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Fantasy Mythic Wings

ChoShadow ChoShadow
Got any random, non-spoilery lore you wanna reveal while we wait?


Humans and other humanoid life forms such as elves, dwarves, orcs, and such live in this RP world (among others which are sure to turn a few heads). They all live very different lives and many of them remain cut off from one another for either social or political reasons.

Dragons do not exist in the Mortal Plane due to spoiler reasons.

The Gods will feature in the RP at numerous points.

And the forces of Darkness which the wicked God will unleash on the world will be enough to test even the most veteran of warriors and spell casters.
I can't wait for this to start. Am I able to have a wolf familiar?

A spell caster can have any familiar so long as it is a creature which the spell caster has seen before and can project an accurate mental image of. If the spell caster has never seen the creature in question face to face, they cannot create a proper mental image of it and thus cannot conjure it.

So when you see the Dragon Child character turn into a Dragon for the first time... Guess what you can do after that?
Very, very interested! I've been waiting for a amazing roleplay that is similar to my style and the campaign I am running in D&D! Please allow me to join the group, if spots are still open!

I will not be placing a limit on how many people can join this RP. So by all means sit tight and join us when we get started.
A spell caster can have any familiar so long as it is a creature which the spell caster has seen before and can project an accurate mental image of. If the spell caster has never seen the creature in question face to face, they cannot create a proper mental image of it and thus cannot conjure it.

So when you see the Dragon Child character turn into a Dragon for the first time... Guess what you can do after that?
Turn into a wolf?
Wow I didn't think I'd be able to carry over one of my past characters who happens to use a dragon-esque familiar. Then again, I'm sorta feeling like trying something new out will be fun this time around. I'll have to take a look at all the intricacies of magic once those get revealed.
Wow I didn't think I'd be able to carry over one of my past characters who happens to use a dragon-esque familiar. Then again, I'm sorta feeling like trying something new out will be fun this time around. I'll have to take a look at all the intricacies of magic once those get revealed.

You won't be disappointed.

The list of magics I gave was only a temporary example of how many there actually are in the RP. Many more have been added.
Also everyone, I am going to ask now for suggestions from all of you so I can incorporate as many collected ideas as I can into the RP.

What kinds of world mechanics would you like to see implemented?

Currently the RP world is a late-medieval setting though there will be some advancements thanks to being able to harness electrical, water, and wind-based power for basic things like an electric stove top, oven, furnace, etc for cooking and water heating for baths and showers and such, electric lamps, etc. There is no telephone though, nor is there anything more complicated like microwaves, television, radio, etc. We're not that far along.

Given this information, what kinds of world mechanics would you like to see?

There are no right or wrong answers to this question, so brainstorm and ask away and I'll see what I want to include and what I think is best left out.

Thank you!
Have you thought about mana as a power source for technology?

Originally yes, but because of how I designed Mana as the source of magical power in the RP world it seemed OP as a power source so I elected to negate Mana's ability to function as a source of power on its own.
Either enchantment like enchantress, or enchantment as in modification. Imbuing weapons with magical energy, runes, and the like. Or possibly imbuing humans with some form of magic.

Ah, I see.

Yes, there is magic like that for weapons. But not for humanoids, and there is a story reason for this.
Originally yes, but because of how I designed Mana as the source of magical power in the RP world it seemed OP as a power source so I elected to negate Mana's ability to function as a source of power on its own.

What do you mean by op as a power source? Is it because it's literally everywhere and thus is basically an infinite power supply?
What do you mean by op as a power source? Is it because it's literally everywhere and thus is basically an infinite power supply?

