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Fantasy Merge (Reboot/Werewolf rp)


Freya and Faolin arrive to the cabin in their black Jaguar XK convertible, for a Garou goes everywhere in style, especially the pair that are directly linked to the current elder leaders. A worker at The Garou Cabin exits from it in a timely fashion to retrieve Freya and Faolin's belongings. "Thank you, you can just put them in our usual rooms" Faolin states after stepping out of the car looking over at Freya as she does the same, rolling his eyes at seeing the sour look on her face. "You know we're camping, not going to a New York fashion show"

Freya looks down at her outfit before back at Faolin, pointing at her shoes. "I wore boots. And I still can't believe you wouldn't let me drive"

Faolin sighs. "Because you would've gone anywhere but here if I did. Just know you can't hide in your room or the forest the entire time. You're expected to make an appearance"

"Can't you just lie and tell them I was exceptionally nice the Freaknis..."

"Fenris" Faolin corrects.

"Whatever. Can't you just like to mom and dad, let me take the car and go hang out in the city?"

"No Freya."

"You're a horrible brother" She scoffs, grabbing the carry-on bag she kept on her and makes her way inside the cabin.

"I know you brought your whiskey don't even think about disappearing until your tipsy" He follows her into the cabin. He was simply wearing a green T-shirt and a pair of over-worn jeans with a pair of hiking boots.

"How else do you expect me to deal with their kind?"

"By being hospitable and nice to them. Give them a chance at least. They're more in tune with being a werewolf than we are. We should be grateful to take something from this experience"

"Please. That's just a nice way of saying primitive. We should be grateful we have such high status in the world, securing us a spot for the future rather than a spot to be hunted to extinction by trigger happy, paranoia ridden humans" She hands her small carry-on bag to the worker who came back into their kitchen where they were, after putting their things in their usual rooms. "This can go up there too"

"I'm just asking for you to give them a chance..." Faolin states trying to stay patient with Freya.

"Look. I'll make my appearances, whatever. Just don't ask me to become bffs with any of them. I'm sure they thinking we're just overly pampered pooches"

"But you are an overly pampered pooch Freya" Faolin states with a laugh even at the deadly look Freya sent his way.

"I'd love to see you catch a rabbit as fast as I can. You just have to stand around and smile and wave like someone in a pageant"

Faolin rolls his eyes and lets the statement drop, learning long ago when to not feed into Freya's attempts at starting an argument. "I just hope the Fenris' don't think the Cabin is too over the top. It's supposed to be outdoorsy but it's still pretty fancy comparably"
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Jean coasted up to the house in a dark red jeep. It wasnt his car as much as it was a few people's car. He emerged from the drivers side with a curious look at the entire building, giving it a lofty whistle. "Now THAT'S a den" he says, half joking, and lifting his backpack and duffel bag out of the passenger side.

He looked a soldier from a lost age wearing a white t-shirt, khakis and brown treaded sneakers; the worn greenish bags tied it all together. 'At least I'm not last' he thought , as he approached the front door. The last thing he needed after bouncing around in a metal wagon was a reception filled with half friendly laughter and half judgement.

Jean walks into the large cabin like a tourist, setting his bags down by the couch like one might in a hotel lobby.
"Jean here. Should I just get settled in?" He calls out to the seemingly empty house.

@xx0mittens0xx @Leggomyeggo @Detective Rascal @Shadow @RowdyPotato
"Jean!" said a voice, meek and soft. Her single word seemed to end in a happy emphasis, though she somehow managed to keep every pronounced letter in the same calm tone. Thea stood in the front door doorway having just arrived herself. She had leaves in her frizzy hair and dirt smudged on her hands and feet, having obviously taken a different mode of transportation than her Beta. She held her shoes in her hand and an overstuffed, baby blue duffle bag in the other that had a large teddy bear head sticking out from the half open zipper. "I ran here," she huffed, slightly out of breath, and began shaking the flora from her light auburn nest. Thea was internally hugging Jean, she had set out earlier than the others because she refused to sit in bucket of moving metal, thinking that it would take her more time to get here than everyone. She had obviously been mistaken, their unwillingness to leave paired with her constant speedy pace had made her one of the earlier birds, she was just thankful that at least someone from her pack had made it there before her.

