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Realistic or Modern Mayhem Within

Victor stood in his office staring out at the big city below. He owned this place and his family had done so for almost 60 years now. However times were getting harder on them, not only because of outside forces working against them but his family was loosing its grip from the inside. His youngest was a loose cannon causing all kinds of trouble and if he didn't stop soon he knew their empire would collapse.

Jon smirked some as the guards took him outside and down the long walk to freedom "You boys gonna miss me?" He teased smiling when he saw her sitting there on their car waiting for him. Just as stunning as when he first laid eyes on her, his wife Carmen. He had been in prison for the last 4 years and since then the mob had gone down. He was the golden boy of the Skarsgards, even though he was only a half due to a one night stand with a stripper, Victor had taken him in as his own once his mother died. He had a strong and smart head on his shoulders plus the muscle to match, he was definitely not one to mess with and he hoped that he could make them great again now that he was out.
Carmen smiled and stood up, watching them open the gates and just waited for him to get over to her, giggling as the guards seemed relieved to be rid of him but she stepped over and slipped her arms around his neck, lifting herself up to wrap her legs around his waist and kissed him excitedly. “Mmm, welcome back.” She murmured. Marrying into that family was never going to be easy but it wasn’t until her husband had gone down for it that she really knew how hard it could be. The family still looked after her and she was never cast aside at all but it still had been lonely. “We gotta go to your dads first but when I get you home.... the hot tub got installed last week.” She winked at him.

Bill walked through the back door into his fathers house, his shirt almost entirely unbuttoned, slapping the housekeepers ass on his way up the stairs and winked at her. “My room later?” He asked as a joke, “father!” He yelled, his voice disturbing the calm quiet of the morning. “You said you wanted to see me? This better be quick I got a couple whores waiting for me to eat breakfast off them down the street from here.” He grinned lazily, stinking to high heaven of alcohol sweat and sex. It was all he lived for these days.
Jon smirked and spun her around kissing her with a desperate hunger having missed her touch more than anything while inside. She was his one weakness in life and he wouldn't have it any other way though. He groaned at her statement and chuckled some "And what makes you think we'll even make it to my dad's let alone the hot tub before I ravish your body huh?" He growled softly in her nipping at it some.

Victor glared at his youngest shaking his head some "Sit down Bill." He muttered sighing heavily as he looked at the state of him "You need to get your shit together, You're 26 for christ sake! It seems my other methods have yet to make you see the issues you are causing so we have made a decision as a family on how to handle you. On the night of October 4th next year you will be marrying a woman of our choosing."
She smiled wide shaking her head. “Because it’ll be worth the wait I promise baby.” She murmured to him and cupped his face. “It’s good to have you out again.” She murmured and got in the car to drive them to his dads place, holding onto his hand most of the way.

bill scoffed at him some and shook his head. “You’ve got to be kidding me? No. I refuse.” He muttered. “You can’t force me into that, wait til mom hears about this.” He spat at him and stood up to try and leave.
Victor frowned more and looked at his wife as she came in 'Bill I agree with your father.' He heard her say giving a small sigh "Like I said Bill, this was a family decision." He muttered taking a deep breath "We will find a good woman for you Bill. You need to settle down though and get your shit together."

Jon groaned softly as he put her down and smirked some "Fine fine, I'll try to control myself." He murmured before he kissed her lovingly "Mmm its good to be out finally." He murmured before he got in the passengers seat and let her drive them. He still technically wasn't aloud to drice for another week or so.
She smiled some shaking her head "Have you managed to speak with your father much? Things haven't been great here." She mumbled frowning some, pulling up to the mansion her in-laws lived in and got out the car with him, still sticking to his side like glue, feeling rather needy while she was still excited to have him out of prison.

Bill glared at them both "You've lost your damn minds if you think that what I do with my life is any of your damn business." He spat, opening the door only to find Jon on the other side, glaring at his older brother "Oh, so the bastard is home... Just great, no doubt he'll be taking over my job now too?" He spat, glaring back at their father again.
Jon frowned some shaking his head a bit "Last thing I heard was Bill got kicked out of the military and was back home." He muttered giving a heavy sigh and frowning when the door was flung open to his father's study revealing Bill there.

