Match of Deception

DAY: [1]

  • --Rise Kujikawa--
    Interactions: thefinalgirl thefinalgirl @HotelBois

    "...Okay, there's nothing here but pajamas." Rise determined, putting her hands on her waist. "A bit tacky, but nothing I can't work with." She smiled, soon hearing the next room's door close. Team Despair must be having a meeting. A bit curious, she pondered if she could eavesdrop, but then again

    "Okay...I think I can do this..." Rise sighed, clasping her hands together. A faint blue glow enveloped her as a glowing blue card descended from out of nowhere. "Persona." She muttered, causing the card to shatter.


    With a blue glow, a large figure loomed behind Rise, putting what seems to be a golden visor over her eyes. The visor shows a pink gui, including the wall she's staring out, analyzing who's inside of the other room and showing a minimap on the corner of her vision and how many people are there.

    "Oh, hey! I can still do it!" Rise cheered and soon began to try and establish a mental link between her, Yu, and their newest member, Saber. "Now where are you guys...?"
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[div class=Operative]Candidate CM-5380-2003
[div class=Board][div class=Logo][div class=Sheet]
[div class=title]Team Scarlet Spider[/div]
COLOR: #455E87

[div class=tabs][div class=tab]Profile[/div][div class=tab]Combat[/div][/div]

[div class="tabsContent tabs1"]INTERACTIONS: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore thefinalgirl thefinalgirl

Hound was relieved that the Hispanic woman wasn’t in any real trouble, but he did roll his eyes a little bit at the gross overreaction at the singing by the teenage girl on stage. It wasn’t that bad, or so the other patrons of the cafe seemed to indicate. Personally, Hound thought it was alright, though that might just be the endless hours of anime OSTs that were blared in his workshop, courtesy of his apprentice, Oscar Chang. That guy would lowkey leap at a chance to be at a place like this.

With that resolved, Hound had time to kill and a stomach to fill-he hadn’t eaten lunch yet. Seeing that the rest of the cafe was pretty much packed, Hound hoped that it wasn’t too big of a hassle to join the two women at the table. He politely asked the one in the spider-themed spandex suit, seeing as she seemed more agreeable than her friend, "Mind if I take a seat?"

If the spider girl accepted, Hound would gladly take a seat, if not, he would manage to find a table somewhere. Regardless, he would find the fish girl(?) and place his order, "Can I get a cappuccino and a ham and cheese croissant sandwich?"

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Signature Ability
Downburst - When tagging in, Hound creates a Jetstream that drags him through the air at a couple hundred miles per hour. Upon entering, he exits the Jetstream and delivers a dropkick into the opponent's chest with his traction cleated boots. The opponent is knocked across the screen and briefly Stunned.

Dart Devil (Locked) - Hound fires a supersonic armor penetrating tungsten dart using a Jetstream straight at a target from his wrists. This attack ignores Blocking, Armor, and Barrier, and when it successfully strikes an opponent it removes the aforementioned Buffs.

Danger Close Air Support - Radioing in his allies, Hound calls in an F-35B Lightning for close air support. The attack aircraft strafes the battlefield with its GAU-22/A Autocannon, raining down 25mm rounds down on the field without mercy. All targets struck by this strafe receive Heavy Bleeding, including Hound if he get caught in the strafe.

Diamond Dart Storm (Locked) - Switching his ammunition, Hound equips his darts with unstable crystals tips that explode on impact. He fires twelve darts consecutively in the blink of an eye in a shotgun spread pattern. If struck by one of these darts, the target will be Burned and loses all stacks of Armor and Barrier.

Supercell Maelstorm (Locked) - Hound performs a rapid continuous series of Downbursts in rapid succession, dashing in at the opponent from every direction in a blur of speed. Each time he passes his opponent, he delivers a tornado roundhouse kick while in midair to both change his direction and strike the opponent. Each successful hit drains 1% of his HP on account of the amount of force that is being transferred through his legs with each kick. Opponent gains one stack of Slow.

