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Fandom My Hero Academia: Go Beyond, Plus Ultra OOC

Yeah, but I did mention; might as well. I'm too lazy to do something so... simple.
I have actually completely recoloured a pic of someone bc I didn't like the colour scheme, so it just depends on my mood.
I used to retrace then edit a bunch of portraits for a RP from another forum I was in before... although I scrapped the OCs, while the RP went through multiple reboots.
She wants you to approve her villain character signore

sometimes people like Scarlett just can't comprehend why Ryan does that.
Poor Kyosuke gonna get roasted.


  • 2iegqc.jpg
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Ooh gosh, events at main is seriously cray-cray. If no one wants to add some more and/or intervene, I'll start making a post at the next few hours.
Jet Strike said immobilize not destroy, you guys! XD Poor Kyosuke...
I'm kind of disappointed at the exercise being stopped. I mean, didn't the teachers think that something like this might have happened? They should have had nurses and medical equipment on hand because someone would have at least been injured...
Sorry I'm just sulking... Very dramatic, guys, good scene. Well done!
I feel like i ruined the rp, altogether. I didn't see that it was that bad that it had to be called off.
I feel like i ruined the rp, altogether. I didn't see that it was that bad that it had to be called off.
Yes way! >~< I only made Kyosuke get hurt because i thought it was fair since all the other greater characters have set attacks that are not easy to dodge nor can be autododged. Man, if there was a chance for elisabeth to visit the school clinic. She can pour everything what she wants to say on Kyosuke.
What? No way! Don't feel that way! You didn't ruin the rp!

You didn't ruin it fam. You made it sooner for me to make Tobias seduce the twin sisters! Hehehe
Twin sisters? To be honest. Tobias was scary for me too. Along with Scarlett and Ryan! Your characters are strong, guys! So when y'all went to the conflagulation zone i had to make sure Kyosuke avoids to fight.

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