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Fantasy Merge (Reboot/Werewolf rp)

Weylyn was almost faint from hunger when she walked weakly into the dining room, pausing only to acknowledge the Alpha and his sister, who were already in the room. She hesitated before taking the seat beside Holden, eyeing the huge feast hungrily. The scent of caught and cooked prey wafted by her human nose, not as sensitive as her wolf senses, but enough to make her stomach rumble again. Her mouth watered and she fidgeted with impatience as she wondered if they had to wait until everyone had arrived before eating. If only I had hunted for a quick snack before coming here! Even a small skinny squirrel would suffice...She thought wistfully. Her stomach protest again and she willed herself not to think about meat. Her fingers played with the metal utensils in her hands, itching to start digging into the meal.

A flash caught her eye and she glanced up at the entrance, hoping to see the other enter. But her face fell in disappointment when she saw it was the shadow of a departing girl. Who is she? Weylyn pondered despite her the hunger gnawing at her stomach. She wasn't there at the first meeting, or Weylyn would have noticed...right?
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Silas' eyes widened slightly when he heard the howl. Not just any howl, but Faolin's howl. His left ear twichted and he glanced back towards the direction of the cabin. Before heading off, he heard Freya's challenge and smirked a little. But before he could agree, she had already run off. Silas turned towards the Fenris's who had not yet left, and smirked. "Quite a lovely chat we had, but I'm afraid we must go." He said, nodding towards each of them before crouching down to turn. He let out a few grunts, which slowly turned into a wolf's growl. Silver fur appeared on his skin, and the bones in his body snapped and remodeled themselves to become a wolf. Once in full wolf form, Silas nodded yet again to the others, grabbing his clothes in his mouth and heading off. He was a fast runner, yes. But not one of the best. You see, Silas was the inbetweener. Not too fast, but far from too slow. And he was not the strongest, but he was strong. But most of all, he had the determination to do anything. If he were to put his mind into something, he wouldn't slack off while doing it.

Reaching the cabin, Silas stopped by one of the walls to change back to his human form. He put on his jeans and picked up his shirt before walking inside. While entering the dining room through the door, he swung his shirt over his back, putting it on. He saw Freya and Faolin by the table, with one seat between them. Figuring that it was his spot, Silas headed towards the empty chair between the two. Sitting down, he slowly buttoned his shirt while leaning towards his side, or well, towards Freya.
"Quite the false start you had there" He said in a quiet voice as to not disturb the silence, reffering to the race she had talked about earlier. "One would call it cheating." While rolling up the sleeves of his shirt to his elbows, Silas smirked towards Freya before turning towards Faolin. He nodded once towards the alpha with a now much softer smile. Redirecting his eyes towards the table, he noticed the quite amazing food. Rabbit, pheasant and even deer laid on the wooden table. Silas smirked and let his eyes dart back and forth between the Fenris pack.

Zirena took her place at the table, the opposite end of course and waited for her Beta and her sister to join them. She eyed the alpha of the Garou carefully and said nothing as she took her place at the table, watching carefully as her pack took their seats. It was...interesting how Faolin had been acting towards her pack, she had merely sat back and observed for the most part as she allowed the interactions to take place. Of course her darling sister had been a little clumsy but she had allowed her to try and deal with it on her own, after all she needed to learn how to handle herself in the world. But seeing how Faolin and a few others of his pack had reacted to her clumsiness floored her. It hadn't been expected for them to treat her in such a way, Zirena mainly figured that they would've left her to fend for herself. Perhaps the merge could work after all.

"I thank you for your humble welcome Faolin.' She spoke at last, giving a polite casual smile to the pack leader, " It was much appreciated."
Marcus walked swiftly once he glanced at the cabin. It was wooden cabin, big but not too fancy. Sorta neat Marcus thought. " No that grand, huh? " said Marcus as he scratched his cheek. Marcus was wearing a white shirt with a dark brown leather jacket which was complimented with a pair of brown pants and heavy duty black boots. A claw mark resides on the left sleeve of the jacket and few red stains were present on the shirt. The cloths for the most part were covered with dirt. Marcus also carried a big green colored bag whose single strap hung of his right shoulder. Marcus didn't know about the merger and had just recently found out about it. It seemed that the elders had tried to trick Marcus by sending him on some ' Important pack mission '. Marcus didn't like this one bit. He didn't approve of the Garou, a bunch of spoiled brats who can't even hunt. Marcus had contemplated on his journey that the elders must be seeking the Garou's assistance cause of their wealth, which they did have in an abundance. Still Marcus couldn't understand why Fenris should act like guard for these pampered kids.

