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Fantasy Merge (Reboot/Werewolf rp)

He did squint his eyes slightly when the older woman introduced herself, mostly due to her body language. But before he could say anything about it, the woman had turned towards another Garou, Weylyn to be exact. He smiled and nodded once towards his fellow pack-member. At that moment, he heard the unknown woman speak again. The alpha, huh? he thought as he glanced up towards the alpha of his own pack, Faolin. He lowered his eyes to the ground for an instant before looking back up at his face, nodding once in return. Quietly and obediently, he listened to the intense discussion between the twins. But yes, it could be a bother. Just like many other times, Silas decided to get out of the situation by making his way through the small crowd towards the alpha and his sister. He paused by Faolin, nodding yet again and hitting him lightly on the back as some sort of 'good luck'-token before heading off towards the kitchen in hopes for something to eat.

Finding nothing appetizing enough in that fridge, Silas walked towards the back door where he walked out, all to avoid the Fenris's as much as possible. The thought of possibly having to spend the rest of his life with them made him cringe. He prayed to god that someone would realise what a bad idea this was. But there was a very small chance of that happening.

Realising that he had been standing still outside the door for at least a couple of minutes, Silas decided to head towards the lake. You see, this was something fairly unusual. He wouldn't normally walk away on his own, he'd stay with his pack at all times. But well, the things he'd do to get away from the Fenris's.

While he walked, he continuously sniffed the air. Part from the smell of the Fenris pack, the air did smell much better up here. There was something charming about the lack of carbon dioxide and homeless drug-addicts that pleased the soul of the young man. This was however nothing that he would ever admit. Not to mention the silence. There were no such things as taxi's and people everywhere. For once in a very long time, he could actually hear his own breath. Upon reaching the lake, Silas climbed up on a quite large rock where he sat down. Digging into the pocket of his jeans, he pulled upp a cigarette from the small box and rolled it carefully between his fingers for a while before placing it between his lips and lighting it.
Sophia had mainly kept herself clear of all that what was happening in the foyer, and silent as people conversed and talked, as well as everyone was given the welcome speech.

Really, in the new environment that her pack had thrown her in, Sophia was mainly on the observing side of things. It was always good to at least know what was happening around you, and with new people and smells, Sophia automatically switched to that instinct to collect all information. Some smells that some of the other werewolves were making made her a little squeamish, while others smelt a little better, and Sophia could pick up on a few mannerisms that a few people were displaying. It wasn't like she was meaning to pick up on things, she couldn't really help it either way, but at least Sophia was purposefully keeping herself quiet during this kind of introductory period. It made her feel a little bit better for automatically picking up details.

Really, she felt a bit sick. Whatever she had eaten earlier started to flip in her stomach, and Sophia just placed the blame of the nausea on the new environment.

But as soon as she felt as though she was dismissed, Sophia went straight to go find herself a room. She didn't take long to find one that seemed to be empty, it didn't hold anyone belongings and neither did it smell like anyone, so Sophia claimed one of the beds by putting her bag onto it.

Sophia fiddled with one of the zippers, before she let go of it and pondered as to what she was going to do next.

The Welcome speech that the other pack's Alpha had given had mentioned a lake, along with a kitchen. Dinner was meant to happen in 3 hours, so Sophia decided that going to see if the cabin's kitchen had any super cool human snacks was probably a bad idea, she didn't want to be full when dinner came around.

And the lake sounded like a good idea, the water would probably settle her stomach a little, while also not tempting her to go eat 5 bags of chips. Sophia was not going to admit she had a problem when it came to foods like that, but the several experiences of her over-eating on fast food did linger fondly in her head.

Sophia walked back into the foyer, saw what was going on, and then completely ignored all of it as she walked through and out the front door. She was now on a mission, to get away from all the smells that were causing her to be sick, but once again Sophia noticed how some people were talking to others, getting to know each other, while she was kind of slowly running away.


She nodded and gave a small wave to Jean outside, before she turned eastward to where the lake was supposed to lie. It was easy to recognise him in his wolf form, and Sophia saw his small pile of clothes as she exited the cabin, but it looked as though he was trying to get people to play with him, so Sophia left him there.

The walk was pleasant on the way to lake, as Sophia wasn't going to go start running in unfamiliar territory, and the walk gave her a better sense of the territory herself and her pack teens had been placed in. The air was reasonably fresh, it didn't exactly smell like home, but it smelt like the normal things. Animals, trees, dirt, leaves, kind of boring, but familiar.

