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Fantasy My Wish ;☆

Kou Fujioka


Kou's stomach dropped. It was time. She hurriedly gathered her things, the whole class staring at her. Why did they have to announce it like that? She could feel her face growing hotter as she stuffed her books and supplies into her schoolbag. Kou felt as if her heart would thump out of her chest. Everyone was staring at her as she made her way to the classroom door. She really hated being the center of attention.

For a second, she wondered if the class would actually miss her. She dismissed the thought as quickly as it popped into her mind. There was no way they would.

The walk to the classroom was a bit long, as her class was on the opposite side of the building. She looked down at her feet as she walked through the rather narrow hallways. When Kou finally arrived to class E-9, she was extremely nervous. What if everyone was already there and she was late? What if everyone was already friends and she was left behind? Though these outcomes were unlikely, they were completely possible. Especially to someone like Kou.

Her hand hovered over the knob for a few moments, before she finally gained the courage to open the door. She was glad to see that no one was in there...except for her new teacher. She still got nervous around them, but they were a bit easier to talk to than fellow students. "Uh...h-hello," she greeted as she stepped into the classroom.

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As Kyou was on the verge of falling asleep in her seat, the speaker, hidden away in the corner of her classroom, sounded out an announcement.

And suddenly, all her energy returned to her.

"Shizu?" Did she hear that right? She needed to go to a classroom with Shizu? Across her face, an unbearably stupid smile spread. Hah! Just when she was running out of excuses to talk to her at school! What perfect timing! Immediately, she hoisted her bag over her shoulder, smiling, and waving off the group of friends she sat with, and made her way out of the door. What could this be? Her and Shizu! And a whole bunch of other names she didn't recognize. Maybe they needed to take a remedial class? Were her grades really that bad? No, no. Shizu was way too smart to get called into a remedial class. She sighed. Whatever. Figuring out this sort of thing had never been her specialty, and, she was sure there'd be a teacher there to tell her what was going on, regardless. Abruptly, she broke into a jog. She was excited either way! Remedial class, or whatever else it could be, she'd have a chance to chat with her ever-illusive partner-in-crime! And that was enough to put a smile on her stupid mug any day!

Seeing the classroom door come into sight, Kyou slowed her pace back into a walk. She really didn't need to get yelled at for running in the hallways right now. Especially if this was going to be a regular thing.... A regular thing... Now that was a nice thought. Maybe she'd actually be able to get Shizu to call her the f-word- The good f-word- If she could pester her about it on a regular basis. Hehe... She could only hope. Rounding off her thoughts, Kyou came to turn around the corner of the door, Kyou opened her mouth wide, and...

"Shizuuuuuuu!" Yelled out a greeting to someone who wasn't even there yet.

"Oh..." Her voice trailed off. That was embarrassing, even for someone like here. Awkwardly, she chuckled to herself, and cast her eyes around the room. Almost totally empty... Was this because she jogged here? Man! She totally ruined her own entrance! What a freakin' bummer. She sighed to herself. Oh well. She could just say hi whenever Shizu got here, or something. After all! She wasn't totally alone in here! Her eyes drifted down to the other girl who'd arrived. Her mouth opened the second they locked onto her. "Hey there!" Whatever trace of embarrassment she'd held, had already vanished. Openly, she smiled, like she always did, eying the girl over as she spoke. Tiny... Young faced... Probably younger than her. Was she an underclassman? What the heck could be going on that'd involve multiple year levels? Man, it wasn't it worth trying to figure out.

"Nice to meet you! I don't think we've met..." Her voice trailed off for a moment. "...Though, by the looks of it, we're it different grades, so it's not surprising!" She chuckled. "Er, anyway. I'm Kyou! Kyou Suruga! You can call me whatever you want. Let's get along!" Still grinning, Kyou offered he hand out to the girl for a handshake, completely unabashed.


Kou Fujioka


"Shizu!" The voice startled Kou, making her jump slightly. She turned and saw it belonged to an older girl, apparently a new classmate of her's. Whoever she was calling was obviously not in the classroom, and she looked embarrassed. She seemed to choose Kou to fall back on. Her face turned red once again as she managed to mutter out a, "H-hi..."

It seemed as if Kimiu hadn't told all the girls about the purpose of the class. She chose not to say anything, and instead just replied, "Fujioka...F-Fujioka Kou." She didn't know what else to add. After all, she wasn't used to interacting with others, or being interacted with for that matter.

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@The One Eyed Bandit





Tags; Yuki - @TheHappyPikachu

Oh. Asana didn't actually think Yuki would take the cat. Or, Bephergal, as she called it. "Ah... are you sure that was, necessary?" she questioned, her words being hard to hear with the chatter that was being passed around by the other students. But, suddenly, they fell silent, eyes gluing onto Asana, and probably Yuki as well, then the speaker repeated itself, stating that some girls were to move class, and Asana's name was third spoken. She stood calmly, feeling all the gazes of her class stuck on her, but tried to not react or take notice of it. "I'll see you around, Yuki." she waved slightly, and walked out of the classroom, biting her lip cautiously, predicting that she'd have a lot of reasons to chastise herself soon.

