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Fantasy My Wish ;☆

Kou Fujioka


Kou looked down at the small badge Yuki had given to her. A cat, with text that translated to Demon Lord. She didn't know what she was expecting, but not having to wear a badge for an entire week. At first, she considered returning it. That is, until Yuki added the fact that they would be friends if she swore allegiance. A friend was a friend, even if they were completely nuts. Though hesitantly, she pinned the small badge to the collar of her uniform. "I'll wear it..." she replied after it was pinned on.

Now came petting the cat. Truly a glorious moment. Kou's lips curved slightly upward as she reached out for the cat, which was still resting in the chuuni's arms. Gently, she rested a hand on the animal's head, then rubbing it softly. It seemed to relax a bit more, obviously enjoying the attention. Her smile grew wider and her expression grew softer as she continued to rub it. It wasn't until Kimiu ordered everyone to go to their seats that she snapped out of the moment. "I-I'm sorry!" she sputtered out an apology, unsure why herself. "Thank you..." she muttered before heading over to her seat again.

Kimiu had come up with a surprisingly reasonable explanation for the class. She wondered when he would reveal the truth to the rest of the girls, but stayed quiet. He then asked if the girls had any questions, which of course, Kou didn't have much to say. Yuki asked a completely offbeat question, even for someone like her. The question about bust sizes made Kou look down at her own flat chest and sigh. Another girl, the girl the noisy girl from earlier kept on yelling about, just wanted to leave. Kimiu really had gathered a wild bunch...

Tags - @TheHappyPikachu



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Man, was this what they called being attacked on all sides? Shizu glaring daggers into her back, the Council herself blasting away at her from the front, and even the teacher silently firing at her from a distance... Man, oh man, she was outnumbered. This was exactly what she got for opening her mouth like that... Chaos abound, left, right and center. Really, she should have known better. No no, it wasn't that. She had certainly known better. Rather, she merely should have acted better. As a hero! To take the high road and whatnot. Ah, no, was that actually right? Or was this chaotic state that had been stirred up actually a good thing? Thanks to her and that demon lord, or so she liked to think so, this class was abuzz. Though, she wasn't particularly sure if...

Intentionally, Kyou had drowned herself in thought.

Set ablaze, the classroom was bright with the throes of conversation, and desperately, DESPERATELY, Kyou wanted to fling herself into it. Could you blame her, after all? This was a classroom, after all, a classroom filled with nigh-on complete strangers. Naturally, to one of such extroversion as herself, it was exciting. But against that, she really, really didn't want to get people yelling again. Nor did she want Shizu's eyes to start actually stabbing her. So she kept her mouth shut. Painfully, she kept her mouth shut. Ah... This really was the worst kind of torture. It was like being threatened at gunpoint. Social gunpoint. Either she ran the risk of pissing someone- specifically Shizu- off, or she sat here, building up tension, playing the mime... Ahhh! Man, she really couldn't take it. Though given that fact that it had really only been a few minutes at most, in truth, she probably wasn't trying all that hard in the first place. Shizu! She'd have to understand! At least a little! Right. She'd buy her ice-cream if she didn't.

Kyou had convinced herself. So, like a spring, she poised herself. To shoot back out of her seat, and back into the fray of the classroom. When- like he'd uncoiled her the moment before she was about to let herself loose-, the teacher made his announcement. Not so metaphorically, she fell on her face. Ahh. Ahhhhhh! What, did she hear correctly? The police? Assault? Reports? Weren't... Wasn't this supposed to be a secret? Oh, ooohhhhh, this was bad. Did they blow it? Did someone see them? Did Kimiu miss someone? No, no, didn't the teacher say that there were multiple reports? How many reports? How many witnesses? Uncharacteristically, Kyou was panicking a little. As far as she saw things, after all, this was quite the slip up. Keeping this on the down-low was one of their responsibilities, wasn't it? It was, and they'd gone and-

There. She noticed it. That she was freaking out, that is. OK. She thought to herself. This wasn't any good. Now wasn't the time for her to go melting down. That role was reserved for the ice-cream she was surely going to have to buy Shizu later. She took a deep breath, and started to think things through. They hadn't been caught right? They were just suspicious. What were they suspected of? Assault? She doubted fighting monsters would count towards charges of assault. Well... That was assuming there weren't monster-rights activists wandering around like you saw in some movies... She laughed to herself.

Steadily, she'd regained her composure. And even, perhaps, she was on her way to figuring out Kimiu's ruse. Multiple reports, after all? Wouldn't they have found out about this after just one or two? Right. Once you thought about it, the statement became pretty suspicious. That said, though, even if she was on the way to figure that out, considering how the path was kicked out from under her feet, it didn't matter either way. Right. The bust question. Trust a demon lord to stop the hero from figuring out the conspiracy at hand. The moment the words left the girl's mouth, Kyou's attention was pulled like a magnet. Naturally, Kyou was shocked, not quite as shocked as she was by the teacher's own bombshell, but still enough to leave her a little speechless. Caught off guard, and in the middle of something, Kyou couldn't help but cough up a lung in surprise.

