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Fandom Manhatten Hero High School AU

"well then that's quite interesting indeed." Strange turned to clint. "Since I just got here I believe you should tell him he might take it better coming from you if he doesn't already know."
Clint was suprised but nodded with a frown:"i'll tell him...but i cant yet since he isnt here. how are they related exactly is what we need to find out currently...is there a way to find out?"
"The only way I can think of is double checking the dna from the two because she would have his and the dna from the other half of her family as well if it's a 50% match then she would be his daughter unless of course she's some sort of clone." Strange laughed.
"The only way I can think of is double checking the dna from the two because she would have his and the dna from the other half of her family as well if it's a 50% match then she would be his daughter unless of course she's some sort of clone." Strange laughed.
Clint got confused but shook his head:"i would be very shocked if she is his daughter....im gonna go find out where he is then come back hopefully then we will find out. I will also try to ask him about his past lovers to find out more"
Nurse looked at dr strange:"i will check again and see though i might need help"
Strange begins to roll up his sleeves. "Then nurse I will be more then happy to assist you let us delve into the wonderful world of dna." He laughed.
Nurse selene chuckled:"lets then..." she goes with strange into her nurse office but notice something about lily that was different
Lily was laying in the bed turned on her side
Strange noticed that she was looking at lily he figured that they should check on her. He walked in and up to the bed. "Lily are you alright?"
Lily lay there wanting to curl up but felt pain when she tried to:"im fine i guess just wanting to curl up and stay here....i cant heal and will just get hurt more..." she frown
"It's okay we're working on getting you better I promise we'll have you back up in no time." Truth is he didn't know how long it would take he hoped it would be over quick for her sake.
"It's okay we're working on getting you better I promise we'll have you back up in no time." Truth is he didn't know how long it would take he hoped it would be over quick for her sake.
Lily frown, not wanting to get back up yet:"whats the point of getting back up if you keep getting sent back down. Theres no reason i should go to the dance"
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Strange felt bad he knew what it was like to be in that kind of place. "The dance is part of school. We all had to go to our fair share of them. Believe me when I say that I know it hurts now but all it takes is the right person. it'll be hard along the way but once you find that person all that pain will be worth it."
Strange felt bad he knew what it was like to be in that kind of place. "The dance is part of school. We all had to go to our fair share of them. Believe me when I say that I know it hurts now but all it takes is the right person. it'll be hard along the way but once you find that person all that pain will be worth it."
Lily frowns:"how many had you been to? I been to nine....all of them have been bad....there is no right person. Love is just fake...."
[Jean laid out her dress for the dance looking at it letting out a sigh as she began to pace around her room thinking to herself, she wasn't one for dances mostly because of the huge crowds. letting out a sigh she sat on her bed beside her dress. It was a pretty blue dress with sparkles] "This is to dressy..." [She muttered to herself as she debated on just going in a pair of jeans and a shirt, leaning back onto her bed she placed her hands on her face as she thought to herself about what she was going to do]
"You know from the game series Yakuza. The Main Character Kazuma Kiryu he wears Grey and red, black and white, or even white and red or orange."
Strange: "I've been to alot of dances and been with alot of people and yes they were bad times but after while I stopped dwelling on it. I stopped let the bad times control me and you can to." He wanted to help this girl he had seen many like her in hospitals all over.
Strange: "I've been to alot of dances and been with alot of people and yes they were bad times but after while I stopped dwelling on it. I stopped let the bad times control me and you can to." He wanted to help this girl he had seen many like her in hospitals all over.
Lily thought about it, the voices speaking in her head agian:"how can you when your life has been full of bad things and rarely much good? I been running for four years.....how can i stop it from controling me then?"
Her sadness slowly turning to anger
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Strange: "The first step is to learn to accept that these things are part of you they help make up who we are take the yin and yang symbol there is balance in both light and dark. No light is without a little darkness and no darkness is without a little light both live in balance within us all."
Strange: "The first step is to learn to accept that these things are part of you they help make up who we are take the yin and yang symbol there is balance in both light and dark. No light is without a little darkness and no darkness is without a little light both live in balance within us all."
Lily thinks about his advice and nods looking at him:"i guess they are a part of me, i cant really change that. Though doesnt feel like much balance"
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Albert goes to a clothing store that sells suits. He grabs one, and shows it to Anya. "You think this is good?" @Miasmith17


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