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Marvel/Daredevil Roleplay

"Your immortality." Maddie clarified. "Look I know it seems like the end of the world right now. But things will turn out okay. Whether you believe it or not. And pills certainly aren't gonna help them any. Self medicating or not, one day your high is gonna go bad." She shrugged, flipping the channel on the TV.
Sable was curious what Maddie meant by that. Truth was, Sable had been using for years and had tried almost every drug available. She figured if she didn't have to worry about killing herself, she might as well live up life while she can and do all the things she was told would kill her, and if they did it would be a miracle, "Go bad? What does that mean?" She asked.
"It means you'll have a bad high. And you'll realize that no matter how many times you get high, you always come back down again. Drugs are a very temporary fix. And unless you do something more permanent, you'll only end up just as miserable as before." Maddie replied, flipping channels.
"Alright then, Dr. Maddie. What do you suppose I do?" She asked annoyed. She didn't like the way Maddie was talking to her nor did she like what she was suggesting. Sable had more control than that, "What's your professional advice?"
Maddie cocked an eyebrow. "You wanna get defensive and shitty with me? When I've done nothing but be your friend? Okay. You do that." She got up and went to her bedroom. She stood in the doorway, looking at sable. "I'm not gonna tell you what to do with your life. That has never been my intention. But you know and I know that this-" she motioned to sable "sitting and sulking and getting high to escape your problems isn't gonna solve anything. You figure out your next move and make it. For me, that would be finding something I love and doing it. That's nursing for me. But you're not me. So you can figure that out on your own. And if you're gonna have a shitty attitude with me when all I'm trying to do is help and support you, then you can fuck off. I've never wanted anything except to help you. And that bastard Ryder comes in here and screws with your brain and suddenly I'M the enemy." Maddie shook her head and went into her room, closing the door behind her.
Sable rolled her eyes as Maddie talked shaking her head and keeping her arms crossed firmly against her chest. Once Maddie slammed the door. Sable went to the window and climbed out into the fire escape, heading down the stairs. She landed roughly in the alley and began to walk away in any direction she could. Sable liked walking, it helped her escape from reality.

((maddie mad? Lol, good to timeskip))
Name: Shelton Fontenot "Snafu" or "Snaf"

Age: 87 (appears 25-30)

Height: 5"9

Weight: 135 lbs

DOB: January 21, 1922

Hair color: dark brown

Eye color: blue/gray

Mutant Y/N: Y

Abilities if Y: rapid healing, slowed aging, and an ability to control fire and explosives.

Vices: Snafu has trouble expressing when he is emotional distress and often does not do anything to work it out. He keeps things bottled up inside and hangs onto them for a long time until they explode, sometimes literally. He can be hard and calloused towards other's emotional distress

Virtues: Snafu has a natural sense of duty and a call of responsibility which he feels for the safety of his community whether it be a duty to his country or his city. He is hard working and will do what needs to be done to protect what is important to him. He is known for his loyalty to those he lets into his circle.

Bio (2-4 paragraphs): Shelton was born in Thibodeaux, Louisiana in 1922 to Arthur and Millie Fontenot. His father worked at the sugar mill in town while his mother stayed home and took care of himself and his two younger brothers, one was four and the other was six years younger. Shelton grew up in the Cajun lifestyle that soaked the small town outside of New Orleans. On weekends, he and his father would go out shrimping on his grandfather's boat he had bought after coming to America. He had always been a smiley outgoing kid with a sometimes abraisive sense of humor causing him to very popular among the boys in his hometown. Shelton began to notice he was different when he was in middle school. When he was angry, things would smoke and sometimes begin to burn. Often times in high school he would through bonfire parties are explode piles of scrap from the mill. After high school graduation in 1940, Shelton worked in the sugar mill with his dad for a year before the attack at pearl harbor. This pushed Shelton into action as he joined the marines and upon graduating boot camp was immediately sent over seas. In the war, he was given the name Snafu for his rambunctious personality, incredible risks he took in battle, and sadistic sense of humor about the Japanese. By the end of the war, Snafu had earned five awards including three bronze campaign stars.

After the war, he returned home to his family in Thibodeaux, never speaking of the war again. Suffering from PTSD (an unknown condition at the time simply referred to as shell shock or exhaustion), he had vivid nightmares that kept him from getting sleep. His family and friends noticed a severe change in his personality, as he began more distant, withdrawn, and almost sadistic, uncaring. He started working at the mill again with his father before taking advantage of the GI Bill and going to school to study mechanics. This allowed Snafu to further hone his abilities. However, the sounds of the very explosions he made brought back the painful memories. Originally hoping pursuing and learning more about his abilities would allow him to gain more control, it instead caused the memories of war to come back.