The area also smelt like a kind of taint, that made Sophia's stomach turn again, and reminded her of the exact same smell she had breathed in while back at the cabin.


Sophia stopped for a second, stopping dead in her tracks. Someone else must've gone to the lake, because Sophia was obviously following a scent now, and obviously it had to be someone from the other pack. Which made her feel a little stupid, since she hadn't realised she had been following a scent in the first place, and now she was excited about settling her stomach with a quick swim in the lake. It wasn't like she could turn back, well she could, but Sophia wasn't bothered enough to go back to the cabin and deal with introducing herself to all the new people just yet.

She could handle herself with just one person, make a new friend before heading back in time for the dinner, and she could still probably fit in a swim at the lake. Though now that Sophia knew that there was probably someone else ahead of her, that didn't know her, and probably wouldn't take kindly to be snuck on, she made sure to make a little more noise as she walked.

Yeah she was scaring off all the other animals as she made sure to stomp on sticks and crunchy leaves, but at least if the other person was paying attention, they would at least have a small warning of her arrival before she actually made it to the lake. Which Sophia could just start to see through the trees as she continued with her stomping.
"Indeed" Faolin simply states to Zirena before his attention was captured by a "thump" of a body and the shattering sound of porcelain breaking upon impact with the floor. He makes his way down the hall to the small girl laying on the floor, before looking at Weylyn who had sliced her open a bit by picking up the pieces, and being of his own pack, omega or not she was his first concern. "Weylyn you should've gotten a broom and dust pan for that" He states with concern as he takes her hand gently looking at the wound before releasing it at seeing it was something minor, especially for a werewolf when healing happened rapidly. "At least it's minor, just glad it wasn't anything more serious, but you might want to get that cleaned up, the vase is of no concern but blood on the oriental rugs however wouldn't go over so smoothly with mother"

He looks to Thea and offers a hand at her still on the floor, tilting his head a bit. Her mannerisms and panicked nature seemed to signal she was perhaps another omega. "It's alright. I hated that vase, thought it was the ugliest thing I'd ever seen" He states while offering a friendly smile and motions for her to take his hand. "It's alright. I won't bite you" He jokes.



Freya watches Jean attempt to start a game of tag with a bored expression on her face. She found herself half considering it before letting out a scoff and turns to walk in the other direction. She had to remind herself that he was a Fenris and she also wasn't quite willing to show her black coat to strangers just yet, it was already something looked down upon her own pack she wasn't sure if the same superstition ran in Fenris. She headed in the direction of the lake to gather her thoughts, she knew there was a wild wolf pack who had territory near the lake. It was one of her favorite things to watch them, having no human counterpart at times she envied them.

She heard the snapping of twigs and crunch of leaves of someone else ahead and grumbled slightly under her breath, apparently she wouldn't have the area to herself. She caught two scents, one of Silas and one she didn't recognize and immediately assumed it was a Fenris. She silently moved through the greenery coming up beside Sophia. "You're noisy" She states not realizing it had been her intention to make noise. She looked her over for a moment and seeing her mannerisms match her own she didn't offer any other snide or rude comment, or threaten to go find some place else. She wasn't as tense with just one Fenris, but in a room full of several of them she was much more guarded.

She just quickened her pace and moved on ahead of Sophia, reaching the small clearing the lake was in, spotting Silas on the rocks. She inhaled, the smell of cigarette smoke catching her attention. "You wouldn't happen to be willing to share one of those would you?" She asks with the slight lowering of her head to acknowledge that he was ranked above her. Though she was surprised to see him out alone. "And if I'm bothering you I can continue on. I came out here to be alone too but apparently it's become quite the hot spot" She states with the nod of her head in Sophia's direction, who he no doubt already heard as well.


@Detective Rascal

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Sophia had jumped when Freya came out of nowhere next to her, but quickly saved herself a little embarrassment from the Garou pack member with her quick recovery. Sophia's pack knew not to sneak up behind her, and respected that she didn't like it at all, but Sophia knew that no one from the other pack would know that pet peeve of hers.

Sophia made sure to at least match the other werewolf's manner, just so she wouldn't give off the wrong impression. The Alpha blooded wolf seemed really tense, and a little on the edge, back at the cabin, but here in front of her Freya seemed a little less tense. Sophia was here to make friends, not offend anyone, so she fell to her natural instincts to be somewhat approachable to someone with a higher rank in blood than her.

Though after she ran off ahead, Sophia didn't hold herself back from giving Freya an eye roll. Of course she was noisy, she was purposefully being so, so she wouldn't be rude. But at this point Sophia stopped her almost comical stomping on the ground, since Freya probably already went and told the other person she was here too.

