd reason, it wouldn't let me post a picture of Milord. Like, how rude is that? Anyway~

All Hail The Mighty Milord~



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  • "O worthy god. Would you please tell us a little more about yourself?"


    Name: Nikolai

    Title: God of Invention

    Age: 203

    Gender: Male, despite the fuchsia hair.

    Eye Color: Nitrogen blue eyes with green waves inside like auroras.

    Hair Color: Fuchsia. He had brown hair once. Once. That was an experiment gone wrong. Over time it just gets pinker, which he finds really fascinating so he keeps it up.

    Weight: 140lbs=63.50 kg

    Height: 5'8

    Outfit: The most apparent part of Nikolai's wardrobe is a fashionable journeyman coat with lots of pockets. Pockets within pockets and zippers that may or may not serve an actual function. Nikolai aims for comfort and convenience, but is also a surprisingly snazzy dresser. His shirt, dyed crimson, clashes with his pink hair. He knitted his own scarf and mittens because he gets cold easily. And, during winter, he often presses said scarf and mittens to his face in an effort to insulate his body warmth. Nikolai has a closet full of virtually the same outfit. Wearing black pants are a constant for him. His bulky boots are a size too big. With thick socks that roll up above his shoe line. The boot strings he's too apathetic to lace hang unattended off the side.

    Over the decades, Nikolai swapped clothing styles a few times (once, memorably, he went around in a wool poncho and slacks. His tastes have refined over the years. Thanks to a hyper-judgmental Regalia he once partnered with who lectured him about dressing properly). Nikolai's black framed glasses have been a constant though.

    Location: He lives in an apartment building. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-6_20-8-48.png.040556e523a72094734816749c00a44f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83901" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-6_20-8-48.png.040556e523a72094734816749c00a44f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> His room probably looks like this.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/gif.gif.b2e27e0fdcb5dede30ed7a697ef33241.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83910" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/gif.gif.b2e27e0fdcb5dede30ed7a697ef33241.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

  • Name: Rai Ashida

    Regalia Name:



    Eye Color: Deep Blue

    Hair Color: Black



    Wearing all black, Rai doesn't have many belongings, so the choice in clothing is limited. He wears a black hoodie, with a black, snug, long sleeved sweater. To complete the look, he has black skinny jeans, and random black shoes. The more form-fitted cloth, shows of the lankiness of his body.

    Bounded God:

    Shinki Type:
    Weapon. The weapon form that Rai takes is in resemblance to a plasma sword. Of course, without the plasma part. It's dark in color, and made from steel.

    Skills & Abilities:
    Along with the typical ability of boundary, Rai can use songs, for defensive maneuvers, and or calling on things, however since new, he has yet to discover it.



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I think I should introduce myself...


Name: Shikana

Regalia Name: Masaki

Gender: Male

Age: Living Years:16/As a Spirit: 80

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Light Brown

Weight: 125

Height: 5'10

Outfit: His wardrobe consists of mainly winter and some school clothing from his high school when he was alive.

Bounded God:(Undecided)

What I do? I don't think it's anything much


Shinki Type: He is a Katana, which is a sword with the blade with 60 inches. It is rather fast, one of the more faster blades and normally used to be close range and to create a killing blow.

Skills & Abilities:

- Prison (With 2 other Shinki)

- Boundary

- Umbra

- Restraint

- Phantom Insomnia: When a person is cut by himself when he is in his katana form, they will experience extreme tiredness and want to sleep. However, this only works when he actually cuts someone and they aren't nearly ded. Also, this doesn't work for someone who has consumed coffee in the past 10 hours. (
xD )

I guess I could tell you what I know..



Shikana is a very indecisive person, not what people would usually think, he is more so over to someone who can never make a choice without adding 'Probably', 'Maybe', 'Sometimes' and 'I think...'. He does this mainly because he is afraid of making the wrong choice. The reason being will be explained in the Bio. He might ask someone else for their opinion and follow that, making him more than slightly dependent person. When he is faced with two people's opinions, he would try to remain middle by not making a choice or taking both choices.

He often undermines his own abilities, saying that he is nothing special and anyone could have done that. He doesn't like taking credit for his own work, good or bad, but he usually will take credit for when he does wrong - still dislikes it.

He is usually a cherry person to be around, if you can handle his constant teasing, he never means anything by it. He makes jokes at others expense, if it actually hurts them, he would be more than a little apologetic and try to fix it if he can. He also is a little naive, going by the old saying that everyone needs a second chance... but he doesn't allow any more than that, however this is more than generous to some who have wronged him in the past or others.

A angry Shikana is a rare sight and one to truly fear, he takes jokes that contain him very easily so to get him angry like that is a waste of time. He becomes rash and quick on his feet, he would punch the first thing he sees to release his anger. The first thing sometimes isn't the person he was mad at, at the time. There is two ways to get him this angry and furious,one of them seeing someone betraying or causing blight for the one he is sworn to, the second being someone betraying a second chance.


When he was alive, Shikana was born in a somewhat large family of five consisting of his older brother, his older sister, himself, and his mother and father. He was the youngest of the three children that his parents had.
He was clearly the least favorite of the children, due to his parents' that had high expectations of his siblings, and higher for himself.

When he was going to high school, Shikana was expected to go to the same private school that his siblings did on a scholarship. Which was hard first off to have due to his 'normal' scores being in the Low B to the Mid B range. Plus, during that time he was going to a normal public school with other students. Which, in comparison is much easier than the high school level. He was taken into a room where he is supposed to end up trying to pass a test that had so many questions that felt that had multiple correct answers.

He wrote A, B, C, D (and sometimes E) for every single one of them.
He didn't want to make the wrong choice, the wrong answer, he didn't want to fail their expectations once again. So, he chose to choose every answer.

He was then scolded by his parents when the results came in,"You are a disgrace, a failure, you useless little brat...why can't you be more like your siblings.." He was told by his parents. He ended with both his parents and his siblings being disappointed and looking down on him. He hated it, he tried to study more often than not, studied late at night, didn't get enough sleep, he started to get bags under of his eyes. He fell asleep in class. When his friends noticed his attitude, they confronted him, asking him if he had gotten enough sleep. It wasn't like they said in a serious manner like Shikana was avoiding them. This happened during lunch, like any other day, when they noticed him falling asleep into his soup. He answered them truthfully, that he was simply studying. They were a little skeptical until they remembered the 'perfectionists'. They tried to convince him to stop studying. He didn't want to, but he didn't lash out on them or say that he wouldn't so he lied and said that he would stop - trying not to get cranky due to the deprivation of sleep.

This lasted for a few months until he died of overworking himself. He didn't even take a exam before he died, nor did he ever hear that he was 'useful' from his parents or any of the 'perfectionists'

He became a shinki when a minor god, Io, made him one when he needed a weapon. He usually never fought in his care. He was mainly there to serve him in their house, and to keep him company in the small apartment that the two had in the 1940's. He served him for forty years, until the 1980's without any disturbances. He had a good life with Io. He didn't mind his teasing jokes, and he always told him about his appreciation for his company. Io brought home another soul like him, however he found his history out and started to cause sevear amount of blight on Io.

