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Fantasy Maesphora

So basically soldiers are walking up to our characters like "hur duur, u were there when teh dragon was killed right?! come with mee!"
Mercer also had a sing song:o

Singing is great in this kind of situation~ but omg that post was also emotional, the feelstrain is still going strong.
Too much Feels(TAT)(TAT)(TAT)(TAT)(TAT). Beautifully written @Mercer but still, too much feels(TAT)(TAT)(TAT)(TAT)(TAT)
I HATE YOU @Mercer FOR MAKING ME CRY. All of these feelings are making my heart ache, Mercer pushed me off the cliff with that beautiful post. (TAT)(</3)
Sorry I wasn't getting any updates from occ. I did t realize you were going to sing as well, but the two songs an situations are a little different. My goal with that post was to build Mercer's character up some. So far he's been playing the lone wolf hunter focused on the kill. The reason he hunts alone is to avoid the deaths of those close to him. He sees not a victory but a failure. I think I should include a little more music in my posts. Namely this: [media]

I like having some dark and morally grey posts. Don't hate me.
Well @Mercer at least now we know that you are capable of making the feels train steam off :'(

And Malukah even knows how to keep the feels train going. Her voice is just beautiful.
lmao i tried to attach a car to the feels train but im pretty sure that it fell off the tracks and subsequently burst into flame
I'll bring him in last when I post the whole thing about the barrier being sabotaged and the adventure and such. :) For now, I'm waiting for everyone to gather in the tent. Of adventure.

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