Nevertheless Marcus walked towards the cabin. He is the alpha after all, duty bound to heed to his pack's request. ' You are an alpha. Just do it. the cabin isn't that fancy, maybe the garou aren't as bad? ' thought Marcus, being little optimistic. As Marcus approached the cabin, he was greet by what seemed to be a hire by the Garou. Marcus just stared at the person and said, " No. " he in a monotonous voice. Marcuse didn't need someone to carry his bag, he is capable enough to carry his own weight. ' Trying to be showy eh? Bloody spoiled wolves. ' thought Marcus as he approached the cabin's door. He could hear some noise emerging from inside the cabin. 'The party already started. Sure, why wait for me. Oh! you weren't even invited ' thought Marcus as he let out a low pitched growl. Marcus was furious at why he wasn't asked to come. This wasn't a petty thing, the whole pack was being merged! But still Marcus was left out. Marcus was surely going to need some answers from the elders about this.

Marcus slapped his jacket and pants a couple of times each, trying to get get the dust off and maybe look less rugged as he did right now. Marcus pulled the strap of his bag and so dragged the bag a little higher and then entered the cabin. ' Remember, you can sort the issue later with the elders. For now don't make a fool of the pack. You are the alpha and you have to handle this situation as any alpha would. Doesn't matter how hopeless these guys are, you can still stop the merger by talking to the elders. So, No scenes and no drama. ' thought Marcus as he walked into the living room. It was for the most part empty, void of the others. Marcus could hear some noise emerging from deeper within the cabin. He dropped his bag next to the door and gazed around the room. " Unnecessary stuff. ", commented Marcus.

Marcus continued to glance around, seeing what type of lifestyle the Garou are used to. To him it all seemed way too cosmetic and undesired. Marcus sighed as he kept losing his new found optimism bit by bit. He followed the sound and kept moving deeper in the fancy looking cabin. Marcus would every now and then glance at something whose need he couldn't even comprehend like the chandelier in almost every room, the stone walls and stairs or the piano in the living room. " Stupid. " grunted Marcus. By now he had nearly reached the source of the sound. It seemed that everyone had been gathered together. ' I wonder why. ' Marcus approached the dinning room entrance but didn't make much sound, instead he just observed. He leaned on the door side and just kept looking. It seemed that the people were already ready for the meal. Even though Marcus knew well that he wasn't invited, he still got infuriated by the fact that they didn't wait for him. ' No honor or manners. ', thought Marcus as he continued to monitor them.
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Thea stood awkwardly beside the table, unsure if she had to wait for her meal or consume it right away. The Garou didn't really follow pack tradition, which gave Thea the idea that she could satisfy her roaring stomach right away, but her own pack clung to the old wolfish and Omegas ate last. 'Boy, everything looks soooo good. I'm so hungry too. Oh man my mouth is watering, this is torture, absolute torture,' thought the timid she-wolf as she gazed upon the feast the Garou had prepared. 'I wonder if every dinner is going to be like this or if this is just a welcoming gift?' She clutched her hands together behind her back, a respectful gesture that ended up becoming a nervous habit to Thea. She was about to seat herself, finally accepting the fact that she could at least sit down once she saw the Garou Omega take her own seat when a familiar scent crept into her nose. It was hard to detect over the delicious aroma of the roasted and glazed meat, but Thea was no stranger to this smell. It was much like her own, but also much different, and she turned her head to look over at the man that leaned on the door side with a look of slight anger and disapproval.

'Oh sugar pie,' Thea thought, visibly wincing at the sight of her older brother. His facial expression and late attendance told her everything she needed to know about his 'royal invitation'. Thea's eyes wandered over to her sister and she resisted the urge to drag her hands down her face. 'Oh Zirena, why didn't you tell him', Thea groaned in her mind. She loosened her grip on the top of the chair and stepped away from it. 'I guess I'll take first blow', huffed Thea as she approached her brother, senior by one year. She wasn't going to lie, approaching her brother while he was grumpy made her a tad nervous, she loved the boy to death but he could get a little rough sometimes.

"Marcus," she said after finally reaching him. She stopped about a foot away but still gave him a small, rare smile. "W-wow it's great to see you here. I thought you weren't going to come, because you know, some people, maybe your siblings, maybe not, forgot to tell you about it", her smile widened into more of a sheepish teeth-flash than an actual grin.



The night was still young in Raime's opinion. A good night for a hunt too. Lucky for her, Chloe, her closets and only friend, would be there to share it with her. She smiled as she brushed a loose strand of silver hair from her face.

As of now, Raime was waiting for Chloe in their normal spot, excited for the nights hunt. She looked around to make sure nobody was around before stripping down, setting her clothes in a neat pile on the ground. A groan escaped her throat as bones cracked and popped and silver fur grew over her skin until she was fully reformed into the wolf inside of her.