Although, as Asana stalked down the quiet halls with the echoing sounds of a few girls' names, Yuki's was called out, and Asana let out a breath in a sigh she didn't even know she was holding. At least she'd know someone in this new class... otherwise things might've gone downhill completely, if Asana knew herself. Suddenly, she noticed she was standing outside the room she'd been told to go to, and pushed to door open, slipping through and sitting down in the back row of seats, and she simply observed.

((I suggest don't interact with Asana properly, as I'm going out for a day or two. I won't be able to respond.))


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Tomomi bounced down the hallway, having perked up at her name being called as soon as as she entered the school. A new class? For her? And about ten other students! How small! Maybe they'd all get to be friends! She couldn't wait.

She noticed a few other girls in the hall, probably going to the same room she was - a girl she knew, and a small one, probably an underclassman. Oooh, what was going on that involved multiple grades? It intrigued her greatly, as did the chance to interact with the girls. "Hiii!" she said, giving them a big wave. "My name is Inubouzaki Tomomi. Do you like my makeup? I spent all morning working on it." She didn't hesitate to throw open the door, but took the barest scraping of care not to hit anyone with it.

Inside was a vaguely familiar girl calling out the name Shizu. The small girl sputtered, "Fujioka... F-Fujioka Kou."

Assuming the girls were saying their names, Tomomi practically sang, "Inubouzaki Tomomi! It's very nice to meet you all! What are we all doing here?"

@The One Eyed Bandit @Vague

Kou Fujioka


Another girl, just as noisy. Maybe even more so. Her classmates were turning out to be as scary as she thought they would be. The small teen didn't usually do well with these types, usually because she couldn't keep up with them. It didn't help that she usually didn't know a thing about the topics they usually talked about. Makeup happened to be one of those topics.

She'd never worn it in her life except once, when she wanted to go for a bit of an older look. She was tired of being treated like a child whenever she went, so she coated her face in beauty products. She only ended up looking like a kid who was trying on makeup for the very first time. So when this girl came in, she was unsure of what to do. She'd seemingly already heard her introduction, so she wasn't interested in saying it again. Instead she backed away slightly, but not enough to offend her. She hoped the other loud girl would chime in and say something already.

Tags - @The One Eyed Bandit



Shizu, firmly planted in her seat with all of her necessary books and supplies neatly arranged on her desk, had been successfully keeping her eyes open despite her tiredness as her attention was immediately brought to the speaker that echoed throughout her classroom. Now, the red haired girl normally didn't pay much attention when names were called out during announcements as she normally didn't know nor care about anyone else's business, but hearing her own followed shortly by the familiar and irritating Kyou allowed for an exception. 'Great,' Shizu thought. Not only would she need to repack and relocate, but she'd most likely have to deal with her rambunctious partner who she just got done scolding. Sighing, the red haired girl quickly plopped her supplies back in her bag, hoisted it over her shoulder, and exited the room without paying any mind to the students around her. Of course, in her attempt to exit quickly as to not allow the stares to get the better of her, her hastiness caused her to trip over her own feet and tumble towards the door before swiftly catching herself on the frame to halt her descent. A couple of chuckles as well as a few concerned queries asking if she was okay were heard behind her back, though Shizu paid neither of them any mind as she exited and made her way to room E-9.

It seemed that 'annoyance' was the theme of the day.

Once her destination came into view thoughts began to race around the girls mind about what could possibly be in store for her. Knowing Kyou, Shizu was almost certain she'd be bugged by her with pointless banter and aggravating questions whenever there was a chance for it, and there wasn't much she could do about it. Some may think that such a thought was simply paranoia and that the red head was just fretting over the worst case scenario, but if you asked her paranoia wasn't paranoia when there's evidence to support your claim, and OH BOY was there plenty of evidence for her particular fear.

Or maybe that fear was hope.

However, this wasn't her main worry. Even though she was called down, Shizu had absolutely no clue what the reason was. Her grades had recovered so that wasn't the reason, so the only other possibility she could think of was that the school decided to lump a bunch of kids who they considered needed help of some sort into one class. It wouldn't have been the first time she had to deal with someone because of her refusal to socialize, and she could definitely see Kyou being in need of some 'help'.

