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Fantasy Mountain Magic Mayhem (Luc/Sazz)

"Well, it's not just the rich," Lier said, knowing Erro disliked the wealthy. "Gotta be up to it, too. You mentioned earlier something about 'deity's favor.' Yeah, that's really how it works for us down there unless you want to learn campfire spells. Literally."

Erro shook his head. "Our education system is damned I think. Hadn't been able to get past our rut for a decade after the Ghobarian Escape. But hey, the magic's where the Seconds are. And it doesn't seem to take them that long either -- 'bout half a year, like you said."

"It is difficult to trust our people for self-sustainability," the mathematical prodigy said. "It's about the resources, essentially." That had not only him thinking, but also Lier on the side about the Governor. Resources were limited although fruitful as possible in the city, but its education definitely had its shortfalls. Diger made sure not to leave out, "In a realistic sense, the more traveling we do, the more we discover. That's the source of the education: experience."

"I-I-It still lacks," Iso finished his canister. "A lot." And thus was the reason why the Freiche Banks of Huujar became a monopoly instead.
The dragonborn mulled over what she was hearing, and concluded she was more familiar with this situation than she realized. "You sound-" she began, reaching into her coat, "-a lot like the Skarn, now that I think about it. Might've mentioned them before, but they're in a situation a lot like yours. Well, they were. Used to have a big, culturally rich and well developed society. Old Kingdom, I think was the name. Lasted for centuries, close to a thousand years if I recall correctly. Then the Destroyers came, and after a long conflict, they were forced to abandon their kingdom. Took to the desert as nomads, spent centuries roaming and scraping by, only just recently recovered enough to establish actual cities along the Pujaga River in the heartlands of the desert. Even now, though, they spend a lot of time still roaming. Really tight with resources, make everything they have useful. Nothing goes to waste with them."
In luminescent grades, the algae spread about the bark and native vegetation with cool humidity. Calm, feral creatures were now in their sleeping places, allowing room for the vile beasts to awaken and play their part in the wild's game of survival. And for those who were of an ill heart, their intentions lied right with the shadows of the dark, the shallow campfire burning still at the center of the conversation.

Another serving of soup sat in Lier's canister. "Oh yeah, you mentioned them before. Said they were born fighters. And I'd bet after all that they'd keep to many things."

"That's t-terrible," Iso said. "J-Just terrible. Do they have a leader of any sort?"
Milly thought about it, tapping her chin with a claw. "Yeah, sort of," she said. "They travel around in caravans, and there's a Chieftain who's trusted to make decisions involving the group as a whole. The title changes hands from time to time, usually whenever someone better suited for the times is chosen. Skarn aren't really too picky about who leads them, not as long as they have the group's best interests in mind, and they're competent. Really won't find a more diverse, accepting people in the world, I don't think."
"They do sound very accepting," Lier said. "For all that traveling, I wouldn't think they'd have a leader at all -- well -- a stable one." So rich, creamy, I've never had a soup like this in a long time! Slurping away, the knight chewed the chunks of incoming bursts of flavor from the delicious soup. At this point, if no one else was going to have the rest, it was all his.

"So," Vine said, "What about your world, Milly? You all have a leader of sorts?"
"We do, yeah. The Royal Sisters are the Diarchs of Citiria, been ruling it since the last king surrendered the throne after the Nightmare Crisis several centuries ago." Straightening her coat out, Milly plopped down on the damp grass with a 'hoomph'. She crossed her legs and craned back to rest her head on her arms. "Then there's Emperor Horus the Third, he's in charge of the Empire of the Isles, our sister nation just off the coast. As for where I'm from... We've got the good old Baron Redtooth in Town Hall. Officially he's the mayor, unofficially he's a pirate turned noble who settled down after the Sisters gave him the position, when he helped save New Light from a swarm of Mind Flayers way back when the city was just getting on its feet."
Once again, the leader considered Milly's idea of territorial intrusion. "I'm guessing this pirate had a lot of influence on your country, too, hmm? I mean, when he was playing pirate." Such posed a mark of sarcasm in Erro, who searched around his shoulders for his logbook. It was time for more notes.