RHINO Charge (Locked) - Hound syncs up his helmet with the control systems of the RHINO Anti-Armor Platform, giving him control of its EMP Missiles and 120mm Smoothbore Cannon. Any opponent struck by the Anti-Tank Missiles has their Specials briefly disabled, while any opponent struck by the 120mm cannon gets a gaping hole in their chest and instant death 3 stacks of Bleed.
Sophitia ( FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla ), Roman ( Topless Topless ), Zone-Tan ( Chungchangching Chungchangching ), Z.W.E.I Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Colour Code: Royal Purple, #7851A9

Saint grunted at both Roman and Zone. "Sexual arousal is of little interest to me," He said, folding his arms. "I do not derive any form of pleasure from watching the natural process of human reproduction. Why should anyone? It is only natural to keep the human population from going extinct, like it almost had during the Collapse."

Humanity had be reduced from the billions it had during the Golden Age to only a sparse few million living in the Last City. Overpopulation within the City was a potential problem, but that meant that humanity was still increasing. That is, until the Red War that reduced that population by a great number. Saint remembered the news of the war upon his exit of the Infinite Forest. It was truly heartbreaking, to hear of the City he had helped build in flames, and the people he loved murdered by the Cabal.

But then came the Young Wolf. He would go on to regain his Light and defeat Ghaul, Dominus of the Red Legion, liberating the City. More importantly, Ghaul's defeat reawakened the Traveler from hundreds of years of dormancy at last. Now, the Light was stronger than ever before.

Another feat Saint could never achieve.

"There is no greater form of entertainment than the glory of combat," He said. "Where I come from, my people always have to be prepared to fight the Darkness."
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Lilith didn't really understand by what Zone meant by phrasing what she said better but she just shrugs it off. "So I've noticed you back when I first got here and you kind of remind me of someone I was really good friends with, I mean I've only known you for like a few hours but I already think your'e pretty cool."

Chungchangching Chungchangching (Zone-Tan)

Interactions: ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Westerly56 Westerly56 thefinalgirl thefinalgirl


Jotaro Kujo

There he is, the place that is unfamiliar to him. Jotaro isn't too concerned about the place that he has been transported to but he prefers to remain calm when the situation arises as everyone else is somewhat panicking. His stern facial expression can easily tell that he is not happy about it despite the fact that he has a bad feeling that he might be stuck in this place forever but there could be a possibility to escape, he just needs to find one.

He looked around the area only to see unfamiliar faces that he hadn't seen before. These can range from strange to not-so-strange but the possibilities are endless. He tilted his hat that is covered in black along with his hair to avoid getting someone's attention unless he has to.

Otherwise, he is free to interact with but his least outgoing personality isn't going to change anything but he is not a bad person at all. That's just the way he acts.

"Good grief..." He said in disbelief.
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The devourer would somehow manage to speak despite having his entire hand and forearm in her mouth and in the case of the former going down her throat.


She would continue to nibble his arm. She seemed to have absolutely no gag reflex, which would make sense given that she managed to swallow an entire plate, however the result of this was that Yu could feel countless disgusting, unidentifiable oozing things touching him. The devourer, meanwhile, seemed to ignore that this was not working either out of pride or out of principle. When her spaghetti eventually arrived, she would remain latched to Yu's hand, refusing to admit defeat. It occurred to Yu that he could just pull his arm out at any time and there really wouldn't be much stopping him from doing so. In this form, the most this girl could do is make his arm feel gross.

Ping/s: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod | Riven Riven | thefinalgirl thefinalgirl |@Restaurantpeeps

Sheet Link: Fandom - Match of Deception - Signups - Closed
"Yeah, I know," I said, glancing at the buff wrestler. "Just wanted to answer since he asked. No need to leave him hanging."

"You're missing out, Saint. Trust me."
I blurted out. He's probably a robot and not some kind of heavily armored human so he would never experience the pleasure of flesh.

I was humored by Roman saying he's not a loser until she spoke up again, the spectral shy one. I reminded her of a good friend of hers and that's just adorable. I looked at her. I'm getting acquainted with a lot of people here even though we're most likely going to have to kick each others asses in the middle of the tournament. We might even have a hard time laying a finger at each other if we keep this up but sure, I'll entertain them for a while.

"Have you been. . . watching me?" I stared at her like a judgemental person.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Topless Topless Corrosion Corrosion FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
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Rosa noticed the death glare from Sayaka, though much to no one's surprise, the black-haired woman didn't seem to mind it. In fact, she would begin to stare down Sayaka as well, but with much more gusto. Her brows furrowed together and her eyelids widened, while not enough to make her seem like a lunatic, just enough to show that she was prepared and eager to pop someone's head off with her bare thumbs. Both Rosa and Gwen would proceed to watch as Aoi got up on stage and began to sing a new song, though much to Gwen's surprise, and even Rosa's, they found that Rosa... didn't hate it.