Wolf Raime breathed out slowly before turning her head towards Chloe, her blue hair glowing slightly. Raime hopped up and trotted over to the punk-styled girl, nuzzling her nose against the girls neck and lucking her face.

"Daw, missed ya too Raime." She said happily, wiping the saliva from her face. She smiled as she quickly strung her bow, a simple recurve styled one with sharp hunting arrows. Raime lowered herself to the ground as she felt Chloe climb on carefully, as to not hurt her. After Raime felt a tap on her back, she rose and took off at a trot, estatic to be spending the night hunting with her friend after a slow day working.
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Steeve had just removed his foot off the gas pedal of his Mini-Cooper as soon as he saw the lodge, the descriptions and locations exactly the same. Raising his hand he slowly reaches the mirror above the driver's head and takes a look at his appearance, winking to himself and giggling thinking how stupid he would look if he did it in public. Steeve had realized that the cabin was already lit up, and at that moment he realized that he already placed a bad impression for them to judge him on. Involuntarily his hand raises and he starts biting his nails nervously as he took his suitcase from the passenger's seat right beside him. His suitcase with him and after checking if he looked right up to four to five times he finally decides to step out of his car and locks it. Steeve slowly comes further to the doorsteps of the lodge and finally rings the bell waiting for an answer, as turns around to take a look at the place with a hint of dazzle in his eye " This place is.. Fancy.. I dont think my kin will be very impressed by this." he turns his smile into a neutral facial expression and waits as the tranquil breeze hits his face.
Chloe and Raime were crouched low, hidden by the foliage of the nearby treeline. In front of them was a large cabin with a mini cooper parked out front and a man with a suitcase at the doorstep. Raime knew they had wandered too far in this time, the two girls had never seen this place before. Chloe's eyes sparkled in the night as she gained on with curiosity, curiosity which has nearly gotten her hurt many times before. Raime sighed internally before letting out a small growl. Chloe glanced at her.

"Fine, fine, I won't go and look. Besides, that place looks....unwelcoming." Raime let out a huff of agreement. Even though their hunting bag was filled with dinner, Raime couldn't help but feel her mouth water and stomach growl at the delicious aromas coming from within. Before she could let herself go towards the cabin, she shook her head and turned away, walking back the way they came. Chloe took one last glance at the cabin before brushing a strand of blue hair from her face and following Raime, confident in the wolf girl's sense of direction.
Faolin narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched a girl walk into the dining room before back out. He had sensed her presence earlier but hadn't worried too much about it. He was curious as to why she came in and left, as obviously she was a Fenris and there was still plenty of seating left around the table, especially since only one Fenris had actually sat down at the table thus far. He simply inhales sharply, he was a bit of a control freak at times and wasn't the best at handling when things changed and didn't go as asked/planned. Everyone was to be a part of this dinner, as it was partly a meeting that involved every member of both packs. But he was not going to force another pack's members to comply with his wishes, he was simply grateful his pack was compliant to his request, even if River had yet to arrive. He simply reminded himself that the Fenris were perhaps not as acquainted with manners as the Garou. He looks towards Zirena as she politely accepted the invite. "The pleasure is all ours" He returns with a polite smile, thankful someone understood the importance of this.

The entrance-way was only empty shortly as a male darkened the entrance-way not long after the female. He apparently held himself in high regard and Faolin simply raised an eyebrow at his arrival. He was about to speak up before noticing Thea make his way over to him, which was a shock to see an omega act in such a way around someone who seemed much higher up than herself. He purses his lips together as Thea mentions something along the lines that he wasn't invited to this particular get-together to begin with, he was rather curious as to why.

"I was simply an opportunist. Besides you know I would've beat you either way" Freya retorts to Silas in a hushed a voice with an amused grin of her own knowing she had indeed taken a rather generous head start. She leans back in her chair, glass in hand while she swirled it's contents absentmindedly, just barely keeping it in the glass and wishing it was something more potent than water. She hardly noticed the girl who popped in and out, one less Fenris in the room was a good thing by her. She found herself sitting up slightly at the arrival of the new male, there was something about him than just another Fenris member. The way he held himself was almost alpha like and she had to do a double-take between her brother and the new arrival as they seemed to possess similar hair. She looks over at Thea as she approaches the newcomer surprised at her brashness, her eyes flickered to Zirena for a moment to see her expression of her sister and omega acting so boldly, but then again it seemed Zirena let her younger sister get away with much more than an omega should. Her attention quickly fell back upon Thea and the newcomer as she got the idea that this person wasn't exactly supposed to know about what was going on. She smirked and leaned back in her chair and motions towards the Fenris side of the table. "Well then, since you apparently found out about our little 'secret' meeting, please do have a seat" She states, her pleasant tone laced with venom, a smirk still plastered upon her face. Trouble within the Fenris pack itself, at this rate the Fenris would end the merge themselves without the Garous, at least the ones who weren't found of the merge even having to lay a finger on the situation.