He, with two other shinki, managed to capture said Shinki that caused the blight. Shikana, since he was staying with Io for a while and he had stayed with the shinki that was imprisoned, he tried to talk him into confessing. Which actually was to no avail.. Io died from blight. He at least, said Shikana was useful to him. He was angry, he was furious actually. He stopped the prison of the shinki that turned into a Karma. The other three didn't have a god to serve anymore. However, he was utterly pissed, he didn't even try his policy about everyone deserving a second chance and basically - punched the living crap out of the phantom until his anger was all but expended and a god finally came and 'rend' the phantom.

(Probably will try to add more when paired with a god.)


+ Taking Burdens

+ Jokes (No matter how bad)

+ Light Hearted Atmosphere

+ Warm Days

+ Sleeping

+ Pictures

+ Sugar

+ Being Useful


- Expectations

- Himself when he is mad

- Memories from when he is living

- Making a choice

- Angering others

- Blight

- Condescending People

- Taking Credit

- Troublesome People

- People who judge on first impressions


- Not being 'Himself'

- Seeing a god die because of him

- Getting 'fired' by his god

Well, expect something corny



- Survival

- Staying himself

- Becoming Stronger


- Becoming a Blessed Regalia

- Finding out why Phantoms become Phantoms

- Seeing everything worth seeing

- Having a 'Happy Ending'

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worthy god, would you please tell us a little more about yourself?

Name: Nideno

Title: Nideno, God of Dreams

Age: 436

Gender: Male

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Weight: 147

Height: 5'9

Outfit: His outfit tends to consist of a simple pair of black pants and black shirt with a silk robe over it. Simple, but effective.


Location in where you live:
Since you live long and never really die, what have you done and seen?

Story or tale of which you are known for: "Have you ever heard the tale of the Builder and the Shogun? No? Good, I love telling stories. Many years ago, there were two men: A rich shogun and a poor Builder. One lacked any and all discipline, while the other toiled endlessly. Yep, you guessed it: The trained shogun lacked discipline. How he even became a shogun, while irrelevant, is still quite the question. Nonetheless, the Shogun one day commanded the Builder to build him a palace, all on his own. Not wanting to be executed, he agreed, somewhat begrudgingly. However, the Shogun never mentioned pay. The Builder knew he need not ask, lest he wanted to lose a finger. The Builder spent months on the palace, working day, night, and everything else in between, dedicated to a project far from his own aspirations. And guess what the Shogun did: The prick slept. He slept constantly, aside from mealtimes and midnight brothel trips. Years pass, and the palace nears completion. As usual, the builders hands are bloody by noon. The Shogun, waking for lunch, leaves the soon to be palace and the Builder to their lonesome. Taking advantage of the Shoguns gluttony, the Builder lays down on a bed of dirt, quickly falling into my realm. I speak to him, telling him that his efforts will be rewarded upon completion. After telling me he would have completed the project regardless, I awakened him to finish his duty. The Palace was finished that night, followed by a large storm. Figuring it would be a shame to lose the only man who knew the complete layout of the palace, the Shogun allows the Builder to sleep in the palace for one night. Upon falling asleep, the Builder had the most wonderful dream: He saw himself with a wife and child, all in a home with plenty of money to go around. Upon awakening, the Builder felt better the never, as if nothing could go wrong in the world. The Shogun, on the other hand, had quite the contrary. His sleep comprised of a nightmare so horrid, it would tempt one to kill themselves just to escape the fragmented memories of the dream. This continued for one week, the Shogun slipping farther and farther into Insanity. Eventually, the Shogun wrote his will (with all of his possessions in the name of the Builder) , and ended it. And yes, the Builder eventually found a wife and had a son. Good story eh?"

Secrets: He accidentally gave Freddy Krueger his dream powers.

Regrets: He accidentally gave Freddy Krueger his dream powers. Yes, it's supposed to be here.

History: (minimum 3 paragraph
like where this is going. Why don't you tell us more about you? I want to really get to know you

Personality: To put it simply, Nideno has an incredibly eclectic personality. Like a dream, it changes to the slightest stimulation. A cute cat shows up? He'll grab it, claim it, and never let go. A hilariously deformed phantom shows up? He won't stop cracking jokes about it. Someone makes a joke about your dead mother? He'll cough awkwardly and excuse himself. Most of the time, he's pretty good company to have.

Now that we've covered his waking self, what's his sleeping self like? Scary. Just, scary. You know how when your woken up early in the morning and you just hate life? Multiply that times godly responsibilities and you've got one merciless God of Dreams. Nideno would rip out your throat (in your dreams, of course) and curse you with an eternity of nightmares if you even tried to bother him while he was sleeping. Because unlike you, he actually gets things done when he's asleep. Yeah. Sleeping is his job (more on that later). So please, for the love of all things living, don't wake him up.


Dislikes: (at least five)

Enemies: (will be decided at a later time)



Motivations: Aside from dream trolling people, he finds hope in one day being able to just sleep. Not orchestrate others dreams while in a unconscious state, but to actually rest.

Aspirations: To actually get a proper house one day, not just a thatch roofed shack in the woods. Not to say it's not nice, but I mean, it gets cold.
Any last things you would like to share?

Theme Song: (optional)

Dialogue Color: Nice, isn't it?

Other: Ever had one of those dreams where your falling and as you almost hit the ground you wake up? That's Nideno messing with you.
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"Huh, me? What am I? Perhaps you know who I am?"

"My name, you ask? I must say, your certainly straight to the point. I believe Yaeko shall suffice."

Regalia Name: Haruki


"I'm quite obviously female. Why do you ask such an odd question?"


"I believe I am 19 years old. However, I do not see the point in telling you this. It's really not important. "

Eye Color:

"You want to know my eye color? They're orange, or orange-brown, whatever you'd like to call it. Could you open your own eyes please? I should not have to tell you this, when you can obviously see them."

Hair Color:

"Are you just playing the idiot, or are you really an idiot? My hair is white, though the ends are slightly pinkish. I should not have to tell you this either."


"Your certainly a strange person, to come up and ask someone these things. I think my weight is 145 pounds, but it's been awhile since I last checked."


"Another odd question? Alright, why must you know all this? Anyway, last time I checked I was 5 feet 5 inches, I believe."

Outfit: Same as the image.

"Typically, I wear a red jacket, and...Wait, why don't you just look and see yourself? While your at it, you can see my eyes and hair."

Bounded God:

"This question I can understand, at least. My lady is Zandami, Goddess of Fairness"

"I stand strong with my god. Do you stand strong with yours?"
Shinki Type: A scope of sorts, in the form of a compass on a chain, some may call it a necklace. Similar to Kazuma in a sense but not quite the same.

"I become a compass/scope, not that it's any of your business. Just like most of what you've asked so far."

Skills & Abilities:

Human Form:

  • Boundary
  • Umbra: A skill used to hide a target from being seen, and it’s done by touching the target’s forehead and saying, “inko”. She's not quite skilled at this yet, and is still learning, working to make it better.

Regalia Form:

  • Tracking: When worn, she is able to pick up on and track nearby threats, within a certain proximity to herself and her god/goddess.
  • Navigation: As a compass, she is useful for navigating when need be.

"I wish I knew a lot more about myself. Do you know much about yourself?"