As she began trying to make herself look decent again her eyes decided to roam around her surroundings. She confirmed with herself that this cabin was very cabin-y, seeing as how she hadn't really been in a cabin before. There was also a lot of human craftworks, things that hypnotized her with their beauty. Thea didn't quite like humans, but she did like their pretty items. "It's not home," she spoke again, looking up at Jean with a small, unpracticed smile
, "but it works". Thea began wondering where her sister was, giving a small giggle as she imagined her sisters irritated face at both the fact that she had to be here, but also that her little sister had beaten her on foot.

A loud mechanical roaring sounded just after the arrival of Jean and Thea, and it grew louder until it became a sort of buzzing before a small motorcycle appeared from down the trails. It came to an abrupt stop in front of the cabin and its engine silenced, the rider dismounting quickly and dropping a duffle bag to the ground as she did so. Zirena removed the helmet, long hair tumbling out and gathering on her shoulders and placed it gently and neatly into the handle of the bike, glancing up at the cabin with almost....distaste in those bright blues of hers. While she didn't mind man made objects, in alfact she rather enjoyed the vehicles as shown by, she believed the humans called it a crutch rocket for the nickname, as she liked the speed. But the distaste for this cabin came not from her hatred of humans, but of her dislike towards the other pack.

"Might as well get this started." The small pack leader grunted and grew the duffle over her shoulder and started inside the hell hole in which her and her pack mates would be forced to live in. She knew not why the elders chose to do this t them, but while she strongly hated the fact they were there right now, she would be an example for her pack and try to get them and the others to get along...as best they could.
Sophia wasn't exactly mad over the fact that she was having to walk to the merge cabin, or whatever the cabin was called. Really at this point, it didn't matter as to whether the cabin had a proper name, Sophia was just going to know it as the merge cabin from now on, considering the place's purpose.

No, Sophia wasn't mad at all for having to walk to the damn merge cabin.

She rather liked the idea of a merge with the Gaou pack, they were much closer with humans and their world, and lived differently to her own pack. The Merge would probably be great for the pack, and more interaction with human stuff would probably do the pack good too. That opinion wasn't exactly shared by anyone else in Sophia's pack, but then Sophia always liked the human world a little more than her own. So Sophia couldn't particularly blame her small amount of frustration on the merge or the impending clash with more aspects of human society.

But she could so totally blame it on Jean taking one of the cars all for himself, without offering to drive anyone else down.

It wasn't like she minded walking either. Sophia knew someone else had decided to use their legs to get to the place, it may have been the pack omega from what Sophia could remember. Though she may have ran, since Sophia couldn't see or sense her around.

And Sophia knew that the Alpha had taken her motorbike, considering she could hear it from where she was right now, let alone from knowing that Zirena loved that bike of hers.

With boots crunching on the small amount of gravel, Sophia made it to the large cabin in the middle of nowhere. Standing at the edge of the small carpark, in her normal outfit of boots, jeans, and black button-up, with her duffle bag over her shoulder, and Sophia took a small breath of a sigh.

She could see the Alpha's bike, a few cars that she didn't recognize, the pack car Sophia knew Jean had taken, and a clump of people near the front door, so Sophia headed for them.
Holden pressed his foot down on the gas pedal as he rounded the last corner leading to the cabin. His mustang convertible hummed quietly then skidded to a smooth stop behind some of the other cars lining the driveway. He climbed out of the car and straightened his camouflage pants and black shirt, wanting to make a good first impression. Looking around at the parked vehicles, he recognized his Alpha's Jaguar, which meant the Alpha's sister was probably here too. He glanced momentarily at the other vehicles but didn't recognize any others. He hummed quietly and fiddled with something in his pocket as he walked to the front door.