Still, the mystery behind the whole situation made her feel uneasy- as she much preferred to know exactly what she was doing beforehand - but all she could do was wait and see. The door to the classroom was wide open and, much to her dismay, as she got closer and closer the sound of loud chatter could be heard with a particular voice being all to familiar. 'well, here goes nothing.' The second Shizu walked through the doors she grabbed the very first seat she came across, paying absolutely no attention to anyone else in the room. As much as one may think otherwise, this quick seating was NOT because of Kyou. No, this was a normal routine for the girl: walk in, get seated, and begin preparing for whatever was coming. However, she couldn't exactly prepare for this class, considering she had no idea what to expect, so instead Shizu removed an empty notebook from her bag along with a pencil and gently placed it on her desk, hoping that she'd get some peace before whatever was about to happen happened.
"Nice!" Kyou gave Tomomi a thumbs up. "You look just like a pro prettied you up!" Honestly, Kyou had no idea what she was talking about. She hardly knew a thing about make-up, in fact, the only make-up she DID know about was the sort that spies carried around in movies. The sort the was really a gun, or bomb, or tracing device in disguise! "So..." For a moment, Kyou trailed off. "Inubouzaki and Fujioka, huh? Nice meet you two! Well, at least I think it is, assuming we aren't here to get yelled at or something..." Half-nervously, and have merrily, she laughed. She was supposed to be the good guy, after all! What kind of good guy got themselves scolded by their teachers?


Actually, now that she thought about it, most good guys in High School ended up getting scolded at one point or another.

Maybe it wouldn't be that bad after all... Well, getting told off always sucked, but, didn't it always like, help the hero develop or something? Ah! What was she thinking about? Distracting herself, right in the middle of a conversation! Man, this was exactly the kind of thing that Shizu was always telling her off abou- Red hair. She spotted red hair. Was that who she thought it was? 'Subtly', she turned her head towards the new-entree. It was! Man. She was only a few moments too early to make her grand entrance, wasn't she? Oh well! She wouldn't have chatted with these two if she hadn't been, anyway! "So, you two!" She chimed "Do you wanna sit together for uh... For whatever this is?" She eyed the seat directly in front of Shizu. "Over there, maybe? There's plenty of room for all fo-" She caught her words before they left her mouth. "Three! All three of us!"

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(Kimiu's POV: )

These were all that came? Frankly, it was a bit outrageous. I would have to have a talk with their girls later on. If I could muster up the guts. No, I WOULD give them a talking to! I had the guts to choose the life I was living now, so I would it in me to get their lazy heads to actually attend the classes DESIGNED for them! Not that they knew of it, of course. Or of the fact I was the one teaching them. Or could I explain it. Inside, I growled. There was nothing I could do after all.

Life was cold. So were the girls. I waved back at the first to come, Kou, and given her a thumbs up. I thought I could seem cool like this, till I realized the other girls wouldn't even bother to notice the fact I was there. It wasn't like that wasn't expected, but if I still was my old self, unable to just mask away my feelings, I would be crying my eyes off by now. Instead, my face was one of serenity, with just the tiniest hint of anger. They WERE talking in the middle of class after all.

I clapped my hands once, pushing myself away from the wall.

"Alright, that's enough! Everyone, take seats. The rest are late, but it doesn't mean you can just take a break now, or else I'll take that little chatter time off your actual breaks. C'mon." I had kind of given up on being liked, hadn't I? This was awkward, though only I knew it.

@Vague @The One Eyed Bandit @cojemo @Mollisol @ShadyAce

Kou Fujioka


Kou obeyed and shuffled her way over to the window, taking a seat in the corner of the room. It was her preferred place of seating in any class. Teachers rarely called on you, and students barely noticed you were there. Definitely an ideal spot for her. She slung her schoolbag around the back of her chair, waiting for class or whatever else this guy had planned to begin.

Most of the girls had yet to arrive, as pointed out by the teacher. Not to mention, most of the girls who already arrived barely acknowledged his existence. Reminded Kou of herself. She empathized with him. She slumped back in her seat, waiting for the other girls to sit down. Hopefully the rest would start filing in soon.

Tags - N/A


Honoko Kawasumi

The moment Honoko woke up she went into a state of panic. "I'm late!" She jumped out of bed quickly got dressed grabbed her things and ran out the house and headed to school. Honoko was actually never usually the late type. But she had been up all night on her blog giving a nice update look. Actually she was still tired even though she slepted in. Once she arrived at school she spritted down the hallway to the classroom. The classroom door busted open and she stood there breathing heavy. "Sorry I'm late!" She went down and sat in her seat and sighed. She was never doing that again.


"Koware Yasui Yuki"


Yuki stared blankly, having spaced out right after sitting down, not hearing much of what was going on around her until the loudspeaker repeated for the second time her name and Asana suddenly left, she turned around frantically with hands stretched out slightly like a startled pet of some sort, she quickly got up and packed her bag back up before grabbing it the 'gephergal' still meowing from within it as she rushed out of the class and down the hallway, getting completely lost and running into more than one wall as she searched for the class -which she may or may not have already forgotten the name of- eventually she found the door and panted a little outside it, jumping as she heard the teacher yell something from inside and considering bribing the headmaster to allow her to go back to her old class, "Wait, That won't work~ he has a school!?~...." she muttered stubbornly.

