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Moving On

Leah squeezed his hand, leaning over to kiss his forehead. "Quite a twist." she smiled, "You're going to be okay, though. We'll take good care of you." she leaned back so the paramedics could look closer at his injuries, her eyes never leaving Jason's.

"He'll be okay. He gets to have Leah nurse him back to health, he won't complain." Alex laughed, walking quickly with Samuel back towards the bus.
The paramedics did a preliminary diagnosis based off his pain level, and the way his arm was already beginning to bruise. "The doctor will have to x ray it, but we're pretty certain it's broken." the one paramedic explained, chuckling. "You aren't the first. Honestly, people aren't supposed to be climbing the trees. Because things like this happen." he sighed, "You're lucky it was just your arm." he scolded slightly. Jason smiled, "My head is way to hard for that to have been a problem." he joked, wincing as a bump jarred his arm. When they got to the emergency room, Leah was instructed to wait in the waiting room while Jason was taken to a back room to have an x ray done on his arm.
Leah objected to him going without her, and then relented and sat down quietly in the waiting room. She turned around as soon as she saw Alex and Samuel, managing a small smile. "This is my fault. I distracted him."
Samuel went over and sat beside Leah, patting her shoulder. "It's not your fault, Leah. He shouldn't have been up in the tree like that in first place." he said gently, giving her a small, hopefully reassuring, smile. "Don't worry to much about it, alright?" he said softly.

It was a little over an hour before a nurse came and told them they could go back and see Jason now.
Leah got up and walked back to Jason's room, smiling as she saw him. She walked over and kissed him lightly. "What's the prognosis, babe? Broken?" she whispered. "Did they give you painkillers?"
Jason laughed, returning the kiss eagerly. He lifted his arm, which was now in a lime green cast from hand to elbow, and grinned. "Broken in three places. Two in that big bone... the uh," he paused, and Samuel smirked. "The radius?" he prompted, and Jason grinned. "Yeah. That one. And the other in the ulna." Jason laughed, clearly feeling better, and somewhat loopy. "And you bet they got me on painkillers. Morphine to the max." he cheered, and actually giggled. "And a 'script for hydrocodone. Or something." he chuckled.
Leah giggled when he did, leaning over and kissing his forehead. "You, my love, are cute." she whispered. "So damn cute." she played with his hair and sat back, looking at Samuel. "We can take care of him on the bus, right? We don't have to go home?"
Samuel chuckled, "It's just a broken arm, Leah. He's banned from driving until he doesn't need the pain pills anymore, but we don't have to go home." he said lightly, finding a chair to sit down. "Once he's off the morphine high, they'll probably release him." he chuckled, shaking his head.
"Awesome." Leah leaned over and rested her head on the pillow beside Jason's, her hand sliding into his good hand. "Tell me some secrets, J." she whispered, kissing his cheek. "Come on, babe. Tell me something I don't already know."
Jason's head swayed slightly as he spun it to look at Leah, and grinned idiotically. "No way. I may be hyped up but I'm not telling you about liking your natural hair color." he said stubbornly, clearly not having realized what he had said. "No way no how." he grinned again. He leaned into Leah, "I love you... You're so awesome..." he laughed softly. "And your snoring is adorable..." he chuckled.
Leah smirked a little, kissing his neck once more. "You would never tell me such things." she whispered, "What else would you never tell me, Jason?" she asked, playing with his hair. "I know you'd never spill, but you can trust me. What would you never tell me in a million years?"
Leah laughed and gently put her hand over his mouth. "Shh." she whispered. "You really, really shouldn't tell me that. Or anyone else. Ever." she looked down at him. "Except maybe me sometimes. Really quietly. When no one else is listening."
Jason blinked, and looked around the room. "Oh yeah.. Sam and Alex are here..." he grinned, "You guys really should try it." he laughed. He snapped his head back around to look at Leah, blinking as the world caught up with his eyesight. "Oh! And then there's your smile when you taking pictures..." he began, smiling. "You get this look on your face... like... like... I dunno... but your really really pretty when you smile like that." he said warmly, "Not that you're not always pretty, because you are." he laughed, rolling slightly and sliding his arm with the cast over her side. "And how much I love you... and want to spend the rest of eternity with you..." he sighed, the pain medicine finally sending him into a medical induced sleep.
Leah removed her hand as he kept talking, her eyes filling with tears and a smile on her face. She kissed his forehead as he fell asleep, then sat up and looked at Samuel and Alex. "So, uh, I think I might change my hair colour. Go back to the brown it used to be..."
Samuel chuckled, his cheeks still a little red after having heard Jason only a few moments ago. "I take it that's because of what Jason said?" he asked, laughing lightly.
"Yeah." Leah nodded, "Before he started giving you details of our private funtimes." she laughed. "Can you never mention that ever again? I'm so sorry you had to hear it. I promise we're normal most of the time. I swear."
Samuel chuckled, "I don't know what you're talking about." he said lightly, winking at Leah. "I'm sure he'll like that, by the way. You going back to your natural color." he smiled, nodding. "And your mom will probably flip when she finds out your finally going back to it, too." he laughed.
"I always thought he liked me because I was so different." she admitted, "But I guess that was silly. He's been around for so long that it's silly to think that all he wants is different. I..." she shrugged weakly. "I don't know. I love him. Is it weird? Is it weird to dye my hair because he thinks my natural colour is better?"
Samuel smiled, and shook his head. "He never said he liked it better, just that he liked it. Remember, he's always been one to tell you that he didn't care what you did to your hair as long as you had hair?" he asked, chuckling. "He never told you about really liking your natural color because he wasn't sure that you liked your natural color. He didn't want you keeping something you didn't like about yourself." he sighed, shrugging. "There. You got a secret about him out of me." he smirked.
Leah blushed, nodding slightly. "Thanks, Sam." she put her head back down on the bed and let herself fall into a light sleep, holding onto Jason's hand gently.

"I knew they were wild," Alex smirked, "But I didn't think they were quite as wild as they actually are." she laughed.
Alex stood up and walked with him back to the bus, laying back on the bed and smiling at him. "So, you were sort of amazing with Jason. Doctor Samuel is attractive." she grinned.
Samuel flushed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I went through a bunch of first aid classes." he shrugged, smiling as he walked over and laid on the bed beside her. "Dad said all good doctors should start with first aid knowledge." he chuckled.
Alex rolled onto her side and draped her arm over his stomach. "Your blush is cute." she told him. "I cannot believe how lucky I am to be with you."

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