He stopped humming when he noticed two girls also heading for the front door. He slowed down and stepped behind a wide tree, not wanting to approach any members of the Fenris pack just yet. Granted, he was on board with merging the clans, but he knew lots of others wouldn't be and he didn't want to face them alone. He leaned against the tree with a sigh. He knew it was rather ridiculous to be nervous about talking to a couple of strangers. It wasn't like they were going to bite his head off just for being a Garou or anything. He sighed again and left the cover of the tree trunk to begin walking back towards the front door. He smiled and nodded politely when he got closer to the two girls. He lengthened his stride to reach the door before them and then held it open for them.
Laikas enjoyed these walks: he was alone, nobody bothered him, nobody asked him questions. There was peace, serenity, something he was rarely allowed to have any more. The wild was somewhere he felt he belonged, the werewolves he was with were too human for his liking and chances are the other wolves would be the same. He didn't belong with this family, just like he didn't belong with his other one: he had no siblings here, none who had beheld what he had, none that really had to live alone. Only the wilderness sympathized: it was the only thing he could really rely on to help him any more.

As always, it only took a few noises to shatter this fragile peace: a car, a jeep and a motorcycle. Laikas sighed: human technology at its finest, loud, foul smelling and polluting. Maybe he could avoid the other werewolves here; stay in the woods, observe from afar, not get involved. Laikas shook his head, he owed the Fenris' at least the courtesy of going along and until he left he was a part of their pack. They did take him in when he was alone in the wild after all.

It took a short while for Laikas to see the cabin he was supposed to be staying in, and he rolled his eyes with a sigh: did the Fenris' really expect him to stay here? He noticed another werewolf ahead of him but he didn't call out to them, he recognized her but again he didn't want to call out to her and merely continue to the cabin. He had a simple plan: introduce himself, stay around if he was needed, keep his distance. Three simple things he could easily accomplish.

It took a couple of moments before he saw the small clump of people gathered near the cabin's entrance and he approached them slowly, almost cautiously.
"Thea..." Zirena clicked her tongue at her younger sister, and one of those very rare smirks appeared on that usually grim face and her arm hooked around Thea's neck and she pulled her close in an awkward rough hug and grinned down at her. "It's not very polite of you to take off like that you know." She taunted, or at least...seemed like it. The way she often spoke because she was so serious and hardly every had time to joke around she sounded grim and stern, even then.

"I was worried that you got carried off by a hawk, or maybe even a squirrel." She taunted and released her younger half sister and gave a small nod of acknowledgment to the wolf who held the door open for them and slowly and cautiously stepped inside the cabin.
Thea's face broke into a bright grin as her older sister pulled her into a rough hug. She wrapped her own arms around her sister's waist, giving her a light squeeze before they broke apart. "Hey, you know no cute animals would come anywhere near me with your grumpy aura all over me," Thea joked back before allowing her grin to drop into a very small smile. "You know I get motion sickness when I travel in vehicles, I would have thrown up on you if I rode with you, and I don't think Jean would have been happy if I puked in his car".

Thea glanced at the door behind her as it creaked open. An unfamiliar boy stood there, propping the door open with his body for Sophia, and the slowly approaching Laikas. The sight of the stranger made her heart threaten to fly out of her chest. She quickly averted her gaze back down to the floor, suddenly finding Jean's shoes extremely interesting. She remembered her lack of shoes in that moment, remembering that she had taken them off to shift into a wolf on her way here and just didn't put them back on. She mentally face palmed. Now not only would she have to stand and introduce herself at the front lines with the Alpha and Beta, unfortunately despite her lowly position her bloodline forced her to become some form of representative for her pack, luckily she was quite fond of Zirena and Jean and didn't mind traveling to councils held by the Elders with them, though sometimes Jean had to stay back and rule the pack, leaving just Zirena and Thea, though she didn't mind that either, but she'd have to stand in front of the Alpha of Garou with bare, blackened feet. 'Where is the Alpha of Garou anyways?' thought Thea.

She glanced at her sister, shooting Zirena her best puppy eyes. They had always worked when she was a child, and she hoped they still did. "Zi-Zi," said Thea, using the nickname she had always used for her sister, "can I go explore? I-I don't like this crowd forming, you can just call me whenever the Alpha of Garou shows up". Without waiting for her sister's reply, something Thea also had a habit of doing, she began slipping away down a hallway to what seemed like bedrooms. She observed the floor, fascinated by it's color and texture, paying no attention to any obstacles that she could run into as she shuffled down the hallway.