Victor glared at his son shaking his head some "It is my business when you interfere and try to mess up our livelyhoods!! Stop being fucking selfish for once Bill and see that you're hurting everyone around you!" He yelled looking at Jon and sighing more "Bill this discussion isn't over and you will be married!"
Carmen frowned a little and sighed quietly, watching Bill storm off and his mother take one look at her and Jon before going after her son. "I take it he didn't agree to your decision?" She asked Victor and took a seat on the couch while she watched Jon and his father embrace,

Bill turned and glared at his mother when he heard her call to him, "You really think that this will change anything? How stupid can you both be? Getting married would change nothing and I refuse anyway!" He spat at her, "I can't believe you would side with him in the first place." He growled, furious
Victor nodded some and sighed heavily before he embraced Jon "Good to see you out son, we have a lot to catch up on." He murmured before giving Carmen a look to let her know he needed to speak to him in private.

Grace sighed heavily as she looked at her youngest boy shaking her head some "Bill we are so worried about you. I'm so scared you'll be killed by all of this. I worried less about you in the military than I do right now. I think if you found a good girl and settle down you could be well in the business." She explained quietly "I just want my son safe."
She sighed a little dramatically but smiled. “You got an hour then I’m taking him home victor.” She smiled at him and pecked Jon’s cheek going to take a walk around the house.

Bill glared at her with a glint in his eye that had never been there before. “You let dad ship me off to war and now you’re both unhappy with the consequences.... fuck you.” He spat at her and glanced up to see carmen coming down the stairs before he took off.
Victor chuckled some and nodded giving her a salute "I won't be long dear." He murmured before she left. He loved his daughter in law, she was strong and kept Jon level headed when he needed it. He hoped to find a woman like her for Bill as well.

Grace sighed heavily as she looked at him "Bill please..." she whispered as he left letting a few tears fall. She was worried sick about her baby boy and all she wanted was for him to be safe and sound.
Carmen frowned some and made her way down to grace, pulling her into a hug. “He will come around... Jon is home and you know how bill looks up to him, we are both here to help him.” She promised her.

victor sat down with his second eldest and sighed a little. “As you can see, your brother got home last year... he’s spent that time tearing down as much as he can of the empire we have built.... I need you back at the helm.” He told him, passing him a cigarette.
Jon lit up and sighed heavily shakimg his head some "How did he get out? Thought he was supposed to be in for another 2 years." He mumbled letting out a drag sighing some more

Grace sighed heavily shaking his head some "We're loosing him Carmen, I thought maybe marriage to a woman like you would be good for him but....what if it just drives him further away? I don't want to find my baby dead because of his stupidity."
She frowned and just tried to comfort her, “maybe.... have him meet some women, put together a party, he can’t resist that and we can all keep an eye on him make sure he doesn’t drink too much... it’s just an idea.” She said gently, pulling away from her some.

he shook his head. “Ask your brother. He hasn’t told me yet. Just showed up one day said he didn’t have to go back anymore and he’s been going off the rails since... anyway, I just wanted to say welcome back, we’ll have a family meeting tomorrow afternoon to help you slide back into the job, take your wife home and enjoy some free time.” He told him and smiled some.
Grace wiped her eyes shaking her head some "You think he would willing meet a girl if she was at the party?" She asked softly watching her daughter in law

Jon nodded some and put out his cigarette before he hugged his father "See you tomorrow." He murmured beforr he got up and left to go find Carmen
Carmen nodded and looked up seeing Jon coming down the stairs. “If we all gently guide him towards that.... then yes, we are all here to help grace, we won’t let anything happen to him.” She assured her and hugged her again before going to meet Jon at the base of the stairs and go home with him. “She’s so torn up about all of this.” She sighed quietly.

Bill was tearing his way through the city once again, ending up at an old friends place where he was having some kind of pool party for the day, heading straight through to the back and grabbed a beer, not wanting to think about the argument he’d just had with his parents “well look who it is... I thought you’d gone off to California to start a fresh life?” He snorted some, looking down at the girl he had once been best friends with but somewhere along the line they’d had a massive falling out and never spoken again.
Max smirked some as she saw Bill come up to the bar shaking her head some "Looks like they didn't want me there." She murmured at her used to be best friend. She had loved him long ago when they were kids, she had it preset in her head that she would one day marry the youngest Skarsgard man, but after he hit his pre'teens she became that annoying girl who wouldn't leave him alone.