Yaeko tends to be serious, logical, and analytical. She is always trying to think of ways to make sense of things in the world. More often than not, she can be found simply observing, and taking in the happenings around her. As such, at first glance, she's often labeled as a 'loner'. Not entirely true, as she quite enjoys the company of others, so long as their respectful and not utterly annoying. Inwardly private, it's hard to get her to talk about her feelings or opinions, unless she feels it needs to be shared. At which point, she can be quite forceful with her ideas, and will often not drop the topic for several hours thereafter.

Despite what you may believe, Yaeko has a rather decent core. Nice, per say, would not be the best way to put it. A perfectionist, and thoroughly detail-oriented, she tries to avoid mistakes or correct them whenever caught. Punctual, Yaeko finishes tasks always on time, and is responsible and dependable when need be. She often prepares for worst case scenarios, and could be called overly cautious, though she tends to keep that little fact hidden.

Overall, Yaeko is an observer, and a well-tuned creative soul. She loves uniqueness, and is often drawn to new ideas or strange aspects. She loves to explore and discover new things, as well as learn from those she doesn't see daily. She puts up a front, but in reality, she loves to joke and be humorous, in her strange and somewhat whacked way of thinking.


Born into an average family, with average parents and one brother, Yaeko's life was nothing spectacular. As a child, she spent most of her time inside the house, spending time with her sickly twin brother. The two were close, like most twins were, and they loved each other very much. However, a few days after the twins turned 8, tragedy struck. Her brother's sickness grew, becoming life threatening, and he was rushed to the hospital. Yaeko, refusing to part with him, stayed with him throughout his stay at the hospital with her parents. Many days of testing, medication, and hospital meals passed, until the doctors came to the conclusion that they could not help her brother. Unwilling to put their son through his pain any longer, their parents decided to pull the plug and let him go. That decision changed everything.

Years passed, and
Yaeko tried to deal with her brothers death. If it must be said, she dealt with it much better than her parents. Her father left them after two years, leaving his 10 year old daughter, and drunkard wife, behind. Now, said drunkard wife had already been having a hard time cooping, and the loss of her husband drove her over the edge. Her mother started drinking in mass, and was almost always drunk when Yaeko saw her. As such, for most of her teenage years, the girl spent her time away from home, at school or friends houses. Whenever she had to come home, she faced her other's drunken wrath, and the abuse that followed.

Shortly after turning 18,
Yaeko moved permanently in with her closest friend. For a year, she lived there, enjoying life for herself and her lost twin. However, on the night of her 19th birthday, everything stopped. Her mother, too far gone to save, along with three other people came calling. They broke into the house, armed with guns and the like one night while the girl's slept. Hearing the door broken down, the girls hid quickly, trying to find a way out. Yaeko found one, through a second story window, and helped her friend out. She too tried to leave, to no avail. Her mother found her, and she was trapped, as the window became blocked. Her mother stabbed her multiple times, though nowhere likely to kill her, before she shot her own daughter in the head. The last thing Yaeko saw was her mother's crazed, drunken, and maddened face as she died. She last heard the screams of police sirens mixed with that of her friend through the open window, before the world blackened.

Yaeko woke up to this crazy world of phantoms and gods, and has been living on the run, always cautious and just trying to survive.


"I particularly like cats, birds, fall air, learning, and exploring."


"I really do not like dogs, snakes, too much humid weather, loud music, or gossip. I don't like Phantoms either, but I think that's something shared by all."


"Why must I tell you this? Ah well. Might as well get it over with. I am afraid of becoming unwanted, seeing my god die, and... well... dieing again myself, I suppose."
"I have a few things here and there that keeps living bearable. What motivates you?"

"I'm really beginning to wonder about you. Are you alright, you know, up top? Your certainly asking strange questions. I'm motivated by the idea of there always being more out there for us to learn."


"I would like to discover more about the world, things that I never had the chance to do, and help others do the same I want to learn as much as I can about our world, from as many others a possible."

"Well it was nice getting to know you. Anything else you have to share?"
Theme Song:



"I'm seriously doubting your attention to detail..."

Font: Special Elite

Color: #E03C63


'All hail the Mighty Milord!'

"Wait, what? Why do I have to worship a cat? I thought one worships gods, not cats..."

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Shinki Character: (In working progress not ready yet)

Name: Alice

Regalia Name: Will see but lets hope its cool

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Eye color: Black eyes

Hair color: Brunette

Weight: 107 Ibs

Height: 5`3

Outfit: What`s shown on the pics but likes to wear jeans, a shirt, black jacket and black converse. So mostly casual and something comfortable. Hates wearing dresses but is okay with wearing a skirt sometimes.




Bounded God: I do not know yet.

Shinki Type: She can turn into a bow and arrows. (In the pic that is Alice as a bow and arrows)


Skills and Abilities:

Boundary: Still needs more practice, with doing a boundary. She does not have a bonded god so Alice never had someone to teach her.

Personality: She funny, tries to see the positive when can, is always smiling or smirking. Alice is a loyal person. An adventures heart.

Biography: Was a normal teenager, she had a brother, parents that loved her. She didn`t have a lot of friends because she always moved around. She died from a car accident when crossing the road.

Likes: Movies, the smell of food, pranks,

adventures and books.

Dislikes: Series people, the color pink, the idea that she`s dead, noisy places, cars.

Fears: That she will be alone. fears of not having a god to bond. Being Oblivion.

Motivation: When she starts something she wants to finish. To never take no for answer.

Aspiration: To live life or enjoy what she can.

Theme song: Fall out Boy Centuries

Dialogue Color: Black

Other: Nothing else to say :)

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The Goddess of Deceit

O worthy god. Would you please tell us a little more about yourself?





Eye Color:

Hair Color:





Location in where you live: (can be image or description)

I like where this is going. Why don't you tell us more about you? I want to really get to know you.

Personality: (minimum 2 paragraphs)

Likes: (at least five)

Dislikes: (at least five)

Enemies: (will be decided at a later time)

Allies: (will be decided at a later time)

Shinki(s): (will be decided at a later time)



Any last things you would like to share?

Theme Song: (optional)

Dialogue Color:


The Goddess of Deceit

O worthy god. Would you please tell us a little more about yourself?





Eye Color:

Hair Color:





Location in where you live: (can be image or description)

I like where this is going. Why don't you tell us more about you? I want to really get to know you.

Personality: (minimum 2 paragraphs)

Likes: (at least five)

Dislikes: (at least five)

Enemies: (will be decided at a later time)

Allies: (will be decided at a later time)

Shinki(s): (will be decided at a later time)



Any last things you would like to share?

Theme Song: (optional)

Dialogue Color:


Since you live long and all and never really die. What things have you done and seen?

Story or tale of which you are known for:



History: (minimum 3 paragraphs)


>>All Hail The Mighty Milord<<

Eh, I might finish this...

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Goddess of Fairness

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/tAG_155400.jpg.44d327e17a9e2a6fdd07a18cefe22472.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85004" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/tAG_155400.jpg.44d327e17a9e2a6fdd07a18cefe22472.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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"Dark skies and crimson grass."