"So... you're being uncharacteristically un-loud and... un.... angry," Gwen would say to her partner(?) with a slight smile.

"That's because I don't hate it," Rosa replied, tone flat as ever while she took another sip from her morning coffee. Gwen smiled.

"So you like--"

"No, I said that I don't hate it. Not that I like it. There's a difference." Rosa said, temporarily removing the cup from her lips to speak, before bringing it back up once the speaking was over and done with. Gwen merely nodded, unable to hide her, even slight, smile. Not too long after, some nine-foot-tall muscle dude entered the cafe. One who looked a lot like the other nine-foot-tall muscle dude who was also in the cafe. Gwen's eyes darted between the two as she sipped on her coffee more, attempting to hide her lips from any potential lip readers in the room. Or people who would just notice at her staring at them weirdly and her talking.

"What's with the weird goliath looking guys?" She asked, her question mostly rhetorical.

"Dunno," Rosa said, shrugging while she stared down at her feet absentmindedly. "Don't really care either."

Gwen just kinda nodded at that, knowing that there wasn't much more she could do. Instead, her eyes focused on the two Saiyans, darting between them curiously. Apparently, they knew each other, and one of them was named... Brody? Broly? Brady? She honestly couldn't make out what they were saying over the loud music, even with her enhanced hearing. Gwen soon found herself snapped out of her trance, however, by none other than the armored guy who had checked up on Rosa mere moments ago. When he asked if he could join them, Gwen shrugged and pulled out a chair for him.

"So..." She began, now speaking to Jet Hound as she drummed her fingers against the table awkwardly. After a bit of that, she rested her arms on the table and leaned in, taking curious glances at the heavily armored individual. "What's with all the armor? Some kinda comic-con nearby, or is there some other world-ending, existential threat here besides those two?" She asked, tilting her head slightly to gesture towards Bardock and Broly.

QizPizza QizPizza thefinalgirl thefinalgirl Jeremiah Jeremiah darkred darkred Crow Crow Topless Topless
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[class=Window] max-width: 96%; min-height: 600px; box-shadow: 0px 5px 20px #bbbbbb; font-size: 12px; margin:auto; center; font-family=Verdana; padding: 0px; [/class] [class=Bar] background: #333333; max-height: 20px; padding: 5px; color: #fff; line-height: 20px; [/class] [class=Operative] background-color: #455E87; border-bottom: 5px solid #86493E; color: #fff; padding: 10px; font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; [/class] [class=Board] background:url(''); background-size: cover; border-bottom: 4px solid #333333; min-height: 721px; overflow: auto; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; color: #000; font-size: 14px; [/class] [class=Logo] background: url(''); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 300px 300px; background-position: center; [/class] [class=Sheet] background-color: rgba(200, 200, 200,.75); min-height:750px; [/class] [class=Image] border-top: 4px solid #455E87; border-left: 4px solid #86493E; border-right: 4px solid #86493E; border-bottom: 4px solid #455E87; inline-block; width: 100%; line-height: 0; [/class] [class=Attach] float: left; [/class] [class=Attach2] position:absolute; left: 89%; max-height: 20px; color: #333333; padding: 5px; margin-top: -34px; [/class] [class=tabs] background-color: #455E87; color: #fff; font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; margin: 4px auto; text-align: Center; width: 100%; border-bottom:4px solid #86493E; [/class] [class=title] background-color: #455E87; color: #fff; font-size: 18px; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; margin: 4px auto; text-align: Center; width: 100%; border-bottom:4px solid #86493E; border-left: 4px solid #455E87; border-right: 4px solid #455E87; border-top: 4px solid #86493E; [/class] [class=tab] cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; width: 50%; padding-top: 3px; padding-bottom: 3px; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] background: rgba(217, 217, 217, 0.3); [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} Profile) (show tabs1) if (eq ${currentTab} Combat) (show tabs2) [/script] [class=shell] background-color: #bbbbbb; width: 100%; height: 25px; border: 4px solid #333333; [/class] [class=meter] background:url(''); background-size: cover; background-repeat: repeat; height: 100%; width: 100%; [/class] [class=accord] font-size: 14px; color: #fff; [/class] [class=Dialogue] color: #455E87; font-weight: bold; display: inline; [/class] [div class=Window][div class=Bar]
[div class=Operative]Candidate CM-5380-2003
[div class=Board][div class=Logo][div class=Sheet]
[div class=title]Team Scarlet Spider[/div]
COLOR: #455E87

