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Fantasy Medieval Fantasy RP Interest Check

StaidFoal StaidFoal I'm getting Konosuba vibes from the succubus brothel episode... google it for reference if you don't already know. That's what I'm imagining in my head lol
StaidFoal StaidFoal I'm getting Konosuba vibes from the succubus brothel episode... google it for reference if you don't already know. That's what I'm imagining in my head lol
I watched that episode and tbh... I never thought about it until you pointed it out :P
Hey guys!

I finished fine tuning the Magic thread, so you can understand the mechanics of the magic in this RP world.

Please don't post on that thread. If you have questions, please ask me here or in a pm.

As a head's up, one or two things about this system might rub a few people the wrong way. If it does, please don't be shy about speaking up. I probably won't be changing anything, but I'm always open to hearing opinions and discussing the reasons behind why I make things the way I do with you so we understand each other even if we don't agree!



Also, the main posting thread has been created, but it's not ready for posting so please just remember that it's here! Thanks!

Main Thread
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The fact that mana is not owned by individuals but by environment is pretty interesting. That means when two mage battle each other, they use the same resource pool and can lead to some interesting technique.
I like the Magics! However, are there any kinds of "kineses" allowed? E.g. telekinesis? Or cryokinesis (ice manipulation)?
Another thing: are Elves included in the races? c:
EDIT: just noticed the Races thread, never mind about the second question 😂
I like the Magics! However, are there any kinds of "kineses" allowed? E.g. telekinesis? Or cryokinesis (ice manipulation)?
Another thing: are Elves included in the races? c:
EDIT: just noticed the Races thread, never mind about the second question 😂

Haha. No worries.

Sadly, no to both. I had planned on telekinesis being more of a Deity thing than a mortal thing. And Ice, sadly, was excluded from the magic stuffs because it's a little more complex than it's worth. To explain how it works, I'd have to make something up like mana manipulating the temperature of the water to control its state of matter. And justifying one form of magic being able to alter the state of matter was more trouble than it was worth, to me.

Ack, I have yet another question.
Can you be a hybrid of two different races, e.g. Faerie and Merfolk?
Of course some things would need to be defined, like whether a Faerie/Merfolk hybrid would have wings when in "fish form," etc.
Could this possibly be worked out?
Some questions. Is there merfolk with squid/octopus body instead of fish? Can I assume that shemaians have a dome-like 'radar' instead of our usual sight? Is there really nothing more about uranus except the female's unique magic? Seems like they can simply be merged with human as of now.
Ack, I have yet another question.
Can you be a hybrid of two different races, e.g. Faerie and Merfolk?
Of course some things would need to be defined, like whether a Faerie/Merfolk hybrid would have wings when in "fish form," etc.
Could this possibly be worked out?

I'm open to discussing further about hybrids. I try to keep a fair amount of realism in my RP's, even when they're fantasy. But I figure we can stretch this one a tiny bit.

Linking two very different species like Faeries and Merfolk is a bit tricky for my brain though. But it would seem logical that there would be something of a 50/50 chance they take on the dominant traits of one particular side of their genetic mixture. A potential example would be a wingless Fairy with gills who could still talk to animals. Another example would be a Merfolk who could then talk to the creatures of the sea (something they aren't capable of doing naturally).

So some kind of mixture like that where there are dominant and recessive traits peeking through seems fair to me. Feel free to hit me with your own ideas! I love discussing things like this!
Some questions. Is there merfolk with squid/octopus body instead of fish? Can I assume that shemaians have a dome-like 'radar' instead of our usual sight? Is there really nothing more about uranus except the female's unique magic? Seems like they can simply be merged with human as of now.

Edit: I'm stupid and forgot the first round of your questions :P So first, no. The Merfolk's lower body always becomes that of a fish. I'm kinda lame that way with Merfolk in my fantasy RP's. Second, yes. The Shemaian's "sight" is something of a constant bubble of magic around them which enables them to see the world around them in something of a sonar-like reflection (similar to Daredevil, if you saw that film with Ben Affleck). But they can also differentiate positive and negative energy sources by the color of the reflection. A white reflection is a positive energy source, and a charcoal gray to black reflection indicates a negative energy source.

*End of edit*

The thing about the Uranus is that their ability to manipulate emotions is officially classified as a magical ability, but it's actually just a natural ability the female side of their race possesses. This means they still have room for a magical affinity, and can learn a form of magic listed in the available magic list I provided earlier.

While I'd like to maybe come up with one more unique trait, even if it's just something unique to the males, I'm oddly kind of satisfied with where they are right now. If you have ideas or suggestions about what could be added to further differentiate them from humans, I'm open to hearing them.
Edit: I'm stupid and forgot the first round of your questions :P So first, no. The Merfolk's lower body always becomes that of a fish. I'm kinda lame that way with Merfolk in my fantasy RP's. Second, yes. The Shemaian's "sight" is something of a constant bubble of magic around them which enables them to see the world around them in something of a sonar-like reflection (similar to Daredevil, if you saw that film with Ben Affleck). But they can also differentiate positive and negative energy sources by the color of the reflection. A white reflection is a positive energy source, and a charcoal gray to black reflection indicates a negative energy source.