She then proceeded to kick the door open and laugh sinisterly, one hand covering face and other stretched out in front of her, smirk visible underneath,
"Bow before the incredible power of the all mighty demon-lord peasants!? If you swear your allegiance in me and my commanding general's army of ramen warriors I shall be merciful enough to spare you for now!~" she declared proudly, removing her hand from her face and lowering the other onto her hips, the cat poked its head out from the bag and she panicked briefly, turning around and muttering in what seemed to be some foreign or more correctly made-up language as she hid it again and innocently whistled as she walked into class taking a seat near Asana and placing her bag down, "Do not mind the roars you may hear from my transportation device as it holds a portal to another dimension and is currently providing shelter to a most terrifying gephergal which you shall all be best off to ignore~" she continued smugly with a small nod, as if she'd given an instruction of great worth, she glanced around at the tohers and observed them all in quick analysis, "A fine army I have acquired~" she mumbled before looking at the teacher and squinting before sighing and giving a shrug, "I guess a use could be found for a pitiful creature such as yerself'~" she then added, none of the girls with the exception of Asana had met the- 'odd' girl before and as such translation of whatever it was she was saying was rather difficult.

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Kou Fujioka


Kou had to let out a small sigh when this girl made her entrance. A classic case of chuunibyou, except times ten the crazy. She was annoyed, but slightly envious at the same time. Whoever this girl was, she was bold, a trait Kou didn't have but wanted. She could only hope she could be as bold and confident one day. But for now, she was still short, shy Kou.

Kou couldn't help but notice the cat peeking out of this girl's bag. It was adorable. She wanted to pet it. And soon Kou's body was acting on its own, approaching this weird girl who carried a cat around in her bag. She was going to pet that cat. But when it was right there, in front of her, her body froze up. "U-um..." she couldn't bear to look the girl in the eyes, instead looking down at her feet. "J-just now...what was that in your bag?" She weakly lifted a finger to point at the bag.

Tags - @TheHappyPikachu


(Kimiu´s POV: )

I smiled. Well, at least they were taking orders well, they seemed like good students. Maybe the others just hadn´t heard the announcement somehow? Or their teachers were taking their time in letting them leave? Strange, but possible. I supposed this...

My very thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of the next girl, a tan one who just took her seat without even asking. It was rather rude, but I sighed and decided to go with the flow. Reports on day one could be awful even for me. This was a delicate operation. I smiled and opened my mouth to speak, getting interrupted again, this time by Yuki. Of all the magical girls, this one really stuck out in my head, hence I could remember her name...and her, well, "special" manner of speech. The cat was obvious too. I thanked the heavens that I wasn't in my regular form or I might be getting chased around by the thing...In fact, I still might when I returned to that form later on. Just thinking of it made me shiver.

I got myself back together soon, though, gazing up and trying to think of what I went through to get my place here. I would NOT throw it all away over a stupid cat.

"I noticed you brought a cat Yu...Little miss. You can keep it if you want, provided your behavior and your studies are deserving of it." I explained to her. "Now take a seat. All these interruptions are making it troublesome to even START my class."

Kyou's eyebrow twitched. Did Kou just ignore her? She was sitting on practically the opposite side of the room to Shizu. She totally did just ignore her. Was... Was she being too forceful? Did she scare her off, or something? Ah... What to do? She totally started talking to her, so it would be kind of rude for her to just go and sit with someone else, but... She didn't really want to leave Shizu on her own, as much as she knew the girl would probably wish she'd do exactly that. Er... Awkward... No matter what she did, this was going to be awkward... Or at least, it was going to be awkward for her. In fact, it was probably ONLY going to be awkward for her. Ah, man, what should she d-

Someone kicked the door open. Naturally, her thoughts were interrupted as if someone drove a bus through them. A girl, yet another she wasn't familiar with, burst through the doors, yelling this and that at the top of her lungs. For a moment, Kyou was confused. Then, she smiled.

"Really!?" Grinning, she paced over to the desk most closely placed to both Shizu, and Kou, that she could find. "A mighty demon lord, huh? Is that why we were called here? Did you organize this?" Kyou knew she probably shouldn't be playing along right now. Yelling in the middle of class like this was probably one of the best ways to get herself thrown in detention, but... "Well, I'm sorry to say, but I can't oblige you! Not at all!" This was just too tempting! Too fun! "You see, I'm what they call a Hero, a Hero of Justice! I can't very well swear myself to a demon!" She dropped into her seat, her back to the desk, so to still face the 'demon-lord' of a girl. "So be warned, demon, for I'm sure this meeting is fate! One day, I will strike you down!" Dramatically, she pointed at the girl, in imitation of some superhero or another, and then spun in her seat to face the front of the class.

Ah... That was fun. What an interesting girl! She'd have to chat to her later, well, assuming she wouldn't make something out of her impulsive little speech. Though... She honestly wouldn't mind if she did. Speaking of which, she'd just done that in front of Shizu, hadn't she? Man, that was probably going to bite her in the ass later...

...Though she supposed she should be more worried about what the teacher would think of her actions, rather than her fellow student...