[div class=tabs][div class=tab]Profile[/div][div class=tab]Combat[/div][/div]

[div class="tabsContent tabs1"]INTERACTIONS: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
MENTIONS: Jeremiah Jeremiah darkred darkred
IDOL CAFE: thefinalgirl thefinalgirl Crow Crow Topless Topless

Thankful for a seat, Hound took a seat at the chair and took off his helmet to reveal a relatively normal looking man in his early to mid-thirties. (corso_masteef.jpg)He set his helmet down on the table and looked a bit incredulously at the spider girl's question. Not that he couldn't actually believe such a question-it was a pretty valid question-but given the circumstances, he assumed that such a question wouldn't need to be asked. Still, he answered for the sake of answering, "I wish this was Comic Con, but this is a death tournament, isn't it? I gotta be dressed for the occasion, don't I?" Hound tapped the chest plate of his armor with his fist, chuckling a little.

"But seriously though? I'm kinda like a superhero. I fight guys with crazy powers all the time and I don't want to die either, so I wear this armor," Hound glances at the two giants that the spider girl pointed to and raised his eyebrows at the two giants hanging around in the cafe. Hound hoped that his other teammates could hit a lot harder than he could, because it didn't look like he could do much damage against people like them. "Though I'm not sure how much my armor will do against guys that look like that."

[/div][div class="tabsContent tabs2" style="display: none;"]
Signature Ability
Downburst - When tagging in, Hound creates a Jetstream that drags him through the air at a couple hundred miles per hour. Upon entering, he exits the Jetstream and delivers a dropkick into the opponent's chest with his traction cleated boots. The opponent is knocked across the screen and briefly Stunned.

Dart Devil (Locked) - Hound fires a supersonic armor penetrating tungsten dart using a Jetstream straight at a target from his wrists. This attack ignores Blocking, Armor, and Barrier, and when it successfully strikes an opponent it removes the aforementioned Buffs.

Danger Close Air Support - Radioing in his allies, Hound calls in an F-35B Lightning for close air support. The attack aircraft strafes the battlefield with its GAU-22/A Autocannon, raining down 25mm rounds down on the field without mercy. All targets struck by this strafe receive Heavy Bleeding, including Hound if he get caught in the strafe.

Diamond Dart Storm (Locked) - Switching his ammunition, Hound equips his darts with unstable crystals tips that explode on impact. He fires twelve darts consecutively in the blink of an eye in a shotgun spread pattern. If struck by one of these darts, the target will be Burned and loses all stacks of Armor and Barrier.

Supercell Maelstorm (Locked) - Hound performs a rapid continuous series of Downbursts in rapid succession, dashing in at the opponent from every direction in a blur of speed. Each time he passes his opponent, he delivers a tornado roundhouse kick while in midair to both change his direction and strike the opponent. Each successful hit drains 1% of his HP on account of the amount of force that is being transferred through his legs with each kick. Opponent gains one stack of Slow.

RHINO Charge (Locked) - Hound syncs up his helmet with the control systems of the RHINO Anti-Armor Platform, giving him control of its EMP Missiles and 120mm Smoothbore Cannon. Any opponent struck by the Anti-Tank Missiles has their Specials briefly disabled, while any opponent struck by the 120mm cannon gets a gaping hole in their chest and instant death 3 stacks of Bleed.
Lilith's eyes widen as Zone asked if she was spying on her, she felt like her heart sank right into her stomach despite not having ether of those things. Lilith started to get embarrassed again and blushed deeply. "Wh-What no that wasn't what I meant I-" Lilith stopped herself before she could continue feeling like a creep. "Oh lord I'm so sorry that came out way worse then intended." She said facepalming.

Chungchangching Chungchangching (Zone-Tan)
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Bardock was just about to get some food himself when he noted two or three strange beings staring at him and Broly.

"Care to explain the looks, strangers?"

While Broly looked like the more patient Saiyan in the room at the time, Bardock had a keen interest in how much power these other beings were hiding.