Which Sophia saw as she came to the edge of the treeline, and finally got an un-obscured view of the lake, and of Freya plus one other on a rock. Sophia waved to them as they looked over at her.
The rock was cold, but it did not matter to him at the moment. The only thing on his mind was the way the smoke from the cigarette russled through his lungs to boost his mood. Yes, the source of his bad mood was the other pack. They were a little too, what to say, animalistic. Few of them even knew how to act around humans. And to put it simply, they lived in a human world. One day, they would all have to adjust to the normal lives of the humans. Not that it would be to anyone's preferance, but it was an obligation.

Silas was quiet, almost to the point of making the silence eerie, like he was just waiting for something- or someone to jump up behind him. But no, instead he caught an unfamilliar scent of another lycanthrope. And no, it was not one of his own, it was one of them. He could not specify who it was just yet, but he did smell her presence, plus the fact that the way she stomped made her sound like godzilla. Assuming it was another Fenris, he rolled his eyes and sighed heavily.
"Aren't you guys everywhere? Like cockroaches," he said in an annoyed tone as he puffed out another cloud of pale smoke. But there was something else in the woods, this time something familliar. He caught the scent of another one of his pack-members and lit up a little. From between the old pine trees he saw the red haired girl and the corner of his lip twisted into a smirk. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the black wolf" He began while keeping his gaze upon her while she spoke. "Have you come to steal my cigarettes, you thief?" Silas tilted his head to his left before speaking again. "But come on then" he said, leaning forward and reaching his hand towards Freya, offering to help her get up on the rock. With his other hand he dug up another cigarette from his pocket.

But there it was again, the scent of the not-so-familliar figure in the woods. The person had gotten closer now, and by one tree stood onegirl with hair of fallen snow. She was a Fenris, yes, but she seemed willing to socialize with the two Garous's who really hated the idea of merging the packs.
"Was I so irrestistible that you just had to follow me here?" Silas said to the girl who's name he did not know of. The tone in his voice was teasing, yet not mean, like a child in kindergarden. He figured that she would have followed a scent, either his or Freya's considering that she found her way to the lake.While he disliked most of the members of the other pack, he found himself intrigued by their manners and habits. They were a little different from those he was used to.


@Detective Rascal
She gives him a look/gesture at being called the black wolf before letting the corners of her lips curl up to signal she was joking. "Ha-ha you're hilarious" She takes his hand and with the help of that and leverage of her foot pushing up she was soon up on the rock as well. "And you know it. You're more than welcome to steal some whiskey later if you need payment" She takes the cigarette he offered from him, holding the end towards him before fluttering her eyelashes exaggeratedly in a joking manner. "Won't you be a gentleman and light it for me?" She asks, mostly because he had the lighter, and turns her attention back towards the Fenris female who had finally caught up and saw her waving at them. She frowns a bit but the words of her brother raked the back of her mind and she let out a bit of a defeated sigh and motions for the girl to come closer.

She finds herself chuckling a little at SIlas' statement about being irresistible. "Please, You're probably too refined for her taste" It was hard to tell if she meant it as a joke or if she was sharply stereotyping Fenris' but either way she looks over at Sophia "You sure know how to pick company" She states meaning that she managed to now be around two of the Garou's who weren't very found of the merge. "You got a name?"


@Detective Rascal

Sophia started to walk over towards the two on the rock, heading over to them calmly so that she didn't somehow offend them with some rule no one had told her about. Sophia's hands were in her jean pockets, and she tried very hard to keep her shoulders relaxed. She could sense the Alpha blood in Freya, and the guy sitting on the rock with her had Beta blood in him, and immediately her instincts kicked in to be polite to higher ranked wolves.

It was probably the fact that she was a Fenris that made her rely on her instincts a lot more, falling back to them when Sophia needed too. It didn't seem as though the Garous pack did the same, and Sophia did want to at least try and be on good terms with some members of the other pack, even if they were more human acting than her own pack.

Though Sophia did reply to the other two wolves, as soon as she was close enough to the rock so that she didn't need to shout, and was able to reply with a normal volume. Staring up at the Alpha and Beta blood as they looked down at her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to follow you here sir. I didn't realise I was tracking the cigarette scent on you till I was almost here. I tried stomping on some loud stuff so that at least you had some warning I was in the area, which you saw me doing ma'am. I kinda came here to settle my stomach and have a swim. My name's Sophia, Sophia Hunt. "
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Laikas turned away after the briefing had finished and headed to one of the rooms far away from the others. He took off his clothes and willed himself to shift into his wolf form. (Since I'm not sure whether the transformations are supposed to be painful or we're not bothering too much with them).

