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Fandom Naruto: Kemuri (An Naruto AU RP)




The land of Umarekawari is a place of temporary peace and constant battle. The region consists of several regions, in those 5 great Ninja Villages reside taking control of the region. The great villages stand as the epitome of what every village sought to be. They have prestige and wealth funding them. They were the backbone of any region they are apart of, their influence expanding out beyond their boarders. It was the dream of many young shinobi to be to be part of such a village. Not everyone is born with such a chance.

Kemurigakure (Village Hidden in the Smoke) is just a small village established long ago by Koseki, an industrial city established by merchants pushing the various inventions and the various technology that fills the world. It's very existence was ravaged by its involvement in the last war, leaving the once slowly growing village a hallowed husk. It was used by the alliance it became part of in the war and withdrawn only to be ostracized and left to wither away and die. Even Koseki which had funded it long ago has all but abandoned its financial support leaving the village to struggle to get by.

The newest generation of ninja from Kemuri has finished the academy rising up to take the mantle of being ninja. Will the next generation be able to pick up the shattered ruins of the village and allow it to find a place in the harsh world as a place worthy of respect or even to be acknowledged?

Welcome to Naruto: Kemuri, a Naruto based RP taking place in an alternate universe with its own world and backstory! The Roleplay will be focused on several academy fresh Genin as they enter the world as part of a small beaten down village struggling to stay alive after the last war. Feel free to ask questions here or feel free to discuss anything in regards to this roleplay! I will post an update and a link once the Roleplay thread is up, which should happen in the next day or two!

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Hey! I'm interested in this rp! Seems very interesting indeed. I have to ask though how will jutsu work? I know how jutsu works. But, will we make our own jutsu and when can we learn certain jutsu? Is there a limit?
Looks good. My character is still a work in progress but he's getting there. but it may depend on the jutsu details and the number limit for starting out. I only plan using three starting off and add from there upon character development and earning higher stats to spread out to build him into what I have in mind.
@Eagleye415 Jutsu wise the RP will use mostly the Jutsu from the series. Original Jutsu will be allowed, though generally a Genin wouldn't be making much as far as Jutsu unless it is more of a Gimmick kind of Jutsu. There will be a limit to the amount of Jutsu you can know, though you can learn more during the RP as well. I'm seeing the characters progressing as the Roleplay goes on so there will

@Saru I plan on having the standard academy Jutsu as the basis, though I'll have exact limits and all that put up with the thread. Expect primarily to only be using D-rank jutsu with a slight possibility of a C-Rank being permitted, although I'm still debating it as of right now.
I like it. If I have other questions I'll definitely ask. I look forward to this. Also I've only watched the original Naruto Anime all the way through. I have not finished Shippuden and may not ever.
@Eagleye415 Completely fine. The only real thing that I have that comes from Shippuuden would be Chakra Nature, which in short is just the element of any ability you use. Most Jutsu already lists what Nature they use, and picking which your character has an affinity to should be simple enough. ^^
@Hanarei Hmm... Well I think I may need to readjust then. The jutsu skill set I had in mind was centered around his Boil/Steam Release Kekkei Genkai and three starting jutsu which makes up his fighting style. Though one technique that would be used wouldn't be learned until he has reached that level. But the third jutsu taking its place would be a third style of jutsu and thus giving him a balance but still genin level.

Example: Would be a cross between Han/Mei Terumi/Second Mizukage in terms of the boil release and steam uses. But made into a genin level with a slight balance in the three common forms of jutsu.

The characters starting techniques would be:

Boil Release: Unrivalled Strength-Unranked in the wikia/Marked as supplementary

Boil Release: (Steam Based Genjutsu technique, D-Rank custom)

Boil Release: Steam Flicker Technique (A boil Release version of the common body flicker technique and would be D-Rank)
@Saru Bloodlimits would be an exception. Generally those Bloodlimits that aren't fully explored I have no problem with some abilities being created for it that make sense. Unrivalled Strength would be something I'd generally be against (it comes off very high rank). A Genjutsu it would depend highly on what exactly it does, Genjutsu generally aren't D-Rank material so there is a chance it might be not accepted, or it would be a C-Rank of some sort. Steam Flicker would be completely fine to me though.
What about Sage mode and natural chakra? Will that be able to be learned? Also what about Curse Marks? Sorry I'm asking all these questions. Just want to be clear.
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@Eagleye415 Eventually possibly? The characters are starting real early so they wouldn't be anywhere near that. Cursed marks wouldn't have a reason to exist unless someone had created the technique and all.
@Hanarei Well the Unrivalled strength is more or less just there for the general make up of his fighting style and easy explanation for his steam based abilities and its varied uses. But I can work around that particluar technique and make for a lesser version starting off? Or keep it for later once the character is higher level.

The Genjutsu would be a basic illusion involving steam and the targets merely seeing steam rise before them and blur the vision and obscure for a short time. Which in turn could create a opening for a attack and aid the character and allies in battle.



*casually sidles into the new thread in order to offer my two cents*

First: yay! New thread! And more interest!! ( ' u ' )/




I might be out of line since I'm not a GM or anything so sorry in advance if I'm treading on toes. ;u;

In the Naruto Wiki, while it


say that Boil Release: Unrivaled Strength is a supplementary jutsu, it was also only used by the host of Kokuō/the Gobi (Five-Tails), so I'd recommend taking that into consideration? x) The canon jinchuriki are far more powerful than your typical shinobi and their techniques reflect that (using a lot of chakra, tends to mimic the beast's own nature, etc), and your character probably isn't a jinchuriki, lol.