Feeling like a rock teetering on a weak cliff, Iso's confession to Diger pended for the appropriate time but in desperation that his mercy to live could had been short-lasted. He was already sitting beside him, close enough to at least whisper to him "How are you feeling?" And when the mathematician let off a shrug and an "alright," Iso offered some more water, which Diger accepted. The lad was so conflicted, wondering what Diger would think of him if he just blurted his heart out.

Lier wondered if Milly had met any of these leaders in person before, considering his own relationship with the Governor. It didn't occur to him that leaders were to be separated from their citizens, but then again, Ghobarians definitely were. And for a pirate to become leader was a light triggered in the enthused's heart, he thought he could start as a traveler and become a big world leader someday.
Unable to curb her enthusiasm for history, the dragonborn offered a grin to the question. "If by influence, you mean he was one of the most infamous pirates in the kingdom's history? Yeah. It was his crew that had some of the most daring raids to their names in history. Redtooth himself was personally responsible for looting over a hundred ships from the Empire in one year, using nothing but a cutlass, and a wand of illusions. He's infamous because of his ruthless efficiency in business and politics. But what made him famous was his ruby studded chompers, which let him mimic any sound he'd ever heard without fail. Including the call of a Kraken."
"Rubies," Vine repeated. It was again the gem was mentioned in conjunction with magic. "And this Empire seems to have a lot of rubies, right? Had to get those 'chompers' from somewhere." But, then he realized an important name, glancing to Erro taking notes aside. "Wait, a Kraken? Those exist in your realm, too?"

That last slurp of soup almost had a metallic taste to Lier imagining "Rubies for teeth. How about that?" Sounded pretty awful, if you asked him.
Milly nodded. She reached over and plucked up a handful of grass, cupping it in her hands. Using a bit of magic she conjured up, she shaped the blades into a tiny squid figurine. "Oh yeah, they're a pretty common threat along some trade routes. So much so the cargo ships that frequent them are armed with defense guns to ward them off. Come in a few varieties, too. Worst ones are the sapient, mind bending ones."

Nearby Aela rolled her neck and shoulders, saying, "Used to be even worse before the Merfolk banded together and broke up their syndicate. They'd formed a collective to steal sailors and fisherman, kidnapping them to work in their underwater lairs."

"That too. And yeah, the Empire's the biggest producer of gemstones in the world. They produce most of the crystals that go into almost every form of technology nowadays," Milly added.
"Eek," Vine sucked in his teeth. "Being a slave to them sounds like a pain. Honestly, the Kraken around here are sapient enough to where they just dwell to the empty ocean above this continent. Rarely bother us unless we invade their space. Yet at the same time, that's where the treasure's at, and thus why Kraken like to resist against us often. But wouldn't make slaves outta people -- least I think."

Such a grass figurine had both Diger and Iso in awe, though their expressions differed: Iso tucked himself with a lean to the figure, whereas Diger in silence compared the biology of the species between the two worlds. Erro was still taking some notes, and then some about the soup's consistency, even, to tell those back at his favorite tavern: The Huujar Brew. Lier came beside, brushing his hair back.
"I'm not surprised they'd resist people trying to take their shit," Milly scoffed. "How'd you like it if some jackass came into your house and tried taking belongings? I know I wouldn't."

She turned her attention back to the figurine. Her fingers played along its surface, colors blooming where she touched. Within seconds the emerald green of the grass was replaced with a riot of colors. "Speaking of going into houses, Aela! How's the return coming along?"

The Archon craned her head up. "What? Oh, yeah. Another fifteen and it should be good."

The dragonborn snorted.
A particular mood he perceived, Vine rationed to himself the costs and benefits of "taking belongings" of Kraken, let alone anyone or anything with valuable worth. Missing a rebuttal, the leader listened to the new point in conversation, something of clear worth before his eyes. "Gotta pay some taxes for a house or somethin'?"