Laikas shook off his fur, slowly relaxing into his 'true' form: there was nothing worse then being in a human form for more than a couple of hours, and frankly being in this form was extremely relieving for him. Sighing, he padded outside slowly, passing by a couple of other before he also started heading to the lake. He noticed other scents heading that way as well and he growled quietly to himself, spotting a couple of others. He started distancing himself, moving away from the others and heading to the other side of the lake, lying down and glancing at the others.
Silas chuckled quietly when Freya gave him the hissing look. Once she had gotten up on the rock, he turned halfway towards her, folding one leg beside him and having the other one hanging down the edge of the rock. "Wow, that's quite the offer you got there." He gave her his signature smirk and the teasing look in his eyes. "I might come by later tonight, hope you don't mind." Hearing her speaking about lighting her cigarette, Silas took exhaled another puff of smoke before fishing in his pockets for the lighter. Once he had found it, he reached it up towards her hand and the cigarette. "But you do know what they say, every cigarette shortens your life by 11 minutes." Silas said with the lighter an inch from the stick of nicotine while his own cigarette hung between his lips. However, he did light hers, then looked down the rock to find the white-haired girl by his foot.

"Ah, Sophia. Yes, you made quite the scene out there. At first I thought it was a giant, but no, ife would be too interesting if that were to be true." Silas said, gazing down at her. He really was confused as to why she had decided to talk to the two Garou's. She actually seemed genuinly interested in making connections in the other pack. That'd probably good, considering that Silas, and assumingly Freya as well, would do anything to stay away from the Fenris. "So tell me, Sophia" Silas took the cigarette from his mouth and placed it between his fingers. "Why on earth did you agree to do this thing?" He was really just wondering why no one stopped this mad idea of merging. It was an idea that was doomed from the start, it would all end up in complete chaos. Silas sighed once and placed the cigarette back between his lips.


@Detective Rascal
Jean sat alone in the field for the moment. Slightly embarrassed that noone was in a playful mood. It seemed everyone just wanted to relax separately. He let out a bored yawn as he lie down, resting his muzzle on his paws. He stays a few feet from the wall of the house and observes the forest edge. 'They're wasting this land..' He thinks to himself as he smells the grouping of cigarette smoke coming from quite a distance. 'We should be having fun.' He stands up at the notion, soon breaking into a run suddenly. He keeps an even gallop and breathes freely as the leaves and grass rustle lightly under his paws. As he nears the smell of the smoke, and now Sophia. 'Seems this area is popular' he spots the lake behind them and picks up a little more speed, preparing to jump. As he launched into the air, he thought he saw another wolf from the corner of his eye. The thought leaves his mind as the cold lake embraces his belly. He paddles around the lake happily, fully intending to either join their little gathering, or just enjoy himself alone.

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A kind girl was the first to come greet Thea. They resembled each other, not in physical appearance, but in the way they carried themselves. She was shocked when the girl began picking up Thea's mess, and even more shocked when she cut her hand. 'Their skin is so soft,' thought Thea, whose own hands were rough from calluses. She couldn't find her words in time to answer the girls question, because someone else was entering the room. Thea mentally slapped herself when the Alpha of Garou walked in. Her plan, the reason why she had done all of this in the first place, was to avoid him seeing her, but here he was, glancing over his pack mates hand. She watched him care for the girl and she couldn't help but imagine herself in his shoes. She could physically do it, be an Alpha, she had the right blood and body, she cared deeply for all of her pack members, but she couldn't bring herself to result to violence, and being harsh was not something she did commonly.

Her heart went into overdrive when the Alpha turned his attention away from the girl and onto her. A barely visible blush crept along her cheeks when he offered her his hand and sent her a friendly smile. A shy smile hinted against her lips. Thea liked his smile, she hoped that she would see a lot more of it, from a distance that is. She placed her tiny hand into his much bigger one, secretly hoping he didn't mind the texture of her tough palms. Using his support Thea pulled herself onto her feet and quickly removed her hand, putting it behind her back and entwining it with her other hand. Her bright eyes fell onto his shoes for the next few moments, unable to meet his gaze. It took her several seconds but Thea managed to muster up enough courage to stare him in the eye, and introduce herself. "I'm Thea Fenris" she said in a rush. 'No! No! You idiot! You told him your last name! Now he knows you're the Alpha blooded wolf that disgraced her family tree by becoming the Omega!' Thea screamed at herself, suddenly getting the urge to take the rubber bands she kept around her wrist and continuously snap them against the tender skin protecting her slightly visible blue veins.