Story or tale of which you are known for:

A story in which Zandami was known to have a major role in was in the Taira-Minamoto War. This was when she gained her absolute standing as a goddess. The Minamoto Clan gained power first in 814 after being awarded the emperor title. From that year till 1156 when a rebellion from another powerful clan erupted. The Taira Clan managed to execute much of the Minamoto line causing it to weaken and fall apart. Minamoto no Yoritomo was exiled after the fall of the Minamoto Clan. Feeling robbed from is power and of his family, Yoritomo sought Zandami's help. At first she saw no need of throwing the Taira Clan off of power considering Minamoto had their time of ruling. But Yoritomo was not after the power, he was merely distraught from the loss of his family. She still was hesitant at first.

Her mind was changed once she found out that the Taira Clan was possessed by Phantoms, the only one not fully possessed but guided by a Phantom, was the Clan leader. Realizing that the Taira Clan was taken advantage of by the Phantoms did she decide to annihilate the Clan. Zandami did not tell Yoritomo that the Taira were possessed by Phantoms but instead told him that she would stand by his side in his revolt. In 1180, Zandami fought alongside the remnants of the Minamoto Clan fully convinced in what she was doing was right. Although she couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt as she slaughtered body after body. Almost everyone in the Taira Clan was possessed except for the children who were kept in a farm nearby as food for the Phantoms. Seeing the faces of shock, sadness, and distraught on the children disheartened her. Yoritomo wanted to thank her for her help but she disappeared.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/ff1fda70bd7b2e817c067f70cbfb240d.jpg.fc1a20959515c6ef8fbba52f008314b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85003" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/ff1fda70bd7b2e817c067f70cbfb240d.jpg.fc1a20959515c6ef8fbba52f008314b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


With a disheartened heart, she slaughtered the children to allow them to rest in peace from the terror they should not have experienced at a young age.

Because of her children massacre, her exemplar Shinki asked Zandami to release him.

She had a few decades afterwards of slight madness, taking in any wishes of justice, not really following her ideal of fairness.


Losing her exemplar Shinki, he was her most trusted Shinki at that time.

Having the reputation of a goddess of revenge rather than justice at some point.

Slaughtering the children.


It all starts in the beginning of times when the feudal system began. When the establishment of castes occurred, people began feeling injustice and/or inequality were affecting their lives. At first it was a simple barn shrine in a small farming village that accumulated the many wishes of people wanting a different way of treatment or more opportunities. As the wishes eventually reached thousands, Zandami appeared.

At first it was little things like tripping up officials and stealing their goods to distributing seeds evenly between the community farmers. But then it evolved into killing farm animals and hurting other people. At some point Zandami was going through a period where she was doing serious damage to anyone whom the client was asking for. Zandami became blinded by the many requests asked upon her to the point where she had to face off another god who someone else requested to stop her. This battle resulted in the loss of her first and only Shinki during that time. After losing someone whom she trusted for years and basically grew up with her through her beginnings broke her.

For a few decades she kept to herself. Leaving the people behind it led to more separation between classes and frequent skirmishes. Many tried to ask for herself but she ignored them allowing her shrine to decay and her powers diminish. She was nearly at the point where she was about to die when a wandering Spirit made its way over to her shrine. Like everyone else she ignored it. But it would not stop hovering over her. Zandami tried to relocate but it somehow found her.

With her closed heart she continued to live, waiting for the day when she would disappear but with people's will for equality she always had a thin lifeline. This line strengthened though when a Phantom appeared. But it wasn't after her, it was after the Spirit that followed her. Zandami tried to run away but she knew that if she left that spirit to die, she was not a true god. Before the Phantom could touch the Spirit, Zandami claimed it. There she regained a Regalia, a Shinki that she named Kimiki.

Zandami regained enough strength to repel away the Phantom but not enough to destroy it. After claiming her newfound Shinki, Zandami decided to stop being worthless and face that she was needed in this world. It took a while before she was able to get her name out in a whisper, but that whisper soon turned into a shout when she was asked for help from Yoritomo. After helping out the Minamoto Clan she became a recognized goddess that received wishes out of the wazzoo.

But over the years as cultures have changed and more equality has been granted, less wishes came her way. She widened her horizon by bending the perspectives of equality into justice and fairness. With a more broader range people could ask for more help. This boosted her popularity slightly but she is now considered a minor god.

"Why continue to get to know me. I am nothing special."


Impartial in everything is what she desires to feel but because there are many different people with multiple perspectives, it causes Zandami to constantly shift ideas to whomever is wanting her help. Because of this she is flexible in mind and physique. Zandami though will stick to one solution and go through with it, never getting distracted by any other factors. She is strong-willed, fierce, and dedicated when it comes to aiding in correcting. Her image in the commoner's mind is a goddess who is strict, neutral, and open to hear anyone out. These are just a few of her qualities, but this is only one side of Zandami.

When it is simply her and her Regalias she is kind-hearted, relaxed, thoughtful, and observant. She enjoys activities using her mind and having conversations involving philosophical ideas. Being out in nature and all its natural elements are the settings she usual rests in. Although when it comes to arguments she can become ferocious, competitive, and slightly blinded to compromises if there are any. Naturally she is competitive in almost everything if she is in the mood.

When she finds that someone has been good, she becomes generous and grants gifts equivalent to the actions taken by the person or spirit. This also applies in the other direction when someone takes actions that are morally wrong, she will discipline them. Only exceptions are when the death is for a death or a situation similar to that idea.

Zandami mostly has a calm persona but she is very passionate about trust and love. She desires her Regalias to get along and fluently work as a team and ultimately have each other's backs like a family. Zandami does concern herself though with the number of Regalias she can handle. In this perspective she may seem selfish but she understands that there are boundaries. Zandami also sees that it is her responsibility to develop her Shinkis to their fullest potentials. By holding this idea of helping her Shinkis she becomes overprotective, slightly bossy, and really containing all the qualities of a maternal figure. Zandami finds this as a personal flaw since this will cause biased opinions to be formed about certain Regalias and what she wants to be is impartial.

To practice in being unbiased, whenever there are disputes she puts her feelings to the sides and listens out to both sides becoming a mediator and judge. At first it was difficult but over the centuries she has become almost impartial in every situation. When it comes to making her decisions she only considers the actions that were taken then at that moment and tries to not think about past actions that the persons involved took.

But when it comes to making decisions, doubt is always trailing behind. She appears confident when she makes up her mind but the ideas of the many 'ifs' begin to corrupt her mind. But then she remembers that gods can do no wrong and that every decision she makes is right in one way or another.



Hot Springs







Misplaced things



Cold Weather

Uneven things

Enemies: (will be decided at a later time)

Allies: Not exactly a foe either but a god she would rather avoid conflicts with, Fuu, God of Swords.

Shinki(s): Newly added Shinki, Shikana.


From the many injustices that she has seen since the beginning, she wishes to try and balance out most situations she can.


To allow every living being equal living.

"Nothing more."

Theme song: (optional)

Dialogue Color:
The color of balance and growth is what she shall speak in.



All Hail The Mighty Milord!



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  • Name: Ichirou (formerly Ichirou Honda)

    Regalia Name: (Decided between you and the god-user, I want you guys to bond :D )

    Gender: Male

    Age: 7

    Eye Color: blue

    Hair Color: Blond

    Weight: 98 Ibs

    Height: 4`9

    Outfit: An old butler`s uniform that he took while with his first master.


