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Fandom Mercy Falls OOC


Shining Wizard

Professional Asswiper
Welcome to the OOC, feel free to discuss characters, storylines, what you had for dinner last night etc.
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Present for role-call! Dumped the cheery arachnid in as needed! Suppose discussion of characters and what not will probably happen here; but what I can say for sure is still having that good ol leftover turkey!
Here also and I completely reworked Alexis cause I thought about it and didn't think I'd do a good job with her.
Got my sheet posted, can't wait for this to get started.
Just noticed Straw man is more a very limited form of Doppleganger without appearance change. That will be interesting to see those interact I guess
Just noticed Straw man is more a very limited form of Doppleganger without appearance change. That will be interesting to see those interact I guess

My guess is that there'd be a continuous feedback loop if Max copies Cassandra while she's in the process of observing him for Doppelganger. Not sure what exactly would happen between the two if they decide to copy each other's copying Quirks, but I'd imagine that prolonged exposure to the feedback loop would maybe lead to a loss in the sense of 'self' in both parties involved. Like, a metaphorical game of personality pingpong where it goes on for so long that you can't remember who served the ball first anymore or something like that.
More so for Cass I suspect due to copying more. Though neither copy full power so loop gets weaker each time.
Makes sense. It'd also be interesting to see how they themselves would interact given the fact that they're both loners(?) albeit with different reasons for being so.
Right looking these over is taking longer than I expected.

GrieveWriter GrieveWriter I like it, it genuinely feels like a concept I'd find in something like Hammer Session (but, you know, with superpowers), only issue I have is that you're using some murky language on your drawbacks bit (seems to, probably limiting himself, etc.) and while hiding your powerlevel is all well and good it's not really something you should do on an objective benchmark like a CS. Also if you wanted to number for flavor reasons it'd be 4480 since level 4, block 4, prisoner 80.

StarryKnights StarryKnights I'm giving this a pass under the assumption that regeneration is specifically damage to the skeleton itself and not the surrounding tissue.

Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi Yeah, that quirk's both extremely broad in usage and more to the point it doesn't really feel like something that'd lead to fun, interesting scenes. I get that you want to play totally not Junko, and word powers can be cool, but maybe try branching out a little? Like, just off the top of my head, you could go with a quirk that let's your character make physical word balloons when she talks so she can create barriers when she does evil monologues and reveals her master plan to people or, like, shout at people to create a spiky one she uses as a mace. Just something kinda basic and fun.

Zeebruh Zeebruh Yeah basic personal belongings are fine, just keep it reasonable. Also, while I am a great fan of Matter Eater Lad we got a 20 word max here on powersets here.

CallSign CallSign So he's a cyborg that hacks good? Cyborgs aren't really a thing as far as I'm aware in MHA, but having, like, USB plugs for fingertips that let him interface with tech would be okay. Dumpshock works fine as a weakness, though.

GinkyGotBack GinkyGotBack 20 word max but yeah I get the general idea of being basically that one rock guy from Part 8 so just the first sentence is fine.

eight eight 20 word max on powers, also power copying is for dorks

labyrinthine labyrinthine 20 word max I'm honestly surprised that this is that hard. Also I get that you want to be edgy and stuff but the facility only has five floors. I guess we can say she just took a sharpie to her jumpsuit to make it #6666 though. That's kinda interesting, gives her some character.

Azerothii Azerothii Seriously I'm not sure what's so hard about sticking to 20 words but just yeah can make people butthurt by staring into their eyes got it, clip off those last two sentences because being able to start riots on demand is not something anyone should have as a base ability in a prison. Also pretty sure pissing everyone off would just be manslaughter but then legality in the post-superhero age isn't something I really care to delve into. Also you can't be jailed for life at a juvie since it's, you know, juvie, but I get the general idea.

PlusUltra PlusUltra Dunno why you had the placeholder if you were gonna make a new post anyway but I see you went with taskmaster proper rather than psychic taskmaster or genetic taskmaster. You're fine, yeah.

Quiet Quiet You may want to edit that drawbacks bit since you made a small typo with "like she was a balloon" but yeah we talked this over yer good.

Why is everyone in this jail a kung fu master jesus christ.
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Shining Wizard Shining Wizard I was thinking less of a cyborg type of deal and more of a high-tech Meatball type of quirk. He'd plug into some tech by transforming a finger to fit, hack the system, then merge the tech into his body similar to Tetsuo in the latter part of Akira.


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