Faolin looks at Freya sharply, sending a glare in her direction but she purposely refused to look towards him. He looked back at the male after realizing Freya wasn't going to look at him. "Yes do take a seat, there's no sense turning you away if you've come this far, that is of course if that's alright with your own pack"





A midnight colored wolf with a white cross coloring his chest fur stepped in front of Raime and her human companion, his blue eye twinkling in the gradually brightening moonlight. A chain collar looped around his neck, hanging from it was a thick leather muzzle. He had seemingly popped out from a bush, awaiting their passing, but in reality he had just fallen asleep in the brush after losing his way. He was awakened by the savory smells of cooked meats and thick sauces and was about to follow them to the cabin, literally just stepping out of the bush when he was met by two other creatures. They were as much as a surprise to him as he assumed he was to them, he just managed to stop himself from visibly showing it. The Loners didn't personally anger him, he was actually quite interested on checking them out, but he was bound by pack law to enforce pack law. His black fur bristled in aggression, blending in with the night sky behind him like black ink. His ears pressed to his skull and he raised his lip, baring his bone white fangs. His powerful jaw snapped together as he lowered his head, a sign of dominance and defensiveness.

He was big for a wolf, but this female wolf still managed to have him beat, but only by a little. Size didn't make much difference to him anyways, even the smallest of wolves could tear massive ones apart, it was only about skill and confidence. Lucky for him, River had both.

(I'm just assuming wolves can talk to each other)

"You're in claimed territory", snarled River the bad omen wolf. "Don't even start with the 'I didn't know' bullshit, it just annoys me".

@Cruor Flumine
As the purring of the engine softened and the vehicle slowed to an anxious idle, Vedix was thrown from the passenger's seat, his bag landing on top of him. Hitting the asphalt with a audible 'uhpm', he let it a groan as the car sped away. "Damn kids..." He muttered before slowly standing, a duffle bag that held a measly amount of clothing and toiletries held in his left hand. The omega didn't mind that he was here to spend time with the other pack, it almost relieved him of the constant hell that was his rank.

Vedix took a deep breath in, tasting the air. The various scents flooded him, pack members and those from Garou, roasted meat and other assorted foods, prey out in the wilderness, the leaves and bark of trees both young and old. It felt good to be out of the camp for once. Walking forward, he took his time, not wanting to trip on anything that might be in the way. Arriving at the door, the omega knew that it was there from years of practice and being aware of his surrounds. Reaching out with his empty hand, Vedix felt along the frame for a knob, finally finding one he gave it gentle turn before pushing the large wooden door open.

He was bombarded by all the sounds and smells, it made his head throb. Frowning, he shut the door softly behind him, trying to make sense of what was going on around him. The residents were in another room, most likely preparing for a meal. A fire was burning in the fireplace, casting a warmth that took away the chill from opening the door. He could tell the cabin was rustic in style, wood, stone, pelts, and other materials of the sort were quite present. Taking a few steps forward, his shin ran into a coffee table. And after a moment of feeling around, he plopped his bag into the couch, reminding himself to get it later.

Vedix then approached the room that held all the commotion. The smell of food was making him extremely hungry. Though, knowing his rank, he leaned on the stone wall that was at the entrance to the dining room. He had gotten too many nights with no food and patches of fur missing that he wasn't going to fuck anything up now. Well, not on the first night that is.

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Holden waited quietly as more pack members wandered in. He was slightly confused when he saw one girl peek in the doorway, then leave. However, he supposed some of them still weren't comfortable with each other and the merge yet, and he honestly couldn't blame her for leaving. He suddenly heard the doorbell over everyone's voices and he rose to get it. He maneuvered through the dining room and went to the front door. He opened it and smiled at the guy on the other side. "Hello, can I take your bag to your room for you? Everyone is getting ready for the dinner/meeting in the dining room." He said, gesturing towards the right direction. He hoped the guy wasn't expecting to be greeted by an Alpha, since that was probably the normal thing for an old-fanshioned Fenris to do. Unfortunately, the Alphas seemed busy trying to get everything to run smoothly. Holden hadn't really thought about how difficult it would be, trying to combine people from such different lifestyles. He quickly shook away his thoughts and held out his hand to take the man's suitcase.
(Sorry, finished Life is Strange. May I say, I've never had a game make me cry before, but that one legitimately put me in tears.)