    Bounded God:

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  • Name: Fae

    Title: Goddess of the Moon

    Age: She looks 16, but her real age is 230

    Gender: Female

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/imagesOPD34LHX.jpg.94d01cbd0d468a30f7789fac9205fc39.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85921" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/imagesOPD34LHX.jpg.94d01cbd0d468a30f7789fac9205fc39.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Eye Color: Light Blue, with a mix of green Highlights

    Hair Color: Pure White, like the moon

    Weight: 120 Ibs

    Height: 5'3

    Outfit: Mostly simple, Fae loves plain dresses; ranging from a cute yellow dress to a pure blue mini dress. Her favorite dress from her closet is a pure white dress with small buttons on the front of her dress. The sleeves are pulled back forming a sort of blouse to cover the buttons on her shirt.

    Location in where you live:

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/untitled.png.83a8841588917d7262359125efccc714.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85922" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/untitled.png.83a8841588917d7262359125efccc714.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    - She lives in the human realm because that's the only place where she feels comfortable instead of all the tension in the heavens.



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  • Name: Naofumi Hyakuya

    Regalia Name: To Be Discussed

    Gender: Cisgender Male

    Age: 19

    Eye Color: Daunting Crimson

    Hair Color: Stygian Black

    Weight: 136lbs/62kg

    Height: 5'5

    Outfit: He is usually seen in a black trenchcoat with a white t-shirt underneath it. He wears a pair of dark blue jeans with a pair of monochrome schemed Nike shoes. On his face, he wears a typical black mask for fashion purposes. He doesn't mind it as it is a very popular trend in Japan in his time.

    Bounded God: To be found.

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  • untitled_drawing_by_the_secret_archives-d9h6v8g.png

    Name: Shorn

    Title: A God of Despair

    Age: 946 Years of Age

    Gender: Male

    Eye Color: Scarlet

    Hair Color: Dark Brown

    Weight: 186 lbs.

    Height: 6’1’’

    Location in where you live: A Health Resort, run and owned by the Goddess of Vitality
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"Ah, I'm just a mere Regalia..."


"My name? I'm called... ehm...

Regalia Name

"I am in search of a new god, so I have no name as of yet."


"I am obviously female."


"I was fifteen..."

Eye Color

"White. Unusual, huh?"

Hair Color

"My hair is a dark shade of a brownish-black."


"Weight...? I think around 97 pounds..."




Usually, she wears a long cloak with joggers and a navy blue tank top to go with.


Short, blackish hair with bright white eyes. She wears a dark blue cloak that's slightly lighter blue with a bunch of little badges on it.

Bounded God

"I do not have a god yet, as I said before. I am in search."

"Abilities and more? Let's see."

Shinki Type

"I'm a falchion. You know, a big sword with a slanted side? No...?"

Skills & Abilities

+ Severance


+ Boundary

I know a little about myself, but sometimes I'm not so sure if it's true."


Ame has a great sense of things around her. There's this part of her that always wants to surround herself with someone or something. She weirdly loves the rain, even if it calls for a storm. Though, even Ame is very fun to be around, she has a slight shy part of herself. But if you earn her trust, that's something to keep. Something about her is always sweet and delicate, almost as if you shouldn't ever try to hurt her. She's a very kind soul, she at least tries to do what she needs to and what she does.

Disowned by her first bonded God, she now roams the streets. Ever since them, she has grown a slight depression because of being so lost so easily. She's looking for at least a friend in town to help her out with... everything. She also knows when to take action, and isn't afraid to kill, because she knows it's a kill or be killed world.


Ame was born on January 5th, 1999. She was always a happy baby, but she never really was able to be let outside. Her mother's name was Itashi, and her father's name was Katine. She had a pet cat named Lavhish. She would only be able to play with the cat, but never when it was let outside. She loved hearing it when it rained, and learned how to read and write with ease. She grew up a happy child, and soon turned ten years old. When that happened, she was able to go to school. Her first day of school went well, but each and every kid picked on her for who she was. She never fit in, and that caused her great pain.

She soon got used to the games that the kids would play on her.
She'd find crude letters and writings on her things and in her locker. Soon, she blocked out all feelings and didn't let them bother her. She only had one friend, but she cannot remember his name... He was always there for her. She made it through the first few classes with great skills, and weirdly great grades. She would always stay close to her one friend until she one day lost him, because she was bailed out of school for some reason.

She was walking to the store one day to get some groceries for her Mom. It was a rainy night outside, and it was very stormy, thunder and lightning crashing everywhere. But she simply ignored it while walking, it didn't even seem to bother her. While passing a dark ally, she looked at it, and it felt luring. She walked slowly into it, holding her cat close to herself, before blinking a bit and being pulled into it. She squeaked, but her mouth was covered. She was confused, but she felt a knife to her neck. Tears streaming down her face, she waited for pain. When she felt it, she fell into a deep sleep.


+ Cats

+ The rain

+ Being with people

+ Music/Singing

+ Outside

+ Darkness


- Being held or hugged

- Dragged around

- The light/Sun

- Being alone (Even if she's used to it)

- Dogs


~ Being alone

~ Spiders

~ Sleeping

"I may regret this..."


She knows to keep moving on because if she doesn't, she'll probably fall down and cause herself to get hurt more. Being alone is something she hates, but she knows she'll meet someone she can keep.


She knows that if she keeps trying, she'll eventually be able to get a god. That's all she wants, is to serve someone until the final moment.

"Here's some little things you may wanna know!"

Theme Song


Dialogue Color

This color is Dialogue. This color is actions.



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Name: Kaid

Title: God of Wrath

Age: Looks 24, actually 1,000

Gender: Male

Eye Color: His eyes are red but when angry, his scleroses turn black.

Hair Color: Black, but when his fury relinquishes, his hair stays white for a while before reverting back.

Weight: 110 pounds

Height: 5'6

Outfit: Kaid has changed outfits throughout the years. He was prone to destroying things out of anger, and soon got tired of running around in his grey kimono. He swapped it out with a tight fitting black long sleeved shirt that is rolled up to his elbows. Over, an unzipped black hoodie. Long black trousers and black boots. He really likes the color black for some reason. Often times, he wears his black crown, that encircles his head gracefully, because it was once a gift from a girl he had meet hundreds of years ago.

Location: Kaid lives in a high rise penthouse that overlooks the city.

Theme Song:



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God of Travel and Exploration

  • N.(Pok%C3%A9mon).full.943067.jpg
    Name: Nagi

    Title: God of Travel and Exploration; He is also called the ‘Wandering God’ due to his unwillingness to stay in one place for very long. Nagi used to be called a Wind God by the nomads.

    715. He appears to be in his late teens or early twenties.

    Gender: Male

    Eye Color: teal-greenish

    Hair Color: green.

    Weight: 145lbs

    Height: 5’9’’

    Nowadays, after losing his shinki, Akime, Nagi wears nothing special. A black undershirt paired with an off-white pullover, cargo pants, and a pair of hiking boots. He’ll often be seen carrying a large traveler’s backpack which includes camping supplies, food, necessities, holy water bottle, etc. A baseball cap is occasionally worn in order to hide his features. Nagi likes to keep up with modern times since he’s often interacting with humans.