@xx0mittens0xx @everyone
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He turns to greet the growing group of kin and 'cousins' (Garou). "Thea!" He replies to his ward. Though not related by blood, Jean and Thea got along famously; he would often hunt with her or just watch her when Thea want around. Though it wasn't a popular opinion, he believed that 'a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link'. Instead of disregarding her, he paid almost extra attention to her, praising and encouraging her natural talents. To him, this only made the entire pack stronger.

Jean regards Zirena with a stiff and shallow bow, seeing her sister scurry off through the house. "
Ma'am. I trust you made it here alright." He glanced at Sophia's perturbed expression. "I don't want to overstep my boundaries, but I believe that the rooms are fair game." He had already set his bags near the door way of the barest room he saw first. Bed, end table, and dresser. Plenty to work with. He pops in and out of his room, checking on the group, and setting up some of his tools: mortar/pestle, a few worn glass vials and some other investigative instruments.

Weylyn may have been the only one to arrive in her wolf form, quietly slipping through the forest, stopping only when she arrived at a big, human-made cabin. Her ears were pricked, alert, and her sapphire eyes darted around nervously. She didn't mind the idea of the Merge, but having to live in a human cabin...she didn't like it, but she would just have to cope. Where else could she go? A lone female wolf wouldn't survive very long in the wilderness. She was lucky to be found by the Garou pack when they did. She closed her eyes and willed herself to turn human. Her paws elongated and she felt her fur slowly fade away. She blinked, trying to get used to the reduced eyesight and other senses, and the absence of a tail. Now fully trapped in her human form, her whole body transformed other that her eyes, she walked into the cabin on her spindly and clumsy legs. "Umm...Hello?" A sense of claustrophobia overwhelmed her as soon as she set foot into the room. The decorations hung on the walls were all so...human. Crude and rough carving and swirling paintings everywhere. And then there were the werewolves, some new, some familiar, all grouped in the middle of the room. Weylyn lowered her head and swallowed a gulp. This would take quite a while to get used to.
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Just like he always would, Silas pulled up in his black audi r8 with the music blasting from the radio on the highest volume. No, he cartainly was not a man who would just sneak through the back door. If he were to make an entrance, he'd make it grand. Stepping out of the car dressed in a pair of dark-wash jeans and a navy button-up, he tilted his head to the right to crack his neck, whereafter he proceeded to do the same thing by tilting his head to the other side. Once done, Silas glanced up at the cabin in front of him. Sure, it was a pretty gorgeous cabin, but it was not like home. It wasn't the shabby loft with broken windows and torn-down wallpapers. And no, he did not live in luxury. But the question was, who would want the mundane luxury when you could have the luxury of the lycanthrope? Certainly not our dear little Silas.

He stood there for a good few minutes, observing the idyllic cabin in front of him. That was until he caught the sight of some familliar faces along with some Fenrises. His left eye twitched so slightly at the sight of them. You see, he wsn't particularily fond of the merge, nor the other pack of werewolves. His image of them were simply wild beasts that'll most likely be detected by hunters and then killed. Maybe he drew conclusions too quickly, maybe not. But let's just say that he wouldn't accept them so easily.

Yet there he went, slowly but confidently walking towards the small group of people near the entrance of the building. He did recognize the members of the other pack, even though he did not know any of their names.
"Hey there." He said with his signature smirk when he reached them.
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"Be careful Thea, don't go into any spaces where the scent is unfamiliar." She reminded her, and wished that she had at least waited a slight moment before running off...again...but oh well. So was the nature of her sister, as long as she stayed out of trouble then she didn't mind her running off like that. When Jean addressed her, Zirena gave. Small nod and smile in return and dipped her head to him, "Jean you don't need to be so formal right now, the other alpha isn't with us yet it's alright." She told him and nodded when he decided to claim a room for himself and followed suit further down the hall to do the same.