She wanted to leave. She wanted run away because she didn't want to see his face contort and scrunch in disgust as he realized whose hand he touched, because she liked his smile and didn't want him to stop.


(I think I'll bring in River during dinner, he's the type to be late at being fashionably late.)
Holden stood at the back of the group while Faolin greeted the Fenris pack and gave them the run-down on the cabin. Of course, everyone from the Garou pack had been here before so they already had their rooms and knew their way around. When the speech was over, Holden went back to his car and got his bag of clothes. As he went back inside, he saw one of the girls had knocked over a vase in one of the bedrooms. Usually he would have gone to help, but Faolin was already there and he didn't want to get in the Alpha's way. He went to his room and dropped his bag on the bed, smiling at the familiar and cozy room. After a moment he realized that he hadn't seen a broom to clean up the shattered vase with so he decided to bring them one. He went to a utility closet and grabbed a dustpan and broom before heading back to the bedroom where the small group was. He cleared his throat quietly. "I thought you might need help." He said, blushing a little as the slightly stupid words came out of his mouth. He noticed with concern that Weylyn was bleeding from her hand. He didn't really know her that well, but she was still a member of the Garou pack. He stepped past her and knelt to sweep up the vase shards. "Do you need help with your hand?" He asked as he swept up the last bits of the vase.
"I wouldn't have offered if I minded. Now don't go snitching on me to my brother, speaking of which you sound just like him. And in response to that, it's 11 less minutes I have to listen to his nagging on about how a proper Garou should act" She scoffs before taking a purposeful drag of the cigarette. She leans back on one hand as she lazily lets her gaze return to Sophia, curious to her answers of Silas' questions. "We all know I sure didn't, but alas as usual my opinion doesn't count"

Her attention is quickly drawn to the lake at the sound of a loud splash with a head of a wolf that appeared to belong to another Fenris popping up above the water. "Well damn, here we were thinking about ganging up on you and you've already got reinforcements" She states to Sophia with a grin and a spark in her eye, definitely joking about that comment. "Your packmates are definitely....a bit uncouth" She states after watching Jean swim around the lake happily. She places a hand up on her brow as she looks across the lake, spotting yet another Fenris across the way. "Cockroaches indeed" She states to Silas' earlier comment and places her hand back behind her to lean back once more. She should've been more on guard as she was only spotting the new arrivals rather than sensing them before their appearance, but she was in a spot where it was unlikely for her to be ambushed. Besides if there were any "rogue" Fenris, there'd be a less chance for the elders to be as willing for a merge.


@Detective Rascal



Faolin tilts his head slightly at Thea's mannerisms, she most definitely had to be a subordinate at best. The gestures were appreciated but not needed, he was currently not her alpha and did not have to listen to him if she chose not to. He was surprised at her hands being so rough as the rest of her didn't seem to be that way at all. She was more like a delicate doe than a crazed beast as he half expected the Fenris to be, an accusation he should chide himself over. He blinks a bit in confusion at catching her last name. "Fenris? Are you related or is that a coincidence?" He looks in the direction he last saw Zirena before back at Thea. He was surprised such petite wolves ran in the alpha line of the Fenris. Though he had learned long ago with an incident with a wolverine, dangerous things can come in small packages. He didn't think poorly of Thea, he was simply curious as to why she had such a lowly position if she indeed had alpha blood. Freya was a handful and considered bad luck to most of the elders in the pack but she was still able to be at her full potential as hunter.

His attention was distracted by Holden as he came in. "Good thinking and I do think Weylyn could use some help wrapping her hand. There should be antibacterial cream in the main bathroom." He states lookng at Weylyn one more time to make sure she wasn't paling, as a werewolf the sight of blood shouldn't make her faint but he was worried about her nonetheless since it wasn't often he saw her in her human form, she had her reasons for that, and to him she seemed to be such a gentle soul.




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"She's my sister." Zirena answered for herself and her sister as she ran to Thea's aid. A low growl came from deep in her throat when she many other a is members surrounded her sister, and she wanted to fight them off and care for Thea herself it was instinct. But she knew better. This may help Thea, give her a chance to try and gain respect for herself. She knew hat Thea was tough and could handle anything thrown at her, but she wanted her to realize it for herself. So taking a small step back, she backed off allowing the Garou pack members to aid her. She then turned to Faolin to finish explaining the connection. "Half sister actually, we shared a father and I love her just the same."
Thea glanced down at Weylyn as yet another Garou went over to check on her hand. 'How peculiar,' thought Thea. 'It's only a little thing, we (the Fenris) wouldn't have even given it a second glance, but they want to apply antibaterial cream? Why don't they just lick it?'

