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Fandom Murder IV: Eye of the Storm

As she entered the ward she couldn’t help but recoil at the sight of thplace, though it wasn’t as bad as some other places back home. (Gas station public toilets) Elise also could hear some slight laughter coming from somewhere she couldn’t exactly tell, coupled with a migraine that she hasn’t felt before. “Look guys I don’t think it’s safe here, maybe we should split up and cover some ground.” The officer wasn’t exactly suggesting as she started started I back away from the group, moving to the left of the ground and walking down a corridor.

Akibahara Akibahara @anyotherphycharitristniggers
Max Caulfield
Location - The Asylum
With - Forest people

Her hands flew to her head, as if putting pressure on her temples would alleviate the splitting pain of madness seeping into her consciousness. A scream ripped her way out of her throat, and she sunk to her knees besides the generator. Her shoulders shook with terror, but she still knew she needed to do the generator. Pulling herself into a crouching position, Max went right back to repairing the generator she had been working on, as if not aware she had screamed.
Chloe would nod in response to Max, figuring that she wouldn’t have known what was going on anyways. This whole situation was hella weird. Though, before she could decide where to go, that cup that had been harassing her mom earlier hopped its merry little way over and started bugging her.


“Jesus, can you fuck off already? I swear, you’re more annoying than fucking David…” Chloe said to Master Shake before turning back to their possible destinations, before eventually deciding on the Psychiatric Ward with Max, mainly because she didn’t trust her friend going there by herself.

Once they entered the ward, the punk couldn’t help but gag at the sight (and smell) of all the piss and shit that had been smeared everywhere. “Goddamn... this fucking place reaks...” Chloe said as she covered her nose and continued forward, making sure to keep Max within her line of site as she did so.

Akibahara Akibahara Noivian Noivian GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack Username Username @Rhysie Zerulu Zerulu DerpyCarp DerpyCarp KandiPoP KandiPoP @Forest​

The Doctor grows closer and immediately, an image flashes of Rachel Amber appears: Her eyes are bleeding profusely, you see her kicking down a trash can, causing the massive forest fire in Arcadia Bay again. Except, her body is on fire, she screams in agony as the flames cause pus and blood to ooze from her flesh. She screams as the godawful pain engulfs her.



thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Seeing the Girl Scream, and feeling the worsening headache, Vaati starts to turn and move away from her, and toward a direction where the pain in his skull starts to lessen. Then he dashes that way.
Pandora wandered in not far behind. She looked around not at all phased by the sights and smells. "hmm...homey." She kept walking toward the generator. She furrowed her brow. "That a familiar feeling..." She muttered to herself as she backed away from it. "Maybe we should......find another place" She narrowed her eyes "There is something...coming..."
Celeste really couldn't believe what she was hearing, but at least going along with it would be a whole lot more fun than sulking and working out until she couldn't walk by herself, so she gave Kinara's story her honest attention, losing track of the time while they sat there, having gotten a coffee for herself at one point as well. The sudden shift in conversation took her out of the laze she had been lulled into, shaking a little in her seat, wondering if the town was having some kind of weird effect on her behavior, suddenly feeling the need to stand up and get moving. "Sure do! I'd be down.. I feel like I'm gonna sink through the floor and become a lump if we don't get moving, lead the way!" The mountain of a woman was willing to let Kinara drag her about, taking a mental note to remember the swimsuit tucked back in her luggage should they need it, but the rental car should be fine in the parking lot diner for now, seeing as the beach was right across the street.

"Can't say any of my work was that grand... no evil Empires for me, just a bunch of greedy, fuckin' windbags willing to shell out some serious cash to protect their businesses..." That much was actually true, though her work was much more free-lance, with much more underhanded dealings going on, instead of pretty contracts and legitimate security work. "Outside of that, I spend most of my time working out, or just indulgin' in hobbies with all of the bank that I make, given that I need to stay in top form for my line of work, and that it could get me killed just about any day... I may as well live it up, ya know?" She added on, giving a bit of a shrug. "How about you? What keeps ya goin' outside of dismantling bad guys?" (( Storm-Shadow14 Storm-Shadow14 ))

Kinara was unsure of whether or not she could hold Celeste's hand while they walked, and after a few awkwardly cute gestures, decided not to push herself onto the larger woman just quite that much yet. Instead she walked with her hands on her hips as she looked up at the taller, stronger woman, listening as she spoke, giggling as she mentioned working out, and reaching out to poke a bicep. "I think by now you have set all the lifting records no? Look like you could squeeze me to death if you're not careful!" she winked, teasing again. She then nodded agreement with her following statement of living life to its fullest when not working. She did that very well, and hoped to share that with this muscled beauty... if she so desired.