    See picture. One thing to notice about his appearance is that he often has a lazy look about him. Also, his hair is almost always messy with a windblown appearance because of the wind spirits he travels with.

    Location in where you live:
    Nagi is a traveling god and therefore does not like to stay at one place for very long. He lives wherever his feet takes him, but will occasionally stop to rest at the wayside shrines/statues dedicated to him along the roadside. His statues in the near shore are often dusty and overgrown with moss, since there isn’t anyone to take care of them. People who pray at his shrine don’t often stay for long(being travelers and all).


    Despite the fact that he doesn’t visit often, Nagi does still have a house in Takama-ga-hara, which is currently being tended by his shinki, Tatsume.

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"O worthy god. Would you please tell us a little more about yourself?"

Name: Ryth

Title: future god of salvation

Age: 15

Gender: male

Eye Color: onyx

Hair Color: blond

Weight: 52kg

Height: 180cm

Outfit: plain t-shirt with long jeans


Location in where you live: none. he is a wanderer


"Since you live long and all and never really die. What things have you done and seen?"

Story or tale of which you are known for: none

Secrets: unknown

Regrets: being the one to be saved by the nora, instead of being one of his predecessors and let someone else have the privelege of living

History: Ryth's history technically started before he was born. around the start of the twenty first century, the helpless desire to aid those suffering from depression or bullying and things along that nature reached a critical point, causing yatogami to be born in order to fight the forces causing these events. Just like the results of that time the spawned yatogami couldn't do anything due to being naturally drawn to those storms or beasts causing depression and other issues they were born to combat, leading for them to be slaughtered before they could learn anything and fade away. This massacre of yatogami lasted for almost a year until one nora decided to take action, finding a newborn god and teaching him the ways of his power and the reason for his existence. The newborn god was Ryth himself.

Ryth awoke that day in some sort of park. Not understanding what was going on he began to walk around and try to understand.... at least something. It was at this time that a man walked up to him, introducing himself to the child. What followed was a ten minute basic explanation of who Ryth was before the target the young boy was heading towards appeared. A beast hovered around a haggard man, urging its victim to take more drugs before it turned to Ryth, smelling the essence of a god it instantly leapt at Ryth, being stopped only by a borderline from the nora. The following experience gave the newborn yatogami his first regalia. The nora that greeted him when he was born.

Throughout his years, Ryth fought his born enemies with the nora, gaining more knowledge about himself and his world as he went along. The nora nudged him towards learning about the technology of the age he was in, causing the boy to gain a keen interest in everything modern spending what little time he had when he wasn't fighting the aberrations plaguing those of the near shore he was at the library, reading or on one of the computers. This interest in computers allowed him to use a discreet way of being remembered, hiding his name and what he did in files on their devices so they would be reminded of him when they looked into something they usually did. Lately though Ryth had a desire for the blessed regalias he heard of. now he knew that these were extremely rare it still brought up the fact about his regalia. Although the man didn't harm him with corruption like others he still had many names from other gods, with this immature thought in his mind he confronted the nora, asking him to go to the gods who named him and ask them to remove their names from him. When the man refused, Ryth felt betrayed and removed his name from the nora.


"I like where this is going. Why don't you tell us more about you? I want to really get to know you."

Personality: Ryth is a very introverted kid, only talking to his nora and only to learn or plan left him severely lacking in the social aspect. This also damaged his talking, leading him to speak eccentrically and have difficulty getting his point across which frustrates him greatly. Although he doesn't care much about other's opinions of him, the ones he cares about are the only ones whose opinions usually matter to him causing him to be far more sensitive around them. His lack of friends also led to him being extremely loyal, almost to a fault as he would protect them so much as to put his personal safety to the side for those he cares about.

With these things it isn't surprising that he has a keen interest in novels. he really enjoyed reading about those adventures through the world's made up by the authors, gaining tidbits of knowledge from the novels on random things. His keen interest in novels also gave him his indomitable will, he was inspired by the will of many of his favourite protagonists and made sure he was willful for situations that required it. This didn't harm his logical nature though; being on computers regularly he gained a tendency to use logic to sort out things, going so far as to add the unpredictability of chaos into his logic.

Likes: reading, friends, technology, loyalty, kindness

Dislikes: corruption, rebellion, bullies, monsters from the far shore, egotistical gods

Enemies: (will be decided at a later time)

Allies: (will be decided at a later time)

Shinki(s): (will be decided at a later time)

Motivations: be the god that he is meant to be and make sure his predecessors didn't die in vain

Aspirations: lose the title of yatogami and have a shrine


"Any last things you would like to share?"

Theme Song: kami, nozomu sekai to hakoniwa gensou

Dialogue Color:


all hail the mighty milord
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/85601caf4ef63da5af5c291dca8fdcfe.jpg.567127049b2488653429d76a7cb96eff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99160" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/85601caf4ef63da5af5c291dca8fdcfe.jpg.567127049b2488653429d76a7cb96eff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I don't even know who I am."
Name: Naoko

Regalia Name: (Decided between you and the god-user, I want you guys to bond :D )

Gender: Female

Age: 15 (when she was a human), 2 (as a spirit)

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Light Brown

Weight: 121 lbs.

Height: 5’5”

Outfit: A plain light blue dress that is belted around her waist with a darker blue ribbon that is tied into a bow towards her back.

Appearance: From the image you can only see her back, but she has a heart-shaped, angular fine features to her face and large eyes to emphasize her curiosity. She also has medium-sized lips but a small nose. Naoko has a slim build with a small chest and thin waist. She isn’t the most athletic but she can pack a punch when she wants (although she may receive a few broken bones on her end). At a glance, Naoko is rather fragile, more than she wants to be.

Bounded God: Ryth

"I believe I can and I will."
Shinki Type:

Chain weaponry with a set of blades at the end. Naoko has only a set limit to her range unless guided by a scope of a kind or other manners.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/vbHTEA3.jpg.ccf0fd058a207d8b27c48abd6bb6dacd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99164" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/vbHTEA3.jpg.ccf0fd058a207d8b27c48abd6bb6dacd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Skills & Abilities:

Boundary - Having only been recently part of the Far Shore world, Naoko has yet to even be claimed by a god to venture through other abilities.

"I wish I knew more about myself..."

Outgoing, jejune, benevolent, altruistic, and many more. Naoko somehow finds a way to crawl into people’s hearts with no effort. She simply sees the world in an optimistic light, wanting to help as many as she could with her limited abilities. Sometimes her ambition to help others can harm her in that others may take advantage of such kindness or either she gains information and circumstances in which she did not need to be in or have. But sometimes not even helping others does she end up in the mess of life from her curiosity. Naoko enjoys trivial matters and unusual changes that happen to people. She wants to know everything that happens and how it happens. Her expanding mind desires to grasp this knowledge in order to use it at a later time for her benefit in either actual creation or simple imagination. Bubbly, humorous, and a ditz are some of her qualities that decreased when a particular event occurred.

