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Fandom naruto «« reset ooc

yxnie yxnie Quick question. Since the byakugan is normally available since birth, that would mean Natsumi has it already right?
Whos still canon in this Rp out of curiosity? Hitomu is not a clan heir or least not in my mind he's a lower branch (?) . But if for some reason the head of Yamanaka clan is referenced or something or the hokage don't want to use the wrong name.
yxnie yxnie Quick question. Since the byakugan is normally available since birth, that would mean Natsumi has it already right?
Yeah, she would. [For anyone else who has Byakugan this is probably important information to know!]

Whos still canon in this Rp out of curiosity? Hitomu is not a clan heir or least not in my mind he's a lower branch (?) . But if for some reason the head of Yamanaka clan is referenced or something or the hokage don't want to use the wrong name.
Like, characters? None. Clans? Yeah, canon ones still exist. If you wanted to you could come up with the head of the clan (or I can do it if you'd prefer). This actually applies to the others who made characters in an already-existing clan. As for the Kage, I'll get around to making them ^ ^
Yeah, she would. [For anyone else who has Byakugan this is probably important information to know!]

Like, characters? None. Clans? Yeah, canon ones still exist. If you wanted to you could come up with the head of the clan (or I can do it if you'd prefer). This actually applies to the others who made characters in an already-existing clan. As for the Kage, I'll get around to making them ^ ^
Oh gotcha. Hmmm... Well I don't have a name but having the clan head be Hanako's brother could work which would make him Hitomu's uncle. A indirect heir I suppose but similar to Hiashi & Hizashi.

But cool! ^^ Just checking so I don't blunder things.
Yeah, she would. [For anyone else who has Byakugan this is probably important information to know!]

Like, characters? None. Clans? Yeah, canon ones still exist. If you wanted to you could come up with the head of the clan (or I can do it if you'd prefer). This actually applies to the others who made characters in an already-existing clan. As for the Kage, I'll get around to making them ^ ^
Eh, I don't really have much for a clan heir, so I'd be glad if you made it (if it isn't too much work :3)
ill specify more on her specific abilities in a bit so fucking tired from this all typing up business but senju spoiled brat princessa is upa
ill specify more on her specific abilities in a bit so fucking tired from this all typing up business but senju spoiled brat princessa is upa
I'd like to point out that Hashirama and the others don't quite exist in this AU ^ ^;; I only briefly skimmed through it though, so if there are any other changes that need to be made I'll notify you.

Uhh that being said, pretty soon I'm going to start going over everyone's CSs so far and start the accepting process. For those of you with WIPs let me know when you finish so i can fully assess your character!
I'd like to point out that Hashirama and the others don't quite exist in this AU ^ ^;; I only briefly skimmed through it though, so if there are any other changes that need to be made I'll notify you.
Yea I just named her dad Hashirama cuz I couldn't think of anything else :closedeyescryingfrown:
edit: I can totally change it if that's too bothersome
I had fun with naming ahahaha
Using google translate, “Chikara” means “force” so almost everyone in the Chikara clan has a name that is wordplay I guess. “Tafu” is supposed to mean “tough” aha

“Tough force reporting for duty”
Sounds funnier/worse then
“Tafu Chikara! Men write me love letters and ladies name their ninja tools after me!”
Yea I just named her dad Hashirama cuz I couldn't think of anything else :closedeyescryingfrown:
edit: I can totally change it if that's too bothersome
I mean I guess, my only problem is that it could cause some kind of confusion. If anything you could go with a basic name like. Sora or whatever

I had fun with naming ahahaha
Using google translate, “Chikara” means “force” so almost everyone in the Chikara clan has a name that is wordplay I guess. “Tafu” is supposed to mean “tough” aha

“Tough force reporting for duty”
Sounds funnier/worse then
“Tafu Chikara! Men write me love letters and ladies name their ninja tools after me!”
Lol. I would've made one of my characters' name a pun but I dunno, haha
I have this amazing custom genjutsu in mind ahaha
it's called Farting Flowers and my senju is going to make a couple flowers grow and boom horrendous smell
cant do much in battle but caught off guard its pretty funny

I mean I guess, my only problem is that it could cause some kind of confusion. If anything you could go with a basic name like. Sora or whatever
I'll change it lol
I have this amazing custom genjutsu in mind ahaha
it's called Farting Flowers and my senju is going to make a couple flowers grow and boom horrendous smell
cant do much in battle but caught off guard its pretty funny

I'll change it lol
Don’t plagerise Naruto vs Kiba,
Alright, I don't think I can type up a long personality bit. I know I can for the biography but not the personality.
Hey everyone! I'd just like to say that two of the genin teams have been decided on! I'll leave it to my opening post to tell you who they are but some progress has been made. Other teams have planned members in them too but they're not set (since some people still have to post their sheets).

Flowiest D Flowiest D Chikara Tafu || I'd prefer if you expanded a bit on Tafu's personality, but other than that you're good. When you do so then you'll be officially accepted ^ ^ (the personality bit is just so I can really understand who Tafu is as a person!)

NoviceOfRoleplay NoviceOfRoleplay Hyuuga "Daichi" Muhaar || Even though it's kinda minor, I'm curious as to what his body proportions are. It'd give some kind of potential detail assuming he gets in a fight (you don't need to add this though). Also a not-so-minor thing, he's missing the Accuracy stat. Even if he has 0 in it there's still potential in him gaining it, y'know what I mean? Everything else looks awesome though.