"Me? Well, not much... I meditate a lot... seriously.. a lot...." she giggled before moving on "Aside from that, honestly I don't do much... I explore... try to fix my stuff, eat, sleep.... fuck." she blushed. Might as well come clean, no? After the shock of her words set in, she went on. "With whoever.... y'know? Just... feels good to really let loose, y'know?" she smiled shyly as she looked up to the taller woman. LunarDiscord LunarDiscord
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Pandora saw the girls working on the generator and knowing little about it herself thought it best to leave them be as she continued to wander away from it.
If you were in proximity to Max and Chloe, you felt a numbing sensation tear into your skull, followed by a tingling sensations erupting in your temple. A vision, moreso a nightmare or illusion of sorts, appears abruptly in-front of you, as a painful shocking sensation, tears throughout your entire body. A scream erupts from you, before you could see him:


A man.

A headstrap pried open his eyes, an eternal rictus grin forced open by some sort of 1960s style apparatus is present on his skull. He giggled like an impudent child, drool dribbling down his lips, as electricity surged through his left forearm. A red stain present with his every walk.

You felt like your heart was going to pound out of your chest.

“R-Rachel!?” Chloe shouted as horrifying images of her other best friend suddenly sprouted into her mind, said images attacking her brain like tiny knives inside her head. “O-oh my God... Rachel!!” Chloe shouted even louder this time as she fell to her knees, outright screaming and crying as those god forsaken images plagued her mind.

The images were so horrifying, in fact, that she didn’t even notice the mentally unstable being slowly approaching the group at large.

Akibahara Akibahara Noivian Noivian @Forest
Pandora heard the screams of Chloe in the distance. She took to her natural stealth skills and kept close to the second group while keeping an eye on places to hide other than her usual safe havens of the shadows.
Max gripped his forehead hard, jumping back in surprise when the vision of a deformed man popping into his head. He looked around, and he noticed the man who appeared in his vision approaching the group, a feeling of dread filling him. He immediately looked to Elise. "Ve need to move, now! i vill get ze girl who is freaking out. Lets move!" He said. He immediately sprinted to the younger, female max, and grabbed her shoulder. "Come on, ve need to move, now!" He said pulling at her shoulder and trying to move them both down one of the hall ways.

Zerulu Zerulu Noivian Noivian thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Max Caulfield
Location - The Asylum
With - Forest people

With a second scream, Max finally looked up from her generator. Her eyes met his. Fear locked her briefly in place, not even daring to breathe. Run. The singular instinct took over, her heart suddenly picking up with sheer terror, and she turned, grasping Chloe's arm to attempt to pull her to her feet, but only briefly. "Run!" she shouted, holding onto Chloe and only releasing if the fervent retreat of her own legs and the German man pried her away from her best friend.
As Elise went further away from where the group were she could hear screams erupt, refusing to look back she continued to run down the hallway eventually spotting a new generator, her conscious filled with the knowledge of how to fix the generator and with the knowledge that she had to fix the generator. Immediently when she reached its proximity she crouched down by it and plucked her hands into it, miraculously starting to repair it as the generator slowly came to life.

Akibahara Akibahara
Pandora heard the screams of Chloe in the distance. She took to her natural stealth skills and kept close to the second group while keeping an eye on places to hide other than her usual safe havens of the shadows.

You silently walked across the Psychiatric Ward and you're met with...


Drop the pallet? Y/Y?

KandiPoP KandiPoP
Master Shake

Needless to say, I was not impressed with this weirdo doctor. And I wasn't afraid to hide my feelings.

"Hey, are you the guy in charge around here? How could you do this? How could you let a hospital get so disgusting? There's crap and piss everywhere! I smelt the place before I could even formulate in my brain that this place existed! Hippocratic oath? More like hypocritical oath! What's your name, buddy? I wanna speak to the manager around here!"

Akibahara Akibahara
Blackwell Academy
Mey-Rin ( Ineptitude Ineptitude )

The captain wasn't exactly expecting the rather... extreme sign of gratitude. "Uh, you're welcome, I guess." He muttered somewhat awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. As she spoke, he noticed her somewhat old-fashioned British accent. Coupled with her antique maid's uniform and general demeanour, it was almost as if she had just stepped out of a history book.