Raime took a tentative step back, Chloe right next to her. "I...I apologize...I was too distracted to notice the scents..." She replied to the other wolf in front of her. Her bright silver fur was a stark contrast to his dark black. The creak of a bow was heard as Chloe drew back an arrow. Before she could let loose, Raime pushed against her side, signaling to not shoot. Reluctantly, the blue haired girl allowed the string to slide back into place, keeping the arrow knocked and pointed at the ground.

"W-Would it be fine if we were to just...leave? Leave and not come back?" Raime asked the mystery wolf. Chloe seemed to tense up at the silent exchange between the two, moving closer to her friend.

Marcus wasn't expecting to be noticed this early but unfortunately he was. Thea was the first one to notice and soon began to approach him. Thea was Marcus's preferred sister as of late, she was sweet and helpful. Marcus always trusted her with his secrets, after all he was certain that she wouldn't betray him. Marcus's expression lightened once Thea approached him. Marcus wouldn't like to channel his rage onto his little sister, he did care for her deeply. Marcus clenched his fists upon hearing what Thea said, his expression tightened as he became infuriated once again. ' So it was her! Zirena you really did piss me off this time. If this isn't the elder's idea then I will make a point that you wouldn't repeat this. Anyways Marcus stay calm, you don't want to give these pups a leverage. Lets sort this at home, like we always do. Wait. Thea. She knew about this. Why didn't she tell me? ', thought Marcus and his anger just grew more and more. ' She couldn't. Oh no. You shouldn't have '. By now Marcus's face was transforming a little, his claws coming forth. Marcus tried to calm himself trying avoid a feud in front of the Garou. He took a deep breath mumbling something, " Thea, I didn't expect this from you. ". His mumble was barely audible. Marcus closed his eyes, trying to relax, his claws became nails, he teeth grew smaller and so did his rage.

Marcus looked Thea, staring at her smile. ' Does she think this is funny? Is this a joke to her? ', wondered Marcus. He moved his gaze to the people behind. Their eyes were set of Marcus, maybe they were all trying to understand the situation. Marcus sighed and brought his gaze onto the people around the table. They were all looking at him, maybe anticipating some drama. Then a girl spoke from the group. ' Secret meeting? Was this all planned? What does secret mean? ', thought Marcus. He didn't know what the girl meant, did Zirena plan this all? She could have. Marcus growled a little before shaking his head. ' Calm down. You are the alpha.You don't want to do anything stupid. ', Marcus reminded himself.

Soon after the girl another man spoke. He seemed to have a different aura than the rest of the Garou pack. He seemed to possess a certain calm that Marcus didn't understand. The man invited Marcus to take a seat. Marcus argued with himself, ' Eating at a table i wasn't even invited to....that is just below me but then again i don't want Zirena making any stupid decisions and causing chaos for me and the pack. Still. Oh god. Just sit, just this once. '. Marcus turned his gaze to Thea once more, she still had that smile on her face. Marcus's expression loosed as he tried to form a smile himself. The smile was small, fake. " Glad to have entertained you. ", he told Thea and then walked passed her to a seat opposing the girl and the man that spoke. " Thank you for offering a seat. ", said Marcus. Each word hurting his pride and ego. ' pompous little bastard proud of their wealth. '. Marcus sat down and looked at the Zirena before looking at the man. " I am sure my pack wouldn't have any issue. " he told the man, a small grin grew on his face as he did.

( to make it easy the colored it what he spoke rest and thoughts are uncolored. )
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Laikas, after having feasted himself on his catch, was feeling relaxed and calm, slowly meandering back in the direction of the cabin without much urgency: everything that would be said at the feast he had already heard before, and anything he hadn't he could catch up on very quickly. He didn't mind if he was late, and he doubted anyone else his pack would do anything if he was: if they punished him, it would look bad on them, and if the Garou did anything, then this merge was going to be called off. A lose-lose situation that Laikas technically won.

It was on his way back, over the sound of gently rustling leaves and occasional chirp of a bird, Laikas heard something that made him almost snarl in disgust: humans, and ones he didn't think were wolves. He growled quietly, but quite honestly he didn't feel like confronting them about it now: if they were there tomorrow, or anywhere near the cabin, Laikas would go looking for them, until then he would stay near the cabin, as would be expected of him.

After a few moments, Laikas had reached the cabin again and to his surprise, Laikas recognised a scent, another one from the Fenris pack. Laikas tilted his head, slowing to a stop, Marcus wasn't supposed to be coming was he? Laikas suppressed a growl of annoyance and padded up to the doorway and looked to the left before growling quietly, Marcus was here, and this was only going to make this trip worse. Between the Garou girl and Marcus, he was sure all forms of evil were in this cabin, all except humans.