She turned back just to see her sister, now much closer to her than before, taking a step away from her. Her sister was constantly pushing her to start fending for herself, but it was hard. Thea was scared and sheltered, and it hurt to be thrown out to do things for herself. She knew it hurt her sister even more to watch her struggle, but Thea loved seeing Zirena's face after she did something 'brave'. The crowd around her made her head spin, the thought of Faolin hating her made it throb, but she kept her feet planted onto the ground. Her words jumbled up on her tongue as if an imaginary clog was blocking their exit. Luckily, Zirena spoke for her, explaining to Faolin the truth of the matter. Thea only nodded her head in confirmation at Faolin, feeling a bit more confident with her sister around her.

Thea didn't want to let him in on any more details about her position and why she was there, she was quite ashamed of it.The Elder's made sure she never forgot it, too. She sucked a corner of her plump bottom lip into her mouth, gnawing on it nervously, but quickly pushed it out of her mouth when she remembered who she was standing in front of. Thea opened her mouth to speak but only soundless words came out. She closed her mouth just as quickly, side stepping a little closer to Zirena. The bright-eyed girl wanted nothing more than hide behind her sister's body, which was only a few inches taller than hers, but she didn't want to seem weak. 'Calm down, Thea, you are just holding a normal, average length conversation. He's not even your Alpha! So just take your hand off of the panic button and say something!' Thea recited this calming sentence in her mind several times before trying again, "Hi".

'I-actually that wasn't too bad. That's a pretty normal answer, right? I'm so proud of myself!' cheered the small young adult. Her eyes skipped around Faolin, careful not to get caught as she secretly studied him. She could feel her sketching hand twitching from eagerness and she made a mental note to draw him soon. Thea couldn't wait till tonight, the thought of dinner excited her stomach, but she was excited to get ready for bed. Before bed was sister-talk time, a period in the late night that Thea held sacred. She had so much to tell Zirena, and she was excited to hear about what Zirena had to say back.

Weylyn nodded to both Holden and Faolin, secretly touched by the care of her pack-mates who seemed so distant before. Perhaps...being human wasn't so bad if it meant finally belonging in the Garou pack...She thought wistfully. She snapped back to attention when she caught sight of the Fenris Alpha walking towards them. Their awkward first meeting was still fresh in her mind and she found her quite intimidating. It was hard to believe that she was related to Thea, who seemed so much more...well...timid and reserved. But Weylyn couldn't be sure, since these were the wolves of another Pack. Her azure eyes caught sight of Thea studying Faolin from the corner of her eyes and cringed. That was probably not a good idea. But she was too afraid of that girl's sister to say so, so maybe if they got some time alone next time...Her sliced open palm started stinging again, so she headed for the main bathroom, cradling her injured hand gingerly.

@xx0mittens0xx @Shadow
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Holden ducked his head when the Fenris Alpha walked over, not knowing how well the two Alpha's would get along. He was relieved when Weylyn left so he would have an excuse to leave too. He got up and followed her, careful not to drop any of the vase pieces. He dumped it in the bathroom trash-can then began looking for the anti-bacterial cream and a bandage. "So...." He began, feeling like he should say something to Weylyn. However, his mind was annoyingly blank of things to say. "Um, what do you think about merging our packs?" He asked after a rather awkward moment of thought. He reached for her hand and held it lightly while putting the cream on her cut as gently as he could. He began wrapping the gauze around her hand, trying not to hurt her cut more. He knew as a werewolf she would heal faster than humans, but it couldn't hurt to cover the cut anyway.
Weylyn went red when Holden took her hand, utterly speechless as he applied the cream lightly. Her hand was already half-healed thanks to her were-abilities, but Holden was still treating her with care and patience. How long has it been since her packmates had shown kindness to her? Weylyn couldn't remember.

Wait, did he just say something? Weylyn had been so deep in thought she hadn't heard a single word. Was it something about merging? She wasn't sure. She blushed again when Holden looked expectantly at her with sea-blue eyes, finding herself tough-tied at his gaze. "Erm...I'm fine with it...I guess. How about you?"

