• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Main OOC

-sprays anti-deer scent on self-
Hahahah.. try to sniff me out now!
Heh.. 'sup, all. I'mma new person here.
I'm in the process of making the character, though the background part is getting mucked up... a big timeline...
Kayso Kayso
DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete
DarkianMaker DarkianMaker
Orikanyo Orikanyo
Gradous13 Gradous13
Tice Tice
Dominaiscna Dominaiscna
Trickster314 Trickster314
Saavedra Saavedra
Opaque Artifex Opaque Artifex
Khadame Khadame
darkborn darkborn
Holzmann Holzmann
Noam Noam

lynnavaius lynnavaius and LucidSol LucidSol (not sure if you guys are still with us. If I don't hear from you by a little after the new year, then I'm going to have to assume not.)

Just want to touch base with everyone in case any of you didn't catch my tag on discord. Since its that time of season, I'm going to be putting the RP on a short sleepy time vacation mode for the holidays. So don't think the RP is dead because it's far from it. If you're waiting on any type of response from me and I left ya hanging, I'll get to it eventually. We will regroup after the 1st and I'm back to work and on my usual schedule for the year.

I predict 2019 being a great year for the RP. We've survived yet another blow with being moved from an HP but we're still trucking on thanks to Darkianmaker. We got a lot of IC done recently and really made up for lost time. I plan on continuing that momentum in the new year.

Speaking of IC, you will probably get tags over the vacation weeks while I edit together and post all of our collaborations in the IC threads so we can start fresh!

Again, happy holidays and eventual new year's to everyone! You'll hear from me soon.

One last thing: welcome our newest member, guys! National National
Welcome Home!

("MIranda" greets you)
Kayso Kayso Orikanyo Orikanyo DemetrioMachete DemetrioMachete DarkianMaker DarkianMaker Tice Tice Dominaiscna Dominaiscna Gradous13 Gradous13 Khadame Khadame Saavedra Saavedra Trickster314 Trickster314 Holzmann Holzmann Noam Noam darkborn darkborn National National Opaque Artifex Opaque Artifex

(Garnerge: You Ready!?)

So welcome back everyone from the holiday hangover! Well, at least I had one. Sorry I took longer then I originally said but I'm back with joy, gumption, and prozac for the new year! I'm very excited for Azae in 2019 and honestly, I hope you guys are too. I see smooth sailing ahead for us with the setbacks at our... backs. I may be being overzealous with the following (I usually am) but I think we can finally bring our first chapter to a close in the next couple of months. Only took us 2 1/2 years!

We all know that was mostly my fault. Tee-hee.

But we will progress much faster from here on out. I'm sure some of the older members have already observed my quicker output from before I put the RP on holiday break. I intend to try to match and even surpass that speed as we continue. I originally intended to separate the first chapter into two parts, Part A and B. But now, I think we will call this chapter once all characters reach their End of Chapter Goals (I will update this in the coming days and you will all be notified.) From there we will start the fabled "Chapter 2".

Our group has shrunk a bit (and honestly I'm not sure if everyone I tagged is still with us) but we will continue with our lovely, beautiful group we have now to finish this chapter. I will refrain from recruiting until the beginning of Chapter 2. I'm still going to need about a week to get back into this posting groove (just got a lot of stuff coming up, sorry) but I will make another Post Delivery Updates post to let you all know when to expect them from my characters.

Screen Shot 2016-12-25 at 3.37.08 AM.png
" ~ Ziek

You get nothing, good day sir, GOOD DAY

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