However, when Silas had reached them and gave a rather causal greeting, she turned and straightened her back, lifting up her posture and raising an eyebrow in question. "Hello there." She responded and held out a hand. She knew this one was from the other pack, and didn't waste any time trying to be friendly in return.
Weylyn jumped at the sound of a deep voice behind her, and turned around to see...Silas, with his brown chestnut hair and guarded hazel eyes. She quickly looked down, causing a curtain of black hair to fall into her eyes. If she had been in wolf form, she would have lowered her tail, but humans did not have the same kind of submission gestures that were critical in the ways of wolf packs. "Hello there." Weylyn glanced to her left, eyeing a girl who looked pretty young, with fair skin and auburn hair. She was also clad in layers of human clothing. Suppressing a gasp of surprise, Weylyn stared as the girl held out a hand to the Beta of the Garou pack, not even looking a little bit ashamed. Did rankings not matter anymore in the form of a human? If so, then Weylyn still had a lot to learn. She tucked a strand of her hair back behind her ear then took a deep breath. "Hi, I'm...Weylyn."
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"I'm Zirena." She too introduced herself, and eyed Weylyn with that cocked up eyebrow as well and nodded t her in acknowledgment. She knew hat the girl must be thinking that she was merely a hunter, or even an omega. The thought caused a slight smirk to appear on that serious face and she sized up the girl, glancing down at her down the line of her nose. It was often how she mocked those that thought little of her. "Zirena Fenris. Alpha of my pack." She said at last and once again did a small little nod to the both of them, those bright blue eyes shining with humor of the situation.
Weylyn's eyes widened in shock before her cheeks turned beet red, mentally cringing in disbelief. This girl...Zirena...was the Alpha of her pack! Now Weylyn just wished that human expressions weren't so obvious, since she knew her embarrassment was horrifyingly clear on her face. "Oh. Oh, um..." Her hands gripped the edges of her shirt, her discomfort evident.
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Laikas didn't make a verbal greeting to the other werewolves, he didn't need to, he didn't want to. He merely nodded his head in greeting and went to explore the cabin for a few moments, not quite sure whether or not he was going to stay here or just sleep outside in the forest; human buildings were too easy to destroy, and ironically it was generally the humans that destroyed them.

The werewolves here made him a little uncomfortable: they had pretty much all arrived by vehicle, and this suggested to him that they were a little too human. Sighing, Laikas walked around, not quite sure what to do now. Probably be a good idea to explroe the surrounding area, or at the very least introduce himself to their hosts. He looked around, approaching who he thought was the alpha of the Garou pack. He bowed his head slightly, a courtesy he always observed when greeting someone supposedly superior to him, "Hello."


NOTE: Please once again remember 6-8 lines per post please. Also, make sure you're giving other people enough time to respond before you make another one. Also, please make sure you're watching the OOC tab as I tend to make my announcements there as need be.

Faolin glances away from Freya and turns his attention towards the foyer as he hears that several others had already arrived; before looking at Laikas who made his appearance. "Hello and welcome. I'm just about to introduce myself to the others if you'd like to follow me to the foyer where most everyone else seems to be gathered. I'll introduce myself and go over a few things" He glances back at Freya and motions for her to follow him with a look that said he didn't want any objections about it. He stopped once he reached the small crowd that had formed near the door. He gives a nod towards Silas, thankful his beta was here to help with this whole situation, even if he was against the merge it was nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of that wasn't Freya. He turns his attention towards the members of the Fenris pack, giving a respectful nod in the direction of Zirena, having arrived as she introduced herself as alpha. "Welcome to The Cabin, as we simply call it. I'm Faolin Garou and this lovely ray of sunshine is my twin Freya" He motions towards her with his head. "Feel free to settle in any room of your choosing. The members of our pack already have their rooms as we've obviously been here several times before. The kitchen is stocked with food and snacks, please help yourself to any of the amenities here. The property goes on for miles, and off limits to unpermitted humans. There's a lake to the east of the property stocked with fish and the forest is full of game to hunt if you so choose. I will give you all sometime to get settled but I do ask we all gather for dinner in about 3 hours so we can better acquaint ourselves with each other as well as discuss possible roles and what other business needs to be discussed, then I promise after that it's all fun"

Freya looks Laikas over for a moment noting his body language and gestures suggested him to be of a lower status and not so much as a second glance follows Faolin, not very enthusiastically to the foyer standing to the side and slightly behind him as she eyes the members of the other pack, not caring if her gaze of sizing them all up was obvious. She looks to Zirena having caught her introduce herself as alpha and couldn't help but speak out. "Her!? Alpha" She made a gesture before looking around. "You can't be serious. Who's the alpha?" She raises an eyebrow and soon both her eyebrows furrow together as it seemed it was not indeed a joke but this Zirena was their alpha. She scoffs. "If so, I doubt you have much to worry about her ending up alpha when this whole merge thing officially happens, huh?" She asked with a smirk that soon disappeared when she looked back at Faolin for his answer who was giving her a none-to-pleasant look about her comment.

