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Fantasy Mountain Magic Mayhem (Luc/Sazz)

Her chest rising and falling in quick succession, the dragonborn heaved out a 'Yeah'. She nodded to confirm it. She laid there for a while, eventually getting the strength needed to roll herself onto her knees. "Had to... Take a short detour when I found that stupid thing again," she nodded to the dagger. "Lost it a week ago, when I ran into a Chaos Elemental. Sucked it into its corona and thought it was gone for good. Was... Holy shit. Was floating around the apartment in the Between."

Outside the windows was a street with numerous street lights illuminating the ground below, buildings with glowing signs, and the occasional floating vehicle passing by at a leisurely pace.
Hearing the struggle, the five travelers contemplated in silence. Erro couldn't help but look out the window and behold the advanced city below, one of a dream reminding him of capital Ghobar. Vine looked from the dagger to the window and the time about it, feeling its calming aura about its livelihood. The knight took the time to guess what the gaming console even was, giving a quick smile to uncaring Erro. Relieved Milianor was alright, Iso nodded with a curious glint in his eye to deep-thinking Diger, wondering what to see in this world.

"In Between, 'eh?" Lier said. "Like a limbo of this version of the world which we're standing?"
"The place where..." Milly began, still huffing and wheezing. She flapped her hand at the ceiling. "Between the worlds. It's the space between Planes. Astral Plane, The Between, whatever the hells you want to call it. It was floating around in there."

The dagger, ornate in design and resembling a cross, with its fat, rounded guard, pulsed with an internal light. The rubies set into it hummed if one listened closely enough.

Pushing herself to her feet, the dragonborn lazily shambled across the room to her kitchen. She slumped against the counter and jerked open a cabinet, fishing around inside for something. When he hand appeared, she was holding a blue and gold can that sported a dragon's head logo. She opened it with a 'crick!' and promptly downed the contents.
"Oh, oh yeah," Lier said. Before he knew it, Millianor dug into her canned food, leaving him to consider the realm about them. "This room... It looks so different from our world."

"Can't compare a room to a world, you know," Erro scoffed, finding himself a seat.

"Didn't mean it like that. Just saying the things here -- the buildings, the vehicles, the pretty lights, all of it -- is so much different from where we came from."

"Gotta state the obvious."

Iso and Diger found themselves crowding toward the wall, with Iso trying his best not to touch anything, even a corner of a page lying somewhere about his ankle. Vine couldn't help to try and read some of the papers if he couldn't touch it. The humming of the dagger had him alert.

After a disregard to Erro's tartness, Lier nodded with a scan about the room. "So, this is your place. You stay by yourself?"
Holding a finger up to delay answering, Milly gulped down the last of her drink in several herculean goes. When she was finished, a loud burp issued from her maw, followed by the squeal of metal as she crushed the can in her claws. "Holy shit that's better! Whew!" she exclaimed, throwing the can off towards a nearby trashcan. It hit the wall just above the can's opening, falling to the ground among a pile of others like it.

"Yeah, this is my place. Château de Milianor! Little slice of heaven-" another burp, "-and my bachelorette pad. Make yourselves at home, just didn't want you touching anything in case the wards around the place went off without me being here."

She hiked a thumb over at the door. "Got this place worked on by a Geometer a couple years back, after some donks broke into the place. Had stun wards put around the place, pretty nasty if they catch you. You're good now, though."

The pages, many of them, were covered with magical or alchemical scrawl. Formulas, diagrams, notes and more made up the piles of papers and tomes. Many were written in flowing Elvish or Draconic, some in Gnome, a couple in Dwemer. Over on the desk sat an open book depicting a plant that resembled common mint, with starburst designs dotting its leaves. Beside it sat another title, Grimoire Practicala Arcana, Volume III.
"O-Oh," Iso was the first to take a seat on the floor, meeting eyes with still-standing Diger. "Stun wards...? That does sound like i-i-it'll cut."

On his way to a seat beside Erro, Liernoine popped his fingers, leaving Erro sure to turn away from that infamously cracking noise. "Hey, sorry to hear these 'donks' did this to ya. You've got it going on, though, I must say."

"What does this device do?" Diger pointed to the game console, which caught Iso's eye after searching for a candidate stun ward.

