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Fandom Murder IV: Eye of the Storm

View attachment 487184
Toshinori "All Might" Yagi

Location - Blackwell Academy | With - Kate Marsh | Condition - Fine

Toshinori let out little more than an uncomfortable grunt as Leon pushed past him, giving the man little more than a brief glance as he ran off. He didn’t have time to deal with his nonsense right now. Besides, it seemed the police had the situation well in hand. Turning back to the girl, he resumed his gentle smile when he saw that she finally stopped to look up at him.

“No one sent me, and it’s not a trick, I promise. I’m just someone who lives to help people. I’m a teacher. You can call me Mr. Yagi,” he replied evenly, remaining patient even as she accused him of trying to trick her. “You seem like a very nice young lady that’s been treated unfairly. I don’t know much more than that, but that doesn’t mean I can’t care.”

( Akibahara Akibahara )​


"Well, I'm glad you worry about me... that makes me feel better, but you don't know how it is at Blackwell. People can be so mean. Bullies." She paused momentarily, offering a small, kind smile, "Sir, the fact that you're talking to me, out of everyone I've met means alot." Kate nodded, taking a pen and paper out of her handbag, "Here's my number. I'll text you when I'm ready."



Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes
Chloe had eventually caught back up to the rest of the group, having fallen asleep before all this shit had happened. She eventually managed to catch back up to Max and everyone else, rubbing the side of her head tiredly with a quiet groan. "Jesus... what time is it? How long was I out for?" She asked groggily before turning to face Max specifically. "What the fuck is happening, Max?!"

Akibahara Akibahara Noivian Noivian KandiPoP KandiPoP GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack Rhysie Rhysie Username Username @Forest​
Location: Blackwell Academy
Interaction: Victoria Chase ( Akibahara Akibahara ) | Captain Renko ( Corrosion Corrosion )

Mey-Rin reflexively looked up at the sound of an unfamiliar voice, and her eyes widened at the sight she was met with. The man was tall, taller than even Sebastian by at least a couple of inches, as well as incredibly bulky underneath the odd uniform that he wore. What truly caught her eye, however, were the assortment of weapons that he carried on his person. They were clearly more powerful, more advanced than any firearm that she currently possessed, even with her vision as impaired as it was at the moment, but that's impossible.

Weaponry with that sort of strength cannot be produced with the technology that was currently available in the 19th century.

As the girl who had been previously harassing her turned her attention towards the stranger, Mey-Rin pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. Hazel eyes narrowed behind the thick lenses. There was something strange going on in this town, and she was going to find out exactly what it was.
Blackwell Academy
Mey-Rin ( Ineptitude Ineptitude ), Victoria Chase ( Akibahara Akibahara )

Renko raised a brow. He wasn't expecting the schoolgirl who was likely at least a whole decade younger than him to attempt to seduce him. Still, he held his ground. "Renko," He introduced, obviously sounding unimpressed. "Captain Nathaniel Renko, US Special Forces." Renko said, folding his arms. "And I'd appreciate it if you stopped harassing this lady immediately."

Victoria Chase smirked, stepping past Renko, her index finger trailing against his chest, "Mm, compassionate, sensitive. I like that, Mr. Renko." She smiled and nodded at her trio of minions before nodding at Mey-Rin, "I'll see you soon."

((Sorry, gotta do this side quest))
As Sakura strolls around the streets, she slowly becomes bored. She feels the need to talk to someone, maybe make a new friend around these parts. As she thinks, she stumbles upon two figures; a regular guy and a soldier from the future. "Huh? What is going on there?" Sakura thought as she eavesdrops on their conversation. Unknown to herself, this is actually her good opportunity to make some friends around the town. "I think I should drop in on them. I'm sure they won't mind." Sakuyra made her last thought before she approaches the two men and yell "Hey! Are you two new around these parts?"

Macarons in Pastel Macarons in Pastel Critic Ham Critic Ham
Handsome JackJack as the corporate maniac he still is saw how Pan pocketed the money with an impish wink as well with calling him love and a bit of the formal farewell, though this was not a goodbyes, as Handsome Jack winked back at the lady, he spoke something out along these lines "Business is my first deal, then all other things, ya got it, gorgeous?"

She smiled playfully. "Thanks love~" She chuckled softly "pleasure doing business with you~" She pocketed the money with an impish wink. She looked back into the forest and pondered their options. "I think we should head into town now. I know demonic influence when I see it and this is pretty close." [C]​
KandiPoP KandiPoP
You decide to leave the Forest and run back to Arcadia Bay.



You return to Arcadia Bay. It's cold, empty, and much different than you remembered it. What happened? Looking around, you could see an inky darkness engulf the sky, dimly lit by a full moon which acts as the only light source. Your eyes dart back and forth, hoping to find anything of interest, and much to your surprise, you find four noteworthy locations:

A.) The Arcadia Bay Medical Center
B.) The Arcadia Bay Psychiatric Institute
C.) A lone warehouse a few blocks away, it's dimly lit, but active
D.) The old Prescott Barn located outside of town

Final choices, people. What do you choose?

