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Moving On

Alex's cheeks flushed a little at the sight of Samuel. She stared for a few moments, then looked away, adjusting her tshirt.
Samuel chuckled, and leaned down over the bed where she lay, one knee resting on the edge of the bed. "What about the tshirt?" he asked with a smirked, pulling the pillow away from her.
Alex whimpered quietly and nervously. "It... It... It just... It fits you... Right. It fits you just right and I like it and you and I like your body and I think it's sexy."
Samuel chuckled, and kissed the tip of her nose before pushing himself back up and off the bed, smiling at Alex. "Glad you think so." he said lightly, and took her hand, pulling her up. "Come on. Let's go check out the forest. There's lots of hiking trails, and rocks to climb." he grinned.
Alex groaned quietly as he pulled her up. "Mean." She mumbled, walking off the bus with him.

Leah walked towards the nearest path, one arm around Jason's waist. "They're so cute it hurts."
Samuel chuckled, "How was that mean?" he asked, glancing at Alex as he lead her down the hiking path.

Jason smiled, "You sure said it, Leah." he laughed softly.
"Can't I admire you without you making me blush?" Alex asked hopefully. "I mean, come on... I just... You're wearing a tight shirt..."
Samuel smiled, "But you blushed before I even said anything to you." he protested playfully, lightly squeezing her hand. "Should I not wear a tight shirt? I can always take it off." he shrugged, chuckling.
Alex rolled her eyes and shook her head. She wrapped both arms around him for a moment, "I'll take it off you later... But you... I... I'm just getting used to this, Sam. I've never felt like this before."
Samuel nodded, looking down the trail ahead of them. "I know, Alex. Me, too." he said with a smile, looping an arm over her shoulders as they walked. "I think it's one of the only times I'm rather enjoying being scared out of my wits." he chuckled.
"Me too." She laughed quietly, walking to catch up to Leah and Jason. "Hey, so, how did you two get over the whole uh... You know... First time lust... Thing? How did you stop thinking about it so much?"
Jason smirked at Alex, "Get over it? Honestly. Does it look like I've gotten over it?" he laughed. "There's no getting over it. It's a matter of priority." he chuckled lightly.
Leah laughed as well, taking a few photos as they walked. "I still think about him all the time. I guess I just get flustered a little less when I think about it. Because if I always got flustered, then we'd never leave the bed..."
Jason laughed, "I don't have that kind of stamina, Leah." he sighed, rolling his eyes. He released her and ran forward, grinning, "Yes." he hissed happily, and pushed off the hiking trail to a rock formation that was taller than Jason and Samuel if the boy's stood on each other's shoulders. "Come on Sam!" he called, and quickly found hand holds and things to start climbing.

Samuel chuckled, "Priorities. Yeah." he sighed, shaking his head. He blinked and looked up when he heard Jason call to him, and grinned. "Awesome!" he laughed, and kissed Alex's cheek before releasing her and chasing after Jason, the two of them crawling steadily up the rocks.
Leah happily took photos of the boys, climbing a nearby tree to get a better angle. She grinned at Alex for a moment, taking a picture of her best friend.

"Please don't die." Alex called out nervously.
Samuel and Jason both laughed, calling down that they wouldn't, and continued to press to the top. When they crawled over the lip of the rocks and disappeared, they laughed, and feet hung over the ledge. "This is amazing!" Samuel laughed, peeking over the edge and down at Alex.
Alex grinned up at him, then took a deep breath and began to climb herself. It took her a little while but she got there and laid on her stomach between the boys. "Whoa." She gasped. "Such a good view."
Samuel chuckled, reaching down and pulling her up and over the ledge when she had gotten close enough. "I didn't know you liked rock climbing." he grinned at Alex, smiling. He looked to Leah, "Hey. You're missing some great pictures. There's a perfect break in the tree limbs we can see right through up here." he called, smiling.
Leah groaned and slowly climbed. She froze for a moment half way up and then kept going, scrambling to the final rock and shuddering a little as she realised how high they were.
Jason and Samuel quickly took her hands and pulled her up and over the ledge as soon as she was within reach. Jason smiled and wrapped his arms around her, "It's okay, babe. You're safe." he said lightly, kissing Leah's cheek.
Leah wriggled close to him, taking some photos of the view. "You're right. It's beautiful up here." She whispered. "I just need to not think about getting down." She laughed.
Alex slid down from the rock and began to climb down. She smiled as she hit the ground, watching as Leah did the same. Leah panicked half way down and let out a scream, clinging to the rock she was on.

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