"Diger," Iso whispered after one last look to the figurine. To this, the mathematician did not eye the lad but addressed with an interrogative grunt. And Iso said his name again. "Are you sure you're feeling okay? Not feeling light-headed or anything?" Disbelief of Diger's survival still awed him, noting his repeat complaint of being a "bit chilly" and that the water quenched his prior thirst. "Maybe you should get some rest."

Iso's so-called "love" invasion for Diger made the note-taker cringe nearby. Lier asked what the matter was. "I don't know a thing or two about this 'love' stuff," Erro said, "But I have a feeling it's not being done right here. You know what I mean?"

"... No, I don't. Just... Just let 'em be. It's his choice."

"It's not because he's -- you know -- but I'm thinking more about his parents, and how Diger feels, especially how he carries himself with other people."

"Again, just leave it alone." Annoyed with Erro's conservative opinion (instilled by an oppressive tyrant), Lier crossed his arms. "Gotta be glad he's alive to begin with."
Aela snorted. "No, we're waiting for the window to reopen so we can get back to our world." She gestured to the hole in the ground nearby. "Travelling between worlds is a finicky process, have to wait for the right moment when things line up to let you pass through."

Milly chimed in, saying, "Yep. And since I used an impromptu, temporary gate, it's a lot less stable. Anything less than ideal conditions runs the risk of us either being flung out into the Astral Plane, sent to some random place, or ending up stuck between here and there. In pieces."
"Oh," feeling through his greasy hair, Vine nodded. To get Diger the proper help he needed was something he would be willing to do, while also having the opportunity to get his own keeps in a new nation, a new world. And, of course, he would probably prevent himself from telling the Chief.

"You can do that? An impromptu gate?" Diger tried to fathom this. "I would think the risks are really high."
"Oh yeah, all it took was getting the basic framework for it set up," Milly said with a note of pride in her voice. She sat up and clapped her hands together. "Then making an offering, then bam, little miss sunshine here appeared right on-"

Milly wasn't able to finish her sentence, as before she could, a thunderclap split the air along with a flash of light from the ritual site. Lightning erupted from the pit and struck several nearby trees, vaporizing where they touched. Aela jumped to her feet, wasting no time in rushing over to the rapidly escalating situation. She flashed a peace sign back at the group, before leaping into the air. A wide grin was the last thing she gave them before she vanished into the confines of the pit with a flash.

Milly's eyes widened from the sudden emergence of the portal, saying, "Oh shit! That's our cue, come on, guys!"
"How timely," Erro just had to add, brushing his forearm against the holster on his side as he walked ahead. "Let's go guys."

"I'm supposed to say that," Vine muttered. "Still takin' notes there? Hey, guys, let's go." He came up beside Milly and motioned his hands with a "you first." Right behind came Liernoine with a lightened face. Both of them were excited for the far travels.

"Oh, Diger," Iso pulled on the out-of-touch thinker. "C'mon. We're about to head out."

"Where are we going?"
"We're heading back to my place!" Milly shouted over the increasing sound of the wind, which whipped around them at a breakneck pace. "Come on! This thing'll only be open for maybe three minutes! I'll follow once you're through!" she added, glancing back to the swirling portal. Through her eyes, its golden radiance was reflected as a rainbow of colors, which she gleefully watched dance and swirl around and around.
"Wait, 'back to [her] place?'" Erro frowned, going along with his crew.

"Yeah, didn't hear 'er?" Excitement lit in Vine's eye. "We're going to her place, to get Diger all fixed up." To him, the exhausting matter became a major blessing in disguise. If only more could die for such an outcome!

Lier came up beside Diger and Iso preparing themselves. "You guys ready?"

"Y-Yeah, ready," Iso helped Diger off of the stump he sat on. "C'mon, Diger."


