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Fandom uncharted | an atla/lok roleplay


energy remains
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  • intro

    Chi Blockers

    Jeremy Zuckerman


    welve years have come and gone since the last Avatar, Avatar Korra, has passed on. Only three days after the news of her death spread amongst the nations and Republic City, a strange rumbling started that could be felt between the southern-most regions of the Fire Nation and the northern edges of the land of the southern Air nomads. By the end of the day a strange thing was discovered in the sea between the two lands, a large thing. Two more days passed after the initial sightings before the Fire Nation sent ships to investigate, aboard each vessel was an airbender who could fly between the ships for communication just in case radios failed. Another day passed and there was silence, not a single ship had reported back to the Fire Nation and the Southern Air Temple reported that no airbenders had reported back to their temple either. By morning of the next day, a single airbender appeared on the shore of the Fire Nation's southern beaches, they were quickly attended to and after care and rest, the airbender reported that the strange thing on their horizon was land. A new continent.

    The airbender also reported that two of the four ships disappeared in a fog that rolled in as they grew closer to the beach of the land, apparently the radios all malfunctioned at the same time. The two remaining airbenders took to the sky to search for signs of the two missing ships, but could not see past the fog and did not want to get lost in it. Both of the remaining ships had made landfall, though the first was dragged unto the sand and sank into the earth only moments after they had anchored. The same thing happened to the last ship, though the airbender was able to escape just narrowly and used their remaining strength and energy to try to report back to the Fire Nation. Upon learning these things, travel to this new land was forbidden , though this would not be the last of the world's troubles after losing their Avatar.

    Five years passed after the Uncharted Land appeared and no new Earth Avatar had been identified. The world was growing restless and anxious, weary of the new continent and afraid for their lost Avatar. Their worries were only made more concrete when a terrifying and chaotic storm began to encircle the new continent, taking out any patrols that had been stationed there to keep on eye on the happenings of this new land. The storm has lasted since that day, a terrible swirling and dangerous thing that takes out whatever enters its path without prejudice. It seems almost alive, and the nations fear that only one thing can stop it; the Avatar, but even after 12 long years, none has been identified.

    The leaders of the world fear that their Avatar may be somehow lost on this new continent, and that to assuage the strange and terrible happenings of this uncharted land they must be found.

    Hello, thank you for taking the time to read through all of that! Welcome to Uncharted, this is going to be a roleplay set in the world of Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra. Though there is going to be a large overarching plotline (see above), there will also be some sandboxy elements to this roleplay. If any of that interests you, I encourage you to read further on to get a good grip on the rules/expectations and should enough interest accrue for this I will make the CS and OOC available!





an atla/lok roleplay


fandom, adventure





spots open

not limited currently



♡coded by uxie♡
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Twins would be such a fun idea!
If I went the Nonbender route with the twin, I'd make him like an endentured knight-type who feels slightly burdened with the task of protecting his sibling while they learned their bending forms.
If allowed, I’d be interested in collaborating with you on this! :)
If I go with the earthbender route, I'm definitely doing a crystal bender who makes weapons and has a jewelry hobby. But, I think it'd be cool to see an air "sound" bender.
Awesome to see the interest! orpheus. orpheus. I like the idea of a knight-like character however they could not be related to the avatar, I should also clarify to everyone that the roles currently aren’t limited, so there can be more than one earthbender, more than one airbender, etc.

To further expand on why they couldn’t be related, the world at large has no knowledge of the next avatar, they haven’t ever been officially identified. I think that there could be an interesting plot somewhere in there for a fake/imposter if somebody was interested in going that route, however that character would be a side-character as opposed to main-cast
Awesome to see the interest! orpheus. orpheus. I like the idea of a knight-like character however they could not be related to the avatar, I should also clarify to everyone that the roles currently aren’t limited, so there can be more than one earthbender, more than one airbender, etc.

To further expand on why they couldn’t be related, the world at large has no knowledge of the next avatar, they haven’t ever been officially identified. I think that there could be an interesting plot somewhere in there for a fake/imposter if somebody was interested in going that route, however that character would be a side-character as opposed to main-cast
I think I'll double up with the knight and earth bender idea. I just had a thought that the bender could transmute earth elements.
Invites have been sent out to the discord! If I missed you please lmk!
Edited first post to include a link to the character sheet thread and also to edit some things I didn't notice before
Might be a good time to revive my firebender character.

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