Once the major event of her parents’ death occurred some of her child-like qualities disappeared. Caution, worry, and fear came into her life. Naoko was still an adventurous and curious child, but her opportunities lessened as her mind began comprehending consequences that can occur from an event. Limitations to her freedom and imagination could be a perfect description to what really changed within Naoko. She still is an altruistic and outgoing girl but she restrains herself from trying to hard in over-enjoying herself. Her mind began seeing her joy as a selfish quality and that others are suffering while she is happy. Naoko hates this part of her, but it lives with her now, constantly stirring up turmoil amongst her mind and emotions. But for the most part Naoko is always trying to the find the bright side of things, capturing the odd perspectives of life and taking her chances in what she does.


Naoko had a wonderful childhood, one that every child would enjoy, filled with its adventure with friends, early crushes, bonding time with family, and helping out those around her. She was an only child born to two humble, hard-working bakery shop owners/bakers. Born into a small town, as she grew up everyone had grown to love the sweet-hearted dumpling of the town. There was much that Naoko did; helped tend gardens in neighbor’s yards, helped care for injured animals, strolled through the bamboo forests nearby in search of berries, join the other children in their adventurous games, discovered hidden gems of nature, etc. She mostly participated, with much eager, in all the festivals, parades, and celebrations for the town. There was never a time when Naoko was not dancing around, smiling with others, and sharing stories except the event when her parents both died in a car crash from a weekend trip to try and sell their pastries.

This occurred around the time when she was entering junior high at 12. Never was there a time that the town had seen a flower wither so much. From the incident, her closest aunt moved into the shop to care for her. Days passed that the pastry store stayed close and that she would barely come out to see the faces of the town. Everyone felt pity for her but no one knew how to console her since she was such a fragile child, one who might break under them, a scene they did not wish to witness. The only way that the town was able to watch her was at school, where she wore a brave face and a flickering light in her eyes. Many of her classmates tried to console her, care for her, and help her, but somehow she managed to reassure them she was fine. The only person who saw through her defense was a young boy by the name of Raku. Raku has always been by Naoko’s side, ever since they were born basically. He went with her everywhere and kind of grew up to be a brother in her eyes, but desired to be more. But at this time in Naoko’s life, he was her life-line. Raku did not leave Naoko’s side even from all her persistent reassurance that everything was fine. With gritted teeth and clenched fists he confronted her. Much yelling was included in their conversation, actually Raku was doing all the talking, Naoko simply watched with tears flowing from her eyes. Sorrow, despair, and sadness loomed over her, so much that she never realized how much it was affecting others, not until Raku said something. Once her eyes were open, she couldn’t stop crying. Days and days she constantly fought back tears. Soon enough the town decided to help her out somehow and organized together a mini festival, a festival to celebrate life and what Naoko should be looking towards.

From the shining lanterns to the many colorful yukatas, Naoko began to see the future in which she should be in, rather than dwell in the past. But she could not have done it without Raku. The tight, soft grip of his hand with hers filled her heart with love, security, and comfort. A change occurred from that night. Naoko slowly began to smile like she used to, get out into the streets more, and eventually opened back up the sweets shop. But throughout all the town’s efforts of regaining back their sweet dumpling, they never looked close enough at her to realize that she was born with a weak heart. Her parents, and aunt, were aware of the fact but wished to have the town treat her differently. Naoko continued her life normally soon reaching the point to where she was almost like her old self, always smiling and helping others. Some point throughout the way she even began dating Raku, who grew closer than many would have thought. Naoko felt guilty though from their romance since she was soon leaving Raku. From her depression period, the emotions she experienced deteriorated her weakened heart even more, lessening her life span.

A snippet from Raku's memory of Naoko.

“Hey Naoko. You called me? Told me to buy a bouquet of flowers? Is there something wrong?”

A young teen stood on the sunset-soaked street, staring at the back of the school uniform that the girl in front of him wore. A slight breeze began to stir around the couple blowing away plum blossom leaves and Naoko’s light brown hair. Her arms were crossed behind her back and her face was basking in the setting sun rays.

Raku, the young boy, stood there awed by the sight and slightly nervous, his hands tightening their grip on the flowers. Naoko normally never calls him unless something was wrong and she seemed to know something that he did not. He stretched an arm out, attempting to reach out for her but instead pulled back.

“Raku. I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for what?”

“For loving you,” she whispered as she turned around with tears leaking out of her huge, green eyes.

“W-w-what do you mean?” he asked, afraid for the answer.

At first the girl stood there sniffling, almost seeming like she was not going to answer but then she threw herself on the boy and answered, “I do not have much time.”

Raku was frozen there at first not wanting to believe what she said, but in his sinking heart he somehow felt that something like this was coming. And he needed to be there for her. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a tight squeeze. She calmed down from his strong embrace and stood there for a moment against him. Raku closed his eyes enjoying the moment since this will be the last time he saw her. Never had he felt so complete, bliss, and warm. His heart was pounding and his senses flaring.

But just as he was indulging in the moment Raku’s eyes opened to find Naoko pulling away from his grip, tears still glistening her eyes and a forced smile upon her lips. Wanting to take some of her burden of sadness, Raku began crying himself. But instead of a forced smile, he held a genuine smile on his face. Raku needed to show Naoko that everything was going to be okay. Seeing the soft smile upon his face, Naoko’s own smile eased up into a real smile.

The couple wanted to spend some more time together, but an invisible force somehow told them that time was up. Naoko took a few steps back keeping her eyes on Raku, wanting to gain every detail of him. Raku did the same as well, except he stretched his arm out to present the flowers in which she requested. More tears streaked down her cheeks, but a smile was on her lips. Happily she accepted the bouquet and with much willpower turned herself around to face the sunset. Naoko lightly gripped the bouquet, moving it behind her as she forcibly took her steps forward whispering into the wind, “Thank you Raku. I love you. Hopefully there will be a time where we can see each other again.”

The boy behind her collapsed onto his knees as he captured the last image of Naoko, the withered, sweet dumpling who should have lived to seize life more.










Large crowds

Roller coasters



Being useless

Not coming out as someone special

Not changing for the benefits of others

"The emotions of others."
Motivation(s): The sight of flowers and sweets motivate her because even though she does not remember much of her past, she does feel a familiar affinity towards the two objects, somehow feel revitalized from seeing or being around them. But mostly being in the comfort of someone ultimately push her to continue to change and actual grow of use rather than continue on with her old, childish ideas.

Aspiration(s): Find the feeling of true happiness in which she experience and did not cherish as a child, as well as find a “fulfilling” way to actually become of use to someone rather than hinder them than she did to the people of her past.

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I am the Goddess of Dreams
Name Nemu

Title Goddess of Dreams, Dream Fairy, Nightmare Monster

Age 862


Eye Color Melrose (Lightish purple)

Hair Color White

Weight 50 kg (111 lbs)

Height 170 cm (5'7'')

Outfit The thing about Neru is that she doesn't wear much. She wears a short, dark green yukata bound by a red sash. The sleeves are loose, which means it easier for her to hide things in her sleeves. Neru usually does not wear any shoes, saying that shoes are overrated, but even she wore shoes at one point in time. It was just that she got tired of the stuffiness and uncomfortable feeling the shoes on her feet. Because of this, her feet are quite rough.

