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Fandom Manhatten Hero High School AU

Focus had always been his strong point, able to buckle down and get through things with most distractions. Deadlines never bothered him, Tim was excellent at prioritizing tasks and using his time effectively. Only one thing could really cause him to lose his precious focus and it was laying in a bed not too far away now.

Tim had hoped keeping to himself would be enough to tell Jason he wasn’t up for a chat, he hadn’t even looked up to acknowledge him. This was of course a mistake Tim would come to recognize years later, it was poor form to ignore Jason Todd. It was an even greater mistake to assume Jason would respect his need for privacy, things hadn’t been even remotely normal since the night he’d been forced to drag Jason into his nightmare.
Now he suffered from buyers remorse, the feeling amplifying when Jason began speaking a low torrent of torture from his bed.

He did his best to ignore the taunting, unwelcome memories of the nights before flashing up. Tim knew he would be regretting his choices for years to come, they had crossed more lines than he could understand at this point.
The only relief he held was knowing there was no possibility of the last act coming back to haunt them, there was no evidence left. Jason had helped Tim see to that, now he just had the crippling guilt to enjoy.

The topic of the next person on the list was something he really wasn’t ready to discuss, although he had found them, he wasn’t ready yet. Still feeling uneasy about this alliance, he really was selling his soul to Jason for a get out of jail free card.
No reply, he didn’t have anything to say, trying to ignore Jason until he got bored and let him be. It wouldn’t work; however, the relentless taunting was something Jason had been perfecting since birth, Tim was only human.
He finally turned in his chair to face Jason, a deep breath drawn in as he settled himself before really making eye contact.

“I did find one, next week will be the best time to move” His voice was low, quiet, brittle even. Tim was struggling with even, the next words seemed somewhat agonizing. “I lost my temper, you know how that goes” Almost dismissive in his tone, Tim was attempting to protect himself from the constant barbs thrown by Jason.

“That get you excited, Jaybird?” Tim asked, bitterness laced through his own words.
Strange: "it's hard at first it takes time to find balance between everything it took me years to master to be able to find my perfect balance between the light and the dark everyone's different you just need to find what balance fits you."
Strange: "it's hard at first it takes time to find balance between everything it took me years to master to be able to find my perfect balance between the light and the dark everyone's different you just need to find what balance fits you."
Lily listened and thinks about it:"what type of balances are there?"
She asked curiously
Strange: "I'm sorry that I don't have all the answers for you I really wish I did but you have to find what's best for you and if you want I'll be here to help you with whatever you need along the way."
Strange: "I'm a teacher it's what I'm here for, now I have to go help the nurse with something but I'll back in a few minutes and we'll see if we can't get you back on your feet."
Strange: "I'm a teacher it's what I'm here for, now I have to go help the nurse with something but I'll back in a few minutes and we'll see if we can't get you back on your feet."
Lily nodded:"alright, but can i avoid going to the dance?"
The school day dragged, along, nothing new there. But finally it came to evening and he could bolt up to the room he ahared with Scott, that he had already begun to consider home. The two of them had managed to arrange everuthing so that it was less bombsite and more actual functioning dorm room. He threw his bag onto the floor and then launched himself onto his bed.

He'd chosen his suit a while back, a tedious process involving a Skype session with his siblings and lots of fashion criticism. He'd made sure Scott was out when he was doing it, and he had a sneaking suspiscion that the Japanese boy had done the same. "You ready for this? There is still time to take Jason's advice"

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ (Scott)
Scott watched his roommate throw himself and his belongings across the room, smiling slightly. That was typical and completly normal for A.J, but still it made him smile. He place the bag by the foot of his bed and sat down with far more elegance than his Irish roommate. He tucked one leg up and rested his head on top of it, his default position when talking in their room.

"Nope, but I can't give Jason the satisfaction of having me take his advice, even after everything. I'm probably gonna hate it though." He sighed "plus I look like a right idiot in a suit." Scott was however willing to bet that A. J. could pull off a suit, even with crazy hair and no doubt half a mechanics garage hidden on his person.

Concord Concord (A.J.)
A. J.
He was internally delighted that Scott was still going. Had his roommate decided to go for Jason's plan A. J. knew that he wouldn't have gone to the dance either. He would have stayed with his roommate as he got sick, or transcended to a new level of idiocy and eaten the spoiled food too. Which would no doubt put him in the med bay for a week or so, because unlike Scott, he had no healing factor. It was as he thought this, it began to dawn on A. J. just how smitten he was with his roommate.

"True. He may be a..... whatever he is to us at this moment in time, but he really doesn't need an ego boost from us." But it was Scott's last remark that made A. J. blurt out "Oh no, if anybody is an idiot in a suit, it's me. I'm just not designed for suits. I'm a hot mess in a suit, you on the other hand would just be hot"

It took a moment for A. J. to realise what he had just said. Me and my big mouth

_gallifrog_ _gallifrog_ (Scott)

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