In mere satisfaction in the blooming literature before him, Vine strolled over to the title, stroking the edge lines. If only he could read some of this. No, if only he could but let his satchel borrow it for a few minutes, if he could.
Opening her mouth to address the safety of the wards further, Milly was silenced by Diger's question. She regarded the console for a moment, then said, "That? It's a Star Core 9000 Cartridge Gaming System, just got it a years ago. Plays Game Cartridges, should be a couple beside it. Emphasis on should. It's been a while since I cleaned, if you couldn't tell... Heh."

A stout device with a shape not unlike that of an egg, the Star Core 9000 had flecks of glitter worked into its plastic case. Four controllers were thrown haphazardly beside it, along with a stack of cartridges, two inch long square wafers with tiny golden strips in their bottoms. Many depicted a creature with the head of an octopus, fighting a man in beach attire with an oversized, comical handgun pointed at its head.

"And yeah," she picked up where she left off, "stun wards. Magic traps that'll make a hell of a racket when they're triggered, lot of noise and bright lights."
Stooping with interest in the seeming contraption, Iso scanned about the cartridges' detail: the title, the enigma of insertion clearance between the console's body and its package, the wall of dust on its surface. Never had he seen such technology and was more so imagining its capacities. "L-Look Diger," he whispered with a point to it. "Maybe you could m-make something like that back at h-home." In his eyes, Diger could do anything he set his mind to. Iso himself, however, had to do what he wanted he set his mind to for himself, for the mathematician as well.

"Huh, magic traps," Lier said. "Makes me think of some tribes back at home with their little hunting traps. Be hunting little things like rodents, though, since their sorcery skills aren't up to par really. Anyway, it's like you're putting some blocks of material together able to circulate magical energies into a... uh... like -- boom. And it works. But that device there sounds more like an alarm. Supposed to attract anyone?"

Brushing his fingers against the mystical book, Vine huffed to himself in hope he could obtain, let alone read, the awaiting knowledge within it. He beckoned Erro with a few snap of the fingers, watching Erro stumble past the clutter before his ankles. Obeying Vine's following order, Erro explained with a feel and look of the title: "Looks like a written work, most likely a book, and it says Grimoire Practicala Arcana, Volume III." The sarcasm was insufficient for the leader, who circled his hands in expectation for more information. "A book of spells, I'm guessing -- open because the study rate takes a lot of time. There, happy?"
"It's a magic encyclopedia, actually." Hearing the name of her favorite book being spoken aloud drew her attention instantly. Milly eyed the two from her place by the counter, nodding at the book. "Grimoire Practicala Arcana, the Grimoire of Practical Arcane Knowledge. It's a six volume set that covers just about everything your average magic enthusiast wants to know. Volumes I through III cover the basics of magic, examples of magic plants and animals, terminology, that sort of thing. Volumes IV and V are all about advanced magic theory and the Fundamental Planes, as well as application of magic in various cultures around the world. VI has some more sensitive info in it..."

She stiffened. "Warnings and examples of Dark Magic, to be exact. The signs and indications of curses, hexes, and the like. It was added to the collection at the request of Shalua, after her sister rebelled and her inquisition was banished. They'd been the authority on the black arts, and without them, people didn't know what to watch out for. It's the hardest volume to find, since a lot of them were destroyed after Shani's return."

Her eyes went back to Lier. "Sorta," she shook her head, "they explode and, ideally, put you flat on your ass. Hopefully someone'll hear and call the Enforcers. Ideally I'll hear and come kick your ass myself."
For sure, that was clear to Lier, who laughed. "Yeah, I'll be sure to keep myself from that. I bet you can hear the signal miles away!"

Nothing was more interesting than the dark magic arts to Vine, especially after encountering his first Shadow Dragon. Steady eye contact and still stance allowed him to hear the explanation carefully. A touch and a caress his finger guided about the scrawl in the book, asking Erro if he knew anything about the sixth volume. "I didn't even know this world existed, remember?" Erro rolled his eyes, searching for some more interesting works. And besides, it would take many years to build up with this new world's history for his world. That didn't stop Vine from his delusional belief that squinting his eyes hard enough would help him understand the languages.