Yes. There is a lore/story reason as to why this is the case, and I think you'll understand better once you read about it.
This sounds super neat. Add me to your numbers.
Just let me know when everything's up and running. In the meantime, I'll be working on my character profile.
TheMilkMan TheMilkMan , Ratatoskr Ratatoskr , SP3CT3R SP3CT3R , Wolfcoon Wolfcoon , Black Jade Black Jade , C Clio , SomeStupidWords SomeStupidWords , Amerikia1126 Amerikia1126 , Drakerus Drakerus , Raku Raku , Kimbella Kimbella , FireFlare FireFlare , LunaticLove LunaticLove , Runesage Runesage , ShiroRatsingger ShiroRatsingger , Cloud Nagasake Cloud Nagasake , Fay Fay , capMARVELOUS capMARVELOUS

Just an update everyone (and holy moly they're a lot of you!), I am nearly finished with the basics of the RP's mechanics, lore, the races, etc. I should have the RP's information ready and will likely create an OOC, Character, and IC page for the RP on Monday.

Thank you all for your patience, and I look forward to reading up about your characters.

If you have any questions as we get closer to the creation of the RP, please ask now and I will get back to you as soon as I can!

Also, this is the information I will need from you regarding your characters which are not the Dragon Child:

(Also, races: High Elf (NEARLY EXTINCT, so if you want this one you have to ask me first and have a GOOD story to back it up), Dark Elf, Elf, Faerie (human sized, not a sprite), Nymph, Orc, Human, Dwarf, Miithi, Wren, Troll, Halfling. If you have questions about the races, ask.)

Name: (Please be original)
Picture: (Find the best image you can, anime-style is preferred, and it does not have to be perfect)

Birthplace: (We will all discuss nations, continents, etc, so this can be left as "N/A" for now until we finalize the locations and such)
Body Type: (Mesomorph, Ectomorph, Endomorph)
Voice Type: (Women: (low to high) Contralto, Alto, Mezzo-Soprano, Soprano. Men: (low to high) Bass, Baritone, Tenor)

Personality: (Please provide at least one full paragraph with no fewer than seven sentences describing your character's personality)

Special Traits: (This is optional depending on what race you have chosen. If you chose a Miithi, Faerie, or a Nymph, please tell us what their special traits are such as what animal the Miithi transforms into, what the Faerie's personal Ethereal Voice song is titled, and what aspect of nature the Nymph most closely identifies with. There will be information regarding these traits provided when the RP is created, so for now if you chose one of these three you can just put "N/A")

Biography: (Please provide at least three paragraphs detailing your character's life story, and please do so with no fewer than seven sentences in each individual paragraph.

The first paragraph should tell us all who their parents are/were. Where they met. What they do. How they came to be together. Tell us when was your character born, and do they have siblings? And tell us more about their early years.

The second paragraph should tell us more about their adolescent and young-adult years. Who were their friends? Did they have a first crush? What shaped the path they chose to take in life? Events? People? Etc. If they chose an artistic path, why? If they chose a more warrior-centerd path, why? If they chose a magical path, why? Etc.

The final paragraph should tell us more about the character's more recent history. People they've encountered. Creatures of importance/notoriety they've encountered, if any. Any particular people of importance who are currently part of their lives such as lovers who are not a spouse, a spouse, family, friends, etc. Who are they today?)

And if you have chosen to try for the Dragon Child, I need the following information:

((Also, please be aware that everyone who is competing for the role of the Dragon Child must be prepared to take on another role in the RP. If you're only here for the chance to play the Dragon Child, kindly leave now and spare me the trouble of asking you to leave later.

And one final note: Everyone who consults me about this role should be prepared to receive different information than other players. No two Dragon Children profiles will look exactly the same, save for one section: the biography. That is the only section that will be identical to every other profile.))

Name: (Consult me directly for the particulars of how Dragons name their children)
Picture: (Any anime-style picture of a child will do, as the humanoid form Dragons can take are indistinguishable from regular humans)

Age: (Consult me)
Species: (Consult me)
Body Type:
Voice Type:

Dragon Form Image: (Consult me)

Personality: (Consult me)

Biography: (Consult me)

Thank you!

~ ChoShadow
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How long can these races live? How long has electricity and such been around? Are there any races that hate each other? Are there any races with close historical or political ties? Which races are the most common? Do all races live in their own little kingdoms? Can you describe the versions of the races we are using or provide a resource for them? Which races can use which types of magic? How far along are we in weaponry? Why are high elves nearly extinct?

That's all I can think of for now.

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