Shaking his fur slightly, Laikas bowed his head, "It's...nice to see you here Marcus."

@divyansh @anyone else
The door finally opens and Steeve sighs as he fixes his collar making sure everything is alright. A man had opened the door for him and Steeve takes a deep breath that finally a stranger had smiled to him, meaning nothing looks strange about Steeve. Self-esteem issues is all that Steeve had and other than that he feared rejection from his own pack for being quite different, it has been a long time since he had communicated with a werewolf. "Hello!" said Steeve with a small one-sided smile on his face. " Ohh.. Noo its fine ill take my bags with me i would just like if u can maybe take me to my room, can you please? Or is it too much to ask? iam sorry i think iam being rude..ahhh.... wait umm.." he lowers his head and looks at his suitcase " Iam Steeve Blackwood.. You are?" he said feeling embarrassed but he took a few steps into the house and placed his suitcase on the floor. @Shadow
"Marcus..." sighed Thea as her older brother passed by her and took his seat. Her smile dropped into a frown and let her head droop slightly. She felt bad for her brother, but she had been promised to secrecy by the elders. He didn't get it, he could disobey everyone with little consequence, but Thea would be severely punished if she betrayed an oath. Her gentle eyes flickered back to her brother as he began mingling with the Garou, wondering how painful this was to him. She shared his opinions on the Merge, just on a lesser scale. He hated the Garou, Thea just didn't trust them. More wolves meant more pain, more pain meant more thoughts of becoming a Loner. Thea was sure she wouldn't survive by herself. 'I'll apologize to him later,' thought Thea, running a hand through her tousled auburn locks as she turned away from dinner. The crowd was making her uncomfortable, and the heat from the steaming plates of food and lively bodies of werewolves was causing sweat to bead around her hair line. She decided to come back later, eat her fill of chilled, picked over meats and food platters, then sneak away without being detected.

She ran a hand down her melancholy face just in time to see Laikas enter and greet her brother. He was in wolf form and had sweet, sugary smelling blood covering his colorless, thick coat. "Laikas", she huffed, approaching him slowly and kneeling before him. She barely remembered the day he showed up at the pack, but if she concentrated she could recall him in wolf form when he was still a pup. Thea had a general, common like for everyone in Fenris, but she thought of Laikas as more than just a packmate. She thought of him as a friend, ranking him higher than many others in the pack in her eyes. She wasn't sure if the feeling was mutual, he could have thought of her as a pest for all she knew. She could only hope that he felt the same, even if it was more of a tolerance than a like.

"You're not supposed to kill the babies, you know?" said Thea in her usual soft, quiet voice. "They need to grow up so they can have their own babies". She tentatively rose her pale hand until it made contact with his fuzzy chin. She grasped it as gently as she could, careful not to hurt him in any way. She shook her other hand around, sliding down the sleeve of her navy blue coat until she grasped it in her fingers. Her movement was slow but she brought her free hand up and ran the dark, velvety material of her coat over his muzzle, wiping it clean of some of the blood. "You could have at least cleaned up before you got here", she scolded lightly, slight humor lacing her voice. "This is kind of a big thing".

River blinked at her, unsure of what to do. He didn't want to hurt the she-wolf or her friend but he couldn't just let them go without bringing them to the Alpha, could he? His eyes studied girl whose hair matched his eyes. He smelt no wolf on her besides the silver she-wolf in front of him. "Human? She's human? Does she know about us, about our kind?" He took a threatening step forward but calmed himself before he ended up blowing up. His aggressive stance became far less intimidating after her stopped baring his teeth and growling, straightening up and blinking at them instead. He glanced around, searching for any signs of assistance but found none. All werewolves were at the cabin, feasting on a banquet fit for kings. His mouth salivated at the thought and a pink tongue swiped over his jowls before disappearing back into his mouth. Nothing was going to steal him away from the love of his life: food. "I-Look, I don't want you to ruin my dinner because I'm really hungry, so I guess I'll let you go this once, but only because I think you're pretty," River sent her a wolfish wink, his tail wagging slightly. "But", he said, his tone darkening. "If anyone finds out I left you off the hook I'll be in trouble, so if you're caught next time you're 'distracted', this never happened".


@Cruor Flumine
The bastard.