Hisako's body hurt like crazy from the battle that'd occurred the night before, and getting out of bed with a sore back, head and even arms was proving to be a difficult task.
"Hisako! Hisako!" Before even getting an inch out of the comfort of her bed sheets, the female was mauled by a pillow carrying young boy, who was grinning cheekily and laughing at his sister's inability to breathe under the fluffy pillow. Hisako grumbled, though she did thoroughly enjoy her brother's wake-up call, it wasn't apparent on her face.

After getting ready, which took a shorter time than most girls she knew, Hisako found her way downstairs, where she picked up a slice of toast and strolled along to school. Ever since her wish was granted, Hisako was much, much happier on the walk to school than she was before. And when I say much, I mean much.

As Hisako made her way to her classroom, several people darted out of her way, one of them even falling over another student's foot just to avoid her. An audible sigh escaped Hisako's lips as she entered her classroom. It wasn't sadness now, but more annoyance than anything. Just as she began to settle into her seat, an announcement was made, telling her to report to class E-9.

The purple haired girl raised a brow at this, though she never questioned it. The students in her class were staring at her, but it wasn't anything abnormal at this point. She picked up her books and walked towards the class, the same cycle of 'ESCAPE HISAKO SUZUKA' happening in the hallway again. As she reached the classroom, Hisako realized that there were a few other students present as well.
"Hey." She said, but it came out as more of a decipherable sigh.

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no slide no slide

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"Koware Yasui Yuki"

Yuki was proudly sitting in her seat with a smug grin settled on her face before she raised an eyebrow at the sound of someone approaching, she stared at the nervous girl for a few moments blankly, blinking in an innocent manner before suddenly bolting up out of her seat again, "Ah! You must mean my Gerphergal!~ He is a mighty beast of both great power and knowledgeable! We made acquainted this early daylight and in that short time he joined my army as my trusted steed!~" she replied, pulling the cat out of her bag which had somehow in the course of showing it to Asana and getting to this class had an outfit change that involved small fake wings and a ballerina skirt, the cat didn't seem to mind and almost looked as though he enjoyed it however so there seemed to be little issue aside from the fact that Yuki had been carrying it around for who knows what reason.

She held him proudly in the correct position as he yawned in her arms, "you may pat him on the condition that you swear alliance to me- woodland elf!~" she continued, apparently coming up with the girls species out of nowhere, it was then that she heard the teacher and awkwardly laughed, "The evil overlord of this class is truly a devious one~...." She mutter stubbornly, sitting back down, still holding the now asleep cat in her arms.

She raised her head to stare as a girl paced over and declared her refusal of joining her battle and not only that but also stating she was a most dreaded hero, Yuki jumped backwards slightly in her seat startled and looked to be in some strange form of shock, "So my great rival has finally arrived!? You shall taste the great power of my Ramen magic yet you foolish girl! For it is you who is on the side of the bad! Since the noble war of Ksjdfifjeijckdi it has been the demons who are good! How dare you declare such foul-mouthed words in the presence of me, their leader!?~" she practically yelled, cat still in arms and one of the words she'd used defiantly jibberish, "I will surely defeat you and change you to the side of the god! Wait but a while my valiant soldier and you shall be saved from their clutches!~" she added, tears in her eyes and a look of stubborn determination on the face, their seemed to be quite a detailed story for whatever she was going on about.

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Kou Fujioka


Gerphergal? Swear alliance? Woodland elf? This girl was getting weirder by the second. Kou was unsure of what all this stuff meant, but she really wanted to pet that cat. She stepped slightly forward towards the cat, looking into it's adorable eyes. She almost reached up to pet it, but remembered the conditions she had set.

Another girl had walked in by then, but Kou was still focused on her goal. "S-swear alliance..." she mumbled, just loud enough for her new classmate to hear. "How do I do that?" The cat had fallen asleep when she sat back down, but Kou still couldn't resist it. Its fur appearing soft and fluffy didn't help out much. She felt like she was about to melt from the cat's cuteness.

Tags - @TheHappyPikachu


Akagi Yuusei

“For the upcoming school festival’s school-wide event, I suggest a swimsuit pageant.”

She hadn't planned on it. Her hand simply moved on its own. By the time she realised it, she had rolled up the school tabloid papers that she had been perusing for rumors and smacked the back of the council president’s head with it. In spite of his cries of dismay and Akagi’s profuse apologies for having reacted on instinct, the rest of the council chortled with mirth.

“Alright, alright, a swimsuit pageant for BOTH boys and girls, so at least the gals have some eye cand--” he never finished his sentence as another blow found its mark. The room rippled with more laughter this time.

Akagi settled back down in her seat, laying the now crumpled magazine aside, and took the reins.
“In all seriousness, this emergency meeting was called because the festival’s coming round soon, and we still haven't decided on the exact event we’re to carry out. The school wants our draft in by next week, Saturday. Besides our esteemed leader’s suggestion, which I assume is for the best of everyone’s intentions,” she shot the president a smile that could freeze the River Styx before continuing, “are there any other ideas?”