Location She sleeps wherever she feels like sleeping, but her actual home is an abandoned shrine.
Praise Me, Resent Me
Tale which she is known for... Neru is known for her neutral standpoint on things, which means that she will do good and she will do bad. She does not care for justice, but only what she feels like doing. If her feelings just happen to match up with justice, then there you go. Because of this some gods look upon her with disdain while others can talk to her without the need to feel like she is against them.

Humans also know of her, but she is basically split into two entities. The "good" side of her and the "bad" side of her. The good side drifts towards dreams in which the people are in distress, and she replaces them with good dreams. Other times, she gives nightmares to show the insecurities in ones mind. There is no set pattern on who gets what kind of dream. It all depends on what she feels like doing. However, someone could pray to her and ask for her to give them a good nights sleep, or to wish misfortune upon others in their dreams. In the olden times, people would stay up for nights at a time because someone asked her to give them nightmares. Others asked that for her to give their children sweet dreams.


~ She has caused someone's death with a dream (plenty of times)

~ She sneaks into peoples' homes to sleep occasionally


~ Letting Michi experience others' nightmares

~ Releasing Michi

History Since the early 1900s, Neru has existed. Back then, she was lonely. All she did was do her job to float in and out of dreams to fulfill requests to put their children to sleep peacefully and those cursing others. As time went on, she got tired of seeing the same dreams over and over and over again. It seemed very monotonous. Nightmares were sometimes more fun to make than happy dreams, and happy dreams were sometimes more fun to make than nightmares. Not even 100 years passed before she started to feel numb from seeing many dreams.

143 years since her birth, she met her first regalia. His name was Michi. They had fun together. She could laugh and talk with him, take him on dream journeys. Eventually, he was corrupted by darkness mainly from the nightmares she had shown him. She had to release him. And he was gone. Neru didn't know that such a thing could happen because she was ignorant of everything. For 143, she didn't bother to learn about the world. All she did was mind her own business.

From the death of her beloved regalia, she learned. Be more aware of your surroundings. Be careful of who take on your journeys. Be careful of what you show the people in your dream journeys. Don't make another spirit a regalia until a crisis appears where your own safety is compromised.

Time went on without Michi. She still laughed and enjoyed life, always thinking of the fun times with her first regalia. As she got older, she started breaking and entering to have a place to sleep. Then, she started stealing for food since nobody paid her any attention. Neru continued to do her job, but became increasingly "free" to do what she wants.
Do As You Wish
Personality This goddess is a carefree goddess who likes having daydreams and having fun. Many can argue that she is self-centered. Neru bases her decisions off of what she wants to do and what she feels. Whether it be breaking and entering, stealing food, playing pranks for her own amusement, or even giving nightmares, she does all of these things based on her decisions only. In other words, she's not a person who likes being controlled by others, although there are a few exceptions (Michi). If there's one thing she absolutely hates, it's people trying to tell her what to do. If someone tells her to do something, she will take it into consideration and make her "own decision."

She often daydreams and talks in a kind of lazy tone. Her daydreaming can sometimes piss people off. Though, if the person/god/goddess has her attention, then then they will have her attention. And despite her self-centered attitude, she does have her own little set of morals. It's not like she's completely without morals. If there's someone she cares about to set her straight, she'll probably wouldn't want to disappoint that person, for example.

There are some things she takes seriously though. One of them is the prayer requests she receives from the people who believe in her. While we're on the same page, Neru is also very serious about what dreams she shows to others if she ever takes them on a dream journey. Her experience with Michi made her very protective of anyone with her while they are in a dream. Another thing she takes seriously is her own safety. The third is anyone who is bound to her, which means that if she obtains a regalia, she will become as protective of him/her as she is of herself regardless of how she feels for the regalia.


~ Dreaming

~ Her believers

~ Being free


~ Staying in a confined place

~ Fighting unnecessarily







Motivations To do her job and keep existing.


"Should I have something like that?"
Just Don't Disrupt My Fun

Dialogue: "This looks like a nice color. Yes." Nemu's voice usually sounds tired, which means that her voice is not high pitched since she's too lazy to raise her voice. Even when she's having fun, her voice just sounds lazy.


All Hail The Mighty Milord...

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Name: Calypso

Title: Goddess of Guidance

Age: "As old as the very first living being. I was born along side the prince of the forest as his guide"


Eye Color: pink

Hair Color:white

Weight: 90 lbs

Height: 4 ft 11

Outfit: a cloth white loincloth and a top made by tied linins


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-18_15-38-16.jpeg.e32ac5643c42f9870f2d27dd010008b2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99934" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-18_15-38-16.jpeg.e32ac5643c42f9870f2d27dd010008b2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> she looks like this to other gods and Shinki. to humans she prefers to appear like this. (she can appear human like sometimes)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-18_15-40-5.jpeg.363f2dc4132da9645e71a6292e08a0d4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99939" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-18_15-40-5.jpeg.363f2dc4132da9645e71a6292e08a0d4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Location in where you live:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-18_15-40-46.jpeg.39e4f91ebf1046b1e2dbd136271b721b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99940" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-18_15-40-46.jpeg.39e4f91ebf1046b1e2dbd136271b721b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"Humans amuse me. Perhaps that why I seem to really want to help them? Even if they do hurt me so."

Story or tale of which you are known for: Calypso first came to be a goddess when humans were just beginning to venture out of their home villages into the jungle. She was simply a white stag in the forest, but she took sympathy upon lost children that would wonder off and be attacked by phantoms. She used to lead them back on the safest route. even today she will keep lost people safe and show them the way.

Secrets: Sure, she is good with guidance wishes... but anything else she tends to try to fix the problem and solve it... without actually fixing anything.

Regrets: that she can only guide one at a time. meaning only a lucky few actually get help.

History: Calypso used to get a bad rap as making nature so cut throat. it was either kill or be killed and only the strongest survived. However as she began helping out man kind more and more, they came to like her. they came to her with offerings for a good crop season, they'd come to her before hunts and even pray to her for fortune. Although most of these wishes were out of her relm, she did take a liking to children. She's appear before lost children in the forest and lead them back to their parents, telling them stories the whole way. Now a days she's not nearly as strong as she used to be and keeping phantoms out of her forest has become too hard of a task for the run down goddess, but she still smiles never the less and does her best in trying.


"Oh, but you already know me. wither you know you do or not."

Personality: Calypso is a generally smiley girl and is always on the positive side. She can be rather childish and can get herself into a great deal of trouble in record time. She is passive and selfless, to the point she has allowed the humans to reduce her so much simply using the excuse that they know no better. She continues to bless them even though they continue to desecrate her. Even though she is passive for her own misfortune, she will gladly defend others, humans especially.

Likes: Animals, kids, people, plants, deer, cake!!!

Dislikes: Cities, smoke, fire, phantoms, dead things, the color yellow.

Enemies: (will be decided at a later time)

Allies: (will be decided at a later time)

Shinki(s): (will be decided at a later time)

Motivations: She just wants to see that the humans are happy.

Aspirations: That she and the humans could share this world equally.


"Humans are so amusing!! So adorable! I kind of want one for a pet!"

Theme Song: Uninvited- analna morsette

Dialogue Color: PURPLE!!

Other: "Not really nope. well actually..." *wispers*

"All Hail Mighty Milord!"



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