"I apologize for my sister's comment and ahead of time." Faolin states to Zirena before looking at the others "She's not too keen on the merge if that wasn't apparent and my comment about her being a ray of sunshine was meant in a sarcastic tone if that's not now known ."

"Well isn't it just so wonderful for you to make me out to be such a lovely person" She states with a hint of a snarl to her voice even in human form.

"I asked you to give them a chance and you're already sizing them up before you even know them. You're making yourself appear that way... and either way this is not the time nor place to discuss this"

Freya simply narrowed her eyes at Faolin but still knew her place and his as alpha and didn't push it any further. She made her way through the crowd and back outside to calm her temper, not willing to stand in the small crowd with the Fenris any longer than she had to.

@everyone really lol
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Jean laughs to himself as a few Garou meet his alpha. He walks out of his room barefoot, making a casual announcement that the others may or may not hear. "I'm going out to the edge to see if I can find some dinner" He says this in a way that makes everyone feel comfortable making a request, if they themselves aren't going. He walks out the sliding door in the back to see a pretty large field in the back yard. He notices the Garou hosts enter the home and he quietly pops back into to listen to the greeting. He begins shaking hands and introducing himself to Faolin, Freya, and Laikas. (Woops didn't realize you had dinner plan. Is edited now.)
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"It is quite alright Faolin. I'm used to others thinking what your sister seems to, I take no offense." She smiled politely and walked towards them, giving a courteous bow to the other alpha, "It is wonderful to meet you at last Faolin, I've heard many things about you." She complimented and did her best to seem genuine and honest to him. If they wanted this to work, then she needed the alpha to like her and give him the respect she wanted in return.n

Zirena straighten and gave a sideways glance to his sister, who had punched a nerve and already she knew that if the girl crossed the line again, there'd be hell to pay. "I do not think discussions of who would be the alpha of the conjoined pack is necessary right now, do you?" She returned her attention to Faolin and gave a polite smile, "We should be focused on introductions and trying to live together first."
Thea had been exploring a room, which she ultimately claimed as her own after she threw herself onto the soft, plush bed, when she heard the Alpha of Garou announce himself. Thea immediately shot up from the bed, panic in her brightly colored eyes. She slipped off of the cozy bed, ignoring the longing to just snuggle back into a body pillow that lay across it, and poked her head out of the doorway. She stared at the back of the man who was giving his speech, cursing herself silently for leaving in the first place. There was no way she could sneak past him and stand by her sister, and she wasn't going to dare to be rude. Thea decided that she would say quiet and just listen to his declaration.The mention of dinner made her stomach rumble, four hours of running really wore someone out. She reminded herself to take a shower before dinner, the hair touching her scalp was still wet with sweat. Just when Thea began to think that the Garou weren't so bad, Freya began speaking. The hunter girl blatantly slighted her Alpha, but it wasn't that part that really angered her. If Zirena was just Thea's Alpha she wouldn't have clenched her fists and glared at the back of therude woman's head. The fact that this girl was disparaging her sister was what struck a nerve in the usually calm Thea. The small, cold-skinned girl exhaled, allowing her prickling anger to exit her body. 'She's just not used to us, just like we aren't used to them. We all handle stressful situations differently' Thea reminded herself.

Her sister handled the situation calmly, though Thea saw through her kind facade. The hardening of sister's eyes said it all, Freya was going to have to watch her tongue if she didn't want a piece of her sister. She gave a silent cheer as she sister spoke to Freya, her voice full of hidden anger. A small giggle escaped her lips, causing her to slap her hands over her mouth. The sound of her hands hitting her mouth was far louder than her giggle. She panicked, fearful that the Alpha of Garou would turn around and see her, so she did the first thing that popped into her head, which created a spiral of mistakes.