Fifteen years after the war ended both his brothers having grown up and moved out with their own families, Snafu woke up to a loud explosion. He flew from his bed and landed in a pile of debris which covered him. Unable to move, he called for his parents and struggled in attempts to get free. exploding the objects trapping him, he was able to pull himself free and search for his parents. His father's body had been mutilated by the explosion, but he found his mother still alive. He held her in his arms, screaming for help as the emergency lights approached his street. His mother died in his arms as the emergency respondents arrived. Ultimately, the town blamed Snafu for what had happened and attempted to arrest and try him for manslaughter. Snafu took off to hide from the mob that had formed to seek retribution. He went east, living in Florida for twenty years before making his way up north.

Snafu now resides in Hell's Kitchen working as a bomb specialist who works as a fireman. He uses his education and mutant abilities to help others and work his hardest to decrease further destruction. Time has allowed him to get control of his abilities.

Snafu -- 1945


Snafu -- 2015

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It was a typically hectic day at the ER for Maddie. She had treated six concussions, four cases of the flu and a fractured femur in a matter of about four hours. A call came in again suddenly, just as Maddie was thinking it was going to slow down a little. "We have a 27 year old male, by the name of Jamie Pierce, potential internal injuries, broken wrist and a slight concussion." A paramedic called, wheeling in the man on a gurney. Maddie immediately took the bed and transferred him to a partitioned off curtained section of the ER in case the internal injuries got bad quickly. "I want an abdominal CT, MRI for the head and somebody get me a fracture kit so I can stabilize his wrist!" Maddie demanded, helping the medics transfer him to the hospital bed. She looked around for sable. The girl had been incredibly helpful lately, Maddie's right hand in the ER.
Sable heard the commotion as the man rushed in. She looked up from the inventory she had been doing in the equipment storage before jumping up and running to Maddie's side, "What do you need?" she asked looking around and taking in the scene.
"There's a kit in that drawer right there. Get it out and open it up but don't touch anything inside of it." Maddie said, pulling on gloves as the man groaned. "I just need to stabilize his wrist then they're gonna take him to do some scans. He's got some internal injuries and-" she pressed on the man's abdomen and he called out in pain, "blood in the abdomen. He'll need an OR as soon as possible. WHERE'S THE DAMN ON CALL SURGICAL RESIDENT?!" Maddie yelled. A young looking girl in light blue scrubs ran up to her. "Prep an OR." Maddie commanded and the resident ran off to alert her superior and do just that.
Sable immediately responded, following Maddie's orders to a T. Once she sat it down, she stepped back slightly, allowing another nurse to get close. As Maddie screamed, Sable startled triggering her to start looking around, searching for the surgical resident to come approach. She stood back, watching and waiting to see if they needed anymore help, 'What happened?' Sable thought as she watched the surgical resident run off.
Maddie stabilized the man's wrist quickly and efficiently. After she was done, she moved the man to the surgical gurney to be operated on. A few hours later he was returned to a room in the ICU next door to the ER so Maddie could keep an eye on him. Maddie returned to her other cases, checking on the man occasionally. His chart said he was a firefighter injured during an arson investigation. She frowned slightly, placing it back on the edge of the bed.
Sable had gone back to inventory checks during the man's surgery, allowing herself to get lost in the organization and work, any time she didn't think about the MSR was a blessing. As she walked out of the room with the clipboard of inventory information, she glanced at a room in ICU and saw the man from earlier. Maddie sat the clipboard down and frowned. Sable slowly entered, "What happened?" She asked in her high pitched, raspy voice.
"He's a firefighter. He fell through the floor of an abandoned building during an investigation for attempted arson. The surgeons said he had a lot of internal injuries. But he's stable so far, so I think he will be okay. We just need to keep a really good eye on him." Maddie explained, checking the man's pupils for a reaction to her pen light. "Do you mind sticking nearby? You can inventory these cabinets." She said, gesturing to the carts with cabinets in them in the room. "Just let me know if he wakes up or gets worse."
Sable stared at the injured man as Maddie told his story. She wondered which building it was, and if it was one of the many abandoned buildings that she and the MSR kids hung around at some point. If it was in their territory, inevitably a MSR member would make it their own and keep squatters out, "Yeah," she said, "I can do that."
Maddie nodded once, leaving the room to check on her other patients. She felt much better leaving sable to keep an eye on him. She wondered if the man had any family who would be looking for him.
Sable systematically began taking inventory, checking one cabinet at a time, moving left to right, down and up. The room was silent besides the sharp sounds of the machine. The room seemed dark, bleak, as the blinds covered the window. Walking over to the window, she twisted the stick, letting in some pale rays of sunlight. She stared out the window at the city, hating how close the hospital was to MSR territory. She wouldn't be surprised if Piper's men had the hospital owner wrapped around his finger.