That's all that went through Zirena's mind the moment she saw Marcus. And also what went through the moment he took his seat beside and opened his mouth. How dare he show his face here now...sure maybe she should have told him, even slightly mentioned it, but this was her meeting and her chance to prove herself to the elders that this was her rightful place as Alpha. She was tired of sharing the responsibility with Marcus, the boarish oaf, he couldn't handle diplomatic issues he was too stubborn and hotheaded to decide anything rationally that was why she took charge in situations like this. He was better with war and defense strategies, more than her, and that was where he belonged. The packs weren't at war right now and him being in such a temper now could ruin their chance at this merge all together.

Those baby blues narrowed sharply at her younger brother and Zirena cleared her throat. "My pack is very grateful for the hospitality Faolin, and thank you very much for inviting Marcus to be seated." Those anger filled orbs turned back to the Garou leader and she almost looked apologetic, " May I introduce Marcus...my younger brother and...co-Alpha of the Fenris pack." she said at last, deciding it would be better settled if it came out now rather than be embarrassed by the wolf beside her.
If Raime had been in human form, she was sure her face would be as red as roses. She bowed her head. "T-Thank you...She is the only one who knows..." Raime said nervously. She lowered herself, allowing Chloe to carefully climb onto her back and steady herself. Raime rose to full height and turned away. Before she ran off, Raime looked back at the male wolf. "Please no more....comments on my beauty, I doubt your pack would accept the last remnant of the Ookami Clan. A girl who is nothing more than a loner..." She turned, embarassed at her own forwardness, and began to trot back towards the spot where they met, and where her clothes were.

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Holden smiled and waited patiently for the guy to figure out what he wanted to say. "Of course, it's no problem. And you aren't being rude. Believe me, there is a lot more hostility in that dining room at the moment than I think either of us could muster up. I'm Holden Night." He said, shutting the door as the guy stepped inside. "You are pretty much free to choose whichever room you want. Unless it's already been claimed, of course." He said, leading Steeve to where all the bedrooms were situated. He made a sweeping motion with his arm. "I believe all of these are available." He said, smiling again in the hopes that he would make the guy more comfortable. "As soon as you are moved in, we are going to have a meeting during dinner in a little while. Just follow the sounds of two packs happily joining together in the great art of feasting." He joked, waving slightly as he headed back to the dining room. He took his seat again, wincing slightly at the tension.

Faolin frowns a bit as he watched the interaction between the siblings, especially Zirena and Marcus, he was grateful Freya wasn't allowed to compete for the position and thus gave her a side look that said to not even think about it. This merge was definitely off to a rocky start. "Well then welcome Marcus. I'm glad the other alpha was able to make it. Seeing as how this is a rather important subject" It felt weird saying it, that they allowed their pack to have 2 alphas, technically he supposed their positions weren't set in stone until the elders completely stepped down, but in his pack there had only ever been one alpha at a time. He had wished they had been upfront about the fact there was another alpha and it made him a bit nervous as to the fact they may be hiding anything else.Though to be honest, if he was allowed to leave Freya at home he probably would have. At least with Zirena arrangements could be made to keep both their alpha's status in tact but with another male alpha, things wouldn't go nearly as smooth. It was one of them stepping down or being forced down. He thoughtfully scratched the scruff on his chin before realizing he hadn't introduced himself. "I'm Faolin, alpha of the Garou pack, and the one with the sharp tongue is my twin Freya, hunter" He stated, mostly to remind her of her place in case she got any ideas. "It's a pleasure to meet you Marcus" He took a deep breath to try and clear his head with all the sounds and scents around, it was a bit disorienting. Especially when you had to keep track of everything in the back of your mind. His gaze fell across the table at all the food before at the Fenris' that were seated across the table at him. "And please do eat, there's no need for the food to get cold. And shall we begin the meeting then? I suppose the others can be informed later or straggle in when they feel" However before that could happen he cringed internally at hearing Freya speak up.