Thea threw herself onto the floor with a loud 'thud'. Just recently antiquated with her new room Thea forgot that their was an end table rather close to the door. Her shoulder slammed into the table, getting a hiss of pain from Thea before she hit the ground. A fragile ceramic vase, designed with a floral pattern and shining from it's glossy outer coating, sat dangerously close to the end. Thea's contact with the table sent the vase reeling. It fragmented upon contact with the hard floor, creating a shattering sound that resonated throughout the house.

'I hate myself,' thought Thea. 'I hate myself so, so much. That's it, this is where it ends. I bet that vase costed more than my life. They're going to kill me. Farewell world, I had a less than decent run, but at least I got to throw myself into a pile of leaves during autumn, that was pretty cool'.


@Baconhands @JayfeatherRaven @Peachypants @Shadow @Detective Rascal @Anyone else in the house
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Laikas merely listened to the alpha talk, introducing himself and his sister to the surrounding werewolves. He was about three or four metres away from the other wolves, distancing himself from the group. He recognized the werewolves from Fenris of course: the Alpha Zirena was here as well as her sister, Thea. There were a couple of others from Fenris though he couldn't recall their names. Then there were the wolves from Garou, and quite honestly, he didn't like any of them. There was an air about them that he didn't like: pride. A negative opinion of them planted itself in his mind and he sighed before he fell quiet again.

The female Garou had a snarl in her voice at one point and Laikas rolled his eyes: Why was she behaving like this? What have we actually done yet to aggravate her? It was then he heard Thea and he glanced over at her. He allowed himself a slight smile as she giggled at the female Garou, though when she began to panic Laikas sighed. When the vase broke, Laikas stood still for a moment, almost glaring at Thea: how was she so clumsy?

He looked at the Garou, half expecting an aggressive response from them. Some of them struck him as wolves that would react like that, and Laikas felt a defensive growl start to rise in the back of his throat, but he forced himself to suppress it.
He sees Laikas and Thea reacting a little.. tensley we'll say. He turns into a sort of 'camp counselor for the troubled.' "Hey. Heyyy. You know what sounds fun until dinner? How about we go play some 'tail tag'?" He was bordering on sounding like he was talking to actual dogs, which only annoyed them more. He stepped out back, hoping they'd follow.

"Sorry. I don't mean to stifle what you guys are feeling. To be honest.. I'd like nothing more than to see these guys robbed of their wealth and status. But! But.. We don't know them fully. Just as they don't know us. So. What I'm saying is, whenever you feel like biting their ears or snarling, just smile and sit. Nothing will surprise and impress them more than us being great guests." He swore he could literally feel their respect for him disappearing with every word. To make it worse, he now notices that Freya could hear everything if she chose to listen. "So erm.. Long story short, you're both it!" (I'm gonna assume we just undress and redress every time someone 'transforms or shifts'. it feels kindve awkward to write 'he takes off his clothes' while other people are around lol)

He quickly shifts into a light sandy wolf and runs to the middle of the back clearing, spinning to face them. His tail sways heavily at a moderate pace, a taunt, and even more of one in this setting; Tail tag is a game where one wolf is 'prey' and the others are the pack. Since the object is only to nip the target's tail, it is more of a chasing and surrounding game, instead of a romping or rough-housing. He waits eagerly, looking back and forth between them.

(@anyone who wants to play)
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Weylyn was wringing her wrist nervously when she heard a loud thud, which made her start. Fragments of a shattered vase lay in scattered pieces on the floor, and she quickly went over to start picking them up, all the while glancing at the frozen girl who had apparently caused the vase to fall. The girl was slight and thin, a little bit shorter than she was. "Hello." Said Weylyn tentatively. If she was going to have to go with the Merge, she might as well start now. "I'm Weylyn. Who are you?" She was waiting for a reply when she felt sharp pain slice through her human fingers, making her wince. Right there on her palm was a cut from the hard material of the vase, and the edge was pretty sharp. She hadn't realized that human skin was so thin and delicate, and crimson blood seeped from her new wound. It didn't hurt that much though, and it was that kind of pain she could ignore easily.

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