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Fantasy Merdian Campaign [OOC]

i hurt my wrist, posting was putting me in too much pain to keep it up. its feeling better today, so ill start writing tomorrow. forgot i only told ran
Things are getting a little hectic for me, moving this weekend, I'll try to get my post up before I get super busy
Sorry everyone! Was at a con with the Grillfrond and my good friends these past couple of days and haven't had time to even look at stuff, so sorry!
I’d also like to apologize for the lack of posting. Grandma had surgery recently so been helping her with that.
Necromantic Necromantic Rantos Rantos Kaas Kaas Regynleif Regynleif PyroMonomania PyroMonomania High5ives High5ives

I’m putting this RP on a short hiatus. I’ve been extremely swamped and I’ll be starting college in less than two weeks so I’ve been prepping for that. Apologies everyone. I hope you’re all willing to continue once my schedule lightens up
Not a problem, been very swamped myself with moving and work. I don't even have internet until Saturday. Do your thing and I'll be here when we can start again.
you cant miss me ran

you cant get rid of me

anyway, yeah, i do miss you guys too. i wonder how koss is

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