Anyways, Hana probably has a view of what she wants power-wise for the genin so I'll just. leave it to her. >>;;
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@Saru I'd lean away from it personally at least to start. I don't mind having some maybe way to adapt it, though as Siri states it is a Jinchuriki Jutsu, so its a little more on the hard side to judge and probably would be a stronger Jutsu that can be very demanding on the user or possibly even detrimental.
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I understand everyone having the questions, but I feel like a lot will be answered once the thread is up. I'm guessing that it will be much easier to understand once all of the information is more organized and available.

While some will most likely disagree, I think everybody should try to focus more on the writing of the roleplay itself, to avoid over complicating the mechanics. As long as there are no Mary Sues and god-modding, I think it should all be okay.

Basically, what I'm trying to get at, is that everyone should try to focus on the writing. It is a detailed RP for a reason and with good communication, this RP should be able to go off without a hitch, having simple enough mechanics.

This may seem a bit out of the blue, but I was also reading post from the other thread. Many are looking into this too much. Communication is the name of the game. Putting too much emphasis on the stats and jutsu and such will simply make it less fun.
Alright, I'll probably have the official RP thread up tomorrow. I'm just fixing up some stuff and it should be good to go. ^^

@Check Pretty much what I'm leaning towards. I really just have it as vague as possible and I'm trying to make it simple enough to put down without it being overly complicated. That said I do go probably in far too much detail about it so far (I might trim it down and try and simplify it instead of being overly detailed on it >.< ) but in the end its as simple as "His Taijutsu is a little higher then mine, so in the RP I should expect to play it out with a little bit of a disadvantage at times, lets figure out a good way of roleplaying that out!"

I don't think too many people are bogged down with it though, but I might unintentionally be making people overthink it. Yes I like it as a guideline, but I want it mostly for fun. >.<
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its been so long since I've done a naruto rp, may as well start it off with something interesting.

The character I have in mind is taijutsu oriented, but not only on the regular kicks and punches with fancy dancy footwork, a specialist if you will, a true man/woman of the craft, no kenjutsu either, just straight up power of biomechanics.

A grappler is what i shall make, for those who are not sure what that is, think UFC, but now put it in a anime setting, now you got people turning into pretzels. Of course, in herit weakness in lack of ranged attacks, but should be fun regardless.

That is, of course, if you need another person.
@Orikanyo I have to admit I'm not quite sure how exactly it would work. I can see it being used in close range, but its over-all functionality is a lot hard to play out given the setting. I don't mind if your character has some elements mixed in, but you probably would want to have a bit more to them then just that.
of course, main themes are simply that, have to back them up with other shenanigans, just the name of the game really.
(Btw I was working on this post before the conversation above happened)

Yeah if there is a stat system I will overthink it. Sorry.

@Orikanyo Welcome! We aren't closed yet! I hope, Wait so is you character a stylish Lee?

Sooooooo instead of going to sleep I decided to make some smoke jutsu anyone can use! (I thinking about the first one being an academy jutsu. Oh and I think that characters should be able to learn their primary nature types early in this RP even if they are not prodigies.)

Kemuri no wa- Smoke Ring

Wind Release E-Ranked Supplementary

A basic jutsu for Wind Natured Ninja created by some of the first academy instructors of Kemuri.

It is used to create a slightly hard to see and sense through smoke area around the user. There are quite a few advance variations, mainly including ones that empower the user of the justsu. (I added that so it wouldn't just be Zabuza's mist jutsu but with smoke)

It works by molding chakra into multiple hoops stacked on top of each other and expelling them outwards around the waist with the Dog Seal. It is given an E-Rank because molding one ring is simple. (and is surprisingly effective considering it's simplicity).

(Google translate called the next jutsu Sumōkuchōku)

Chōku - Smoke Choke

Wind Release D-Ranked Offensive

A novice variation on Smoke Burst which sends a half of a smaller Smoke Burst form the user's hands (again, the dog seal) to well, choke the target by getting smoke in their lungs.

(Now because of me looking up words which rhymed with Smoke (choke) I made up the above jutsu. Now, because of the above jutsu, I want to make my character a Wind Nature (I quess smoke jutsu could be fire based) and having Smoke Choke as a variation her parents made.)

(Kemuri Bāsuto - Smoke Burst is what I originally called Kemuri no wa.)
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More along the lines of "Oh fancy technique you have there, it would be a pity if somebody were to say... throw you on the ground then dislocate both your arms~!"

I think I'll go with female, fits the idea I have in my head more.
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Orikanyo said:
More along the lines of "Oh fancy technique you have there, it would be a pity if somebody were to say... throw you on the ground then dislocate both your arms~!"
I think I'll go with female, fits the idea I have in my head more.
Yay! Two males role-playing as females!

Well I went and got some translations for some taijutsu moves (they probably won't fit your ideas but I think they are somewhat funny)

Sutairisshu Stairu-Stylish Stlye

Hadena panchi-Fancy Punch

Dezainākikku-Designer Kick

Now I really wish someone would make a playboy character so these can be used.
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Ohh I want to reserve a spot if possible. I have some questions though, like are the clans from the original Naruto in this alternate universe, or do we have to make our own?

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