Blackwell Academy
Mey-Rin ( Ineptitude Ineptitude )

Renko watched as Victoria left, feeling more than a little uncomfortable. "Jesus, what was that about?" He muttered, before turning to the maid. "Hey, you okay?" He asked.
Max Caulfield
Location - Arcadia Bay...?
With - Forest people

Shaking her head, Max gave Chloe a worried look. "Some crazy stuff, Chloe," she states simply, too tired to put up. "I don't really know what's going on..." [ B ]
View attachment 487192
Handsome JackJack as the corporate maniac he still is saw how Pan pocketed the money with an impish wink as well with calling him love and a bit of the formal farewell, though this was not a goodbyes, as Handsome Jack winked back at the lady, he spoke something out along these lines "Business is my first deal, then all other things, ya got it, gorgeous?"

KandiPoP KandiPoP
She chuckled softly. "A corporate man then? That explains a lot." She smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Save the sweet talk for after we figure out what's going on." she giggled and winked. [B}​
Location: Blackwell Academy
Interaction: Captain Renko ( Corrosion Corrosion )

Mey-Rin watched as the girl sashayed away, her last words lingering within her mind. Taking note of the fact that she should keep and eye out for her in case she tries to stir up any more trouble, the maid turned towards the stranger—Captain Renko, she corrected herself—and bowed in gratitude for his chivalrous deed.

"I'm perfectly fine." She smiled up at him, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "Thank you, sir, for your assistance."
Vaati Sticks his tongue out in disgust at the blatant flirting., then dashes ahead of the pack to get away from the humans. (B)
As she made her way back to Arcadia Bay she was introduced from another choice, “Guys honestly I think we’d should go to the psychiatric ward, oh and you two, please stop flirting. We need to prioritise what we are doing and surviving is number one.” She glared at Pandora and Handsome Jack. (B)

Akibahara Akibahara KandiPoP KandiPoP Rhysie Rhysie @forrestniggas
Max looks over to Elise. "i know zhey are civilians, but zhis group is probably ze most disorganized group of people i have ever seen...i don't know vhat ve will encounter, but i don't expect it to end vell, no matter vhat ve do..." He said quietly, glancing at the others, including the child like thing running off.

Zerulu Zerulu
Master Shake

I heard some of the younger, more annoying girls freaking out over what was going on. I didn't quite understand it myself, but I wasn't going to let anyone in on that little secret.

"God, you two are the gayest thing since gay came to gaytown! There's nothing to be worried about! So the sky is pitch black, that's just because of all the pollution that cars have been spitting out after all these years. This is just Mother Nature's sign of appreciation!"

I immediately noticed the lady cop from before was among us, along with some guy who couldn't speak proper English. Once again, people were bitching and moaning over absolutely nothing. I didn't see what the big deal was. I turned to this Max guy and I gave him a piece of my mind.

"Oh, would you shut up already! You're all scared over nothing. Look, let's just go to this cruddy psychiatric ward, steal some medication from the rotting vegetables, and shovel that crap into our mouths like its Thanksgiving!"

Username Username Zerulu Zerulu DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Noivian Noivian thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore KandiPoP KandiPoP DapperDogman DapperDogman Rhysie Rhysie Akibahara Akibahara
The Doom Marine

Location - Near Two Whales Diner | Interacting with - Macarons in Pastel Macarons in Pastel as Garry| Status- Miffed​

I heaved a sigh after Garry said he didn’t see Hayden. His only response was the furrowing of the eyebrows. He reacted with alarm upon seeing the cyborg like the others, but he hid it well. Nonetheless, my business was concluded with him. Even if Garry finds Hayden and informs me, the damned robot will be on the move. I nodded my head in thanks as he shifted his bag strap.

"How do you communicate without a voice? I knew a girl once... She was pretty adept at conveying meaning through gesture, although she could speak when needed. I think it must be sad, without a voice to express your thoughts..."

I stared blankly at Garry upon hearing the question. Did-did he not see that communicated through bastardized sign language? Hell, he even thought I had no voice. I had one, it simply hurts to speak. The words clawed into my vocal cords everytime I tried to force them out. It was overcomed through my own sign language which involved a lot of pointing at things and adding sound effects to certain gestures such as breaking legs. Though, I guess in some way that makes me a mute.

Garry mentioned a girl. He went on to say he thought it sad to be without a voice to express one’s thoughts. I shrugged, an apathetic aura beginning to surface. Perhaps it was difficult for some, but it was simply an obstacle to communication that one either learned to live with or whine about.
"Oh excellent, you'll distract whatever ve encounter while you are higher than a Stuka. Once ve get in zhere, i'll gladly give you all of ze medicine zhat i find." Max said to the oversized cup, deciding to not even take what ever the fuck this thing actually was seriously. Since it was not only a non-human, but also a complete asshole, he felt no concern for its safety and was more than willing to let it overdose on any drugs they found.