He caught wind of the other's conversations of Comic-Con "You think we are some kind of freaks or something?"

@QizPizza @thefinalgirl @Jeremiah @darkred @Crow @Topless
You know what? I'm giving this girl a chance. She seems harmless enough, maybe I shouldn't judge so quickly. Girls have to stick together, you know what I mean? I was a bit hesitant to speak up because of how funny her embarrassment was. I let out a chuckle when she scrambled to find words to justify herself and eventually facepalmed at how hard she failed to make a good first impression.

I shook my head and sighed.

"You're not very good at socializing, aren't you?" I asked with a smug smile on my face. "That's cute. So, who's this friend of yours anyway? Why did she remind you of me? Does she like tentacles?"

I instinctively asked the last part without thinking.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials @TheBoisandGirls​
Denmoore left the library after some time, dissatisfied with the information he could not find there. There seemed to be another person of this world interacting with the other library-goers, but Denmoore didn't want to speak to them. It was better that way. If they did interact with him, he'd likely become distracted. With the time he'd wasted at the library, he supposed it would be a good idea to visit one of the other establishments here to relax before the battle. After all, its never a good idea to fight already aggravated. That's how someone gets clumsy and fails, he thought. Once outside, the ex-commander decided to visit the idol cafe first.

The cafe was a... cute place. Nothing he'd like to visit on a regular basis, though. Even if he could, it wasn't something that entertained him. There was a singer there, but the PHANTOM COMMANDER disliked her voice, shaking his head disapprovingly. Shortly after entering the building, Denmoore was about to leave again when, from the corner of his eye, he noticed a commotion stirring with the cafe itself. Curiosity got the best of him, and Denmoore decided to approach the crowd in question. There was already a small handful of people there who were eyeing two other men who seemed to have beef with each other.

The two men seemed to also be irritated by the small crowd that had collected near them, gawking at them for whatever reason. Just as Denmoore had arrived, one of the men, unbeknownst to Denmoore as Bardock, angrily asked the group about the staring. The same man also angrily addressed the crowd about how they thought the men were freaks. Denmoore scoffed before saying something under his breath. "Pssh. I'd think you guys were freaks too if you looked like that..." He dusted off his outfit, still wearing his striped prisoner's clothes. He was unaware that he was actually audible to the two men.

darkred darkred (Bardock) Jeremiah Jeremiah (Broly) @Idol_Peeps​
Lilith just kind of laughed the whole thing off thinking of it as a silly misunderstanding.
"Yeah that's not really my defining quality." Zone asks about who Lilith’s frien was along with a few other questions. “Her name’s Vitan, first time we met I didn’t really think we would hit it off but she really helped me out when I was going through some rough times, I don’t really know exactly why you reminded me of her but you seem to for some reason, maybe it’s the hair or something.” She responds to her last question, oblivious as to what she actually meant by it. “As for the whole tentacle thing no, I don’t remember her even saying anything related to that.”

Chungchangching Chungchangching (Zone-Tan)
This Vitan person helped her out on tough times, huh? We even have similar hair too from what I could gather and maybe we even have the same 'vibe' as those kids call it but the fact that her friend didn't mention anything about tentacles breaks the deal for me. We're not alike at all. The helping out part too, that's probably something I would never do so she better not hope I'd do the same for her. God, I blew Dave's car into pieces just because we disliked each other. Our hate kind of escalated from that to the point where we fought each other live on the news.

"Awww, it sounds like you two really care for each other," I said, cupping my cheeks with my hands. "Do you think about her often?"

I noticed a familiar figure. Jotaro Kujo. He's here?! He's in his prime too. I stared at him with wide eyes, completely dumbfounded by his appearance. So many questions flooded my mind: Is this right after Part 3 or in the middle of it? Am I going to be paired up with him or against him? Whatever, doesn't matter. His appearance alone shocks me. The fact that I'm staring at him with my jaw dropped would probably catch his attention.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja @TheTalkingCircle​

  • "No?" Thel asked, rhetorically, in response to Kassandra of Kephallonia, saying she knows not of Thel or his people. "Curious. You wear the armor of a Spartan and yet you know not of the Sangheili." Granted, she did say she was of "Sparta" which could explain why she responds to the title of Spartan, if he's understanding English grammar correctly. But it is still the case that she wears the armor of the UNSC supersoldiers, and that is armor only they could wear. Perhaps she hit her head on something. Memory loss is a common symptom of head trauma. Though, that theory is rather unlikely, since Kassandra seems to have a strong sense of self and knowledge of her own history and identity. Though, her belonging to Greece specifically, and her comment about not seeing any Sangheili there, could confirm Kasumi's thoughts about Kassandra being from the past. Which does not explain how she has the armor. Still, she probably is not a part of the UNSC.