*End of edit*

The thing about the Uranus is that their ability to manipulate emotions is officially classified as a magical ability, but it's actually just a natural ability the female side of their race possesses. This means they still have room for a magical affinity, and can learn a form of magic listed in the available magic list I provided earlier.

While I'd like to maybe come up with one more unique trait, even if it's just something unique to the males, I'm oddly kind of satisfied with where they are right now. If you have ideas or suggestions about what could be added to further differentiate them from humans, I'm open to hearing them.
Hm, i don't have much suggestion since I don't really know what's your inspiration in making uranus. But you can start by determining their original habitat, and make their body has adapted to it? Maybe they're used to be alien living in space so their body glow as a means to communicate between each other? Or maybe they're parasite that subtly takes over their host's body? Maybe they're androginous species thay reproduce by splitting themself instead of mating?

For some reason, all my suggestions for uranus looks like some kind of alien. Heh.
Hm, i don't have much suggestion since I don't really know what's your inspiration in making uranus. But you can start by determining their original habitat, and make their body has adapted to it? Maybe they're used to be alien living in space so their body glow as a means to communicate between each other? Or maybe they're parasite that subtly takes over their host's body? Maybe they're androginous species thay reproduce by splitting themself instead of mating?

For some reason, all my suggestions for uranus looks like some kind of alien. Heh.

Lol. Interesting.

Welp, despite their name they're not aliens. Haha. But I'll think more about where they come from and such and see what I can come up with.
Aaaaaaaaand, bam.

Finished my own character designs (though there's one more secret character I have waiting in the wings for later... MUWAHAHAHAHAHaHAAAAAA... Cough cough, cough... Cough... Uhm... Ahem...)

The "Characters" page is officially up here.

If you've any questions about them, or about how to best construct your own characters, please do ask straight away! The earlier you ask, the earlier you can start finalizing any and all conceptual designs for them and get them submitted!

Side Note: I'm picky about originality in characters, and I don't like overused tropes like "both parents were killed by (insert villain force here)" and such. So please try to be as original as possible.

Side Note Of A Side Note: My characters are both rather mysterious for a reason, not to be tropey. So yeah. Just throwin' that out there.

Cheers! And good luck!!
Hello, I'm interested! Is there still space available?
Hey everyone, GojiBean here!

I'm currently planning to launch an RP fairly soon (once I get all the wrinkles out of the plot of course), and I wanted to know who'd be interested in an RP with the following points:

  1. You can choose from one of up to 26 different humanoid races (yes, 26).
  2. You have one of up to (currently) 21 types of magic for your character(s) to use if you so desire (but only one type of magic per character, and reasons why are part of the Lore which we'll get to later).
  3. It's a fairly standard "end of the world event is incoming so we have to stop it" kind of plot at its core, but I promise it offers more than just that!
  4. Part of the plot revolves around our mortal characters finding and helping a Deity, so that should be fun, right?!
  5. It's open to any and all kinds of sub-plots and fun adventures you'd like to have along the way (Yes, that does mean I will be taking suggestions for side quests and such that we can do... In moderation, of course. Lol).
  6. Romance is encouraged, regardless of character's sexual orientation! (But obviously you must keep it clean and within RPN's rules, duh!)
  7. Oh, and did I mention it features Dragons?​
So yeah! That's the major details of the RP in a nutshell!

If you'd be at all interested in this, hit me up! I'll be happy to explain more details about the RP and answer any questions you may have!


~ GojiBean
I would be very interested in discussing this further with you in a PM, shoot me a message?
Hello, I'm interested! Is there still space available?

We will see. There's A LOT of people who are interested. So I may have to unfortunately put a player cap on this one at some point. But again, we'll see. The RP's not ready to start yet, so there's time to figure it all out.
Still figuring that out 😅

It'll largely depend on what kinds of characters everyone makes, I think. So there's time to decide how it goes.
I think it's better if you decide it sooner so the players can fit their character into it.
Also is it alright if we add Diablosm I.e dark magic but less shadowy and more demonic.

Horror - user calls upon spirits of fear to curse an enemy, rendering them defenseless. Though less op
I think it's better if you decide it sooner so the players can fit their character into it.

A fair point.

What I'm thinking about doing is having everyone's characters gathered at the city of Lau’sha, which is a neutral city in the land of Northundra on the map, to witness the gathering of many of the world's leaders (across all races) as they congregate for the first time in history to decide what to do about the new encroachments of Demons into our world. It's known that this encroachment is caused by humanoids conducting Rituals and using Summoning Circles, both forbidden magics not taught in any academies. So their meeting will be about what they can all do to help prevent this from continuing.

Due to the historic nature of the event, I figured it would make at least some sense for our characters to have been amongst those who made it in before the gates closed to new arrives (as the city has a population cap before it has to close the gates for safety reasons).

I'm still going to be thinking about potentially better ways to accomplish this, but for now this is the plan.

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