Advice/Help Need help with RP


So, with rp I’m anxious when roping here. There’s a lot of tutori on how to be a good rper. There’s always the rules of no god modding, auto hitting, and such.
but what other rules are there for rp? Like for characters and responses and such.
The rules for an RP will depend on RP to RP and in case of 1x1s, partner to partner. Besides the site rules, and the general 'don't be an ass' type rules, if you want to know what rules RPs have you have to ask the GM or partner in question, and if there is one read the interest check or the thread with rules (which I'd love to be more specific about, but unfortunately also varies).

Still, if I were you I would try to avoid thinking in terms of "am I good enough". You are. Sure some people have less skill others have more, but there's talent and effort and experience, everyone has room to grow and will grow. The tutorials and the like are not the starting line, they are there to help you improve over time, they are not hard rules you need to follow to be able to RP. Go try to find the right partner for you, or the right group for you, and then do your best and stay honest.

And remember, in case of doubt, just ask.
Idea pretty much hit the nail on the head. Most rules are basically summed as, "Don't ruin anyone else's fun," and most everything else (spelling/grammar/length requirements, post frequency, inclusion of heavier subject material, etc.) are determined by the GM or mutually agreed upon between partners.

Really, don't worry to much about it. Just find a story/setting you're interested, make sure you can handle the length/frequency requirements, and be respectful of what content your partners do/don't want to see (and make sure they respect your wishes as well) and you'll be fine. If you're unsure about anything, just as the GM or your partner. And remember that we've all made pretty much every mistake in the book, it won't be the end of the world if you accidentally godmod or something. The important part is to have fun.
Idea Idea pretty much hit the nail on the head. Every RP is different and the GM will have their own rules to follow for their RP's.

General rules like no God-Modding, Metagaming, Power Playing, etc are always good to observe regardless of the RP genre or who's running it though.

Other good (often unspoken) rules to observe include:

* Be open-minded and flexible

Everyone has life circumstances to deal with, so try not to get impatient or judge people if their activity level declines a biy.

*Be kind and humble

Nobody likes an arrogant jerk or an overly aggressive and mean-spirited know-it-all. So try to relax and just be kind and humble in your skills and experiences and you'll do well here.

* Try to uplift others rather than putting them down.

If you feel that someone is struggling or in some way not living up to expectations, try not to feel like you need to call them out or rub their nose in their failure. Try to help them find a path through the challenges and help them succeed and enjoy their experience rather than putting them down.

Other than that it's really all about being a good person first and a role-player second at all times. Do that, and you'll be just fine.


~ GojiBean

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