Nearby, Iso picked up a game cartridge and observed the wafer part, asking Diger what it could do. His hypothesis was that it connected and shared information between the cartridge and the console, but what was the question. "Could be a book. But then again, she said a game." In his mind, though, no one could really play a physical game compressed into little containers, unless they were to shrink. It was hard to imagine frisbee played in the tiny device.
"One went off a few blocks over a few years ago, could hear it from street level." Pushing off the counter, Milly wandered over to the bed and pulled her gloves off. Tossing them on the covers, she slipped her coat off as well and folded it. "That's why I went with them, they're great for their cost." Kicking her boots off next, the dragonborn sighed and flopped back onto the mattress.

"Only issue with them is once they're activated, they need to be replaced. But I mean, hey, if it means delaying someone long enough for the Enforcers to arrive, it's worth it." She lifted her head, watching the others. "Speaking of, you guys want anything to drink? Got some drinks in the fridge, could whip something up if you want."
Considering the consequences of the ward stuns, Lier nodded. "Hmm." He wondered what the Enforcers were but didn't question it. "No thanks. Think I'll stick to water for now."

Every opportunity for study livened Vine's expression. "That's just him. You got some beer around here?"

"Ta, you don't need that," Erro said.

"Wonder if it tastes like the Tonic we had."

"I would l-like some too, if you don't mind," little Iso said.
A snark escaped the dragonborn. "Did you really just ask if I had beer? What do you take me for, a common drunk?" she asked, rolling her eyes. She clapped her hands, prompting the fridge to swing open. From inside came about a six-pack of blue cans, floating through the air at a leisurely pace. "Please, I actually like to taste what I'm drinking. So, have some mead!" she exclaimed, the cans popping out of their plastic rings with little squeaks of plastic.

"And no, this shit's nothing like the tonic. Ricky made that tonic to be appealing for idiots in desperate situations. This stuff's for a game of RINGBALL!"

At the mention of the name, a distant device in the corner of the room, buried underneath a pile of clothes, blared a fanfare and shot out a cloud of confetti.

"So that's where that went!"
"Well, I'm the common drunk," Vine shrugged with a smirk, amazed at the obedient appliance. "But I'll take the mead."

"R-Ringball? What's th-that?" Iso flinched to the buried horn.

Hearing Milianor's trinket smuggled in the clutter, Lier couldn't help but chuckle. In some ways or another, he could relate to the fact he simply threw stuff around his home willy nilly, initiating a day-long search for something that would find itself eventually. "Sounds like a sport."
Pointing a finger gun at Lier, Milly looked at Iso and said, "He's got it. Ringball's-" another fanfare, "-a sport we've got here in Citiria. Really popular, too. Pretty simple, you've got this ring in the middle of a forty foot arena, both teams are trying to hit a ball through it, while also knocking their opponents off into the water around the arena. Kind of like... Dodgeball, but way more active. It's a variant game in the usual Caster Blaster genre, where opposing teams blast at each other with cantrips and stuff to beat each other. My personal favorite is the Full Contact Skarn Sparring League, imported from the Great Desert. Two teams of three suit up in sparring harnesses, with full access to close range weapons and spells, to beat the crap out of each other!"
"Sounds like a fun game," Lier said. "And intense." He took the mead can floating at the side, throwing one to Vine who beckoned to him. Nearby Iso struggled to catch his can, then grasping it open upon the trembling catch. Diger took a can for himself but did not drink it; he studied its contents.

"Nothin''s like a good ol' game of Frisbee back at home," Vine said. "It's not professional like it is here, but people would use some pretty serious spells to win, that's for sure."

Refusing Lier's drink offer, Erro smirked. "Do they wear any protection at all?"
Turning her attention to the brainiac, Milly nodded. "Yeah, full sparring harness is worn for ever event. Well, sort of. The very minimum that's always worn are the breastplate and helmet, anything else is usually up to the players. Unless it's the full contact one, then everything's required. Even though the weapons are made to deal nonlethal damage, they can still really hurt you if you're not careful. Especially if you take a dueling blade's thermal blaster to the gut."

She cringed at that mental image. "Yeah, it's pretty serious here. National sport, actually. Right up there with the CLR League and the Ebony Chalice Cup."
"We should go see a game while we're out here," Lier said. "Would wanna get a taste of the excitement." No doubt Vine agreed with a nod.