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Laikas' ear flicked when he heard the word 'cockroaches' but he shrugged it off: he wasn't a part of the Fenris family or the Garou and he didn't really care how this merger ended regardless. Growling quietly, he lowered his head to the ground, though he was practically glaring at Freya; he didn't trust her at all, but in fairness he didn't trust any of them. Yet there was something about Freya he didn't like, he wasn't quite sure what it was but, while he was still in debt to the Fenris family, any kind of aggression she showed would be met with kind.

As he took a quick look into the lake, Laikas spotted a swimming wolf and shivered slightly: he didn't exactly like open water, it was unpredictable and could, in theory, have anything in it. He recognised the wolf as one of the Fenris pack, the one that suggested they should play 'tail tag'. He shook his head: he was sure the wolf was older than him, and yet he made such an immature suggestion. Laikas sighed, this trip would definitely be interesting.

Lowering his head again, he merely waited for something to happen. The wolves were bound to fight at some point, it was practically a sure thing given the history they had, or so he had been told.

@xx0mittens0xx @Anyone by the lake
Holden finished wrapping Weylyn's hand and began putting the supplies back, using that as an excuse not to make eye-contact. "It could probably be useful to all of us, I think. If no one kills anyone else." He said, chuckling quietly. When he was done putting everything away, he folded his hands behind his back and bounced slightly on his toes. "So.....I guess I should go........finish unpacking or something." He said hesitantly. He was usually more friendly, but girls still made him a bit nervous. He waited for another moment, not wanting to make her feel like he didn't want to talk to her. "Okay, well.....good luck with your hand and let me know if you need anything. I'm always ready to help a fellow pack member." He said, edging around her towards the doorway. He made a small waving motion with his hand and grinned a little.

Weylyn blinked, snapping out of her trance. "Right." She said, then gave him a faint smile, all the while clutching her bandaged hand. She watched quietly as he left, lost in her own thoughts once again. She glanced at her hand then flexed it a little, realizing that it almost didn't hurt anymore. Holden had done a great job, and that combined with her rapid-healing would soon make her injury disappear, not even leaving a faint scar.

She smiled again to herself, and in a happy mood, she walked out of the cabin, wanting to take a walk in the forest. But before she could reach the door, she caught sight of the Fenris sisters and her Alpha, Faolin. The awkward tension in the air made a shiver run down her spine, but she had to get past them to leave the cabin. She was itching to shift back into her familiar wolf pelt, so without much thought she hurried by them with her head humbly lowered. But then suddenly she stopped mid-step, pausing when her stomach growled loudly. With her face flaming red with embarrassment, she spun around, unable to meet their scorching gazes. "Um...what's for dinner?"

@xx0mittens0xx @Leggomyeggo @RowdyPotato
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Faolin looks over at Zirena as she answers for Thea and looks back at Thea with a slight frown, mostly because he could tell there was more to the story but it wasn't his place to prod, he was just thankful Freya wasn't around to do such that. He was a bit taken aback when Thea said "hi", it was a bit random seeing as how they'd already been speaking for a few minutes. The corners of his lips twitch and he stifled back a laugh as he realized she was nervous. "Hello" He simply responds, it was rather adorable now noticing how flustered she seemed in his presence. He watched as Weylyn started to slink by, stopping to ask a question before she left their presence. "Um, actually pretty soon I think" He looks over as one of the workers approached him to inform him dinner was indeed done. "Well sooner than that, it's ready now. You guys can head into the dining room, I'll let the others out and about know" He makes his way out the door and a few feet away from the cabin before shifting into his wolf form, his white fur standing out a bit from the dark greenery of the forest. He let's loose a long howl informing anyone out on the property dinner was done. He soon shifted back afterwards, slipping his clothes back on and straightening out his shirt as he walked inside and towards the dining room. The alphas were stationed at each head of the table, the Garous on the right and Fenrises on the left. There was a variety of thing to eat, rabbit, pheasant, venison, and a variety of vegetables. Faolin hoped Freya would show up to dinner, half of him expected her to run the opposite way when he sent out the call.

Freya winced a bit at hearing Faoln's howl, letting out a sigh. She wasn't quite ready to go back to the cabin just yet, perhaps ever. "Speaking of him.... it seems it's time for dinner" She rolls her shoulders a bit and takes one last drag of the cigarette. She didn't want to be social but knew Faolin wouldn't let it pass and end up telling their parents and she'd end up with a "body guard" following her around, she definitely didn't want that. She slips down off the rock with ease, putting out the cigarette on the side of the rock, slipping the butt into her pocket for now, she wasn't one to litter, especially this place, the only bit of "wild" the Garous really had. She looks at Sophia for a moment as a smirk comes across her face and glances back at Silas for a moment as well. "Race ya'll back to the cabin" She taunts stripping and shifting. She gives a bit of a shake before picking her clothes up in her mouth to bring back with her. She had decided she didn't care what the Fenris thought of her black fur, she was curious if Sophia or if any other Fenris was around who decided to join in was any good. She wasn't nearly as big as some of the other wolves but she was leggy, her skills were speed and agility, usually keeping up with prey if they did go on a hunt wearing it out or tripping it while the bulkier hunters were able to take it down. She gives a flick of her tail before taking off towards the cabin, easily weaving through the trees and leaping over logs and other obstacles as she knew this place like the back of her hand.