The five of them made their way for the colorful portal with their own personal nod to Milly: Vine saluted; Iso verbally thanked Milly for everything; Diger accompanied with a nod; Lier twisted the long blade about his wrist with a smile; Erro only stared. What was about to come forth was unknown, but exploration as travelers was all they did know.
"Once you're through, be sure not to touch anything where you end up at!" Milly shouted as the den of the portal grew louder. "If this goes right, you'll either end up in my apartment, or the Bottom Trough! If that's the case, yell for a guy name Charley! He'll set you right!"
"Wait," Iso held closer to Diger, "We're not going with you, Milly?"

Erro nearby could almost smell the tension building with his leader. Instead of bringing up the letter again, he pondered the future response of the Chief on their long trek away. "Well, you heard 'er. Just yell for li'l Charley." And he went within the portal.

"Charley. Got it," Lier said as he also entered the unknown. Behind was Vine holding close to his satchel, keeping in mind "not to touch anything," but also felt the urge to do so. What would the consequence be, right?
The consequences would make themselves known shortly after the trip through the portal concluded. Through a nearly infinite tunnel of swirling gold and silver, the travelers would tumble end over end for what would feel like minutes to the normal person. Half glimpsed images of mountain ranges, forests, and marble citadels could be seen through occasional breaks in the patterns formed by the energies around them. By the time they reached the end of their destination, only a split second had passed in the real world.


Appearing as a small mote of energy inside a chalk circle drawn on the floor, the portal in Milly's apartment formed and promptly opened at its master's beckoning. The mote rapidly expanded until it engulfed the entirety of the circle, spewing gold and blue light into the room around it.

Her apartment was modestly sized with clutter almost everywhere. Cabinets and a countertop with an oven and refrigerator made up the kitchen area, across from it a cluster of chairs and a coffee table making up the sitting area. A television sat on the wall across from an unkempt bed, where a gaming console sat beneath a pile of magazines. Large windows allowed moonlight in, which spilled over a collection of open tomes and scrolls in the corner, with a nearby bookshelf dominating the wall, along with display cases containing all manner of exotic reagents and devices.
Just as the moments blurred existence, Lier's momentous excitement blurred his consciousness. He always thought time travel would appear itself similar, as a stretching panorama of a continuum. Yet, at the same time, the lunge was more than his mind could believe, to comprehend, for when the moment was over, he was already met with a stale, quiet room immersed in a mess. It took a while for him to even remember where they came from, and why, and what they were doing there now. Behind, the portal roared with the rest of his comrades' entry to the scene, buying him time to remember not to touch anything, for it was Millianor's place.

"Wh--? What?" Iso had a hard time comprehending for himself. "D-Di--!"

"In moments..." Diger mumbled. Considering the physical state of Huujar, no, possibly Esosseit the continent it lied on, surely their travel could had affected the location which they left by the traverse speed. Instants within a second meant a instant of thought for even his mind to accommodate for. And, surely, they were traveling at a magical speed able to contain their bodily forms as resting standstill.

Erro spun around himself aside his lingering dizziness to grab attention of the cluttered surroundings, but nonetheless his shaking feet were glad to be on stable ground. Vine nearby shuddered nearby with a "Didn't expect it to be that wild at all." That wild side had some perks, too, for there were new sights, technology, architecture around.
It would take nearly a minute for the dragonborn to join them, her hand shooting out of the portal's depths when she finally did. Her claws dug into the hardwood floor, shaving away thin strips of material as she fought for purchase. A ruby inset dagger launched its way into the air afterwards, describing a perfect arc until it landed blade first in the ground. Swears in draconic filtered out through the gold light, followed shortly after by the girl's other hand. Her head appeared next, then her shoulders, and finally her entire body as she dragged herself up.

"Finally! Holy shit that took longer than I was comfortable with!" she exclaimed as she fell heavily onto her side beside the still active portal.
"Are?" Iso turned to the dragonborn's discomforting arrival. "Are you alright?"

With some deduction, Lier found out that either Milly played an interesting front of a casual apartment dweller or seriously was a somewhat disorganized native. Resting beside the shaded windows, he placed a hand on his hip after forethought of the Chief, glancing to Vine's eyes pasted to the tossed ruby before him. To Diger, that ruby must had been all the reason her arrival was different. Questions outside of Iso's pended for now.

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