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Fandom Naruto: Shinobu no taitō

[QUOTE="Dai tenshi]For some reason or another I feel like a bad guy by just reading this comment. -_-

No no, it's just me saying that mistakes, if made, will be corrected; which is a good thing :P
... Jeez...

Finding jutsu isn't as easy as I hoped it would be... >.<
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I accidentally found a way to torture myself using anime. Watch Shokugeki no Souma while starving with no food. -_-
... Personality added...

Now then, why is there an extra tab in there... ... Time to figure that puzzle out. >.<

Her clan history and parts of her story will probably make more sense once Jonin is out there. ^-^

Just not putting her in yet, so that doesn't really matter yet.

Going to say now that the jonin is actually Usagi's aunt. Wasn't sure what to do with them, so I came up with a way to connect them.
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Ch3rryBlossom28 said:
Hey Dai Tenshi do I need to wait for you to post before posting my intro since you are the sensei for team 16.
No, you can go ahead. I will be finishing my cs today. I was just fleshing out somethings with Kiyoko. My squad will be meeting at the training grounds near a lake surrounded by trees.
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Finals next week. I'm going to attempt to get Usagi and my jonin completely done this weekend, but may not happen as I'm going to be busy trying not to fail...Anyway, if their not done this weekend, then they'll be done next weekend after finals.
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@RedThroat[/URL] to post before I cycle through right?
Well I am thinking about asking someone or replace him myself for the time being. I will place his genin on another team. If you and the other two are fine with posting without him then go ahead. I leave that decision up to your squad
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@Ch3rryBlossom28 @Seraph Darkfire @Hanarei I do apologize for making you wait. I just haven't had the time to really write anything. Since my birthday was on the 16th I was busy with that. To be honest I would forget about my own birthday if I wasn't reminded by my sister and mother. And yesterday and today I have been busy getting ready for school and running errands. Tomorrow after my classes I should have time to write. Expect a post and my finished cs then.

Also Hanarei if you don't mind could you get a post ahead of my own. If you are busy I understand if you can't.
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Boop! Post up! Sorry again, I even threw together the banner for it and still somehow forgot to post. >.<
Well... today was a long day. So when I got home I laid down on my bed planning on only being there for five minutes at max to look rpnation on my phone. Next thing I know it's 8pm. -_- Everything might be later then planned, but I working as I type this(aside from the five minute break to make this).

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