She soon arrived back, shifted and slipped her clothes back on as she made her way inside. Giving a look to Faolin who was seated at the table while waiting for the others that showed she was not happy about being here but he couldn't say anything about her not coming. She sat down on the right side, sitting the second seat down, letting Silas as beta have the seat next to Faolin, not to mention she didn't really want to sit next to Faolin to begin with. She stared at her glass of water, wishing it was whiskey instead to deal with this dinner. It was obvious it was not going to be just about good food, but learning more than she wanted to about the Fenris. As it was more of a meeting than a simple get together.





@Detective Rascal



Holden went back to his room and began unloading his bag into the dresser. He would usually have prefered to just grab stuff out of the bag as he needed it, but he wasn't sure how long they would be here. As he unpacked, he thought more about the merging of the packs. He hadn't seen too many of the Fenris pack members yet, but he was curious to see if they were as reserved as he had heard. He hoped to be able to get to know at least one of them better and maybe even become friends. Okay, maybe 'friends' was pushing it, considering several of the Fenris' had just socialized among themselves so far. Maybe everyone would be able to loosen up at the dinner/meeting. Just as he finished that thought, he heard Faolin's howl signaling that it was dinner time. He threw the last few shirts into a drawer and went to the dining room. He paused uncertainly when he saw that it was only the Alpha and Freya. He bowed his head and quietly went to the 'foot' of the table and sat in the last seat on the right. He stared down at his hands, hoping everyone would come soon.
Laikas heard the howl calling them all for food and was very tempted to ignore it: he'd rather catch his own meals given the opportunity, and given the woodland surrounding the cabin, it was likely that there would be some game for him to hunt. He glanced around at the other wolves, and seeing how the alpha female of the Garou acted, he wasn't sure that the others would be going back any time soon either. Surprised that she stripped and shifted, Laikas sighed, standing up, albeit reluctantly and started taking a circular path back to the cabin, avoiding the path he came down through and keeping a fair distance from himself and the other wolves.

About half way back to the cabin, Laikas' left ear twitched as he heard something in the forest. His gentle trot slowed, and he eventually came to a stop. Keeping his body low to the ground, Laikas started padding through the woods quietly as the noise continued to get louder. Laikas' heart started to beat a little faster; there was something for him to hunt here, and he was going to kill it, this was exciting for him. He suppressed a quiet growl as he padded on wards, completely forgetting the cabin and the other wolves for these moments where he was almost at peace with himself.

After a few moments, Laikas spotted what was making the noise: a deer, not even a deer, a fawn. Laikas stopped for a moment, crouching low. He waited for a moment, tense, before he leaped forward, breaking into a sprint. Before the fawn could react, Laikas had pinned it down and snapped at it's neck, liquid life pooling on the ground around it. He feasted on it, allowing himself a few moments indulgence, his muzzle now stained a grizzly red. Laikas would have smiled if he were human, pausing for a moment before he started trotting back to the cabin.
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Up until now, Gretta had been content to remain on her bed, in the upper loft of the lodge, where she could remain impartial and out-of-sight. But now, the dinner howl rang throughout the wooden arches of the retreat, and she could no longer keep hiding. Setting aside her copy of The Maze Runner, Gretta slipped into her tan dinosaur-toe slippers and slipped a black tee over the black tank top she was wearing. She contemplated putting on jeans, but the sandy blotches of her camo cargo pants blending with the slippers made her grin. Gretta knew she would catch flak for being underdressed, but she didn't have the heart to care for the moment. Let future Gretta worry about the repercussions.

Descending the stairs two at a time, Gretta headed for the dining room, only to find that all the seats had been taken. She pursed her lips in the threshold of the doorway, then decided it was better she not attend the dinner anyway. She turned on her heels and started for the kitchen, ready and willing to eat her meal in the safety of the kitchen, away from everyone else.

(I left this open in the event that someone would stop her before she left the dining room doorway)

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