Arcadia Bay Psychiatric Institute

You all walk up to the Psychiatric Institute and enter the premises. You're met by countless surgical instruments that haven't been used in years, as well as piss and shit stained gurneys from patients who were driven mad so long ago. In front of you an unrepaired generator lies dormant. A few steps forward, you look to your right and are met with a pillar, a hook swinging to the left and right, as if anticipating blood. You could hear faint maniacal laughter in the distance, your mind begins to slip, as you step closer and closer to the generator, as if someone or something was prying straight into your skull, reaching into your darkest memories - driving you mad.


You could hear your own heartbeat pulsate in your chest, as the laughing grows louder.

Toshinori "All Might" Yagi

Location - Blackwell Academy | With - N/A | Condition - Fine

Toshinori’s smile widened slightly when she said she felt better. Well, that was good. For now, at least. He knew this wouldn’t be the end of the girl’s struggles, but hopefully he was able to raise her spirits for the time being.

“Oh, trust me, I’ve had my own experiences with bullies. Back when I was in middle and high school, my classmates would bleat at me in the halls because my name means ‘goat’ in Japanese. Of course, it seems like kids can be a lot crueler nowadays,” he replied with a light chuckle, hoping that joking about his own experiences would at least get a laugh out of her. He exchanged numbers with her against my better judgement before excusing himself with a small wave of his hand. She seemed okay for now, but… Perhaps he’d have a small chat with the principal about her later. Surely they had counselors here who could follow up on the situation.

( Akibahara Akibahara )​
Max Caulfield
Location - The Asylum
With - Forest people

Heading towards the generator, Max stopped when she felt her mind being pried into. She shook her head, clenching her jaw, and backed from the generator. That laugh, that growing laugh... she stepped up to the generator at last, some kind of instinct driving her hands to rewire circuits and reorganize cogs, despite the growing evil presence in the room.
Chloe would nod in response to Max, figuring that she wouldn’t have known what was going on anyways. This whole situation was hella weird. Though, before she could decide where to go, that cup that had been harassing her mom earlier hopped its merry little way over and started bugging her.


“Jesus, can you fuck off already? I swear, you’re more annoying than fucking David…” Chloe said to Master Shake before turning back to their possible destinations, before eventually deciding on the Psychiatric Ward with Max, mainly because she didn’t trust her friend going there by herself.

Once they entered the ward, the punk couldn’t help but gag at the sight (and smell) of all the piss and shit that had been smeared everywhere. “Goddamn... this fucking place reaks...” Chloe said as she covered her nose and continued forward, making sure to keep Max within her line of site as she did so.

Akibahara Akibahara Noivian Noivian GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack Username Username Rhysie Rhysie Zerulu Zerulu DerpyCarp DerpyCarp KandiPoP KandiPoP @Forest​
Vaati slows his pace, he shakes his head to rid himself of the memories, as he had done so many times before. Then he covers his face with part of his cloak. "You Humans are foul." He growls in disgust.
Max looked around. "Vell...this place is nice" he said sarcastically as he walked in. His eyes quickly fell upon the generator. "i vonder vhat zhis is for...i see we get zhis fixed...." He said, trailing off as he he began to hear laughing and along with the feeling of some sort of intrusion deep into his thoughts. "Hey...do you guys hear zhat too?" he asked, looking back to the others.

Noivian Noivian GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack Rhysie Rhysie Zerulu Zerulu DerpyCarp DerpyCarp KandiPoP KandiPoP thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Max Caulfield
Location - The Asylum
With - Forest people

Heading towards the generator, Max stopped when she felt her mind being pried into. She shook her head, clenching her jaw, and backed from the generator. That laugh, that growing laugh... she stepped up to the generator at last, some kind of instinct driving her hands to rewire circuits and reorganize cogs, despite the growing evil presence in the room.

The Doctor grows closer and immediately, an image flashes of a massive tornado ripping apart Arcadia Bay tears into her mind. It was so real. As if she could feel the violent gusts of wind press against her flesh, the screams of her townspeople dying, ripped apart by the violent storm.


Enough to scream.


Noivian Noivian
Handsome JackThe corporate madman walked into the Psychiatric institute and boi oh boi, was Jack met with a shit ton of blades that were not used in a shitton of time, what sort of illnesses would those things hide within? "Helios' sake, what is this? Is that skag shit odor? I punched my mom for crissake" thought the man as he was trying to head towards one of the generators, apart from hearing maniac laughters Jack could relate with, right now that laughter just rised up

"How annoying can this be? Christ this is so frustrating"

Noivian Noivian GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack Rhysie Rhysie Zerulu Zerulu DerpyCarp DerpyCarp KandiPoP KandiPoP thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Master Shake

We got to the something or other place and judging by the fecal matter and urine all over the place, I knew that this was one of the few benefits of having no nose. I was going to go on my way to finding some pills when I noticed that one of the dumb girls was touching the generator.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? DON'T TOUCH THAT! If you break it and security finds out you did it, it'll be you guys who get in trouble, not us!"

As he said that, Master Shake could feel a menacing sensation flowing through his cup body.

"Well, I better stick around and make sure you don't cause too much damage... Wouldn't want anyone getting hurt, after all..."

Rhysie Rhysie Noivian Noivian thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Zerulu Zerulu DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Username Username Zerulu Zerulu KandiPoP KandiPoP Akibahara Akibahara

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