Scheani Scheani Awalin Awani || Uh, I know that you're aware of this, but her Ability stat total is 49 instead of 50. Are you sure you don't want to use that extra point lol? Otherwise, accepted.

The Silent Z The Silent Z Yamanaka Hitomu || One thing I'd like to point out is that ~40kgs is a quite light for someone with that height? If that's what you were aiming for then yeah. I just thought I'd let you know. Other than that, accepted.

fin fin Nakamura Kaigo || He sure is tall for a 13 year-old, lol. Aha. Looking through his stats, I realized that they add up to 60 rather then the allowed 50. A simple solution for this would be to take away the 10 in Dojutsu since he hasn't yet awakened his Sharingan, and you can't really be proficient in something you're unaware of. Once that's fixed, he'll be accepted.

L latency Akimichi Karin || You stated that she's a WIP but she looks pretty finished to me, minus the body proportions and any jutsu she may use (albeit jutsu were never really needed, but I figured there would be some since she's an Akimichi). Before I officially accept you though, you should probably finish up what you were intending to do, and then let me know ^ ^ Also, a part of her bio should be altered since the fourth shinobi war never actually happened, and any wars prior to the start of the rp would have gone significantly differently than how they did in the actual series.

B Billicious Tenra Muketsu || Like I mentioned with some others, you're missing some body proportions, but seeing as those aren't too important you could leave it as is. And so, Muketsu is accepted.

izayoiix izayoiix Hyuuga Natsumi || ^ Reference to the one above. In any case, Natsumi is accepted.

Phayne Phayne Rouen Akashi || Accepted!

Foxagon Foxagon Senju Chouko || Friendly reminder that, even though she has access to Wood Release, she would not be very good at it because it requires the usage of two Chakra natures, and Genin in this RP start out with the knowledge of one. If you noticed Tenma, he has a kekkei genkai that requires two elements as well, and while he can use his KG, he's not good with it at all since he lacks the ability to properly control the earth portion of it. Other than that, she looks good.

To everyone else, I'm looking forward to how your characters turn out when they're posted!
yxnie yxnie
Yeah I was aware- Since I haven't been 5'3 since my elementary years it's difficult to recall what's too thin and what's the level of thin I was looking for with Hitomu. So thought I try around 40 kgs, I might add a bit of weight but mostly am looking to keep with a slim/athletic build.

Thanks for the looking out though and awesome! ^^
yxnie yxnie
Yeah I was aware- Since I haven't been 5'3 since my elementary years it's difficult to recall what's too thin and what's the level of thin I was looking for with Hitomu. So thought I try around 40 kgs, I might add a bit of weight but mostly am looking to keep with a slim/athletic build.

Thanks for the looking out though and awesome! ^^
Yeah, I was just curious since 40 kgs is around 88 pounds if I'm not mistaken? I think somewhere around ~50kgs would be a more healthy weight, unless you were to make him shorter. But yeah, no problem! I'm willing to help anyone with their characters if they want me to ^ ^
Yeah, I was just curious since 40 kgs is around 88 pounds if I'm not mistaken? I think somewhere around ~50kgs would be a more healthy weight, unless you were to make him shorter. But yeah, no problem! I'm willing to help anyone with their characters if they want me to ^ ^
Yep that's correct. I'll edit the weight and utilize the kgs you mentioned, it seems more suitable.
Yep that's correct. I'll edit the weight and utilize the kgs you mentioned, it seems more suitable.
Alright, cool! Now to figure out exactly which team Hitomu'll be in. Should I make him suffer or give him teammates with good chemistry? Decisions, decisions...

mkuchiha mkuchiha Your sheet seems fine other than the fact that the Uchiha head will actually be a NPC, whose personality and such was already thought out by fin fin (and partially myself). I just have to get him up, but yeah. If you still want Kanasai to be his son after I actually get the NPC up then be my guest, but it may cause changes in his bio and a strained relationship with a certain other character.
dunno if this will help with team decisions, but hopefully within the next day or so i plan on making a guy who focuses on genjutsu, no clan affiliation
Alright, cool! Now to figure out exactly which team Hitomu'll be in. Should I make him suffer or give him teammates with good chemistry? Decisions, decisions...

mkuchiha mkuchiha Your sheet seems fine other than the fact that the Uchiha head will actually be a NPC, whose personality and such was already thought out by fin fin (and partially myself). I just have to get him up, but yeah. If you still want Kanasai to be his son after I actually get the NPC up then be my guest, but it may cause changes in his bio and a strained relationship with a certain other character.
HAHa the fate of Hitomu...... Tune in to find out! ^^ which reminds me of a npc related and clan/squad idea:

L latency
Would you like to have our ocs parents as former squad mates one of the past generations of Ino-Shika-Cho?
Alright, cool! Now to figure out exactly which team Hitomu'll be in. Should I make him suffer or give him teammates with good chemistry? Decisions, decisions...

mkuchiha mkuchiha Your sheet seems fine other than the fact that the Uchiha head will actually be a NPC, whose personality and such was already thought out by fin fin (and partially myself). I just have to get him up, but yeah. If you still want Kanasai to be his son after I actually get the NPC up then be my guest, but it may cause changes in his bio and a strained relationship with a certain other character.
Edited the perso

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