“I dunno, the swimsuit pageant still seems like the one way to go. Imagine, we can drag our dearest Prince, our so-called hero of justice, onto the stand! If my anime and manga are accurate, she’s definitely packing heat under th--”

Akagi, face noticeably going red, slammed her hands on the desk, cutting him off, but before she could interject, the school’s PA system came on. Quite slowly, the voice over the PA announced a list of names, some of which she recognised- Yuki, the first year with the second year syndrome, and the president’s ‘dearest Prince’, the dreaded ‘hero of justice’ amongst some of them. They were directed to head on over to class E-9. Curious. The classroom used to be a class for the first years, until the school intake dropped, and they had to merge classes. It didn't used to be called E-9, but ever since the nameplate was removed to be replaced with a mundane address, the designation stuck. It was the talk of second years whenever they wanted to haze first years, and third years oft used it as a challenge of guts. Of course, there was nothing phenomenal about the class, unless they counted the speed of which it collected dust. Then again, she wasn't a good gauge of what was mundane and what wasn't. She subconsciously gripped her left arm, recalling the weight of the gauntlet on it.

The announcement ended, and she started to speak once more, but she, herself, was interrupted when the speakers crackled to life again.

“Yuusei Akagi. Yuusei Akagi, please report to E-9 with your personal belongings.”

The room fell silent. While the other members, including her, looked bemused at this announcement, the president seemed ready to break into tears. His eyes, she read, begged for the answer to the question of why he wasn’t called to be with his ‘dearest Prince’. Unfortunately, Akagi herself, didn’t know the answer. In fact, she was more worried as to why she was being lumped in with this lot. Their names didn’t sound like the ones she’d find on the headmaster’s honor roll. Nevertheless, she stood up from her seat, and bowed to the other students, before taking her leave.

She halted outside the door. She could hear rather loud voices from within, and she recognised, much to her own chagrin, the loudest two. It was them. By all the Shinto gods and goddesses. She took in a deep breath, grasped the door, slid it open, and stepped in. The instant she did, the cacophonous ruckus flooded her senses, and at once, she was tempted to take a step back, shut the door, and walk back to the council-room. Instead, she steeled her nerves, coughed, and turned her attention away from the absolute chaos erupting from the students in the class towards the black-haired man standing at the front of the class, who looked to have his annoyance growing by the metric tons with every passing second.

Sensei,” she nodded to the teacher, “if you’ll allow me.” She strode to the front desk, cleared her throat, and then brought her hands down on the desktop.

“SILENCE!” She straightened up and brushed her skirt down, a smile already up and ready on her face. “Class...is in session.” She turned to the teacher, and giggled. “How’d I do, sensei?”

@Chibii @TheHappyPikachu @animegirl20 @cojemo
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Hisako sighed audibly as she strolled towards her desk, her feet shuffling against the concrete flooring of the rather chaotic and noisy classroom. The purple haired female ran her hands through her hair and set her forehead on the desk, breathing in heavily, and exhaling just as loudly. She didn't even flinch when she heard a high pitched and childish voice that was both incredibly familiar and incredibly irritating to her, and continued to stare down at her lap, her arms crossed above her head.

Ah! You must mean my Gerphergal!~ He is a mighty beast of both great power and knowledgeable! We made acquainted this early daylight and in that short time he joined my army as my trusted steed!~" Hisako knew that voice. It was Koware Yasui Yuki, of course it was. No one else had the ability to annihilate Hisako's patience as fast as she did. And Yuki was the only one that's ever gotten yelled at by Hisako before. She just couldn't stand the girl. She was sixteen for god's sake, couldn't she act her own age?

Hisako mumbled a few swear words under her breath, squeezing her eyelids together tightly, and lightly slamming her forehead on her desk. Irritated. Annoyed. Frustrated. Hisako was much more than annoyed at this point. The irritated girl looked towards the teacher, who seemed equally as annoyed as she was right about now. That's when she realized that someone else was walking into the classroom.
"Great. Just what I needed." Hisako thought sarcastically, sighing for probably the 100th time today.

But of course, the new girl that'd entered was none other than a very well behaved and mannered participant of the school council herself, Akagi Yuusei. Hisako had never talked to the girl on a personal or even mildly friendly level, though from rumors alone, Akagi seemed to be much liked by the school, and was always known as a very preppy and happy-go-lucky person. In most cases, Hisako would've despised Akagi, and probably thought she was another childish brat. But her place in the students council definitely said otherwise, and saying that she hasn't piqued Hisako's interest would be a lie.

