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Fantasy Merdian Campaign [OOC]

You got and Ace around the edges over here so I'm just gonna enjoy watching this play out.
Also, if the Elf dude is so powerful, why would Lord Cinnus hire a bunch of adventurous hooligans instead of sending the Elf?

I smell something fishy goin’ on here.
Also, if the Elf dude is so powerful, why would Lord Cinnus hire a bunch of adventurous hooligans instead of sending the Elf?

I smell something fishy goin’ on here.
That will be explained in my next post. Which will probably be written up and posted after I get some sleep. So expect it around 12-2pm PST
cina is the only one that our local suit of armor didnt categorize into race
"a pirate"
Tovelson won’t go off and tell anyone. He doesn’t care much. At the most, he’ll just continue with his sly remarks.

Also, how would you hurt him? Wouldn’t any physical damage just pass through him harmlessly?
Tovelson won’t go off and tell anyone. He doesn’t care much. At the most, he’ll just continue with his sly remarks.

Also, how would you hurt him? Wouldn’t any physical damage just pass through him harmlessly?
Well he currently is possessing a suit of armour making him material. So injury is damaged to the armour.
Well he currently is possessing a suit of armour making him material. So injury is damaged to the armour.
his armour is damaged beyond repair so instead he haunts a pair of pants until they can get him a new suit

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