Jon sighed heavily and nodded some wrapping his arm around her waist while they walked out to the car "I'll talk with him and figure out what the hell is going on in his head." He murmured before kissing her gently and opened the car door for her not worried about driving the short way home
"If you get caught and get sent straight back into prison I'll have you shanked." She warned him and kissed him back, letting him drive them home, dragging him upstairs to the newly redone master bathroom where she'd already had a whole set up done with champagne and strawberries, tugging his clothes off desperately.

He smirked some, "Neither did the military... What are you doing at Jacob's place?" He questioned her, leaning up against the bar and taking a sip of his beer
Max laughed lightly shipping her drink some"Why do you care? All of a sudden you care about what I'm doin?" She asked smirking lightly "Maybe I came to get laid for the night, maybe I heard a party was going on and decided to stop being a depressed lonely girl and get out for once. The world may never know." She murmured to him

Jon chuckled some and shook his head "It ain't happenin again." He murmured before getting home with her. He groaned as she started undressing him and he started to do the same with her pressing her body to his and not even getting in the tub just taking her right there on the cold bathroom floor
She rolled off of him once they'd both relaxed some and smiled, kissing him softly, "Welcome home baby." She murmured, "I missed you." She murnured gently, getting up carefully and tugged on his hand to get him into the hot tub, pouring him a glass of champagne. "I got Jessica sorting out dinner for us, ordering from Gino's East so that you don't have to leave the house tonight." She murmured, tracing his Lil Birdie tattoo.

Bill snorted some, "You were always so dramatic... Never mind I guess. Good chat, let's do that again never." He muttered and walked off to find someone to sleep with, taking his beer with him
Max gave a small sigh as he went off "And you're still as closed off as you were when we were younger." She whispered to herself. Her family was close to the Skargards, they had been allies since before she was born. She knew all of his brothers and knew his parents as well but once she had gotten older she left to start a new life but that had not been in the carda for her.

Jon got up and into the hot tub with her groaning as the hot water relaxed his muscles "God you are perfect." He said when she mentioned their dinner "I love you babe." He murmured kissing the top of her head repeatedly while he relaxed in there with her
She smiled tiredly and leaned up into him, "Mmm, I love you too. When does your Dad want you back working again?" She asked him quietly, running her hand over his chest and smiling some, enjoyinghaving him back in her arms again. "Cause I'm holding you to the promise you made me at Christmas." She reminded him. He had promised her that as soon as he was out they could start working on having a family of their own.

Bill kept bumping into her the whole rest of the afternoon and into the evening as it got later and later until he was on the pavement outside, passed out drunk with one of the girls he'd hooked up with.
Max was walking out of the house ready to call it a night when she saw Bill passed out. She gave a heavy sigh and helped him up "Bill come on.....lets get you home." She whispered taking him to her car and laying him in the back seat. This was sadly all too familiar for her even if Bill didn't remember any of it. She was always the one pulling him home from school parties or after dances, and the next morning he would be home safe and sound thinking he got himself there.

Jon smiled some at her and nodded a bit letting his hands roam her body softly "I got a meeting tomorrow to fully figure that out, but trust me, that promise will be kept." He murmured kissing her softly and sweetly "How many you want? I don't think we ever settled on a number."
She smiled some and nodded "Good... If your father had his way we'd already have five kids.... but I like the sound of three." She told him smiling some, "I can't get over the fact you're finally home." She giggled. It had been four very long years without him in the house and although she knew she would stick it out, there had been a few tmes she'd almost thrown in the towel.

He slurred his words in protest but eventually allowed her to take him, groaning a bit as the bumpy ride was pushing flashbacks to the front of his mind and he started whimpering a little, muttering about base and safety, telling someone to just hold on until they got back to his parents' place and he let her help him out the car, "Thanks. Love you." He slurred out, still in a daze as he made his way up the stairs to bed, crawling inside and passing out on the bathroom floor.

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