As she attempted to recover, Kyou, shakily, gave Shizu a thumbs up as she questioned the teacher. Her savior. Trust her to manage to keep herself going after that.

"H-hey... Demon Lord..." Recovering from her coughing fit, Kyou turned her attention back to Yuki or a moment. "That's a uh... Mighty strong weapon you've got yourself there... Mind if you don't deploy it again? I mean-" She coughed lightly. "...I mean, you're meant to save your mega attacks for last, right?".

She smiled. Man, this was a powerful foe she had herself here, wasn't it? She chuckled at the thought. Man, if it weren't for that police bombshell, this would actually be pretty fun.


"Koware Yasui Yuki”

Yuki, however, hadn't seen nor reacted to even a single moments of the others frantic replies to her question, in fact she'd seemed to have spaced out completely, eyes staring blankly ahead of her seemingly at the teacher but in a way that made her focus just a little off to be doing so, they seemed hazed over, as if somewhere else than where they were, for now, that girl.... was in her own little world.

'Do ya' wanna play with us?~' The small boy giggled, 'h-huh?....' they small, shy girl shuffled closer to the tree, her pastel pink and white dress clinging closer to her petite frame, her long hair sitting just beneath her shoulders, a straw hat with a wide-frame sitting on her head peacefully, book in hands. The orange-haired boy giggled a bit at her reaction, "I said do ya' wanna play with us!~...." he repeated confidently, the girl shook her head a little, staring at him wide-eyed with total innocence, her small hands grasping the books cover tighter as she buried her face in her knees, the boy suddenly grabbing her hand and pulling her up, in that moment a gust of wind blowing through the Sakura's branches, petals gently falling down around them, her eyes staring in amazement at the smirking boy doing a peace-sign with his free hand as he pulled her towards the others, a small, delicate smile settling on the girls face as though it could be shattered in mere seconds but while it was there.... While it lasted, it was the most beautiful thing in the entire world.

Yuki smiled softly as her eyes regained their usual crystal color, as if waking from a dream she slowly blinked looking around sleepily and looking around at the people both yelling and staring at her "Huh?~...."

she mumbled, her hand still partly raised in the air and slowly coming down to her side, "S-Sensei I need to go to the t- Demonic chambers for female demons!~" she called out in a hyper voice, the slight stutter undetectable unless paying close attention -which most didn't- to the girls words, she stood up without getting permission and grabbed her bag with the cat as well, "My Gerphergal would also like to do so!~" she continued with a smirk and a giggle, running over to the door and opening it this time with a hand -thankfully- and rushing out into the hallway after sliding it closed, jogging down it for a bit before reaching the toilets, placing the bag and the cat down who was still meowing from inside.

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Tags; @everyoneiguess

Asana sat plainly in her seat, making no sudden movements and simply listening in on all the conversations happening around her, as she tried to bring herself to introduce herself. It never happened, causing her just to get annoyed at herself even more. The chatter continued, some girls clearly being the bold and vibrant girls of the group, others, the shy and small ones, but quickly the chatter settled slightly, when the teacher, that no one had really noticed, not even herself, told them to take a seat, so Asana just continued with her starring off into the distance, as her eyes moved slowly around the room, discovering how plain and empty it was.

There wasn't much that'd happened that would concern Asana, except for maybe Yuki and her cat, and the meek girl attempting just to get a quick pat, but having to try deal with Yuki to get it, and Asana couldn't help a light chuckle, as many didn't know how to really figure out or get around Yuki. Possibly even make a decent conversation.

Asana noticed another girl walk into the doorway, pause for a short moment, and walk up to the front desk, seemingly giving herself the position of teacher's pet immediately, demanding silence across the class, which gave the room a ghastly feeling, until the teacher spoke up.
How could he know? I thought we cleared the memories of those who saw us? she thought, taking a quick glance at Yuki as she asked about bust size. How inappropriate... and yet Asana didn't feel up to correcting her, thus, out of habit, she bit her lip. "I'm pretty certain we've been mucked up in something we're not involved in. I, surely, want to get back to normal, after this mishap. When may that be?" she cooed, her calm nature was weaved into her tone melodically.


(Kimiu's POV: )

The lack of questions was remarkable. I had to force myself to recall the most boring things I could just to keep a straight face, avoid smiling at how my plan was actually working. Even though it probably had a little help from the young "demon" girl, and her question.

"Young girl!" I shouted when the stun and shock had passed a bit, a little more aware this time, thus avoiding even the slightest mention of her name. "Watch your manners! This is still a classroom, even if it has...peculiar circumstances."