"Really? I think Thea should be alpha" She states, it was a rather rude statement, basically stating they were about as intimating as their own omega. She that same smirk still on her face as she said it. "Honestly, I had though I'd be intimidated by the sight of your omega with the rumors that went around about the Fenris, but I can see that's hardly the case" She caught the look Faolin gave her but chose to ignore it for the time being. It was rather amusing watching the Fenris siblings. It did indeed seem like they'd unravel themselves without any help from her. At the current moment she was hardly intimidated by the new arrival, his hipster appearance and similarity to her brother didn't exactly strike fear into her heart, but nor did Zirena's appearance but apparently they were alphas somehow. It did sting a little at the fact that the Fenris were allowed to compete for their position when in her pack all she was given was a quick no, you're a bad omen, and a you can't even have a chance. So due to that, she didn't exactly have the same desire to be as welcoming or complacent as Faolin. She was nearly tempted to get up and leave the room, growing tired of the Fenris after they had disappointed her. It had been built up that they were these feral, aggressive, in tune with nature wolves when in reality they were no different, just without the class, at least to her. However, she had no desire for her ego to be knocked down if Faolin decided to put her in her place for doing so.
Vedix was a bit confused with all the sounds and scents entering and exiting his mind. The food, pack members, other wolves, the building. It was making his head spin. But, he was able to pin point a few words, and if he heard them correctly, it might have been the alpha of Garou's twin. Taking a second, the blind man attempted to separate her scent from the rest but with little luck. No matter who had spoke, it was still quite rude and he could practically hear her smirk. Even though he wasn't specified, that offended him as much as it did Thea. "Damn Garou spoiled brats. Thinkin' they own the world and them some. We would have a bit better time if they could just grow up already..." he said to no one in particular, his rough voice quite noticeable among the commotion. He knew he was the oldest one in the room, and it wasn't that hard to tell either based upon how the Garou hunter had acted like a child.


(Wanted to get some interaction goin' and possibly start somethin'. I apologize if this post is a bit short.)
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Laikas practically glared at Thea as she tried to clean up his muzzle: she was chastising him about a kill he made? She would have given up that opportunity? Laikas didn't think so, she was as much wolf as he was, in fact all of them were, just barely any of them embraced this fact. They would give up the thrill of a kill, even on a deer, in order to look good as humans? Laikas didn't appreciate that, not for any of them, even Thea.

It was after a couple of moments, after Thea had stopped cleaning him, that Laikas looked down at the ground with an angry sigh: Thea was an interesting case, essentially a noble born wolf but in the lowest ranking position in the pack. Like himself, Thea had been brought so low from such a high position by circumstances out of their control. When he was brought to the Fenris pack, if he remembered correctly, Thea was one of the wolves that didn't insist that he turned back to his human form, and, quite honestly, that was probably why he did turn back at all.She was the only one he could kind of relate to, but Laikas nonetheless kept his distance as he always did.

As a typically quiet individual, Laikas didn't really enjoy talking to people unless it was necessary and after about a second or two, Laikas looked her back in the eye, not saying a word, the apology written across his expression instead. He breathed out heavily before he glanced in the dining room, cooked food, vegetables, human food. Laikas growled slightly, maybe the Garou were passed saving. Laikas wasn't sure, and he thought it best not to mention it.

Laikas turned away after a couple of moments before he looked Thea straight in the eye. He held his gaze for a moment before shaking his head and looking at Marcus, almost expecting him to react aggressively to Laikas' greeting. He would have chuckled to himself had he been in his human form: Marcus had to show some restraint in the coming days and weeks but Laikas did not.

@RowdyPotato @divyansh
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Finally. Weylyn dug into her food, ignoring all the drama around her and tore at the meat ravenously. She knew that this behaviour was out of her timid character, but for once she was just too hungry to care. And besides, all that crackling tension in the air was starting to make her uncomfortable, so it was better to have something to do than just sitting there, fidgeting and observing quietly. As much as she wanted to focus on that delicious food in her mouth, she couldn't help overhearing the buzzing conversations in her perked ears. When she paused shovelling food in her mouth, reaching for a cup of water to wash it down, she heard a rough voice state,"Garou spoiled brats.. " Surprised, and a little offended by the remark, she glanced up to see a man with strange, unfocused eyes that seemed to be staring into space.

For a moment Weylyn just stared, wondering why his eyes looked so distant. Then it struck her. Was this wolf blind? That was weird, since usually the disabled wolves were the Omegas, and Thea looked perfectly fine to Weylyn. So why wasn't this wolf chosen as Omega instead? She wondered, but then brushed that thought aside to defend her and her Packmates. "I'm sure not all Garous are like that..." She began in her quiet voice.


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Vedix heard another voice speak up after him, another Garou but by the time of her voice and the sounds of her eating, it was safe to say that she was the omega. "Not all are like that, I'm sure you would know due to our rank being hell upon earth. But that pup over there is gladly keeping the stereotype of your pack alive, so that her for that." The blind man then fell silent once more, pleased with himself that he had said something though his face held no emotion towards it. He was growing quite hungry by all the food, the scents flooding him and the sounds of eating making it worse. Vedix assumed he wouldn't be getting food right now, or even tonight based upon his comments, but he honestly didn't care. These Garou took life for granted, parading around in the most modern technology and clothing. He didn't even need to see to know the jewelry and fresh clothing they are most likely only going to wear once before buying new outfit. Vedix shifted his shoulder that was resting upon the stone covered wall, he was getting quite fed up with the childlike nature of these sorry excuse for wolves.



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