    Thel moved past the Spartan, farther into the hallway, reading the doors as he walks. Surprisingly, Kasumi expressed interest in the Swords of Sanghelios, something she would want to learn of later. Thel gave her a nod, "Time does not appear to be on our side, but perhaps." Clearly, she is not of Thel's reality. If she was, she would be much more likely to meet a Sangheili with apprehension. The Sangheili reached the door that bore his name, and two others, one of which was crossed off. It seems they lost their third teammate, unfortunately. Perhaps they will be granted another, though Thel would wish this tournament on a retched few. The name that was not, interestingly enough, was Kassandra's.

    'Vadam turned back to the warrior. "It appears fate would have us fight together, Spartan. But for now, perhaps you could explain how you came upon that armor, if you are not of the UNSC." After he finished speaking, Thel turns the handle to their quarters, opening up the door. He simply hopes his bed can fit him. The hosts of this tournament don't seem like the type to accommodate different species.
The Operator was astounded of the situation that had happened. Now witnessing this stra get girl attempt to eat this man. Umbra slowly turns his head to the boy, to which the Operator returns the gaze with a perked eyebrow. Umbra slowly raises a hand in a shrug at the two, to which, The Operator gives the bridge of his nose a pinch, nodding with a sigh as he began to tap the table.

The warframe slowly slides out of the booth, no longer sensing any kind of threat out of this small character as she remains latched to the man's arm. Umbra silently grabbed the new plate of spaghetti as he moved closer to the pair, reaching the back of the girl's neck in an attempt to pull her off of the man's arm.

The Operator was, entertained to put the best of it into words. Seeing this girl actually attempt to latch herself onto this guy's arm was pretty hysterical. As he stifled his laughter, the arm came out of her mouth, revealing gross sticky like materials on his arm, causing The Operator to quickly stop his laughter for the sight of gagging, as he suddenly looked away to cough and clear his throat.

Umbra remained silent as he watched The Operator's reaction, shaking his head as he began attempting to pour the plateful of spaghetti into the girl's mouth.




A sickening *Pop* would sound as the Devourer is removed from Yu's arm, her jaw hanging inhumanly low before eventually relocating in place.


The devourer would turn to face her new enemy, only to be silenced as the plate of spaghetti is dumped into her oversized mouth. She would swallow it in one massive gulp, somehow, and then proceed to return to screaming.


She would then angrily take her seat, pouting and occasionally glaring at the warframe that ruined her meal in the form of that one dude's arm.

Ping/s: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod | Riven Riven | thefinalgirl thefinalgirl |@Restaurantpeeps

Sheet Link: Fandom - Match of Deception - Signups - Closed


(OOC: Hey guys! Unfortunately, I will be skipping to the important part as writing it all over again is a pain for me. But I will say this, DIO and Raynare team up to form DIOS, a word that sounds a lot like "duos" since there are only two members. They quickly became friends since they have villainous qualities in which they have in common. Their purpose is to seek and kill Jotaro, DIO's enemy. Also, they are outside of the arena.

Raynare finds out that DIO is not interested in a romantic relationship in which she understands and betrayal could cost for her life as long as she doesn't leave him behind. Although she is the one that has to work with him in order to get back to what she was doing earlier.

Then, they heard a strange noise that is coming from an abandoned house only to see skeletons that are lurking across the room. They moved the skeletons out of the couch only to find a remote controller to the flatscreen TV. That is where the important part begins. But yeah, sorry about that.)

Interactions: thefinalgirl thefinalgirl



DIO & Raynare/DIOS (NPCs)
DIO turns the flatscreen TV on which turns out to be a security camera that they weren't expecting to see. He and Raynare sat on the couch to get comfortable. There, they saw Jotaro standing in the midst of unknown faces or the crowds.

"Where's Jotaro?" Raynare asked curiously.

"He's the one wearing the black hat," DIO said as he pointed at Jotaro in which Raynare didn't notice at first.

