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Moving On

Leah shook her head. "Can't..." She mumbled, "can't do it. I can't. I can't." She pressed herself against the rock, shaking as panic seized her. "I can't do it. I can't. Just... Just go. I'll... I'll find a way..."
Jason sighed and began to descend as best he could and as close to Leah as possible. When he came level with her, he looked over and smiled. "Come on Leah. It's not that much farther. Look at me, okay?" He said gently, reaching for her hand to reassure her.
Leah whimpered quietly. She kept her eyes on Jason and slowly climbed the rest of the way, stumbling at the bottom and falling into Samuel.
Samuel easily caught Leah, laughing as Jason jumped the last foot. "See? You did it, Leah." he said lightly, passing her off to Jason when he came over.

Jason smiled and hugged Leah warmly, passing fingers through her hair. "That wasn't so hard, was it?" he asked with a soft chuckle.
Leah hugged him in return, taking deep, shaky breaths. "I'm sorry." She whispered. "I didn't mean to freak out. I just... I froze and I couldn't and I'm so sorry..."
Jason chuckled softly, hugging her tight against him. "It's okay. You don't have to apologize. Sam and I won't let you get hurt, babe. We wouldn't have told you to climb up if we didn't think you could get back down." he smiled softly at her.
"Thanks." Leah released him just as she noticed Alex taking photos with her phone. "Oh, come on..." She laughed. "We're having a moment here!"

Alex rolled her eyes, "no moment is sacred, Leah. You know this."
Jason laughed, "She has a point, Leah. You've done it too." he chuckled, taking her hand. "Come on. Let's keep going." he said lightly.

Samuel chuckled, and shook his head. He took Alex's hand, and pulled her along the path as well.
Leah blushed and nodded, walking along with him. She cheered up quickly, forgetting about her panic earlier. They eventually came to a lookout. Alex and Leah walked to the edge, smiling down at the lake that was below the lookout.

"Beautiful." Alex mumbled. "This place is beautiful."
Jason hung back, locating a tree he was, for the moment, attempting to climb.

Samuel approached the edge as well, carefully lowering himself to sit with his feet dangling off the ledge. "It's amazing alright." he agreed warmly, smiling as he looked out at the sprawling natural park.
Alex sat down beside him, wrapping an arm around his waist. "As cheesy as it is, this view is nothing compared to you." She whispered.
Samuel chuckled, settling an arm around her shoulders. "Man, you took my line. I was gonna say that to you, but I wasn't sure about saying it." he laughed softly, smiling at Alex.
"I win." Alex smirked, kissing his cheek. She pulled him into a longer kiss, laughing as she spotted Leah with her camera. "Subtle."

Leah grinned. "Trust me on this. You want me to get this photo. Kiss him again."
Samuel didn't let Alex retort to Leah by sliding his hand up and cupping her cheek, pulling her back into a kiss. His other arm slid around her waist, pulling her close to him. He was clearly ignoring Leah, his focus on Alex.
Leah settled in and worked at taking a perfect photo. She waited until they were done kissing, then walked over and sat beside them. She held her camera out to show them the photo - a panoramic picture with them kissing at the centre of it.
Samuel chuckled, "That's definitely a good one. I think the only thing that could have made that even better was if we had managed to catch it either at sunrise, or sunset." he smirked, hugging Alex.
Alex grinned at the photo, then at Leah. "You're talented, you know that?" she asked. "Never ever question that, and never wonder if your art matters, because it does." she pulled Leah close, wrapping her spare arm over her friend's shoulder. "Doctors can heal the body, but your art? That can heal the soul."

Leah shook her head and blushed, "They're just photos."
Samuel chuckled, "Haven't you heard the saying, Leah? Pictures are worth a thousand words." he grinned. "And every person interprets those words to what speaks to their souls. Which is why pictures can help soothe even the deepest wounds." he said lightly.
Leah put her camera to the side and turned around to look at Jason. "Get out of the tree and come join our cuddle party." she called out to him. "Come on, J. I need you." she laughed.
Jason blinked, pulled from his concentration by Leah's words, and he slipped from the branch he had been trying to balance on. He yelped as he fell to the ground, crying out in pain. "Shit!" he hissed, clutching his arm to his chest. "Ow ow..." he groaned, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.
"Oh no." Alex got up and ran over to him. "Lay on your back." she whispered, gently helping him. "Take deep breaths, J." she pulled her phone out and called an ambulance. "We're going to go get you checked out. You could have broken something."
Jason winced, still clutching his arm to his chest. "Fuck that hurts... I don't know, but it feels broken." he said, his voice thick with pain and tears. "Damn it..." he grumbled, trying to keep still, and take deep breaths. Though all he succeeded in doing was jarring his arm more as his breathing was quick, and rapid.

Samuel rushed over, "Keep it still, Jason. It's gonna be okay." he said gently. He looked around and located a fairly short, and thick branch. He pulled his shirt off, "I'm going to make a field splint, just in case it is broken. This is gonna hurt, so bear with me." he told his friend. He ripped his shirt into three lengths of fabric, and broke the branch into two pieces. He settled a piece on either side of Jason's arm, and began to wrap the cloth around them. One at the elbow, one at the wrist, and one in between. Jason cried out in pain, yelling at Samuel to be gentle and what not. "Quit being a baby, Jason. It's the risk you take when you climb trees." Samuel sighed, laughing softly.
Leah walked over and carefully sat down on the other side of Jason, stroking his hair gently. "It's okay, baby." she whispered. "It's okay." she leaned over and kissed his forehead. "Slow breaths. Slow." she murmured. An ambulance arrived about ten minutes later, the officers carefully getting Jason into it. Leah climbed in with him, worry etched into her face.
Jason pinched his eyes closed, the water that had pooled in them sliding down his temples. "Shit that hurts..." he whimpered softly. He continued to try and slow his breathing until the paramedics arrived, and helped him from the ground. He clung to Leah's hand with his good one, "Well, this is... a twist for our vacation... isn't it?" he asked, trying to laugh through the pain that was shooting through his arm.

Samuel took Alex's hand, "Come on. Let's go get the bus and meet them at the hospital." he said, sighing. He was worried for his friend, but knew the injury at least wasn't something fatal. "At least he didn't crack his head open, right?" he said with a shrug, trying to find something to laugh about.

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