Or maybe she was just a member of the drama club. This was a school that specialised in art, after all.

Renko cleared his throat. "You got a name, ma'am?"
As Vaati Runs from the screams of his fri-... Compa-... Other people. He dashes past a Generator, completely ignoring the strange object, and lunging through a window and up a set of stairs.
Max pulled chloe up, throwing the teenager over his shoulder like a wounded soldier and began running off after the teenager who left, max slowly falling behind as he was currently encumbered by a whole other human being.

Noivian Noivian thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Master Shake

Needless to say, I was not impressed with this weirdo doctor. And I wasn't afraid to hide my feelings.

"Hey, are you the guy in charge around here? How could you do this? How could you let a hospital get so disgusting? There's crap and piss everywhere! I smelt the place before I could even formulate in my brain that this place existed! Hippocratic oath? More like hypocritical oath! What's your name, buddy? I wanna speak to the manager around here!"

Akibahara Akibahara


The Doctor looked straight at the talking soda cup. He cocked his head to the right, before lifting his right arm up, a massive spiked rod which was strangely shaped like a dildo, before swinging it downward, smashing the oversized stick straight into his skull... if he had one. Master Shake could feel red hot pain erupt from the base of his lid. An acute, sharp pain radiates throughout his body, as green fluids erupted from the wound.

GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack
As Elise went further away from where the group were she could hear screams erupt, refusing to look back she continued to run down the hallway eventually spotting a new generator, her conscious filled with the knowledge of how to fix the generator and with the knowledge that she had to fix the generator. Immediently when she reached its proximity she crouched down by it and plucked her hands into it, miraculously starting to repair it as the generator slowly came to life.

Akibahara Akibahara


A loud 'ding!' sound resounded throughout the map! Congratulations, you completed a generator!

1 down, 4 to go.

Zerulu Zerulu
Max pulled chloe up, throwing the teenager over his shoulder like a wounded soldier and began running off after the teenager who left, max slowly falling behind as he was currently encumbered by a whole other human being.

Noivian Noivian thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
As Vaati Runs from the screams of his fri-... Compa-... Other people. He dashes past a Generator, completely ignoring the strange object, and lunging through a window and up a set of stairs.
Max Caulfield
Location - The Asylum
With - Forest people

With a second scream, Max finally looked up from her generator. Her eyes met his. Fear locked her briefly in place, not even daring to breathe. Run. The singular instinct took over, her heart suddenly picking up with sheer terror, and she turned, grasping Chloe's arm to attempt to pull her to her feet, but only briefly. "Run!" she shouted, holding onto Chloe and only releasing if the fervent retreat of her own legs and the German man pried her away from her best friend.
Max gripped his forehead hard, jumping back in surprise when the vision of a deformed man popping into his head. He looked around, and he noticed the man who appeared in his vision approaching the group, a feeling of dread filling him. He immediately looked to Elise. "Ve need to move, now! i vill get ze girl who is freaking out. Lets move!" He said. He immediately sprinted to the younger, female max, and grabbed her shoulder. "Come on, ve need to move, now!" He said pulling at her shoulder and trying to move them both down one of the hall ways.

Zerulu Zerulu Noivian Noivian thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


You run further and run into a chest. It's set there by itself, as if waiting to be opened, do you decide to open the chest? Y/N?


Vaati keeps running, until he skids to a stop, his vision filling with a beautiful sight. A chest awaiting goodies. He has no hesitation as he opens it. "Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme!"
Master Shake


Bravely, I ran away from the psychopath with all the force my lack of legs could muster. I decided to go down the same path that Chloe and Max had gone, hopefully he was more interested in a bunch of young, dumb teens than he was in me.

Akibahara Akibahara
No, how about we don't open the chest? Especially not when there's a guy with a pointy stick who's not afraid of swinging it around right on their tails. She ducks into another small room, spotting a pair of lockers and hopping inside one.

Vaati keeps running, until he skids to a stop, his vision filling with a beautiful sight. A chest awaiting goodies. He has no hesitation as he opens it. "Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme!"


You open the chest and you're met with a [purple flashlight]. If you flipped it on, the room would immediately light up. Whatever the fuck was in that battery was fucking strong.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

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