"Oh, I see. He seems to be upset though. Perhaps, he is a loner?" She asked.

"Indeed. Let us see how this event shall unfold. No wonder these skeletons have turned out to be security guards." He said.

"Yeah, yeah." She said as she is too busy watching the television.

"Right..." He said as continues watching the television despite Raynare barely paying attention to him.

The events that they will be witnessing from now on is about to unfold...
Umbra simply crosses his arms after feeding the Devourer the spaghetti, the result being her walking off pissed as she returns to her seat to glare at Umbra. The warframe looks back at The Operator, the boy giving a shrug as the warframe does the same. Huh, well then.

"Hm..", the Operator thought to himself as he continued his rhythmic tapping on the table. Umbra had almost taken a seat before the Operator snapped his fingers, "Maybe we can try to be nice ya know, friends here in this place might be a good idea." Oh boy, if Umbra had a face. The Warframe suddenly tilts his head, both of his hands and arms out stretching in a sudden "wtf" manner. The Operator simply grins with a shrug.

"You don't have to agree with me", the boy continues, "But I'm doing it, at least giving it a try." The warframe wasn't able to stop the Operator as he steps out of the booth towards the devourer's direction of seating, the Space Ninja now visibly slapping his face in disbelief as he also shakes his head, following behind The Operator.

It took a few seconds for The Operator and The Warframe behind him to reach the Devourer's seating, the boy giving his glasses a nice wipe once more as he puts them on and offers a hand. Umbra remains silent and cross armed, observing the situation behind The Operator.

"Hey, I'm guessing you aren't from here, either huh? What's your name?"

Space Buddha Space Buddha
Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
thefinalgirl thefinalgirl

Interactions: Chungchangching Chungchangching ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials

Jotaro Kujo
Jotaro's day isn't going to be great as the girl who seems to be in shock upon seeing him is starting to get on his nerves and he isn't going to take his eyes off of her. Without a glance, he went over there to speak to the girl about her issue or whatever the case.

"You got a problem, bitch? I think it is best not to cause any trouble." He said angrily.

  • --Yu Narukami--
    Space Buddha Space Buddha thefinalgirl thefinalgirl Riven Riven
    OST: Specialist
    Status: Normal

    ". . .Okay...?" Yu raised a brow as the girl demanded for him to stay silent. His arm began to feel weird. Perhaps her mouth is...Digesting him? This is starting to look bad. Just then, a young boy attempted to feed her while he's still stuck in her mouth. However, the woman quickly removed her hold on him and turned to the food, devouring it. The woman then returned to her seat, followed by what seems to be a cyborg ninja and his follower. He returned to his seat, in which the two were now sitting on the same table. Good chance to interact, Yu would say for himself.

    "Thanks, I owe you one." Yu thanked, promptly reaching for a tissue and began wiping his arm. "I'm Yu Narukami. Nice to meet you."

Prologue Update

As everyone was busy in the buildings that surrounded the central hub, there was some kind of bell ringing. A deep voice rang out and said, "Everyone, head to the hotel for a briefing of the tournament rules." Sayaka widened her eyes as Aoi finished her performance, the two girls held their hands as the blue-haired idol looked to everyone and suggested them to come along. The two walked to the hotel, opening the doors for the group outside as Junko and Celestia greeted the fighters that arrived at the hotel with a smile. When everyone arrived at the hotel lobby, Sebastian ringed his small bronze bell, calling everyone's attention to focus on him.

"Everyone, I welcome you to Hotel del Lune. In your rooms, there will be cards and rule books for the tournament. Aeon will handle the explaining within your rooms."

When he ended his little announcement, he proceeded to dismiss everyone with a little ring of his bell. By some strong force that controlled them, they all walked to their rooms, spotting three little cards that were layed out on the bed, along with a single rule book that had a golden crest in the middle with black leather covering it. When you opened it, a small, stubby figure of Aeon came out of it and fell. The figure of Aeon bowed and proceeded to ask,

"Hello, fighters! Would you like me to explain the rules of the tournament? Disclaimer: we will not excuse you if you don't know the tournament rules. Any breaching of rules will lead to an immediate disqualification of your team."

Another stubby figure of Venus came out of the rule book as well, bowing as well as she waited for the fighters's responses.

