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Fantasy Maesphora

I feel like this RP is going to drag out until the end of time. It's seriously taken 5 pages of posts to fight the dragon and it's still not dead yet

Is that normal, or is it just me thinking things should move faster?
Hmmm, well we have Birdbrain, Tiger Lilly and Crazy Alchemist (but I might change that to Caveman or something)

I still need to give others nicknames ^-^
Honestly, because I can't think of anything else~

But then I realise Mercer is no caveman.

So I might just call him Geralt of Rivia instead.
Reading this conversation killed a few brain cells @^@

Either ways I think I'll wait until Puff's been blown down before jumping in.. But if there's a good opportunity open anywhere, I'll take that too, I'm not fussy '^^
I did take some inspiration form the Witcher, namely the alchemy and monsters I use. But there are bits of Beowulf, Seventh Son, and a character from a series of books called the Mistborn trilogy.

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This dragon slaying is beginning to drag-on. I agree. It should definitely be dead by now. Is @Kasper going to suggest the church collapsing? Or do you want me to just go ahead and kill the dragon? I'm still on class so it'll be another hour until that post (if we decide to do it) would be up. :)
I personally think we should all start it but that you should orchestrate the actual fall of the dragon.

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Well I won't be online until tomorrow now as a family doo calls~ Save me pls so you guys can go on ahead I'll just read everything through when I return.

Besides, I'm sure the poison has done it's job by now~

But oh If I get wifi I'll be active obviously xD
i just suggested the church, so it should be dead pretty soon ^-^ //is too cheerful over death of majestic mythical beastie
Sen Pai]This dragon slaying is beginning to [I]drag-on. [/I]I agree. It should definitely be dead by now. Is [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16318-kasper/ said:
@Kasper[/URL] going to suggest the church collapsing? Or do you want me to just go ahead and kill the dragon? I'm still on class so it'll be another hour until that post (if we decide to do it) would be up. :)
Obviously can't speak for Basil, but for what it's worth, Lind wouldn't be terribly broken up if she weren't there for the actual death, but instead arrived shortly afterwards. I know the two are taking awhile to make their way there... but for heaven's sake, she's not a heathen. She can't just disregard all of the social skills and formalities she's known her entire life, just because some pesky dragon decided to blow up the entire kingdom.

Also, someone really needs to teach Puff some manners. He's pretty rude, even for a dragon.
Oh my lord,

That post was just fantastic, I loved it~

I didn't cry though... Instead my soul escaped my body and melted into a pile of tears.

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