The girl's response? Infuriating. Despicable. She asked for permission to go to the bathroom, and shot out of the classroom like a bullet, without giving me a chance to tell her she could. And she even brought that cat with her! Why would she being a cat to the bathroom? To play, no doubt. As much as I hated the idea, if she took too long in there, I would send someone to fetch her....and then put that trouble girl in detention right from day 1.

The first big objection came shortly after. I smiled nervously at Shizu, and her annoying attitude. The worst part of it was that she was most likely kinda correct: I had little to no actual knowledge of how to be a teacher. I mean, my education, my life as a human, had ended when I was about their age. Naturally, my attempts at playing this role would be terribly out of a place. Perhaps, more than angering, it saddened me to hear her words. But I had to keep it together. I had to go through with this, for my mission, for her.

"I would appreciate it if you kept that kind of comments to yourself, or you're the troublemaker that will have to be dealt with accordingly. I am sure everyone of you is a bit shaken by this. I don't intend to push you all more than I have to especially not today. "

Another one objected , far more reasonably, to the idea of the classroom. Asana. She seemed pretty calm, but then again, wasn't she always like that? I cleared my throat and sat on the desk.

"Infortunately, that will not be possible. The police has tried everything, but the charges won't die down. The office has also came to the conclusion that alibis would be too easy to forge. As such we have no choice but to gather conclusive evidence. Thus, as stated, you will be staying in this class for a few months."

I stood up again.

"Well, if there aren't any more questions, then I think we should start with actual class activities. We'll begin with introductions. In turns, I want to hear your name, age, year...and dream."

@TheHappyPikachu @ShadyAce @Vague @animegirl20 @The One Eyed Bandit
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Ouch. Was this the trend today, or something? Was there a day marked out on all the underclassman's calendar to ignore her? Or maybe she was just unlucky. Either way, having two of her juniors ignore her in such a short span of time made Kyou's heart feel like it was going to break apart. Actually, compared to what Shizu dealt out to her every other day, this wasn't all that bad. Heh... That was right! She could deal with this. She was used to far worse forms of rejection than just being ignored!

...Was that really something she should be bragging about?

Ah- That was besides the point. Or at least, it was getting in the way of her next point. Self-introductions! Haha! Her excitement sparked anew. Let's see them try to ignore her this time! She stood up from her seat. The rest of the room was almost dead, silent, so...

"You guys mind if I go first?" She grinned, even if she'd already 'introduced' herself to almost half of the room, she was still looking forward to this. New classmates, new comrades, new faces, new friends! Really, it was almost inappropriate that she was this energetic about it after the whole police thing. Especially when one considered the fact that, still, she was running on next to no sleep. "So. Kyou! Kyou Suruga! I'm a third year, get almost straight Cs, and-" She threw a few punches into the air. "I spend most my free time either at my dojo, or watching television!" Almost proudly, despite the fact that there was little about what she just said to actually be proud of, Kyou folded her arms. "And as for my dream..." She paused for a moment. What was her dream? Wasn't she practically living it? Er... She couldn't very well say she wanted to be a magical girl. Even she had limits to the things she was willing to let spout out of her mouth.

"I'm not actually sure! Maybe being a police officer or something? I dunno. I guess I don't really think about that sort of thing?" She shrugged. "But on another note! I know the reason behind our meeting... Isn't the best... But! I look forward to getting to know everyone here! So! For as long as we're convicts in the making, let's all make the most of it!"

Really. Convicts in the making? She needed to think these things through before she said them. Though, Kyou'd probably never realize that herself. She was having far too much fun with this for that. "Well... That's all for me!" Smiling, she sat back down. Well, that was that. The big first impression! Though considering all the racket she'd already made, it wasn't actually much of a first impression. But this one was official! She'd just have to hope it didn't go and annoy only. Especially...

Well, you could probably guess the particular person she was worried about, by now.
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Kou Fujioka


Introductions? Oh, no. Kou was absolutely terrible at these, and it didn't help that she always felt like she was going to explode from embarrassment. She listened to Kyou's introduction, wondering what she should do for her own. She decided doing the bare minimum to avoid screwing up. When her energetic upperclassmen was finished, she stood up slowly. Time to get this over with.

"K-Kou Fujioka..." she trembled as she spoke, her knees going weak. "15 years old...first year." Now came the dream. Her wish was for her body to become...well, regular, but could that be considered a dream? Maybe making friends was one? No, that was too lame. She definitely wouldn't get results if she said that out loud. Finally, Kou came up with something.

"My wish is to..." she hesitated, unsure if it was okay to say. "become more confident?" Kou said it as more of a question. She immediately sat down after introducing herself, her heart pounding like crazy. Why did the most basic of social situations take so much out of her?

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