Down the can opening Diger's curious finger went, interested in the consistency. Unlike him, Iso hadn't taken a sip yet, for he remembered his parents over his shoulders, telling him to never drink as a Servant of Yos. But with a gulp, he took his few with satisfaction. "O-Oh wow... This is good."

"Right?" Vine said. "Really like it."
Curious as to Lier's comment, Milly clapped her hands again. Her chatter slipped out of her coat pocket and floated over to her, where she nabbed it from the air. Tapping a few keys, she furrowed her brows in concentration. Eventually her tapping ceased, and she announced, "Well there's a game going on this week, tomorrow actually. Between the Sky Marshal's sponsored team and some rookies. Ouch, that's gonna hurt."
"They any good?" Lier searched about himself for some water.

Vine returned his attention to the books about, sipping at his mead, finding himself in a mental predicament with himself to refrain from stealing anything. No one thought more than Diger, though, who came to his side. "Have you spoken with the Chief yet?"

"Nah. Ain't got time now."

"Should at least send a letter." Diger could definitely understand how the Chief could be without his money-milking travelers.
"They're decent. I personally prefer the Flaming Roses, they're a group from the Misty Archipelago out west. Have a fondness for rapiers and sabers, really old school in their techniques," Milly commented. She tossed the Chatter aside, rolling over onto her stomach to face the others. "Speaking of, that reminds me. How are you guys on meeting people of other species? Not that I'm saying you'd freak out or anything, but I feel I should warn you, we've got quite the collection of folks here in New Light."

She waved a hand at the windows.

"I'm talking people who look like angels, fish fin tailed demon folks, dwarves, elves, gnomes, robots. Even a sapient ooze or three."
"Hey, you're the first," Lier said. "Didn't take you for a monster when we met you. So, as long as they... you know--." Glancing to Iso's loud gulp of the mead, Lier fluttered his eyes. "Well, as long as they're not willing to attack us."

"I'd be fully willing," Vine said. "Enough to even talk with them if they let me. Talking about seeing some demons sounds pretty fascinating."

"Pff," Erro scoffed. "Seen enough already -- no offense. Taking it up a notch wouldn't bother me."

Considering each in the list of the abnormal, Diger attempted to imagine a so-called robot on scene. "And they're all people treated equally in this nation?" If he saw no human, he could perhaps make a conclusion about the place.
"More or less, yeah," Milly said in response to the question, rolling onto her back. "There's still some prejudice in some places, of course. Nothing's ever going to make that go away, I don't think. But legally, everyone's given the same rights, regardless of race or faith. Unless you're a follower of Ezotl... Then odds are you're getting a visit from the Grand Guard real quick."
All Erro could think about was the prejudice between the Ghobarians and the Huujarians. The persistent war between them was the only reason why he would continue serving under their mercy. "Can't rid segregation much. Just a natural occurrence."

"Don't be such a downer," Vine said. "Believing like that wouldn't eradicate it at all. But... it is still unfortunate that even in this world it still exists."

Diger indeed remembered Erro, a former Ghobarian, studied history against this "occurrence." While his hard-thought mind couldn't figure the social differences, he still remembered that he himself was half dead -- what Vine called a Borai. Considering this, Iso gripped his can of mead. "W-W-What's a follower of Ezotl? Are they c-common?" In his mind, all that also mattered was if these followers held intimidating countenances.
"People who worship and follow the teachings of Ezotl, the deity of torture chairs and schemes," Milly answered back in a tone far too casual for the topic. She flapped a hand at the bookshelves. "One of the top three evil deities you'll find here in the known world. Right up there with Khadros the god of bloodshed and revolution, and Cetix, leader of the Eclipse Cult who killed several million people centuries ago during the Nightmare Crisis."

Yawning, the dragonborn rubbed her eyes. "Yeah, they're some pretty screwed up dudes, dudette in the case of the last one. Royal Sisters aren't exactly keen on restricting religious practices too much, favoring freedom wherever they can, but in a few specific cases they put the boot down. For good reason, in Cetix's case. Khadros' followers are causing a stir now, too. Not sure about Ezotl... Haven't seen anything in the news relating to him as of late."

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