Team Roster

Team Mayonaka: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
- Yu Narukami

- Rise Kujikawa
- Nero Claudius

Team Godslayer: Space Buddha Space Buddha
- Lord Yharim
- The Devourer of Gods
- Calamitas

Twilight Blaze: @SmallPopTart Crow Crow
- Eric
- Mr. Red
- Azazel

Divas of Despair: thefinalgirl thefinalgirl
- Junko Enoshima
- Celestia Ludenberg
- Sayaka Maizono

Light Sabers: Crow Crow @BoltBeam Topless Topless
- Shirley
- Warrior of Light
- Frightfur Tiger

Team Supernova: Crow Crow @DapperDogman @Celestial Speck
- Jack the Ripper
- Tal'Ar
- The Terrarian

Team Revenge: Jeremiah Jeremiah Yamperzzz Yamperzzz darkred darkred
- Broly
- Bardock
- Denmoore Gavigan

Spiritual Warriors: ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
- Lilith
- Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Spot
- Jotaro

Legends of Light: Corrosion Corrosion FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
- Saint-14
- Osiris
- Sophitia Alexandra

Team EMS: @Shooting Star Asuka
- Archer Emiya
- Sayaka Miki
- Misaka Mikoto

Scarlet Spiders: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore QizPizza QizPizza
- Rosa Diaz
- Gwen Stacy
- Jet Hound

The Onyx Order: @Alibi_17 @Wedge @PopcornPie
- Cal Kestis
- Sub-Zero
- Kasumi

Contact Light: @Stikes Riven Riven
- The Mercenary
- The Commando
- Umbra

Past, Present, and Future: FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla jigglesworth jigglesworth RedLight RedLight
- Leon Kennedy
- Kassandra
- Thel

Unlikely Alliance: @DerpyCarp
- Lealan Deathweed
- Fluffington the Mighty
- Midgardsormr

Darkstalkers: Chungchangching Chungchangching Topless Topless Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
- Roman Reigns
- Zone-Tan
- Z.W.E.I.
Last edited:
Leon Kennedy
Corrosion Corrosion FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Topless Topless Chungchangching Chungchangching Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @Hub_People

Leon would hear Saint talk about sexual arousal, and he would just react to it with a look, like...

Jokes aside, it would make him feel slightly uncomfortable, even though he isn't a part of their conversation (with Sophitia, Roman, Zone-Tan, and Z.W.E.I). Leon just stands there, holding his shotgun, while shaking his head in disappointment. What the Hell is going on?

He wishes that he's back in Racoon City, dealing with whatever the shit is happening there (Resident Evil 2). Crazy night, tonight is. Mr. X is starting to look like a better company now, than these perverts.

That unkillable bastard... Leon would then hear him speak of 'fighting the Darkness'. In a way, it reminded him of Racoon City's situation, and fighting against its unspeakable evils. He would ask Saint, "What kind of... Darkness?", out of curiosity.​

Saint wouldn't be able to answer Leon's question, as a public announcement goes through. He listens to the announcement, which was quite fucking loud. He looks at where it's coming from, only to see some... Girls. Idols. He wonders what they are, but they seem harmless. But the girls announced a tournament, hmmm..... Leon follows their instruction, hoping to find out more information, and heads to the hotel. As the Sebastian-dude gave his own welcome, the R.P.D's new kid (Leon, btw) asks him, "What tournament?"

Leon literally has no clue with what's going on, just like when he went to Racoon City tonight, only to be surprised by a God damned zombie apocalypse. He remains polite and calm though. A quality Leon posesses, that will eventually make him one of his world's heroes. However, his question wouldn't be answered by the announcer, as him and everyone else would get forced to enter their rooms. It felt as if some force controls them. It just raises more questions. But Leon has still yet to lose his cool. Upon entering his room, a doll drops right in front of him. Apparently, the doll can answer any questions they have. "Interesting..."

Leon gets down on one knee and then asks the little Aeon figure-thing. "What's this tournament? Everyone seems to be speaking about it... I need as much information as possible. Please."
Also, with him are his teammates, whom he all doesn't know. Kassandra and Thel. Together, they are the Power Rangers Past, Present, and Future.

thefinalgirl thefinalgirl FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla jigglesworth jigglesworth also Corrosion Corrosion (mentioned, but please don't respond)


((Yeah, I'm just inserting random GIFs of Leon, so you guys know what he looks like.))​

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