“SILENCE!” Akagi yelled. Hisako laughed out loud at this. A rare laugh. A laugh that almost no one's heard before. Yes, Hisako Suzuka was laughing. Though as she realized this, she stopped so fast that it was almost robotic. A smirk replaced her previously laughing expression. "So, Akagi, you're sick of all the mindless blabber too?" Hisako's voice was confident and clear, and surprisingly sounded like that of a charismatic and persuasive saleswoman. Problem is, Hisako rarely spoke to others if they didn't approach her, and so this was definitely a first. She could already feel the stares and gasps.

no slide
no slide no slide

(Kimiu´s POV: )

It felt like watching a parade. Girls kept coming in and shouting and chatting about. For now, about half of them (including Kou, which was actually good, she might just actually make some friends) seemed to be going along with Yuki´s delusions, loud delusions.

"Devious overlord, huh?" I rubbed the back of my head, sighing. The criteria for picking magical girls wasn´t quite their intelligence or manners, on contrary truly: The more a girl had, the less likely were they of truly being desperate for something. As much as I hated the idea of fooling them like that, sometimes, there was no choice but to play that card and just find some girl who´d give anything to get what she wanted. I avoided doing this, though. I mean, I had to be humane on SOME level, no?

Not that I didn´t get a little pissed sometimes. Couldn´t they have any respect for their teacher? Or, you know, at least not make live theater in class? Somebody needed to tell them all to just be silent.

Someone called my attention. Akagi Yuusei? Oh, maybe she wanted to interrogate me on...wait, where was she go...

There was a scream. My hands flew to my ears, out of instinct maybe, since the scream was perfectly normal. I guess I had just gotten used to getting cover after all these years, since when you´re small enough to be held in the hand of a small child, any screaming is like there´s an explosion right next to you or something. The girl giggled and I reach out my hand to pat her head, smiling a bit nervously.

"Yes, uhm, well done. Thank you." I turned to face everyone else in class. "Alright now, all to your seats, sit quietly if you want to hear why we´re all here."

I gave them a few moments, waiting, then began, whether they were ready or not.

"So, long story short, in these past few months there have been several reports to the police of assault from a group composed of mostly teen girls in strange costumes. Although the claims were ridiculous, the descriptions mostly matched a given group of faces: Yours." This was of course, the beginning of a big lie. Magical girls wipped out the memories of their existence completely. But there were a few exceptions that retained them for a day or two, fi the magical girl held back, or even just for a few moments. By capitalizing on those, I might just make my story believable. And, of course, checking for it was impossible. Any traces of memories would have left the people even if they had roamed free and the magical girl couldn´t afford to keep anyone under "custody". It wasn´t perfect, but it should work well enough. "Due to the sheer amount of report of this kind, the police decided to have you put together and watched over during the day, considering the reports suggest bright light. As such, the director of this school has decided to create a new class so you could be watched and still receive your education. As such, I will be your teacher for the next few months. Any questions?"

@Chibii @Ryuuko Shin @The One Eyed Bandit @cojemo @ShadyAce

"Koware Yasui Yuki"

Yuki stared blankly once again at the still nervous girl, "swear allegiance?~" she asks before smirking in a cat-like manner and putting on a smug face, "well, I guess a mere mortal like you wouldn't know~ all you have to do is wear this badge for a week!~" she replied and showed off the small clip-on badge she was wearing, "here!" She replied and grabbed another out of her bag, handing it to the girl, it had what appeared to be some foriegn language and a small drawing of a cat "It means Demon Lord!~" she replied proudly, crossing her arms, cat still resting peacefully on them, "Welcome to the forces of evil comrade! You are now of sociable status and are allowed access to Gephergal patting!~.... Now how do you people word it again, oh! That's right! I guess you could consider us what you people call 'friends'!~" she continued with a small giggle.

She opened her mouth to continue explaining but was cut-off by yet another girl entering, slowly she approached the teachers desk before slamming her hands down upon it startling both Yuki and the cat, the 'Gephergal' quickly retreated into the bag and Yuki awkwardly laughed, rubbing the back of her head in a rather timid manner and shuffling her chair further into her desk, and puffing out her cheeks stubbornly, "meanie~...." She whinged, kicking her feet back and forth playfully.

It was then that she realised Hisako was present in the class, the brief quietness from Yuki being abruptly interrupted as her smile widened, ignoring the girls words sheaves in an over-energetic manner before turning back to face the teacher curiously, raising an eyebrow in a suspicious manner as she listened her eyes widened a little, at the end she squinted a little and put a hand up near her mouth, "fufufufu~.... It seems the overlords forced have finally discovered the true power that Is at my all-mighty command!~" she declared loudly as if his words were some sort of award, she then went quiet at his next statement, seeming to consider a question and glancing once again around at the girls in the class, staring particularity at their chests, before raising her hand with total innocence asking, "who has the biggest bust size?~...." As it were a regular question, though, when it came to Yuki that was a particularity normal thing to say compared to her 'usual' statements, she'd seemed to have completely brushed off what he'd said before, but then again it seemed as though this girl could be caught in the middle of a typhoon and still go to the park for an ice-cream.