"Hnn....nnn...Snnn." the moans and groans came from behind Sable who instantly turned around, chills running down her spine. She walked over to the bed as the man called Jamie began to slowly and weakly attempt to move his arms in a far off attempt at sitting up, which he had no strength or ability to do. His eyes were still closed.

"Hey... you can't sit up. You gotta lay down." Sable said carefully putting her hands above him to block him from his attempts. She didn't want to touch him; he looked so delicate, "Maddie!" she called.

The man settled down at the sound of her voice, opening his eyes even seemed difficult for him. He stared up into Sable's pale hazel green eyes after shortly glancing around the room and asked, "Where's Snafu?"

"I'm sorry?" Sable pressed the nurse call button, "I don't-"

"He fell too... with me. Is he okay?"

Sable was surprised at how selfless this man was, being worried about his fellow fireman.
Maddie heard sable's voice and came running. "What's up? Oh. Mr. Pierce." She walked to the bed and gently pushed the man down. "Mr. Pierce, my name is Maddie, I'm in charge of your care. Who is snafu? Is he family?" She went to the bed and checked his chart, noticing an extra slip of paper there. "I see you were with a Mr. Shelton Fontenot at the scene. Do we need to contact him?"
Jamie looked concerned as he watched Maddie and listened to her speak and explain the situation to him. He attempted to raise his hand as if to try and stop her. After her question he spoke, "No, he fell, too. I fell through the floor and he tried to catch me and then we both fell together." he spoke, "Did he make it? What room is he in?" All Jamie remembered was holding tight to Snafu's hand as he tried to hoist him up, the floor crumbling and splintering further with the combined wait sending them both falling two stories down into burnt rubble. If he was in this bad shape, what happened to his partner?

Sable listened to Jamie. The man seemed confused about something, frantic almost. She stood back, arms wrapped around her chest as she squeezed her biceps in her hands, glancing from Maddie, to Jamie, and then back again.
Maddie shook her head. "I'm sorry I don't have anyone admitted under that name. I can have an announcement made. He might be in a different part of the hospital. Is Mr. Fontenot the person you are looking for?" She asked. "I have to have his real name. I can't very well announce 'snafu' over the intercom." She joked with a small smile.
Jamie closed his eyes smiling as he did, "Why not?" he chuckled, "Not everybody knows what it means." he looked around, "Snah-fooo." he over pronounced the word before saying, "Yeah, that's him." he replied. If this nurse in the ICU didn't know where he was then that meant he wasn't in ICU which further meant, he probably wasn't as hurt. Unless he was dead on arrival. His smile immediately dropped at the thought. Jamie couldn't remember a thing after they hit the ground.
"Okay. Let's do it. Sable will you please make an announcement on the intercom for Mr. Fontenot?" Maddie asked, turning to sable. "I need to give Mr. Pierce an examination."
Sable nodded and headed off to do as Maddie said. Getting to the intercom system behind the desk, she told the other nurses she had been instructed to find the fireman in room 32C's partner who may be in another part of the hospital. She asked the lady behind the counter, "Is there a Shelton Fontenot who was checked into the hospital around the same time James Pierce was?"

The lady searched for him before shaking her head.

With a nod, Sable took the intercom and announced, "Attention: could I have a Mr. Shelton Fontenot to the ICU visitor check in desk please? Shelton Fontenot to the ICU visitor check in desk, Thank you."

Sable leaned against the table, waiting for the visitor desk to send word that someone was here for 32C so that she could escort them back.


Jamie felt relieved knowing that Snafu was most likely okay, although he didn't know how he managed to be. He asked Maddie, the realization hitting him as he heard the announcement over the intercom that he himself was no in great shape, "What's wrong with me?" he asked, "How bad is it?"
Maddie smiled. "You're stable. You had some internal bleeding, a splenic laceration, a mild concussion and a broken wrist. Everything should resolve itself with plenty of bedrest, but right now I need to do a neuro exam on you to make sure your concussion isn't more severe than we originally thought. Now, I need you to squeeze my fingers as hard as you can." Maddie placed her index fingers in Jamie's palms.

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