Great. Judging by the constant nonsense pouring some of their mouths and an inability to behave properly in a classroom, it seemed Shizu may have been right on target with her assumption; Many of these girls probably did need help in some way or another. Kyou came as no surprise,as the red head had already been witness to her antics first hand way too many times. However, Shizu's tactic of ignoring everything as to not get annoyed could only last so long against the ramblings of the self proclaimed 'demon lord'. The louder she spoke the more annoyed Shizu became as she chewed on the ends of her hair and tapped her fingers on her desk impatiently. Like, Shizu didn't mind a little bit of silliness every now and then, but could the girl be any louder? Well, if you added in the 'hero' Kyou and her bellows of justice, then yes, it definitely could. Shizu shot her partner a stone cold emotionless glare, and while most wouldn't think anything of it, Kyou would most likely be used to the red heads 'shut up before I rip your head off' stare. Hopefully she'd get the message.

With all of this going on, Shizu began to consider if she was even in a classroom. After all, the teacher didn't seem to be able to do his job very well considering he tried and failed to settle everyone down. In fact, she was about done with whatever she was called down for and didn't care what anyone would think of her. Without a word the girl stood up from her seat and began packing her stuff with every intention to walk out of the room, but before she could she was interrupted by the presence of a saving grace in the form of Akagi. That silence she yelled was music to her ears, but how effective it would be on the troublemakers that presided in the room was questionable. Still, Shizu hesitantly sat back down at her desk and began unpacking her things again, her notebook and pen gracing her desk once more. Maybe there'd finally be some progress made.

However, the bomb that the teacher dropped shortly after caught the usually sharp Shizu completely off guard. Though Shizu knew she wasn't a part of any form of actual assault, it was quite obvious to her what had actually happened. Someway, somehow, a handful witness managed to retain their memory of her magical girl escapades and report them to the police. Nervous, Shizu began chewing in the nail of her thumb as she ran things through in her head. She was usually quite careful with these type of things, so she wasn't quite sure how there were enough reports to make her a suspect. Had she just gotten unlucky and the few who saw her somehow remembered? Maybe Kyou, with her explosive and ear-piercing style, attracted a crowd that saw the both of them? Yeah, she'd go with that. Blaming Kyou seemed like the safest bet. After all, she was often the source of Shizu's grief.

Despite all of her worries, there were still a few things that didn't quite add up. Why weren't they being questioned by cops? What was the likelihood of enough people retaining their memory to jeopardize their identity? On top of that, Shizu was pretty sure she could provide enough evidence to the police to clear her name if need. An alibi would help her out, and Kyou could easily vouch for- actually, that probably wasn't a good idea. Kyo couldn't keep her mouth shut on a good day, so worst case scenario they both end up in jail for false charges even worse than assault.

She'd figure something else out.

Just as Shizu began raising her hand to ask a question, the demon lord of annoyance beat her to the punch, though her question wasn't anywhere close to what Shizu wanted to ask. Her bust size!?! That wasn't the kind of question one just asked out of nowhere! Placing one hand over her chest as to cover the aforementioned area, the redheads face began to match her hair as embarrassment washed over her. This wasn't because she was particularly lacking, mind you, but even discussing such topics made her feel quite uncomfortable. She may have been a 3rd year but anything that got too personal usually made her the way she currently was. However, despite her color her expression remained unmoved, and after coughing into her hand she raised her hand to the teacher, still covering her chest and as red as ever. "When are we going to get a chance to talk to the authorities?" Shizu asked monotonously. "That should be the first order of business so those of us who are innocent have a chance to leave this obnoxious classroom. I would also quite appreciate it if you did your job as a teacher and dealt with the troublemakers accordingly." Shizu tilted her head slightly in the direction of the girl who'd asked about bust size as she finished her sentence, emphasizing just who the 'troublemaker' was. More than a bit annoyed already, she wanted nothing more than to be back in her normal classroom. It's not that she didn't understand the reasoning for putting everyone who was a suspect in the same class, but she honestly didn't care.

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The classroom was starting to get chaotic and she wanted to join in. But suddenly she heard someone yell out silence to the class in a very loud and demanding voice. Honoko looked up, "Oh it's Akagi should of known." She crossed her arms and then sighed. "Jeez" The class went silent and she looked towards the teacher listening. But what he had to say shocked her. She didn't really understand how it was possible that people remembered considering their minds were suppose to be wipped. Honoko continued to listen but she got distracted when she heard a meow. At first she thought it was Yuki's cat but she turned her head around to see Dusty standing at the window. Honoko began to panic a bit. She didn't like letting Dusty being out n public because he didn't look like a normal cat you can't even see his eyes. "Dusty go home!" She whispered loudly and she waved her hand at him. He meowed at her. "I don't care if you don't want to be home alone you can't be here now go!" She was still whispering at him. She suddenly snapped out of her conversation with Dusty when she heard some yell out about bust size. Her face went red and she turned to the girls. "Seriously who said that?!"

@Chibii @Ryuuko Shin @The One Eyed Bandit @cojemo @ShadyAce @Vague



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